HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-01, Page 3Y 190 IEDNE$D,AY_ MARC s ' THE LUCKNOW, SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO , a, Duiflty Rice ° INSTANT FRIED, SAVE 9c, 12 OZ ,Bags MOTHER PARKERS, FREE COFFEE - SAVE • 8c, 60 TO . PKG.. Kleenex issues' WHITE _OR COLOURED, SAVE 23c, 200's SPOON, .. tissue • WHITE SWAN, WHITE .OR COLOURED, SAVE 14c, ROLLS r' peanut Buttes RED B. WHITE, HOMOGENIZED •1.6 OZ: JAR...: . •• Cohoe 'Salmon RED B• REAST FC1f.,;,SAVE 17c'.r/z LB: fi1NS` SAVE .9c: Sausage: COUNTRY STYLE Cake Mixes ' h :39c DUNCAN HINES DELUXE, NEW BUTTER RECIPE, GOLDEN AND FUDGE, SAVE 10c PKG. .; Crest Toothpaster REG. $1.19, rFMY, Chelsea Buns; REG. 49c, 8 TO .PKG. .• o...•:•.•••..••1;.•• s: ...•i••••••.•• re Lucknow LISTEN TO C.K.N.X. FOR DETAILS.,_.,_ 'DISHWASHER IS GIVEN AWAY,;.EVERY FRIDAY,,' 1•.o ;r.••••••••.....••r•••.•.••s•:.:.•i•...•••'•••'••.i•..:....••••••.• i.• P'HO1E 528 3001 - EE:'D•ELIVERY and GENERAL NF Mrs. •Eth'el London and, formerly of' this area '• underwent major surgery on January loth inr' 3t', P Joseph's' tlos nal: London.: She. was'readniitted .to. Hospitalagain• g on, February 14th and underwent further$y 'sur ger �. on' the 2Oth . Fier 'friends wish her improved health. Mrs. Percy Grattan.). returned to • 'her.horne`in Lucknow on rriday of last week, .after five weeks in W.inghaiii and District. Hos ital Mrs, .Robert Hamilton of Luckno• w returnedto her home last Saturday after two weeks in•W in ham and District 1lospital," Mr, and: Mrs, Charles Henderson of•'roronto spent a few days .last: week with her mother ivir.s. Charles Steward of Lucknow. 'Fred 'JohnstoIn .returned last week to.•his hone at E;elfast`from• Witgliani and District Hospital where he'had been a patient 'for three and 'a half weeks,;,.' • Arthiif Maclnnes of Paramount is,at present residing at Brucelea Haven, Walkerton4 ilav,ing been admitted there from Wingham Hospital Last week; Mr, and Mrs" John Emmerson:of Lucknow visited last Sunday in Ripley at th`e•home of Mr. and Mrs.• nan'Cillxe5;, who :were, ob- serving: their 54th,Wedding'Ann- iversary, Ann- iversat ' . .. y. .. Mr, And 'Mrs. H-larold. Rit•chig: an , rl tip trtu1uer Mrs' `" . c�ordon•.lzitchie of town on Sunday., Murra y d, Lyle of London visited ar visited • A'rnong. those •who returned. the past week from:;liolidaying in'the• `Sunn South are. Mr: and :,Mrs. :Sunny Bob,Mclntosh,' Pam and John of Lochalsh.',. ;Mr. and Mrs. D'on; Mason, Kincardine , Mr ,, and. Mrs Charles Webster;, Mr. Mr. and'Mrs, 'Lloyd Ashton; Mr....and Mrs. Bryce Elliott and .M' and Mrs.. Y r. Omar Brooks,, all''of:town: Cofflments On I happy to acquire .theold residenc for a,• summer: place I have forgotten the number of: ;.steps. one climbed to reach the to j but: one sumnleraiolidav in:m : •7 y , more.agile :days; and thanks to.: a tolerant •good natured 'keeper of • the Light, 1 wasprivileged'•to .g P g : :' help? light ther'oil lamp each • evening:'There was'grear,beauty ' in th•e Outside prisms which 1 was infornied,::were .ground in, La Maire '•--France•, and which later:to my dismay were left by a negligent governnient •for several years pack - :.ed •in wooden• boxes•,on the ground ; outside the Lig'h't. House: ;. In, the interest of accuracy,.. and •correct nue if in error, we .were I always ihformed,that the' stone in :, ' the•buildingS, was limestone that I had been brought in harges fron:i Kingston .and not, from: lnverhuron • as stated in'the recent article. Perhaps'the'data will ;be corrected:, when this Site is eventually conipleted as a National Shrine. r) ,',Yours very truly ..A41 ainostold Tinier: e' Point Clark House..;. nd Lighthouse Oshawa' Ont:.. , February 2t; Editor, Lucknow Sentinel. bear Sir: 1' read with More than casual• in- terest,. your reference in your February 15 issue. to the Residen-'• ce at Point Clarke Lighthouse be-` ing made into a Historic Site and 1 am sure similar sentiments. -will be shared by, so many to whom it brings back` memories of happy .'t holidays' at Point Clarke. Like many others, .1 could have been Editors Not ;:thanks for•'the,in= •teresring comrnent. frons this Oshawa. reader, 'if any. Sentinel readers can provide accura'te in- • for iation on the source of the stone, oradd. ftirther to the inter- • estng history of .the lighthouse .and 'the ,home, we would be pleased • to hear from you., k . PHONE DR. BOB «..THE TV CLINIC. °'11:1131"E�', PmIHE • TIIAT Teesw•ater stores will give I, . Friday night open a trial for a year commencing in March. ,,.They, have been observing Satur- day nigt t open in recent year. `„ 11 PAGE: THREE; Dons Sponsoring�; Easte! Seal Drive Lucknow and District Lions Club is .again sponsoring the sale of Easter'seals ,for 'the support of crippled ;chiidren;.'As iii former years, `,Gordon Montgomery is chair nian of the Lions.comntittee and Gordon isher.istreasurer.• Letters recently went.out to district, homes, and the •response. to date.rhas been More progress:in the care and - I treatment of 'the crippled child has been 'made. in the .past 25 years than during the whole' previous •history of mankind This.°progress has beeit possible- `' ,because ,people have beenmade aware of the• needs of cripple children ;and• have been give an opportunity to help by, contributing ,torhe'Easter Seal cartipaign .' Uhitil a few years ago for instars ee" cerebral.. palsy was a disease shrouded in mystery: Ir is i.ow known that' it is riot •colitagious and'. •'is no( hereditary. lt`:is brain dam- age'.that ,ca n happen:to, aityoiie•,, Medical' Men say that approxinlat- ely• one child' in every 508:arv:e births will be, stricken with cerebr- al palsy.'. elOlir ar•io Society for Crippled Children's -Easter Seal program 'is ' providing help for more than 3,000 �'ce,��rebral palsied children. these • Ci i'Wren can he trained, and do '. respond to the', high),v specialized and expensive treatment that t's".• given at, over 20gtreatmem centres in the province 'file treatment is directed by expexts toward training the undak•r i al gid' part of the hrain to take over the •functions of the defective area to as great 'a degree as pons- lb1e. In many -eases near miracles have been worked, In other cases the results are'slo.w. Easter Seal funds make certain • no cripfiled' child 1n our province will go without treat -nem' and assistance that hesdr she might • need, The 19'67"Easter•Seal campaign must raise $1,400;00,0, in Ontario to continue the services now provided for children who, have a' - physical disability. Each and every contribution to the local campaign headquarters• will be of some help to a crippled child 'Pictiired at the'Ontario • Newspapers'A:ssociation Convent,; • tion in Toronto recently'are Don' Thornps.on of The Lucknow Sent-" mel., left, and Bud. Landsborough, ' of'the Grand Valley Star and I Vidette,: right. Tile Grand Valley �. paper placed first in the ,Ontario !Award for:greatest irprovcanent' • i•n' 1,966 .and .The Sentinel: placed second in the class.: ig :t`ortii IJakot,r one time passed an anti:-srluf''law. ' About X770,000,000 is given, away ,annuall'v bv. 15.000 .U..' Philanthropic foundations 1 Rev R'. L . Stirling, B.A:, B D Minister i. MARCH:5th (4th •Siinday In Lent), LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH 10;00; a.m.:Adult Bible Class and Sunday School. .' 11:00`.p.m. 'Morning Worship 1i . LET E ,T THI S BE E YOUR , ,. • DECISION• "Love will be the keyter eve•r Y 1 situation I' shall meet' to -day;''' (. i. Lucknow 1 Presbyterian :Church Rev* Roderick MacLeod Ministricer MARCH Sth 10:00 a.m. Sunday School,. 11.00 arm: Morning ,Worship ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH • ,Rev Stanley• . E: Jay, BSA„ B r ttLector' • Lent ;6 .' MARCH Sth Church School 10:15, a.m. Holy Communiotl 1115 a.m. Series of 4 Topics MAN AND HIS CHURCH Topic 2 Sunday, March 5th •n St: Peter's Parish Hall, at .8 p.m 'Youth and The Church" Panel -- Don Gravettf recreational .director Hanover.' and executive membera from Lucknow Coffee Club. , The comrnunit , is invited •