HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-01, Page 13DAY, FEB. 1st; 1967 SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO
thaose 1Ninte� �a�al Queen
ay, Busine�men �"o �Ipy �iroomball
inter Carnival will begin
vening,february 3 at •
r, Mason., with theaidof,
diet',, will ..officially . open
rival at the High School..
ir. Snowman" will lead a.
d masquerade parade from
of to the arena,
cknow and district people
,uraged to come: to the'.
8 p`: m . •or after to witness
ruing of the Carnival
rom the•eight .Duchesses,
uchesses are• .as.;follows:
nda Walden, 9-B Barbara
rre, 9 -C •Marlene Drennan,
n Courtney, 11-A Nancy
,1:=B Dorothy Taylor ,
erson, • 12-B Rosalene
will be,awarded for the
iginai •costumes in the
ball games will begin at
ihe.High School Boys will
team: from onother High
. The girls will then•play
is of this .school; A novelty
if broothball will be featur
n::the L.D.H.S, Staff With
Adler play theBusinessmen.
"Oil Can Trophy"
y Adler then w•ill'conduct•
;ty Frolic" :dance on ice '
will continue'until near_'
;ht .',•Everyone is urged: to •.
and watch the fun. Admiss-
ults 500; ,Public"'School
en .3S0, •
t ll
Basketball teams played
on last Tuesday.. The results`
Sr'. Boys : Wiarton 38
low 24; Jr..Boys '= Lucknow.
Wiarton•17;;Sr...•.Girls - Wiar-'
=:Lucknow 13; Jr'. Girls -
tow 23 Wiarton 23. The
5 (lid 14,11, and. it is
will continue 'to dobetter •
st Ch•esley on Wednesday:
Grade 12::Da:
ause: of the weather on: Fri •
Grade 12•.Day was, postponed..
February 10. ` Fifty - fiv:e
nts out of one hundred and
y attended school-,bn Friday..
use of die low attendance ,.
four educational films' were
shown. Teachers offered extra
help t� .those who stayed. The
students sang Happy Birthday. to
Mr.. Ritchie •and' thanked •hirfor
all hishelp iri school'activities,:
TB. Tests.
On. Tuesday,, January• 24,; 'Grade
9 'and . Grade 12 students received.
' Br Tests..
Hospital Concert
The, St. Band left at 6;15_ Tuesday,
evening to puton a concert .at the
Ontarico Hospital, in c oderich,"
Many songs .were given by the Hi
.Tones.. It was enjoyable. for all.'
Pa•ren'ts' Ni ht
Attention. Parents! !:'A special
Parents' night is being held Mon-
day February -6%, g
1961'.from '430.
• to 9:39. This is an opportunity for
•,you to discuss any problem. ort.•.,
question any teacheron your.
child's difficulties in any phase
.s � of
school life academic or .extra
curricular activities All •teachers,'
will be on.hand for:your, benefit
will, your .
Wand you..g encourageyto attend
' Mr',. and MrsEugene Conley
• visited on Saturday with':the
latter's father, Dave Scott. of Luck-
now who is aatient in Win ham� '.
P g.
.and District Hospital.' Pvital.'' .•
' Murray Moffat returned to his
home on Friday from .the Wingham.•
and' District Hospital.'
Another storm cased. roads : b
u ,r , to e
impassable. for :school -Mites on,
Friday, .and 4 -H -•Meetings Schedul-
ed. for Saturday were cancelled'
The1pit°'arranged'fo ';
Sunday were re -scheduled for:later
• in February-.•
Mrs.• Charles�/ Tiffin'was at Lon
•d'on.on SundaYto Visit 'her�husband'
hospital: .St. Joseph's 'hospital. Charlie.
unde t s
ravensurgery last .week;•His,:;
many friends, wish'him improved'
Marion Wall was a week -en
guest of Joanne `fIaye .., •
' • SH
We 'stock, numrous colours in
4 C PER 9x9..
eaves Lumber • is equipped to install your wall .to wall rugs at}d
sheet goods
payments as.low as
:Church SerVice
Cancelie'Due To.
Road Conditions
Due to theweek end storm,,
church services.were cancelled in
Chalmers Presbyterian Church here'
as.It was, doubtful if the .snow•
plough, would be around in time
for church at 11 a . m . but the Lang
side: church Service 'was. held• in,
the. afternoon,. as all roads, by that
time were' ploughed.' ; .: '• '
• Mr, and Mrs Bill Fisher, of Tor-
or-.onto, ' Mr andMrs. 'George,Fisher
and Doris' ''Were Sunday visitors • •
with Mr. and Mts., Bill Gibson
and family of Lucknow...
• The February meeting of'the
Whitechurch W.1, will be held •
February 8. at the\home' ofk Mrs.
Ed •Walker ., The hostesses' are • Mrs .
H.D.MacDonald; 'Mrs.Johnston •
Conn.and Mr's Don Ross. The
Roil.Calhto be a Valentine Verse
and a decorated Valentine box
and a treat for a shut in for.th'e.
ValentineBox. Reading from •
Home and' Country Gleanings :The'
topic Canadian Industries` Mrs.;
. Russell Gaunt; Current Events
Mrs. . Frank Ross, Courtesy Remarks
• Mrs.. Jim 'Currie. •
• Mr and; Mrs:, Bill.. Fisher of Tor,
onto spent the week end .with his
parents Mr, and Mrs . Geoige, Fish-
The pulpit exchangei'etween
Rev. R. McLeod; of Lucknow: and'
Mr ;Donald• Watt, student' minister
he e•did. not take•place hien the:
weather .becarne 'sci'bad at. the week
end 'it was decided:to.have it,at a..
Mr.. :and Mrs., Fred Tiffin, Mrs:
Charles Tiffin and. Russell Ritchie
were; in. London on Tuesday at St. .
Joseph's Hospital where Charles •
Tiffinunderwent surgery. °They:
community wishes .him.a very
speedy recovery,
Mr , and Mrs. Carl Weber were •
•Sunday. evening visitors with Mr:
and Mrs., Jim:. Ketchum of •Palmer;=
sten. . .
:The worst storm of the season .
'after 'the .njild.,spellblew upon. •
Thursdayafternoon and evening
With drifting snow land ice,. pellets
,So that by.:Frid•ay morning: no
school. buses could 'operate in the
commun. •
All kindsity of weather: prevailed 'on• ,
Friday We had .snow,sleet:, ice
pellets and rain.
• The milk trucks worked late'in.'
the evening to -complete their.
.tOUtes in spite Of blocked roads
and lanes. The roads; were'icy
•with traction in the now. and ice'
pellets •making.it hard. to keep'
trucks from getting)'b6ggeddownf',
Visitors on Sunday with Mr; and
,Mrs. Ira' Wall and fainily were
Mr•. and Mrs. Bett•.Moffat of'Tees=
water, Mr. and Mrs. George Need-
ham and Jimmie of Pinkerton.
On Thursday evening Mr. 'and
Mrs. Russell Gaunt attended the
Birthday party for AIex.MacKenzie
of Lucknow. This conmunity ext-.
ends their congratulations and best
.wishes to Mr. •MacKenzje on his
82nd birthday:.
,are sorry. to' reportGeorge ;
Walker was admitted to Wingharri
and District 'Hospital on, Saturday.
A: speedy recov"ery `is wished', for •
him' by the Community.
Mr. arid` Mrs.: Jim Haldenby and
Diane of H,olyrood spent Sunday
with Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Whytock_
and family and •da•ughters•Ruth and
Debbie ,who had spent the week end
at the Whytock holne'returned
ho'nle with their parents.
Diane Elston of Morris Township
visited.recently with her friend,:
Joyce Walker,.,
• Mr'. and.Mrs. Dan'Tiffin,. Joyce
and Barry of Teeswater. were Sat
urdaiy•evthiing visitors with ,Mr .
and Mrs. Orville" Giffin,
ciiow D15TRH.'N4
7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Parents are 'invited to meet with, any or .all, teachers to discuss::
their :children's educational endeavours,
N. B. MASON, Principal:..,.:
Pamela King
Whitechurch 4-H club held
their -first meeting on Monday
;night at the home' of: Mrs. Bill
Evans with":12;girls .present.
The leaders for:the, project:, "
World of Food in, Canada" .are:
.` Nits.' Garnet Farrier and 'Mrs .-Bill
Evans...• • •
..The girls: participating in'this
course are, Parnela King; Valerie
. King, Doris Fisher; Thelma '•
Purdon, Ruth Elliott; Brenda King
Darlene Simpson , ,Diane Coultes., •
Brenda. Solorn,an, Cathy Soloman.,
_ Irene De Boer • and lvfargor De. Biu
n: Officers elected were Presi-
. dent Pamela King, Vice President
Margo, De.. Bruyn. Secretary- any-
onema be called. to read . the
tri test.,Press Reporter,
Re orter:Irene,De
Boer.A'Demonstration was giVen
on'the making'of Blueberry Buckr.
le and Succotash. •
-A discussion and; notes were giv-.
en: on: methods; then andnow.• The
• :next.:mee'ting Will be. held 1 ebrua,
ry ist at'the home of` Mrs.'. Garnet
' ,Farrier.;.'The. •mee,.tri' closed with
the 44H' Creed
ttend Wedding
t Toledo Ohio
Over three hundred; guests .were
present for the wedding ,of `Susan.
. Hostetter ;and Jamesna in ,
Toledo Ohio on •Saturday. , January
28th. The wedding took place at
Augsburg `Lutheran Church at 5;30
p; m A reception' followed at the
Toledo Edison Club, The groom: •is
the: son Mr;: _andMrs:.Mike
Kosmyna ?of Toledo Ohio. Mrs.
Kosmyna''i.7•as the former Phyllis: •
MacDonald of Lochalsh:
Attending the wedding'were Mrs.
Isabel MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hamilton, Mr :and Mrs. /
Mike Sanderson., Mr.r•and `Mrs.
_Bud Harn lion, Mr. and Mrs., Alvin
HHamalton, ail of Lucknow Mr.
and Mrs. ;Frank King and 13'i11 of
Toronto; Mr. and Mk; Harvey
McQuiliiri of St. Catharines;
and Mrs. James Harri.lton of Exet-
er; Mr, and Mrs. •Frank Scott of •
Ashfield;'Mr. and Mr.'s. Donald
Scott of Saskatchewan,Mrs..Kay
Jackson ,and Jeffrey of RoseVille,
Michigan; all relatives.of the'
groom. ••
Weather,coridition$ were very
bad and .a•long with a'hazardous-
'sleet storm' a it made travelling:
vry, dangerous
Kairshea Gr. oup
Kairsliea Group•1, 4- 1.cluk met
rt: The
urday. ;
and 2
ng was
on Monday,•January:30 at 4 o'clock
at the �home.of Mrs. Jas:. Bu
'meeting was to be.held:' Saturday
.'January:28 at 1,0 a .m . , but w;as
postponed because of ' stormy
weather. There'' were 9 girls
leaders present
The meeting Opened- with the
4 H
pledge. Linda'Maclntyre
made a, "Baked Bean Casserol
And Ann:Grahamp helped w,it
"'Pork meat pie". -„The bakl
`topped off with light ,fluffy
lings cooked in maple syrup They
are: called `.'•Graridperes" . '•
The next meeting will be
'Saturday, February 4th 'at l0 a"�
at the home :of Mrs: 'Ira Dickie.
Centennial Flames
The eleven •Centennia'l Flames
met 'at ,the' home 'of Patsy: and'•
Mary MacCharles, January 27th . •.
at 3 o'clock.
.The; meeting was opened with
7 :the.: Creed,, 'then Joanne Hamilton:
read the minutes of ` the:, last meet
Our next meeting is to •be held
at tte"•home; of Barbara and
Jeanie MacTavish. February"3' •
at 4:30 ,
;Mts.:•.H • Clayton told the origin
of the. 4-H Emblem and Pledge.
As•a group,we discussed,' the. :'•
'many wild food found and eaten.
in our ,community
Hamilton discussed the
different foods eaten, in England,
=Scotland, Wales and Ireland .'
Mrs. H. Clayton told . a little::
about'the ach .evement.Day•and
Ike. elected Sandra' MacCharles to
'be the commentator for. the demi'
For lunch ,we had •English •'Trifle ,
'made by Patsy MacCharles and
also Welsh Rabbit made by Mary
,1vtacCharles, Bonnie Nicholson
and. Sandra .MacCharles.
Both` were "very tasty.
,The rneeting closed With the.
(oy Joanne Ritchie):
1The Second Lucknow Brownie
Pack met on Tuesday, January
24th,.Joanne Ritchie was,fairy
queen.Strut'Miss Suzy and musical
chairs wefeplayed with Nancy
Ritchie. playing for them, Then
• Fairy Ring was he1d..Then•we had,:
collection .650.
'Golden Bar Brownies learned how.
to sew on different hinds of buttons
Golden Hand Brownies had sepia
phore,;'Phett pow; -wow was held
with the squeeze and Chimes,