HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-01, Page 10PAGE T•EN^ :1.W: -MRr'LCKNOW'• SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW;, ,ONTARIO It, Sgt. Leader' Returns Ta Frgnce w,H1T.ECHURC1-1'NEWS. Fit S'gt . Alan; "Leaden of Metz. France visited last week with his mother Mrs. Jan Currie and, Mr. ;Currie and, with his brother Donald. Leader, Mrs." Leader and family of Gdrrie.:On Sunday a fternoon' Mrs, Currie and Donald took him.' tQ Guelph where. he went by bus • to Trenton and, oni•Monday would boardta. pla. ne `for• France,. In about' a,week Flt. Sgt. Lead.er, Mts. , Leader and family will be rnOving to Germany.: ' Helen: Currie ' of -Lgridon spent the week end with her parents; Iver..' and Mrs. Kenneth Currie. We are pleased'to welcome Dave Gibb home on Friday from Wing • harn and •District Hospital. On .Sunday George Conn hitch hiked ;from. London and spent a. few 'days with his, parents Mr. and Mrs; Wallace Conn. 'Mr, And Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and .'. Janet returned home on Sunday after visiting' with his, aunt Mrs: Eichhoin of Fort.;Lauderdale P1or= Visitors on Sunday with Mr., and 'Mrs-. Bill Neable were Mr and`. Mrs..' Gordon'Neable, Sharon,' • t3rian' and -Dan of ; Caled'on; :Mr. and Mrs . Bob, Nichol and Garry 'of Listowel who •brought':along their ski-doo,which' afforded the youn- gsters .much pleasure.. toward' Neable of Listowel' `also visited at'the.sarite home.. Mr. and Mrs.•Doug1as Conley • of Winghamwere Sunday visitors, -with her parents .Mr. and Mrs. 'Wallace Conn. Thisconnrnunity-wishes for Mrs. Alex Inglis a 'speedy return to. health as she has been .confined to W ingha m and District Hospital for a' few .weeks, •EUCHRE .PARTY • On Friday evening February 24, Curries School held their ' progressive Euchre party with -6 tables of players enjoying the game 'after .battling the snow storm to be. present. Those 'winning., prizes 'were, high lady'Mrs, Jim Coultes.Low lady• Mrs..l3radaey Galbraith. High gent • Bob Arbuckle. ,LoW gent Norman Coultes and `noelty prize winner`: was Mrs-. Bob. Arbuckle.' " The hosts and hostesses Mr. and Mrs.; Richard Moore, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon. McBurney served lunch.: The •next party will+•be March 16th when the' sponsors wil'be •Mr. and Mrs: Alex Robertson and. Mr. and Mrs John L. Currie . 'ATTEND PRESBYTERIAL 'Mrs. Albert• Coultes and Mrs.'• Garnet Farrier were the represent= atives from here attendin ;the Huron Presbyterial meeting held • ,at Wingharn United Church on Tuesday. . 'Albert Coultes and Douglas Couites .on' Thursday visited with Mr. 'and Mrs,° Jack' Cotiltes a,t. 'Dresden. • George Kennedy. and Russel •Ritch.ie were in London on Friday. Mr:''Kennedy.was :on business and Mr. Ritchie ,,visited•afSt.'Joseph`s Hospital with Mrs. Ritchie. who is 'not recovering as rapidly as her •. Many friends wfsh . Mr. and. Mrs Ross S'mith•, Cathy:' and Bradley of. Toronto spent the' week end with her parents, •M:r. and. Mrs.. Russel Chapman ev. L StirIin )n Presbyiery :ommitfee' "We must.,plan .and:;provide 'for ' the future as. well •as pray. "Give ' us,this day our daily bread'"stard '' Rev. J.C. Downing,' B.A. , at the. Bruce .Presbytery meeting.of the. United' Church '.of Canada , held, on'Tuesday,,February 7th -at Pink- erton, . .. Following the 'report of •Confer • ence' Capital Funds by Rev C Plant,.: Lion's Head; the Presbyt-• ery .voted 'to rnake,an assessment • of one ' dollar per resident member • ,for these funds.. The fund supports' St. Paul's United Church College Waterloo University', Five Oaks training centre., 'Seriior' Citizen's Homes; Church Extension and Camping Council. Camp Mira macbi receiVedsome assi$tance • from, this fund, Four Mission Festivals are to ;fie • held May,8th , '9th, 10th and 11th,., respectively, for •Chesley:; South_ •' Impton:, Walkerton'and Lucknow ,• 'and nearby:charges; So reported.', the M & M Committee of which. Rev. R. •Chapman is..Convener. ,• • ''Rev. G Bali. Ripley; urged ,the reading and ,study .of the book. "The Big Change" price $1:00 by Rex.Dolan. ' Rev, Laird Stirling was elected. Convener, Committee of Educat- ion and Students and Rev. R. Grant brdained'Supply, Belmore chairman of the Camp Planning Committee. Rev. J. C. Downing,. Teeswatei••,' was appointed super- vising minister Riversdale Zion Pastoral charge in succession t0'. .'Rev. M. Rule, Bervie., • 5 Mr. 1. t, Courtneyof Allenford Lucknow :you Visit Ont.` Hospital On,,SUnda.y evening .five: car loads of Lucknow teenagers comp • - rising Anglican; ;Presbyterian and, ;United Church youth saw.the work, that occupational: therapist Mrs. Van Egman and..sta:ff of the Ontar. o ,Hospital Goderich' accomplish with the hospital' patients.' , All were impressed with the variety of 'skills:that'the patients'. exhibited:; and the challenging field of service' that occupational therapy offers. • • Mrfi. Van,Egman expressed how the patients'love lively music and ,the on the lonely weekends. Sev- eral young people intimated interest in trying to, acquire summa er work at the hospital. The' fellowship closed with a luncheon'at•a nearby restaurant. Next week,, the youth of Lucknow examine "Church and Youth",at a special program in. the :A nglicani .•Parish' Hall on ,Sunday at 8 p; m. reported that the Yec,ords .of 'variott churches were'in good order. Appreciation was' expressed to,Mr L. Ferguson, Riversdaie-Zion Past- oral Charge, for his ten :years of service . The Presbytery Wished Rev. M. Rule and Mrs. P. Renner a speedy'. recovery from illness,'Pha•nks were expressed to the ladies of Pinkerton Church for supplying a - • delicious meal and t� Mr. Alfred Fry andel Rev Downing for ,leading in devot a Rev.,J,. Crawford of Cape Croker• is Chairman, of Presbytery, and Rev. Paisley, is. Secretary, • WEDNESDAY,' MARCH: '1st,• 1967. iteu,teistf. Good taste needn't be expensive.. Our beautiful Bouquet 'Invitation line proves ,this with • the: most exquisite papers,.. type 'faces' and . workmanship you could wish for! : It features Thermo-engraving—rich raised lettering -elegant as the finest craftsmanship' yet costing so little! Come see. our unusual 'selection. e to two wee,o dle_veny • OS.E. 'fDDING IN41iATll RECEIVE A YEAR' PBS:i1,N iUCKNOW SENTINEL FRE YOU :ARE: WELCOME TO TAKE OUR SAMPLE• • .BOOKS' TO• YOUR HOME OVERNIGHT: ori=_,o l�Td. ey . qt !/r, mJtrtu /y019 pTun52' �;• B•al(`lett,4;94:t., ✓eurytu Oilgen • Id 46. ritiattE44444.94„:ty q uyd�' 4-0/y1444,7,11. r ra �+'4n.1i15/.1.✓�j#ty:t�q 4y qt ';mss IP%�n! C�9te� ":elleNit Fq SEE OUR' SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES • A SERVIETTES --• ATCHES — COASTERS — PLACE, CARDS CONFETTI C RDS « CAKEG BOXES: AND BAGS WEE 1 ,T Lut pui ev0 Mo pre Was me :and ing 'real • me Pra zie Tic ofi eas alsi fin+ • Ti sto '•AU1 ttei SUi ren off Ha' Spt em Wel • bei ski •in, in v.ei • T Mi tal mE ;pry • • e "yo ....We in i "me Bun me wa Th :dei mi Ch Up Ii h a Hs • La '.Pa --ch It fly ba he Br. er M, r.i th rill Bi 'Ls 1vt, ar, Ea •...So . h€ th M °M so Ki di th • sb