HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-01, Page 134_017_411(.5.___ 1167' * 1 'TH'E LUCKNOW"SEN.TINEL. LUCKNOW,,.ONTARIO ID CURLING SEASON WITH BONSPIEL, ERETTA THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EY'JANET CARRUTHERS Colwell and Don. Bannerman • These prizes. were bags! of. candy; B'askettbatl The:"School„Bell Trophy” for the tear' showing the, most spirit anti ` Monday of last week the enjoyment went to Cathy MaE stha11 teams played their • Leod'sjink.w,ith Janet Carruthers,'', •game.xn this year's series. . .,Rosernary'Hogan and. Eleanor girls played iri,Kincardine, ' Whitby, The teams would like to ttte.Kincardine boys came to : thank Mr. Mason 'and Mr. .Ashkan-, now. .Unfortunately the' teams ,ase for teaching them to curl and unsuccessful in winning., The : starting the curling teams. oy's .were the only ones .who ated the Kincardine teams., 'ver their score 66-19 was a t shut -out .for':this.team The The, Operetta "Send for A,phas" scores were:. Si'. girls, Kin- will be held tomorrow March 2 ine 23,, Lucknow 14; Jr. girls, aiid' also on Match 3; This .is the ardine 32, Lucknow 23 , student's big, venture' of the year )oys', Kincardine 40, Lucknow It Willibe their cultural 'event. for Operettas Curling e Curling teanis .ended their ;. er season with a Bonspiei last;, !slay in the arena.. Each .team•. ed..three games of three ends. I.: The winning rink Walter . • le, Donna :Forster' Marilyn Inty,re and Doug .Cameron' re- ed souveriir.letter openers. MacKenzie's'rink Janet ell,' Janice ':Robb and Tim lyer.placed second and; re ped pens with Centennial ts. Third prize 'of. Canadian tsWas .won by John Cleland's with Linda Boyle :;Jane Mon - f and:Betty ;Colwell,. eky Draws•;we.rewon,.by. Bruce the school year: 66-67. It . contains, a'east of over :seventy, and has taken quite a bit of extra rime both for the staff and:' students to practise this play to a height of, perfection. It may not"be perfect, but it will,be amusing and worth ; . while...to see.. Students have'been busy collecting costumes and painting the;scenery. Last night a. fulldress rehearsal was held. This, is the story of a great Bug expert '. who ;comes:to, clear up the: bugs in; festing the area about Lucknow';. There are man ;:s ecial numbers. It has been P: hard work,but`fun 'for, •th •students to ge:t this 'u$.'`The • suPP hope ou will otheir'efforts: P y .. rt'. and come to .see this great: - Operetta.: .Adults. • $1.00:..child ..ren $ .50. The profit from' it' goes, into the Expo fund,' Expo There haye'been •134 students sign up to go to Expo. Those'studr ents, not going with the: school on this trip must attend school While. the others are away, This is be= cause of'the grant allowed the schools. , p .Exaris , Exams will be written March 16 23. Don't'forget to study. Mr. Mason plans to have'a Career. Day in April to give ,the students •an opportunity to talk. with representatives from'.:various companies and occupations,. MEET YOUR TEACHER ordon., Jo ohms one ,Mrs. Gordon :Johnstone :was born' • in. Ashfield Township.. She attend ed S. S; ## 9 Ashfield foc.her.P ublic school education: She•went,to' Lucknow. Secondary ondar school for parr-: of.'her.high school yearsand fin- 3wri after `tire Ltieknow Distriot i School 1'onspiel. at,the arena Thursday are the`:winning' along with'ther teachers wha started them curling this season. Left to right; back row are Pori Astikaiase. teacher;. Mat:-. ilyn Maclntyre; •Donna l'orSter't. • Noel Mason. SChoo1• principal; front 'row Doug' Cameron: and, Walter fickle. PAGE THIRTEEN': LUCKNOI DISTRIC HIGH S .PRESENTS :THE OPERETTA iursday and friday, March 2 and 3 ATS p.M,. iN .THE:L D H.S.. AUDITORIUM', COSTUMES, :DANCES, INSTRUMENTALS, SOLO S, GROUP, SINGING, ACTING, SCENERY, HUMOUR . '.ALL .THI,S AND MORE, WITH,I'CAST OF OVER SEVENTY. PROCEEDS.TOWARD'SCHOOL EXPO FUND; fished them. in W Ingham She won the Proficiency scholarship'to • :Bonn At. Lucknow, 'Western and also the Carter Schol .:arship ;for.Huron Count '., .For'two (Med. At:W.alkerton years she. studied atj.Western taking g.�... ;MRS 0141;:• LE5'.JOI'NTOi;I::. the Honours course in Math and '• • ,Science, After completing two k . .Mrs Charles Johnston; passed years here she went,.to Stratford'. away, ar�Bruce County Mos tal • pl. Teacher's,' College:for,•a year, then' Walkertori;,On Wedfiesday, , :'returned to complex:e.her B?'.A,' at . February 22nd in her 81st.year,.. She was the .for:finer Margaret; 31a0ch.e •MacIi nes',and .was 'born .:4: at' Lucknowon July`s th,. 1;Rti,; "daughter of Ne•il:.Maclnnes and .: Marie area,.'. She enjoyed this. Armiel3athn. northern part of .the country very °`. Mks,. Johnston was •predFceased much:She taught, at 01.1•Springs by her husband She is�surviwed: and Hanover before her •:marriage i. by a soil Neil •Porter of .Wingharn . • in 1952; - }.• four .brothers e Finley•of inuvi:k�, .North West 'Territories; Neil of • She did.quite'a bit• of supply work 1 Srnithville; ..Dea.n.of Willowdale; 'in Lucknow before joining the i George -of Lucknow:. High• School staff tit 1955 She , Funeral service ,was. conducted:' ta.ughr here until 19.60 then return 1 from' •the Johi stone' and Son Fun- ed often. as supply teacher again. . ! eral Home Lucknow .on Saturday In 1h5 shy re j:oiiied the german hFebruary 251 ► with :Rev.. Rod Mac •• ent staff at L,D.H;.S At'the pr:- Lem' as .minister., sent she teaches math and 'geogr-. 1, Temporary :entombment was at aphY ' South K.inl.oss Mausoleum with • l;Jer main interests are reading,. ;: final resting' place, South Krnlois fancy .work,.sewing and Math. 'cemetery . She teturned,t:o U"niv.ersity where .she obtained reaching.certificates "j.' `in Arts and Crafts, Phys,Ed.: and' • `! Horne E'c Frorrt '1955 ,19u0. she • '', 'J Green• T.,0 Be coached the Girls basketball teams here,' While in Sault. Ste ' i At Annual Meeting Marie sh.e helped produce 'a play,- and lay, and has. . done other work in drama , 'She:is in charge of make-up for. Icon .` J 1. Greene': C anada's I. 'Minister of A:i ricuir.:ure .will the. Operetta , "and takes an: avid .' . :.,peal: at: the annual. meeting of;. : . 1. the Baron •L'iberai ;Association ;on March 3 . •1 Annou.ncerne'nt of the .meeting E and of Mr.. Cireeric--'s acce~ptance.. • of ;an invitation to attend was• remade :by William Elston, associat- ,'ion president 'following ati eecttt-, she enjoyed working with figures.,.. ... five n.ieting, °Mr, Eyton said the' But she decided oil teaching'iyi dinner•nieeting would be held its' stead and.harids on bet vast" math Exeter, l egion tlall, with a rece,l t= eiimatical knowledge to"studeiits ion commencing ..it ti o•"clock, • ' Tickets, wbu1�1 he avaiil,ih1e from: Mrs;'johnstorie is always ready :rmiiiiicipal• cl airmen he said:. to give'any help to students w`ha , The nleeting will be'tbe firsi are in the fog, when rit comes to • ' held since redistribution enlar�cd. math:' She is ready to go Over a ':the Huron ridini�* to include Turn- . point many times until you.see berry, 11'owick and "Wiiig*harii iri how. it is worked out, , She is •a the north' and. E3iddolpii , wgider,ful'lie.lp ,'to the 'Srr .students igcC+ilvary y rl ilsa Craig and Luyaii' • itt dates a'nd is always .willing tet` "' . front Middlesex' <:ounty in the assist'anyone. • ' • " south E. , Mr (... 'recent' has return-. 'Western;. where she graduated. in •1940, She has taught.for '15. years,.Her first school was in the.Sault-Ste. • • interest in. all extracurricular • activities' of the school. , , " She has three children Jotirt, ' Fruce and. Marion:-,:. Mrs Johnstone has alwas.eri- joyed math . l ter fir rt intentions were to be an adjudicator because She enJoys the, close eompa mon ship of students in ,smaller soh ools•. and feel's tbe', •teacher gets to know the pupils better, Because of this she thinks teachers are•able to. • .give pupils more individual assist-�� 'reene r -e, et y s ed from•attending agricultural . conferences itt gijrope , where to� represented Canada,, Since :becttttx• n.. `minister 'of tt" TriC lt.ure.he Ilia been abroad on, a number of occasions presentthe Catiadfan `. view"point,. 114u1.wW b+•lt.. _,YgilmM4.4YMP•.Y.!Mtltyl.Wi'9S� .r.