HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-15, Page 13EDNESDAY'. FE11: _ pth, 1967 '
.Expo:. Plans
The Huron -Bruce .High .'Schad]
card officially gave their apprbv-.
Ito organize a 5' day Expo-trip•in
arly May. Final. plans for the •
ip•will be made by next week -
eek ') watch. for•the plan proper in
;xt week's edition;,The Expo
Ind is a's follows: Grade 12 --day
32.00 ,
Chocolate bars $3.48.00
arnival $31745, giving.a total •
$697.15. Joan Percy drew a
ft thermO meter $tude•nts now
atch the mercury rise . 1t. now'
ands at ,the $700line
B aslce tb.aII,
Last 'Tuesday the!'basketball,
;ams from Saugeen played. •the
ucknow.teams. Our teams did'not
L too well The • Sr'. Boys.1ost' 46.
1. The Jr. Boys lost':52 - 38. The
r. girls lost 40 17': However. the
girls succeeded in winning '.24
1 Congratulations .to:the. Jr.. girls
n a good, game. They play' 2
aures .next Week: Both .are against
incardine c
G:rade:12 'pay
Last'Friday was Grade. l2 day:
he grade 12,;students turned into
;achers for the .day. At noon they
eld. a variety concert and sold:
a'ndy. An assembly was.>eld
our 3;:30 4: 00,'Grade 12'formed
jug band just for the. "assembly.
onald'Alton favoured the. acid
;nce with the song ." My, Little •
ed'Tricycle". There: was a'sneak
review" "of the Operetta The
Grade 12'' girls. sang "Canada", and
then taught it to the students,
Sharyn Mowbray then led a Lion.
Hunt which .every, one. enjoyed
Thestudents presented Mr. Ritchie
with a small birthday gift to show
their appreciation for his help in
their. projects. 'The teachers were
thanked for their co-operation..
Mr. Mason, closed with his, comm -'
ents . •
The Curlers played very: good
gamesthis, week.,,The Scores were
tearb 6 .vs team 3, 4-3; team 7
defeated tearn.5, 6-5; team•1 ,...
defeated" team 4 8-4 .Rod Mac-
Kenzie's rink defeated John Cle--
O pie re ttca
The Operetta will' run March:
2 and 3.•.It is. titled "§end•'for
Apheas" . The story is about • Luck
now •which. has•been• infested, by"
bugs. A. local boy Who studied"
bug control at Guelph has been
sent back to rid the area.. of bugs,,
There`are many complications'
which make this:story, quite, int-
eresting and amusing Ricky.
Pritchard will play.a trumpet solo
in the story',' There will be
special dancers, suc/as the
Square Dancers, Waltzers and
Gypsies: , Patricia Connor.' will
render•,:a special solo, The lead'-
dies are Joan MacKenzie
Sharyn•Mowbray and Brenda Hew
itt.. The students hope,you
'Con* and hear this presentation::
Young Mother.
In 34th Year
• Friends were saddened to learn
of the illness and death of Mrs.
John P..Aitchison of Kinloss Tow•
•Mrs. Aitchison passed away at.
St, Joseph's. Hospital, London,.
on Tuesday February 7, after a
lengthy' illness:. She was in her
-34th year.
Born at Maple -Grove:, Ontario '
on August 12; 1933, Mrs. Aitchi=
son was the;. forrner. Mary
Madelaine Snowden, daughter
of Mrs'. Allan. Snowden and: the`
late. Mr. •Snowden of Maple
Grove. She married'•John Aitchi-
son, formerly of West Wawan
osh ;' on' April 27th. 1957. They •
'lived at `Bowmanville and Oshawa!
,'before coming to.Kinloss where
they; purchased the Perry Hodgins
farm ,near "Kinlough .
Mrs. Aitchison is. survived by ,.
her husband and two children,
age.S husband.
Donna age 5 ,
both at'home; `her, mother Mrs
,Allan Snowden of Maple Grove
five sisters Mrs. Howard (Edna ):'.
• Hagadorn of Plattsville, Mrs.
Bill (Ruth) Davidson of Toronto:,
MTs;., Ron (.Elva) Rodgers;.of.Maple;
Grove, Mrs. Lel' (Margaret)
Goodmurphy and Mrs:, BO (San=
dra) Goodrriurphy, both of. Osha-
wa;, four brothers, Harry and
'Sam. of,Oshawa, David of Bowe-
manville,•'Jim of:Maple Grove:
She was predeceased by her;'
father. four• years ago "this" March . •
Funeral service wasfield at.the
MacKenzie Memorial Chapel`,
Lucknow .on 'Friday, February:10th.j,,
'Rev . T 'J..MacKinney:was minis''..
°;ter and 'Mrs. Gordon :Montgomery
•organist . •�..
Pallbearers We're' Ernest: Button,
'George Errington,. Robert Morgan, '.:
Don Gillespie, Jim Hodgins; Ivan
; avin
• • •
Plan Your
ring Seeding Program.
Quality . and service are 'the; most important
commodities' of your local Co-op': That k why
it``pays to see your: Co-op first. .'
• *Registered Trade Mark
Temporary•entombrue'nt was,. at
South •Kinloss MausoJeurn 'with
.. final resting place Greenhill
Cemetery. ,
1'( )l. RIRE 1)1 f is vo.tf
T() MAN AND 111s Vtic)Rl1)
Pick •ours'u � nov�:WI�
t your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build.a
t Be'.sure our fan
Family:Expo 67 Tour ,ACColxrl• .• , y my sees Expo 67-- April 28to Oct, 2/• IVi'ontreal.
ioox Social
The; Hi=C's of Dungannon.'. United
Church held a social, evening on
February: 10 with .a crokinolecparty
and. box, social. Diane Errington
had high score for ladies and• Susi
• an park low , David Dawsonrwas•
high, for the men;_ Glenn Olson.
low. Gregory Park was 'auctioneer;
for the•.boces.
Mrs. Richard Park is a patient
zn Wingham hospital. We hope
she:•will 'soon be well again.
Mrs'. Wm. Hunter of Lucknow•is:
,spending'.4 'few weeks.•with her
sister, Ivlrs. Annie Bere.
, The Euchre party at $., S, • No., 6,
.Ashfield. on February 9 had sixteen•
tables' with Mrs Joe Dauphin
having high. score for ;the ladies..and
'Judy McGuire low. Harold Maize:
was'high for the, filen and Norman
.' Stevens'low - Mr. and Mrs.. Victor
Errington.were winners of the prize
for•the weddingdate nearest to St:•,
Valentines. There will be another':
card party on 'February, 23.,
The •L". 0.•L. •ha;d eleven tables of `.'
Euchreat their .cai•d• party on.
February 10. ivt'rs.'Ralph Cameron..
was l igh_.for the ladies and Mrs.
Harvey Alton second': -Wilbur.
Brown had high for the men, Alvin'
Alton, second: Thos Young. had
the lucky chair prize. 'The next' •
party:.wilF'be on February 24.
• Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sowerby of
Agincourt were week -end visitors
With Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Blake.
Mr, and Mrs. Art Danahy, , ..
Kevin and Terri Ann of Sarnia r:
spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr arid- Frank"Thompson.
'The Pennsylvania As:semb1lt'.
•:occupied Independence ' Hall in
Philadelphia in 1735;'long, before'.
the .Declarafion of Independence
.as.., a,dnx tpri in;, the,:,:b�ti;1ffira ','„