HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-01, Page 16THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1st, 1, YI "LOWEST PRICES" '.FOODLAND , ONLY MEN'S SKI; PONDEROSO, EGULAR JACKETS AND CAR COATS Regular 'Price $29.95 for $19.95 'Regular Price $24.95 for $16.95. • Regular Price $19.95 for $13.95 • SIZES 36 TO 46 goys Sizes : 8 :. to ' j '10` TOF S.O% ; DISCOUNTS.. t January Sale .continuesthroughout the store. until. Saturday, February' 111i1111N1111g11o11111011111111111111111111NI1N1111111III •k 511 e. Ladies'; and Men's Wear .AGENT FOR. KINCARDINE .CLEANERS Five : Pick -Up -and 'Delivery. Monday and ;Thursda FarmedOver`; Mr. and Mrs. Jo .ears In Kinloss; Iclflfles Honoured accept this gift.' Wishing, you' 'success, pkosperity, health and happiness. lb your new honie. Signed by your friends and neighbours' on 10th con. Kinloss.• Mr.: and Mrs,Mclnnes,thanked • ail their friends for the gifts. :They.; .plan to move'to Kinloss (Black- horse) about the -middle of Febru • ary where they have bought a • house . . The Mclm es•.have farmed on the 10th of ,Kinloss for :over -20 years.,:.Recently they sold their farm to Bob "MacDonald , son of Mr. grid Mrs. Stewart MacDonald of Kinloss Township. Mr. and Mrs. McInnes. have three sons,,Bob ' of'Alton , john' of „Eltievale and George of Luckndw. •and eight grandchildren.; Mrs'. Mclnnes was the tformer Jane, Malloy of Shallow Lake. n• Despite the stormy weather last Saturday evening, many .friends •:and neighbours .gathered at the horne of Mr..'and Mrs. .John lute Innes: of the 10th 'concession of •Kinloss to honour •;them prior to ,'their :leaving the: community.; •A,presentation of a pole -lamp •..was•made to'the couple•by'Ernie Hanna on behalf .of the 10th concession. friends: Wn, . McPherson read the 'follow= • 'ing address. • • .Mr.. , and; Mrs. McInnes.. •; Dear Friends, We your friends and ,neighbours are gathereihere 'to -night to express' our•sincere'regret that you ' :folks are :Moving away from our. community It's,'a changing, world and seems the best,of friends must part'. :You've been'in Our 'Midst for the past' 21 years•. We wish you to always remember us, so please GIRL GUIDE NEWS As the Guides gathered for their regular meeting on' Friday night, they joined in an excellent foram of :physical. fitness 'Square danc- ing, This activityseemed to be. .enjoyed by •the•. girls , Solt will, continue to be used as ,a' warm up before meetings:On,`wintry, nights'; After roll call, Kathy lay con—, • ducted a scavenger hunt. : During a work'period, Captain Mrs: k1cKiirr instructed one group in Local Knowledge. At the' same time, Ranger Linda Boyle instruct- ed on how to h6ist a flag, and how to make a camp gadget. Ranger 'Beverley :MacDonald taught her • • guides how to rope a bedroll and how to tie.,•up a parcel for mailing. Campfire was prepared by Carr . a.ine Boyle. Susan Hall offered' 'to resare .i.t or...tiext.:w.eek and Mary Jardine'volunteered to conduct a garner All the guides were. asked to be on the' lookout for possible accidents around the house. and in th'e cornmunity; and to make a record of ,thein•. • In place of the regular company' meeting, the. 'senior guides Met at the home of Mrs, James Hend • erson to begin their Home Nursing Course. ' Rustcraft Valentines, For Everyone' At FIN.LAY DECORATORS e S.entin�i THAT' the. Lucknow kids appear to: have started something. in this area at least. A *youth group 1' Goderich is presently: seeking to acquire an abandoned service • stationthere for converting into a coffee club, . THAT -Blyth Lions, Club is present7 ly canvassing their area: for funds. to install artificial, ice`in Blyth aftera nearly "iceless winter 'in that town because ofunsuit- able weather: Possibly a good time tocount' our blessings in • Lucknow and say a quiet thanks' .to our own Lions' Club for spear- heading such a drive and 'provid Ing`the Sepoy .Town` with facilit- ies which are. now takeh'very much for granted PALM GARDENS, 100 COUNT. Tea Bogs • 'Sale GOOD BUY Package 69c • ALLEN'S ASSORTED, TALL 4$ •OZ Fruit , .Drinks • SAVE TO 17c Tins. $1 PALCO, LARGE 28 choice Tomatoes • SAVE TO10c Tins'59c P. JOHNSON'S, Sc. OFF 'LABEL kleartiquid SAVE TO' 12c ; PINT SIZE ONLY. 59c, 'THAT : Mis . P.A.. Murray of Holyrood'recently came up.' with a 29 cribbage hand.' Her husband, ,Moose was her opp- ,onent'in the -game THAT William T•.. Morrison' of St Helens,; was 'involved in a •recent motor accident in .don. Bill.: was eating in a rest- • aurant when another car struck •" his parked 1967°Chrysler at Wha-. hcliffe Rd . and Briscoe Street completely wrecking his car: Three ,people in. the other car 'were treated at hospital and rel- •eased .• • THAT 'Paul"Henderson of the :Det •°roit Red Wings, ..a son Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Henderson of Luck now, was 24 years ,old on Satur day and On Sunday observed his birthday' by two goals and an assist in the Wings 4-2 win,over New• York ; .Rum our had it :on Monday that the assist had later''.' been credited as' a goal but .'we , were'. not able to confirm. this. Ina any 'case; one is as good as, the other and. Paul had; a ieal birth day 'present forall Wing fans THAT Bob Hunter; who is. employ- ed by the',NortIP American. inspect ion•' Services as• a radiographer, is. now working at Cook Inlet in .Alaska. He has been at :Edmon t.on and went to Alaska the first` of January.; He reports nice weather with 10 . - 120 degree above temperature..Bob is a: son : of • Mr . And Mrs. Vernon:Hunter: of Lucknow. THAT credit for the complete- re ` . , • pdrtso'n minor .hockey which Have appeared• he past •few weeks goes to Elwin Hall of .Lucknow who has very ' willingly: added this• job to the many he already • performs in the service of the • ominunity, •Elwin•s` efforts are :appreciatedby all minor hockey' players and fans and certainly • 'by The Sentinel. THAT the Lucknow Legion weekly . bingo jackpot of $127. was won last week. by Mrs. 'Alberta Q'Bri gait of Wingham; on '50 cal'1s.. THAT.a former Lucknow resident, • and always; a ,keen sportsman. 'Ed Baker of Alliston was in town on the weekend and Brock Cleland'. tells us that Ed kicked in SS. in support 'of:the Centennial hockey week later"this month'. FANCY. RED, Ws �n Sal mon -Sale Cohoe .;SAVE' TO 13c Tins 99:c RED 'ROSE Sk OFF PACK Fresh • • Coffee Sale�: SAVE TO' 2Oc` ound 79 Yesr n A • etenn1al �ekToI. 'Oldtimer Lucknow Center) k;• scheduled month; will wzn''. esWeeting game on Sda when'. a roup of: those r 3.0 cat this departr nci , againstundethe •Luckn! A1..Hamilton has the game for seve • and with :the exce three of the 19.54- ile team who °Lav him, he'h,as thin lined up Members: �of that Mowbray, paul'C' am Kett 1 IacNay, J ent Hedley, Jaoi MacMillan; Fuge Stanley, Charlie; 4 Richards, Roy Em Garnet Henderson Cwe usin thookeat teamer,'Harolba coach and. Keit C:a. dent''of the sponsor branch that .yeaf., • 100% VEGETABLE ,OIL •= argarine., REGULARLY 51c ess Napkins AYLMER 10 OZ.' . :(01101. SAVE. •TO,:17.c ounds, :61c SAVE ,TO 13c s. 89c SAVE TO 10c: ins .or ion Gil • viar s LuCk.now; Branch -adian Legion', at meeting on Tues dOnated,$200. to District Boy Scou to• be held this,'su will take Scouts to Eastern Canadi POO, cionatiOnul ente5tairtment for week •being Stage and purchased . $2 advance Ole ticl hoCkey WE SELL FOR LESS, PHONE 5283420. unches VALUES EFFECTIVE:. A Lighter Moment In County Counci • Clarence "Derty" Boyle, reeve Of Exeteradmitted that he was possi- bly the. laziest man in Huron stead of the traditiOnal'abrus of ,ed to Xertheth Stewartis suggestion hands on -a non-reclided vote in - that councillors give a show of., raising .his hand too Much effort. County' but said he.did no,t find after scime opposition was express- lastyear's warden said he often \Stewart, reeVe of McKillop and* Reeve Boyle made the statement.. THAT Mt. Robert Ritter , vice principal of Wingliam High SchoOl and Guidance Instructor, Monday of this week. 'His- topfc Was "Courses Available" at, Wing - ham and District High Sahool and Carders to which these cour- • .wondered'Wheit he was in the chair if 'a Vote was carried or not; He - •thOught a *show of hands would be . the , simplest Way for theV7arden the kierk.-treasuter and the deliuty Showed that a show, of hands. woUld be shown on forthcolning inOtions other Words, carried. There Were three OppoSed to the 4erCite of. raising. hands They were' tine Reeve and Deputy :'-reeve • Of,Stanley,,Ernie Talbot and ElMer Hayter and the Reeve of Ociderich Township, 'Grant Stirling. In neigh. houring townships and sitting all in a row in the far desks in the county council chambers, the three were labelled by Clerk John Beiry as •,"from the idly corner". 'S'orne- canaries live 15 years Or longer'.