HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 4 . WEDNESDAY,. FEB'. 1Sth,, 1467 FOR SALE FORSALE used 21" Philco television; Greer • T.V. and Elec- tric, phone '528-3112 Lueknow. FOR SALE'. - used Little Beaver grain, grinder, in goodworking condition; Lucknow Co-op, phone 528 -2125 - FOR SALE Hogs of serviceable•. age, York and : York . x Landrace from high grading stock. ' Gordon , Kirkland, phone . 529-7508., FOR SALE reconditioned 'TV's, guaranteed, all 'are . completely checked.. WE DO .NOT sellsets with brighteners on the picture tube'. Give us a call and see what we have.' The TV Clinic, phone 66 . r 16, Ripley. :FOR 'SALE': Holstein •X Angus. ; K ;, '; `bull calf. T. Vander Veldt, R.R. 3 ,. Lucknow, :phone 529-7465: FOR. SALE — Comfortable . home. • -on . double lot, situated : close' ° .to Lucknow, all. conveniences. Prop-' • erty1also includes small 'rain, and garage.. Phone 529-7640. . . T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs . and ' Installation. Free Estimates. Year Round Service, Doug Harker;:•Phone 364-3313 ;Col- lect, Box 467, Hanover, 'Ontario • ASPHALTSHING.LE .. Standard . self ' seal and leek 15 1b. felt paper,` roof coatings, caulk- ing, roll sidings .:. MORRISON BROS. R.R. • 2 Lucknow Phone 528.4906 HISTORY OF HURON "The Settlement of Huron County a history of Huron corn - posed ; by. Professor James Scott of, Seafo is` available . - rthat The Lack - 'now. Sentinel • for ;$5 per, copy TV SICK? Phone Dr.: Bob at the TV clinic Ripley 66 r..16 . • • BRIDGE PARTY, ENSEMBLE Two score, pads, thirty-two tally. • cards, two pens, all matching,' $2. THE LUCKNOW SENTIN'EL VACUUM CLEANER .SALES and SERVICE For • all 'makes-- ilter Queen .. Sales,' • Zurich,' phone . Henson 262-5350 .collect ; HISTORY OF BRUCE "The' History of The County of Bruce" by Norman Robertson is for s?1e at ' The Lucknow ' Sentinel • for $5. per copy.. d • FAMILY HERALD • Subscriptions taken at The Luck- now Sentinel; , phone 528-3134. SEPTIC 'TANKS „ _CLEANED . Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic : tanks, Ronald 'Forster, Lucknow, phone . 528-2346, manu- facturer of . cement ' septic , tanks and well tile. PLAYING CARDS/ . Double 'and single' decks, euchre decks •at ' the Sentinel Office.., • EAVES.TROUGHING . and metal flashing, material , and labour, ' foie free estimate call Morrison Bros. at Murdie's 'Hardware,, Lucknow phone 528-2906. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR . FRESH • DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS• ` -Under ' 500 Abs: Picked Up -Free . CALL MERVYN YULE • COLLECT CARGILL 466-2713' " Licence No. 421tP66 ' FOR SALE FOR SALE a quantity of good mixed ,hay. Bill de Boer R.R. ' 1. Lucknow, phone, 528.6497.' NOW OPEN, WOODWORKING, all kinds, Cup-. beards,- counters,- truck, wagon racks,lawn, chairs. You . name it I'll. make it. Don't ';wait.. for ; the rush, Do it' :now.Also•-'small el- ectrical repairs. Donald J. MacIn tyre, • Rapid'. City (the old school house); CUSTOM BUTCHERING;.. Beef and pork, sold in any : quart ity. Custom butchering in Govern- ment licensed : abbattoir. Pigs' every Tuesday. Beef from Monday through Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET •FOR'SALE' Snow Blower , Feed s Carts .. Cow •Stalls. and Stabling Farrowing. Crates, .ART- HELM WELLING :AND MACHINE: SHOP R.R. 3 Lucknow 'Phone •77r16. Ripley CORN FOR SALE. cob and kiln dried corn from : the ' Ridge- town - : Chatham area in. 5 -ton :: and truckload lots : Jim MacEwan; Kinloss, phone 2410 Bervie. ATTENTION FARMERS FARMWAY BARN CLEANERS Have .:your barn measured now for spring • installation..'. HALLMAN ' SILOS ;Place or- der, :early. For the : best in silo =loaders and bunk feeders,. 'see Van Dale VERSATILE '.SWATHERS AND GRAIN. AUGERS.:. GEORGE'. WRAITH 1 W; ''miles; south .:o of .. Goderich Highway 8 Telephone 524-6511 TENDERS TENDERS~ AND APPLICATIONS • 'FOR WARBLE'' :FLY TENDERS will be received by. the undersigned for supplying of approximately 600 pounds of war-, ble , fly ..powder to • be delivered` .un- der the supervision; of the Warble Fly Inspector. • TENDERS: will al- so be received' for the 'spraying of cattle under the . Warble . Fly Act. Tenderers to provide all necessary equipment . and : help.' . Warbicide supplied by Township. APPLICATIONS will ` be received by -the -undersigned fel. the posiho of Warble 'Fly Inspector .ata sal- ary of ;$1.25 per hour ,plus mileage. Inspector is ;required, to provide his .own transportation and • to col -1 feet. fees. ALL tenders ' and applications to be hi the Clerk's . hands by 6:00 'p.m., Saturday," March "4th, 1967. Mrs. Tom'Armstrong, Twp. Cleric,'. OMING EVENTS NEW CASH BINGO: Legion 'Hall, Lucknow, Thurs- day, 8:45 p.m. 15. regular games, ;10.00: each. " 4 ' Share The Wealth. games with 'jackpot . included in each, game.. Jackpo t this week $80 on 56' calls. RECEPTION ' A Reception will be held for Mr.• and, Mrs. •Bob Forster in the Huron .Township Hall, 'Ripley on Satur- day,. February 18, 1967,, Everyone welcome. Carruthers Orchestra. . • BUS TO ICE CAPADES Charter Bus leaving. Lucknow..at 6 p.m... for Ice .Capades'at .Kitchen- er,. on Wednesday,. February 22nd. Anyone wishing. to • go call Allan Reed, 528-3502 or Montgomery. Mot ors 528=2007, ST VALENTINE DANCE A St. 'Valentine Dance will be held at 'the Lucknow Legion Hall onFriday, , February 17th .Lunch provided,: $3 .per: couple, Carruth-'. 'ers•.Orchestra. ,Tickets available'. from Legion ••members'' or'at 'the' doer.': Purchaser must be 21' years of age or ..over. • : HORTICULTURAL MEETING The regular meeting,; of the Lucknow ,Horticultural. Society :will be held on Friday, • February 17th at. 8 p.m., 'ori the. Town Hall. Mem- bers of the Wingham Horticultural Society' ,will be guests. Programs and lunch:.: •• CARD. PARTY The St. Augustine .card . party will be held in' they hall: on Friday, February 17th, at 9 ,p.m.. Everyone.' welcome ANNUAL MEETING of'the WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE ' INSURANCE COMPANY The . Annual Meeting • of 'the West' Wawanosh Mutual Fire . Insurance: Company will be 'held in' the. Par- ish Hall, Dungannon, on • Friday, February 17th; 1967,, at .2 p.m., to receive and :dispose of . the ,Finan- cial and Auditors Reports; to elect three•Directors for a 'term of three' years and to ' transact any other business that. may 'rightly ;come be- fore the meeting. The, retiring Dir- ectors , are Messrs. Brown • Smyth, George C. Feagan.and, Allan Mac- Intyre. Messrs. 'Smyth and Fea- gan' are, eligible' :for.re-election. Mr: MacIntyre will not. seek re -el ection.' It will -be necessary, to el n eca• successor toil tfiis vacancy.. A Policyholder . with intent to run as a' Director of the Corporation; shall register said intent with' the Secretary -Treasurer of the Corpor- ation, five days prior to any Gen- eralAnnual Meeting. . • .All. Policyholders are urged, 'to attend., • Paul S. Caesar, President Lucknow, Ontario Frank F. Thompson, Sec Treas. Cucumber Growers WANTED KICKS OF CANADA WOULD • LIKE MORE.ACREAGE FREE 'PICK, UP AT GATE If: Interested_Write' or Phone Bicks Of Canada. PHONE 30=r-3 DUBLIN 4 OR John Van Rood/ 1 DUNGANNON 529-7438 SPECIAL. ANY ,. 1:1". of. Picture iu INSTALLED FOR ONLY $37.50 FEBRUARY ONLY TV CLINIC RIPLEY PHONE 66 r i6 NOTICES. NOTICE. R. A "Pioneer : Chain saw Serial. No.,32812;: on. which is owing $52.00. forrepairs;' will be'sold by auction , gat Brussels Sales Barn on Feb-. ruary 17, 1967: NOTICE .` Save your clean glass or .plastic vinegar jugs, catsup bottles, non- returnable pop bottles; syrup toot - lies, 'etc., ootties,'etc., from: now .until 'fall for the Kinloss ' Boy Scouts. Please. leave them ' at Siiverwoods' or the Scout 'Hall at Holyrood. • ATTENTION The Rehabilitation Foundation of March, ,of Dimes is requesting ;old furs or fur •coats for the making of Eskimo dolls.: Anyone who can assist contact Mrs. Jim .' McNaugh-.. t n Luckriow, phone 528-3040 . 9 ' 'ANNUAL AND WINGHAA .AND DISTRICT' HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION:, The' annual .meeting' of: the .Wing - ham and District ,Hospital . Associ- ation will be held on FRIDAY, MARCH 3rd,'1967• at 8. P.M..in'the Recreation. ° Room of the Hospital Nurses' School A:`(former • Nurses' Residence): at .,Wingharn,.. All . mat- ters of •business pertainingto'the Wingham and District Hospital As- sociation ..will .be transacted includ- ing theelection.: of Directors , and other .officers • In order to cast a.ballot:'in the election of directors • a person must be. a member cof the Association. One-year , , memberships': may . be obtained for.'. the sum offive dol- lars from. the Wingham'. 'and . Dis- trict Hospital office. These mem- bershipss/must. be purchased at. least ten days prior to .the 'Annual Meeting' Everyone welcome., (This notice is being , printed in this newspaper in . accordance with the by-laws of the Hospital). R. B. Cousins, " ..John Strong,' President. ....Secretary•' REAL ESTATE: FOR SALE 300' . ACRES • • level . clay loam with : 250. workable, balance in rough pasture and bush. Well- built brick house • King-sized barn. This is an ideal beef farm that is priced right at $29,900 with easy terms. SOLD Howard Kennedy, ' Greenview Jersey Farms, Tiverton to Stan Horsburgh, Wingham. Included: in the transaction was the large herdof ,livestock; modern milk- ing equipment and Silverwoods -eontract. • CONTACT . IVAN StRUTHERS.- PHONE' KINCARDINE. 375 . STAN: KAY PHONE _:528.3531 Wilfred:Mclntee Co,, [linked WALKE RTON' . Member of the Grey and Bruce. Muf iple. Listings Service List M L S. Over 60 Salesmen Working For. You PHONE NO) EyER 6e"How Phi. Ripley, 90. NTED CONTRAC'T'S AVAILABLE: for Betze maltingbarley; seed oats, Garry, Rodney and Russell; ,::bean contracts also 'available. Warren Zinn R.R. 1 Dungannon, phone 529-7350. , WANTED -• a .pair of ski'. boots;, size 8. or 9, • Alan Kreutzweiser, ' Lucknow, phone 528-3613. . WANTEDRussell, : Gary and Rodney oats, :suitable.. for seed, An dersOn. Flax 1?roducts • Ltd., .phone 528.2026. . AUCTIQN: SA AUCTION SALE AUCTION • :SALE' of .. 'livestock, machinery, hay, and :,grain.: and some, household . furniture be held for Frank Raithby,�• Lot ` 43, Concession ; 14, Hullett . Township' (First: " f n arm east of . Auburn on Huron County, road no. 25) on:. Tuesday, March 7, at' ',1 30' p.m. Terms Cash Farm Sold Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer AUCTION ,SAL,E AUCTION SALE of holstein cows and ' heifers and 'darty equipment, will be held for CHARLES ANDERSON North Half' Lot 9, Concession: 13, Ashfield erownship, 13 -miles west and 1 mile ;south- ; of Lucknow on SATURDAY, MARCHH4 ,. �,�• �;' .11 Z p.n+. . . ;Holstein cow, -6 Yr. old,•due: March. 10; :Holstein cow, 7 :yr. old, 'due March .i Holstein cow, -7 yr. old,,. due March 10; Holstein cow,. 3 yr. old, fresh; 2 Holstein cows' milking and rebred, in .October; Red. Poll and Jersey s w 8 . old, du Y co � Yr .jo � e April 1; ,Holstein. cow, 4 yr. 'old, due March ;12,• Holstein ,cow, 3 yr. old, .due , May 1; Holstein cow, 6 yr old,• milling' and :rebred''Jan- uary 28; Holstein. cow, 4 yr: old, . `. due July 20, 2 Holstein cows, '3:' Yr. old, • milking and: retired; .Hol- stein cow, 9 yr.; old, due April 15;, Holstein cow; 6 yr. 'old due . March' 10; Black .' White=face cow, 6 yr, old, due 'March 28; 2 . Holstein'heif- ers, heif=ers, '.2 yr. old,' bred;. 2 unit milk- ing machine with ' pipeline and pump;: International e l e c t: r i•c . cream 'separator: • • • Terms. Cash , Allan • Maclntyre, Auctioneer Decorating Painting Floor Sanding Fred- EnberIifl'„ . LUCKNOW' PHONE 5284202 • Barley Contracts Available (CONQUEST VARIETY ONLY). SEED GRAIN, SEED CORN, CLOVER AND; GRASS SEEDS (Mixed If Desired)' Elliott's• Seed Mild LUCKNOW. PHONE '528.3500 • OP NIXT TO PH JOH FUNI Msdarn LUeknoV Di Servo gssordinn, Moc �Esl I -FIRE,.V • AUTOM1 • To 'Pro *aril ' A. Luckaow. Barristi LISTOY IN Every Satur Olfice in 7 Luc' avi lel RI •. 11esi J.. E. Phone 881 IMP' �PR for p and, GRAt • Ph Dung "Always Foi 9` Patr ;Phu') A. M CHARTER! 55 57 Soli Telep