HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-01, Page 12.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st, :1967 `RAGE: :TWELVETHE LUCKNOW, SENTINELr LUCKNOW, iONTARIQ.., PSERVES YO.0 BEST: Wher'e'ver you may be.;, there's awrnplete stc,Ch'of CO-OP •FA:rtili/er;'nearhy..'. Cit=(ipt^rtttves Ideated, thrringkr�,N�•Onlario p ro\.ide the,'finest scrNtee at4iilahle; ,t ,Yetis are assured of 'supply at 1114 'or any other. time imf year;' Right no,A:: Cn-oncrativu is fu ly-sto4led 'stith �t ,c;ornplete line �f fertiliiers ready' for • • honied/0w peek -up .,r delivery in any quantity. and cult analysis. You' cab .depend on Co -OP qu lity because Co-operative's are. owned • and controlled by the people , they serve ... . ' the farmers of .Ontario.. • ^RI ,1 .I IRI R IRAUI'. !MRI • NOW CO-OP OFFERS A • COMPLETE FERTLLLZER SERVICE • • • thigh tirade I:ertitii ry' • Bulk lick -up, • Bulk Sprcticlint; '» Liquid Nitrogen Applieation. ake Advantage Of Early. Order Discounts CO OP Decicatec to Serve Agriculture Co operatively vc:kis o istrk Phone '528-2125 Student > leaders Caree.r.in' eac•ii n •a ^ ,A 't:onc(ri► , shout. Canada' and. youth hat lirompter1. Dale Marten; of ItR 4, Ripley, to aim_for • o,. ar f r •iii teach— 'Wan i each -.Mani:; 1:4, :1):i it in the beginning ,ped- plc's. education and.' also to:, stress the importance of ;edu- cr tion for youth i'n order to 'Tun the fiituie'` welfare and. cc•o t'nny of:our roimltti." (;i idF '12 sturlcni at.• 1Zili,lry,: Distric.l '1lt>h Schuh], •' is the 'titin of Mr. and Mrs: 1>,rirdon.'Ma.rhn .• Clr;ciscn as, a Student.:'l'..c it r ' hy.. st vole of l.lic ;sttideiits alone,• Daly is ,presiihint of :the • .students' t uiii:il:• A :winner in 'intermediate track and field day events, he' reecntly,`,attended the Ontario A•t h •I;e t i'c Leadership Camp, • Dale is a' ineniber or the school softball, volleyball.' and . baslkctbail -'teams.' He' "aNg•I'.. plays ,juvenile hockey, • • Gordon Wail ' Is New Vice -Pres." Directors `and •policy holders of, the Culross Mutual. Fire' Insurance Conlpany= met in .the Teeswater "fown.Hall on,Saturda.y, t'ebruary 1.18th\,,,,td receive the 94tH Annual :Report. The. .President, Allister ". • I1u hes of Ilolyr.boc1. wasin the • chair. T•lie'A editors' Report showed'•a net profit of $17,,(,•':32 on the year. ,.operation which' increased the' surplus to $54.942.. The report also indicated an increase in the,' amount of irlsu'ran'ce:tiri•force. Gordon Wall of R. R, 3 ; •I lolyrood was re-elected.'to another three year''term. Parish Moffat, Wing:., ham, also was elected` to a ,three- year term in place of Allister Hughes who was not• eligible for re-election. The firm of Clarkson,: Gordon Co. Of Kitchener, 'was re -appoint- ed as auditors for 1967; Mr, Hughes expressed•hiS apprec- DALE' MARTIN T. HELENS Miss, W , •D. Rutherford 'left on . the week -end for a vacation' in Florida . ' Mrs. W,I. Miller and, Isobel -, spent a few days :with Mr:. and'•lvlrs. Gordon Mclntyre at Richmond'F1i11. Just a .reminder of: the March 'W, I. ,meeting on Thursday'a.t the St. FI•:elens 1;a11 at 2:.30. Please bring ,PennyRound.;ii'p;ba,gs to'this meet, ink, iation for the 'co-operation receiv- ed and a'1so for having had•the honour of being President the pst two years...A vote of than was der ct a t �. e e o lr. Hughes fohis services.o.ver the years as, a Direc- a,.tor anEi as President. A' vote' of thanks -was also directed to Alex M:K4,gue,who had served as . Secretary -Treasurer and Manager for 'eleven years. At. the Directors' Meeting which followed ,.J. £ordon Stobo of' R.R. 3 Teeswater, was elected as President for,196'7 and Gordon'H•. Wall Vice• -president, Ronald Lamont was re -appointed as, Secretary' • a.,_ re ry "I',re purer and Mana-, I, ger'. G.aunt$peoks 0 Farm Income Drop REPQRT FROM; QUEEN'S ,PARK.. BYr MURRAY' , M. P; P HURON ERU,CE. The estimates, of the Department of Agriculture were before. the Leg'- islature ,this Week. 7t *Wag stated in the Throne Speech . that the government was undertaking a program of capital ,grants for far. niers.: Agriculture, Minister William 'Stew art' spelled our the plan. when he introdriced his, estimates. The grants' will applyr.:to a .wide range' of farm' buildings; and will meet one third: of the: cost up' to $1,000 of new or renovated 'build ings drainage ; grading , packing and .storage .buildings, .green louses, silos,milk houses and, 'liquid manure storage•tanks;' Tobe eligible ,for capital grantsa ,farmer must own the land..to be ;used•for•. the project• and, must haye•a gross annual income of $3,000 •from his farm:. Theprovince is allocating $10,000,009 to the' new program this year. "The ,program is ,the first, stage 'of a' twelve-year $129,000..060 plan t encourage effective 'capital • planning•by'farmers. • The'Agr'iculture. budget also con- tains provision for ;50% grants . up 'to $509 per farmer toward'.the cost' 'of drilling or digging wells. This is part' of'the ARDA program,. • In my lead• -off .speech ,on Agri- culture', I pointed -'out that long: terngovernment policies ,are •need• ed .to ,grapple with, the difficult problem ;of farm .income,rlt is in- teresting to note ,that prices of farm:products rose only 6°;•• . between 1941 and 1965, but retail food price's climbed 35: