HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-15, Page 14• 2GE'. ' • . , , • • , . • . , . . . . . • • . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • NOW IN STOCK A Shipment 0 . • MICAFIL Inisulation pays for itself in 3 years, .or less. 75% of all heat loss in your home goes up through the attic. • , • • , MICAFIL stops, these costly heat losses in, 'attic. MICAIL installs quickly, easily you do, it yourself. MICAFIL is light weight -- pours easily into place right from the bag; is non- irritating — no glassy needles, no dust; clean and safe to hi- URLESS TOO IS FIREPROOF MICAFIL is a mineral and there- fore cannot burn. Perfectly„ safe around electric wiring. Keeps your house much cooler in summer'. - Free Estimate No 'Obligation John W. W. Henderson Lumber Ltd. PHONE SI8-31111' LUCKNOW Kincardine •PER1OP 7 FEBRUARY to 11 One charge' was laid'under the , Highway Traffic Acr, following • an accident: TWo charges were laid under the 'Criminal Code of ACCIDENTS:• 6 February .-"A, two bar accident, was investigated by Prov. Const'. Andy Burgess en #7 County Road ' One half mile South of Ripley in - Volving James Kirkpatrick of Ripley and Marilyn Fin -lays& of #.6 Lucknow. The accident.. 'resulted in $300 .0.0. damage to both cars'. . • , ,• 9 February = two car accident in Armow involving Ted Hunter of Arinow .and John,Slesser Of!R'„R. #A Glamis resulted in $1,200:00 damage to both cars. prov..'COnst ,Andy Burgess investigated. 11 February -'.deorge. Percy ' Listowel (formerly of HOlyrood) and Marjorie Thompsoniof R. R. •' #3 Holyrood were involved in. a.' • • two car accident on #5 County' .....RoadLone-mile_south-of-HOlyrood : Both, cars involved were damaged to the extent of $650,00 • .Investigated by Consts; Jim Poland and Ed MePha.11-' • During the pat month officeri: f this„,detachtnent have .spoken -to eitikfuirai chilaren'aind -4.11'o'i• • "'•• • • .. shown films on the subject of. • • School Bus Safety. • Goderich ,This release covers a peribd.'from A FebruarY' 5 to' February 11, 1967: 'Total Ditty Hours, 418; Highways" and other roads patroled in miles, INVESTIGATIONS Thefts 1; Disturbances '3; Other 12. '• • Traffic: Accidenti, Property .Damage6; Personalinjury 1; No. . Injured3; Charges 8; Warning§ 14: General Duties:, Request Assist- ance 3; Convictions .11.. • • . . REPORT..FROM: W. Waviranosh Township Grant Raise TO Grader. Operator, Make Warble Plans WEST WAWANOSH COUNCIL The,'regular February session of Council of West Wawa,nosh Town ship 'was held on February 7th, with all members present, The minutes of ihe, inaugural meeting were read and adopted Mt* a nnotion!by Countillors'Chisholni and Poi:an. Cyril .Boyle, Grader OPerAtor, was in attendance and presented , Council with a request for an in - 'crease. in salary, 'After weighing the matter very carefUlly,Coun- Cillor Foran, se,condedby by Councill- or Aitchison move "That the Grad; er Operator be granted an increase of 250 per ,hour, to $1.75, beginn= ing February lst, providing his work proves satisfactory to the Road Superintendent and ,to Council". It was moved and seconded by •.• COuncillOrs Chisholm and Foran that Victor Errington be appointed Trench Inspector :fOr'West WaWan- On a motion by Councillors Foran, .and Ellington the 'Reeve and Clerk were authorized. to apply t�the Department Of Highways' for the statutory subsidy on 1966 road ex-' penditures which amount is, •• $55,557. , ; • • On a, motiori. by Councillors Errington and Torah', the Clerk Was instructed to advertise in two local weekly papers for (1) tenders for', the supplying of approcimately 600 pounds of warble fly powder to be delivered under the super.- vision of the"Warble,Fly Inspector. (2) tenders for warble.fly spraying far .the 1967 'campaign and (3) • applications for Warble Fly Insp- ector for 1967.ayhe te • of $1.26 per,hour:and mile4ge. 'Advertise- ments appear February 15th and 22nd, and tenders, and,applic- ations.are to be in the Clerk's ' was told by Beltone that he wl'as deaf in. one ear. 'He was told later by amediCal doctor thatiiii hearf.: ing was:only•blOcked by wax in the Mr ;••TrOtter•urged that hearing: aid firms be libel:iced 'by the Gover- nment to give protection to the The Ontario Government, ,acCord-• ing.to Attorney General Arthur Wisharti1l announce soon. on :the proposal of the Canad- ian•Bar.Association that a pa:Can's ;criminal record be expunged or • wiped out after a period of tirne. A hill, introduced by ;the Ontario, Government this week will set.tip the Deposit Insurance Corporation which will be' given the power to seize contrOlof any Ontario incos porated loan and trust: corporation that is not in a satisfactory'• -financ- ial condition. , • The bill will also insure deposits% of.up tO $20:000 in all loan and trust corporations incorporated und- PARLIAMENT HILL er 'provincial lavi. The bill'closely parallels •i • federal' depositinsurance , WIRRAY GAUNT. •,-,•-•;,•1•wi' (HURON. BRocE) •• This week the Throne Debare . continued to the almost total • exclusion' of all other business , . • ' Janies,Trotter (L Parkdale). accused Beitone of TorOnto, a • firm 'selling hearing aids, of using- unethical, sales practices. , • • •Arnong the cases he cited of persons who had bought hearing aids from'lhe firm. are: " An 'old„agepen§ioner who paid $35 down for a Beltone hearing • • • ai▪ d without being told that the full price was $350 until the next day when he tried unluCCdSitiilly • to be let out. of the contract he. had signed. • legislation which has been given .approval in principle by the ,House of Commons'. The Ontario bill will be moved quickly through legislature to 'bolster the confiden-' ce of Ontario ,investors in the safety of their deposits. / • Financial and commercial affairs 'Minister, Leslie' Rowntree, in • introducing the bill said that Ont= ario Companies will be required to take out the. Federal insurance . Once it becomeavailable. The Ontario Act is being passed because it can go into effect: more than the:Federal-law-. • It does not cbver finance comp-. anie§ suckas 'Atlantic AcoeptanCe COrporarion.or Prudential Finance Corp. Ltd. 'Which .have C011apSed. during the past twolyear. Flowev6, er, legislation will be introduced -1 6,-tv witII.t,icrn‘:• • hands by 6 p.m. ;Saturday, Mat - :eh 4th ,*1967. The levy for spray- ing iS expebted to be approximat- ely. the. Same as a year.ago - 15¢ for spraying and. 13(fof brushing. The road accounts were passed „ for payment ona ,rnotion•by Coun- cillors Chisholm and ,Errington. 'The foltoWing general accounts Were ordered paid on a motion ' by'Councillors Aitchison and Chis- holm: Ontario Hydro, hall power, $9.75; Town of Goderich, relief' account, $30.00; Mimicipal, . • World, Drainage forms, $1.38; Village of Lucknow, 3 fire calls, $300.00; County 'of Huron ;* tax Collection fee •- 1966: '$235.69; 1<, K. Davison, relief account , $90.32; Lucknow Coal Co. relief ) account', $56.00; Blyth District Fire Area „1967 levy - water tank, $100.00; Receiver General,' postage. $5.00; Wm. McPhersOn, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15th, 1067 moving, tile Todd Drain, $12.00; Robt, Aitchison., moving tile - Todd Drain*, $5.00;/ Fred McQuill- in School Attendance Of ficer , $10, 00;• '1-1.C. Soil 84 Crop Improve.' tnent /Woe. 1967 grant, $15.00; Pannabecker's General Store, re- lief account, $59.44; • • ,ROAD ACCOUNTS.; Harvey Culb ert, Salary , $105;06; Cyril Boyle, Operator, $365.92; A; Redmond, Wing min, $274,71; Colborne Township, Boundary, account , . $182.26; N. McDonald, plowing •• 4, 'snow '$1.,394'.00; G. Cook, plow- • ing snow , ,$791.00; N. McDonald .hauling, gravel, $60.00; Imperial .Oil Co. Ltd.', fuel and4tax $374,02; GranyChishOlm, motor oil, .$41.57; Dominion Road Mach- inery, bolts and locks,' $9.19; • Smyth, chain, shear pins, weld- ing s$32.10; Signal Star, snow • removal notice, $2.10; John • •:. Rivett, repair catch basin, $18.00; Ontario Good Roads Association; • membership fee, $15.00; Receiver • General U. 1. stamps , $18 .80; • . Bank of Commerce, C.P.P. , $22; 22. • * • - • ' • JOAN,ARMSTRONG TOWNSHIP CLERK. LUCKNOW HOCKEY CEPITEriltiliAL WEEK 1867 1967 SCHEDULE Monday, February 20 7:00 P.M. —; HOUSE LEAGUE PLAYOFF SERIES "A" 1st PLACE TEAM , 3rd PLACE TEAM 8:30 P.M. — WINGHAMMIDGET$ • LUCKNOW,MIDGETS Tuesday, February 21 40. 700, P.M. • • GOIDERICH SQUIRTSvS • LUCKNOW SQUIRTS 830 P.M. GODER)ICH PEEWEES LUCKNOW. PEEWEES Wednesday, February 22 • . • b • 7:00 P.M..-- HOUSE LEAGUE 'PLAY-OFF SERIES. "B" , • bid PLACE TEAM • .• • , '4th PLACE TEAM , .8:30 P:191., -•• . KINCARDINE 'BANTAMS • ' ' • LUCKNOW BANTAMS Friday, February 24 7:00 P.M. ' 7:40, P.M. — 9:00 P.M. • ' . CLINTON FLEAS • LUCKNOW FLEAS . , HOUSE LEAGUE FINAL . WINNER OF SERIESA' vs • WINNER OF SERIES MAPLE BANTAMS vs LUCKNOW BANTAMS/ Saturday, February 25' 8:30 P.M. — "OLDTIMERS•GAME 'The 195455 'L.,OgiOn *Juirppijo Hoke'y Tearri. • VS 46'1907 L,UcknOw' Midguis • • ) • %or ..... ..... mr. ' a. SPACE.DONATED BY • • -•• AMINION.11111111110111111111101111011m. "ere.* 441110V361211116 lakt"Pwasit mosis'a taw e; 4;0 ar w r 100 1 11 * ill 1, 1 . 1 •0 : :, du! • • ou Ifor • 'a • • ,T . ...... .11 • 1. • • • • Iv 11.1 'Hor" • ar entertain with a mr. and Theeve Raynard "Anniverl 6th. Th sent,.all late fa Mr. au and Dia Mrs.ch, TorOntO 2 Shropsh Mr. and Marion