HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-01, Page 9THE ,LUCKNOW SENTINEL,,-t;UCKNOW' ONTARIO • armed In T Area For 20 Y, , ears •: Live�.......�..�...�......:e..E.:r.r� x In Dogs and Hunters ondon; Bert Bains 'Are 60` Years Wed ' .Topic For ConciI . . . B SHIRLEY J. KELLER• ' 111y. It' was indeed 'a "doggone" long.. .. discin ssion on the prof lern.s.pf stray ■ -... dogs,Huron; County, American : . 4341 L.:;KE .N•EW� • hunters who clean up the County's ■' game anal sometimes leave their :, ' • um PAGE -NINE vIr. and Mrs. -Bert N Bain, of Street, • London', ..obsery - : g. theif diamond wedding anniver• y at an 'open houseat the home their son=in-law and daughter,. r ..and ' Mrs.. ,Mervyn (Janet) • olley ,, . Coombs, Ave;,' London:.. mong the many. friends and rel'• tives to call'', was 'one gentle: an,' W m : F.• MacDonald who ad, as'a young lad :in his teens, ttended .:their wedding 60 years . o.. Mr.. and:Mrs MacDonald f . Lucknow, were accompanied . :their.: daughter, Margaret: n7ong the many kind `messages d cards received were congrat•'. atory messages,frOin the. Queen, e .Prime °Minister of Canada, d the Mayor a'nd. Council' of ndona s •Bain Was the former. •lsabe- le MacLeod: Both she arid her itisband were, ;born on the 6th oncession of Kinloss,;: They were arried at. the' home of •the bride's rents, Mr: and Mrs. James acLeod on December 26th 1906 the Rev:.F, A., McLe:nnan•:of ` uth•Kinloss Presbyterian Church.. oliowing their marriage they. fir• • armed in ,the 'same area, later Moving to the 10th Concession f Huron;:Township until 1926 • Shen , because of •Mr. Bain : net njjoying: good health', they sold eir''farm and moved to. London here they operated a small grocery store until retirement. ' Both are enjoying 'fairly good' ,health, at present.: They spend several weeks each sumfner at their cottage -at Amberle : Beach g Y., where they renew acquaintance and visit with friends ;and relatives in the vicinit Y ; Mr. Bain has two brothers, Wm. -, John and 'Hossack , living in Luck- now.; Mrs: Bain has one : brother Alex and one. sister' Annie Mac- Leod, bout: of whom also reside in Lucknow. . They have four child ren' - three daughters Mrs. , Edward (Katherine) Rr.ock of Stra throy, Mrs Christine'Shillington and Mrs ..lv'iervyn(Janet) Colley both of London and one :son Neil of Islington There 'are twelve grandchildren and six great-grand- children., reat-grand-children. • To commemorate the occasion,. the i'am ly presented' Mr. arid Mrs Bain with Matchingdiamond set rings. ,• • dogs behind,; and the increasing 1966•Ford Galaxie, 4 door hardtop, 8 cylinder, fully equippod;• threat of'rabies., Reeve Kenneth • Stewart set off. ,the free ;wheeling•enquiry session with a call for County Council to • try to find some solution for 'the . -•' ■ increasing rabies' threat. He said. 1_1 human life and: comfort was'�endan- • gered by'the growing. number of E known"rabies cases in'the Countyand cited an incident.recently.,. where a young girl died' when theanti-rabies vaccine .failed'. "There were'63 known. casesof rabies ;in the County' lastyear," •Stewart'reported, •1965 Fodlxie 5 4 door hadtautomatic L 4 196S Parisienne .do,1 hardto•1965 Chevrolet Bel '•Air, automatic„ V-8 ■ 1965 Pontiac Laurentian,8 cylinder; automatic •▪ 1965; Ford -custom 500,:'V8 automatic •i1965Dodge.. Polara,; V8 automatic • ▪ 1964; Ford Galaxie, 4:, door sedan, 8 cylinder, 'automat,ci; 2— n.}1964 Pontiac: Laurentiai 1964 Fordcustom sedan•B 1963 Pontiac Laurentian, V-8' automatic ▪ 1963 Chevrolet .Bel Air,: automatic;' .,.: i■ •1963 Pontiac Parisienne, 4•door hardtop, 8: cylinder,; full , 1966 Pontiac Laurentian;•fully equipped' 1966 Bicayne,Chevrolet, 6 cylnder, power steering2-1966 Pontiac'Parisiennes, 4 door hardtops,V-8 fully equipped 2-1966Chevrolet Impalas, 4" door hardtops, •V.8equipped 196.6 Chevrolet Bel"Air' Sedan, V ;' automatic ,,fully'• equipped Lit• 1966 Ford' Galaxie 500,' 2 door hardtop,, ;automatic,' 1966 Ford Galaxie S00 XL, fully equipped, automatic.. ■ • 1966 Pontiac Stratoghief, automatic . 1 1965 Pontiac custom sport 2 door hardtop, fully equipped • ■ 1965'. Ford Galaxie 500 XL, fully equipped. Carl Dalton, reeve of Seaforth_, said •although' the town '.was`"poll- uted with dogs" the •Ontario• Hum- ane Society made •the requirements for dog' pounds so strict that the municipality Was unable;to'main• - tain 'one . He..charged that'dog catchers were not .permitted to lay. hold of a dog unless the animal was,running on a street or highway. He' maintained that :a ,dog should' , ,be shot if it was running at large,. untamed and unwanted Ernie: Talbot,. reeve; of :Stanley. reported it was his understanding that ,if 'an 'animal 'was, causing dadamage,' It oiould•be disposed' of, legally under the Livestock Protect- , ion Act, • r fa00, rop ■ • ■ ■ ■ ▪ • i'• ■ ■ N ., • • • ■ ■ ■ equipped • 1962 Pontiac, automatic 1962' Pontiac Parisienne, 4 door' hardtop • In Stephen Township, reported 'i reeve James Hayter -persons could : TRUCKS catch stray dogs andimpound them `■: 1964 Chevrolet 1..ton 'stake truck with dual at the • township's expense .ata • mu 1962 Chevrolet 'Eton• van with, dual veterinarian kennel -in Ex, eter If:• x •■, , the dogs are.uticlaimed after:four '■' ■. days',. the :aredestroyed, . ,., : add ■ - Jack Alexander, deputy-ree*e of russels �Io Wni ingha:.suggesied'that ;a ;county •.',■ .Cities Service :Dealer: ,. ,dog catcher 'be, retained. Carl Dal ■ ton asked that correspondence with the Ontario Humane Society pre= ceed any decision by the .Health .;• Committee, to whichthe problem was referred ' At the mention of "Wild Dogs in the County , Reeve Jack Corbett, Hay, said parties .of American bunt- ers were known to drive through ` : ;a bush and when they were unable ,to recall their; dogs,, left• the animals there to become wild Balance your roughage and home grown grains with': SHURI. GAIN Dairy Supplement. SHUR-GAIN Dairy Supplement has` the proper levels of essential vitamins, mnerals, carbohydrates and protein;'to' give your cows • maximum production Your cows can give more milk with .the help of a`SHUR,- GAIN Feeding AIN DairyFeedin Program from • your local. SHUR GAIN Mill. Drop in and: see us soon: rson ax Produ ....ow ... ';Phone : 528-2026 lairy. feeds ■ rO� ■ Phone 173; truss*: "G 11.■■■■••••■• ■•■■■■mm■■ i i i ■• uuumimmem • When . Was the. first sporting event televised? I' didn't know until ;I read it in 'a U.S. newspaper • recently. The ggame•was baseball .and , it was 27 years ago.• And how .were ,the ratings? At 'that time• there were :60 sets in • creatures ;' hunting r food where they could .find it. Other' members' of council ,concurred that;• wild dogs ,were fairly corriinon in . • 'the County and agreed that other game particularly.. deer, were -being driven off, by the dogs. Reeve: James Hayter said that Essex and trent counties in the 'Southern part of the - prov.ince had banned Americans as hunters there He recoriitnended''on petition of sprne Stephen ratepayers that Sim flay action be taken in. Huron' where hunters from.' across the • border .arrived in 'sufficient • .• •numbers to Strip the i uron bush= lands of everything' that lived A motiori brought in at the Thurs da.y`afternoon sessionrby.Hayter,/ seconded by Stephen deputy -reeve• Ed. Hendrick and endorsed by Hay, Township deputy -reeve Delbert , .Geiger called for the .members of the Agriculture and Reforestation .committee to consider a recomm endation that. American residents. `be banned from hunting' garrie in • . the county of 'Huron New York and 60. sets were tuned in. , ban ,Carmichael °was the Winning.. pitcher for the Princeton: baseball team:` At present he is an -archi- tect five days a week and an auto driver 'on the week -ends. He rarely misses the National. Amateur Golf Championship;. • One of the .reasonshe enjoys amateur•golf so.much is: watching the young" golfers.., He clai'ms'that, television,has: had a• lot'to:do with it. "Golf has benefitted from TV So has bowling, and there's a.lot. of interest in .tennis'these days that has to,be' traced in part 'to -.'televis- ion," he said.. In the last, National amateu• r; he had a three -ground total of 227 which is .not bad for, .a guy ,Who never .practices. Incidenta.11y,. the match was,'won by Kitchener's 'qary .Cowan "• And while we are on the subject of sports it will be interesting to• see what will happen nextyear i'n, the hockey world., The present • NHi, teams will play some games with the.new teams which will begin next October. , . 'Here are some questions which hockey'fans ii11 war.t answered: Will Saturdays and Wednesdays, remain a§ "hockey.. nights in Can- ada?"' If an- ada?"`;If these ,are retained, will 'other evening'be gadded either by CBC,: CTV or ,one of the American t etworks? Will more than one American; network take ,an interest; in profes'sionalhockey? Is tit pots- ' ible that we could 'see 'NHL hockey almost every evening.of the week? This could happen .1F hockey ; catches on with the .Americans;. Not next year, but•mayle In a` year or two.