HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-01, Page 2'PAGE TWO THE. LUCKNOW:SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO The LUCKNOW' :SENTINEL:' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' TheSepay Town" — On the Huron Bruce Boundary • Authorized as second class mail, Post' Office Pepartm nt, Ottawa. Established :1873-TPubliShed Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the .C.W.N.A. and Q.W.N.A.. Subscription Rate $4.00 a year in advance -- to the U.S.A., $5.00 • Donald C. 'Thompson, Publisher • WEDNESDAY, ;FEB. 1st, 1967 D GOODS AND CNDISE. ■ alessamatimmia ..amu . PHONE 32$-21!9". LUCKNOW VAT", ia� iaR� ENTE.INIi BUC M LUCKNOW TOW1V 4 Wednesda ebruar AT 8 . P.141. 50th Anniversary Of Lionism • WEDNESDAY, F B; 1st, 1967 Close to 1.00 members. of Lucknow District Lions Club, Lions fromr vis iting clubs and•. guests; gathered at the Lucknow Legion Hall on Mon- day everiing'of last week to obse. r 'Ye the loth anniversary of the form., ing of the Lucknow Club and.:.the 50th, anniversary of Lionism'throu* ghout the world, • The, banquet, was preceded by a social'hour when visiting Lions had an opportunity to 'rene'w 'and. make. new friendships with other Lions., - ' :Lions ppresident M, L; ':Mike". . .Sanderson of Lucknow announced the .names of the 10 presidents of . the Lucknow' Club since it was Organized:. Mike is presently hold- ing the gavel and others were 'Omar Brooks, Robert Finlay*, . Robe ert Maclntosh ,. `Lloyd Ashton'; Frank Thompson, Gordon Mont .gomery, Cecil, Blake',,' Charles', Webster' and charter. president Rae . • Watson. Harvey Webster,:last, president of the, former Clansmen .Club, was honourary .president When the club ,was chartered: All • these •men, .w:ith the: exception of Frank Thompson, were'.able to be ••• • at last.week's anniversary and were seated at the head table. • After'the introduction of those present Liog'president' Mike turned over the gavel to charter president Rae Watson, who capably ` acted as chairman for the even- ing's program; As the group enjoyed. a roast beef dinner catered by, the: Luck-.. now :Women's' Institute., Rae.:pay.. ed• tribute.to.Mrs.,'Ross Cumming, of Lucknow. for her: assistance: at the piano during the .10 years'' Of the'ciub•:. Other head table guests, :besides. ' 'the past•presidents, were Bili a� speaker .pf the evening, Go dMontgomery Virden Mow Visiting clubs represented at the bray, Ken. Murdie • Bill Porteous, birthday party were Goderieh , . • Mike Sanderson, Bill Schmid , Wingharn,. Blyth, Teeswater, Charlie; Webster, Harvey Webster.. Palmerston; HoWick,; Brussels ' .Dr. Pete Bissonnette internat= Brussels had the largest •repre sent- tonal counsellor, presented 20 ation ; Guests introduced were . Lions with their 10,a -year perfect W1L, MacKenzie, Don Thornpson attendance tabs; .They were; and Orland • Richards Blake• Alton, Alex Andrew, Lloyd. • • •, Ashton, Omar. Brooks, 'Russ Button Secretary Bob Finlay' read the charter night minutes as recordedgob Finlay, Gord Fisher, Al 'Ham ; 'won, Harvey Houston, Cain, from .the .wiiteup in the Lucknow MacDonald ; Jack McDona.Sh Sentinel at that time ...i7alt Higgs:,. Milt Rayner, •ner, Bob.MacKenzie, executive Secretary prese•nt'at the � charter night, said he believed '' Pon 'MacKinnon , • Gord Montgom - the initial membership of 92. was cry; Virden Mowbray, Mike Sanderson; Charlie Webster, the argest',•club to ever charter, Hafrvey Webster., Bill Schmid. and the third. largest. membership in none Al at that time Co•-spon- LionnsePeteith Bissonnetteold was pre SMS Of the: Lucknow` Club werg sed wain monarch.. Goderich and Wingham'. 283. sat *''Chevron by Gordon, Montgomery . down,to the'charter :night banquet for 10 years,serv.ice other than, with every corner of the hall, being a charter` member filled" to capacity; '' Lion Brock Cleland spoke on: the' upcoming:` Centennial Minor.' Chairman Rae said that no club Hocks ent which is' had: a finer set 6dif charter minutes' y' than that'' of the'' Lucknow. Club being sptournarinonsored'by'he Lions They were recorded'ly the late Brock outlined `all plans to date Campbell'' Thorrrpsort, a 'Lions club: and gave run down .bn •who . member at that :time'who was / were on�• the committee and what` o recording_ the evening 'in his line' they •were doing, f A' ew words were ,heard from of duty as editor of The'Sentinel..: -• e :Lion Georg'YJo nt•.was•:called• on. ;poast ,preseirideearnts on thee ; highli Harveghts f 'thin .offic as Reeve of the village and spoke y Y of, the privilege it had been for . Webster,honourary charter pres hod witph Lions id, 's e workim fortobe°cthe 10 nneyears'cte.` Speaking 111.mentemoryrproposedof alla thoseminuteLionssilwho nce •as,`Reeve'; he.said the work of.the '' had`-passed'on. Words were also club' towards the: progress of` the . givers by the current president village of'Lucknow had. been in Mike Sandteron:.outlining present- • valuable'to the' comm:unit He aims of the club. y The: conver+tion draw was won spoke of the Lions work in minor `..., hockey and. of the steps the hock by lack McDonagh ; : Gordon :Gibson •ey organization had taken'.iri' of Howck and�VJ,h, .MacKenzie: betteringthe community. He John' MacKenzie •Pr Lucknow won spoke 'oldie willingness, of three• '$50,. in the bond of the month rural municipalities, :Kinloss, draw.•and 'Mrs...Roy Emberlin won -I Conron of Wingham , deputydist Ashfield and West Wawanosh to second prize of $25 • ricegovernor, who led in some i pa,nicipate in a renovatloia:pro 'The secretary's and treasurer's o lively singing; Dr Peter Bissonn- grant at. rile Lucknow arena and reports were •given by Bob Finlay • ette of Ripley, an international said minor hockey which inplud and Jack McDonagh . counsellor and past district goyer -' ed. the rural youth had a dot' to do Charles Webster stated the intent, nova Jolla Campbell of: Bly h,, ; with the rural municipalities de ion of' the Lucknow• Agricultural ' T' chairman of zone 3 north, KenSociet t , � ciding in f'avour' of supporting tile' y o,again ,sponsor •the beauty Henderson of Palmerston [lest • Lu+ckno arena .program Othei, 'speaking briefly were On 'and &favor.' DeW itt 'l� 1i11er of $.,, .p art; Lion .Milt E at ner of r: eeti,-2Of -..ck...e ,. contest at the 'Lucknow •Fair; and that the winner -would'. again•be • eligible•toenter .the 'Miss l orpin ion. of Canada contest He suggest aorrrer�:member':of ed that each Lions Club' in the u ' Club 'district h h wee_: .� . �c�.rc+. . mfg t wish to enter i' e first lids otrarpresident-of. 1 IT IS HOPED THAT ALLCOMMUNITY` MINDED CITIZENS M ' _..._._.. �.• IN THE 'VILLAGE WILL 'BE, PRESENT AT THIS MEETING' .e =' TO ORGANIZE A -CENT ENNkA L COMMITTEE WHttH WOULD • 0-ORDI y N19TE ALL P' RO.tECT•5 tM VILLA GE. EVERY from their, area and=questioned xvisiting club ori their. opinion of, r• ardent Lion since c ^ :a< crrred•,.'Harvev'; , rn ,e 4n e'd 'ceda the i nest - ke lien, Henderson of Rainier- :ORGANIZATION; almer- :ORG'AN'IZAT'I.ON LARGE 1O.R SMALL IS :REQUEST;ED , TO HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE AT THI,•'.MEETING, • `ry• ` 4471: L L'�.., r41 this` • Donald'MacKirmon expressed, the • thanks Of. the club. to Rae' 1V:atsar. • r•cc_ , ;�: ;; ' for•actin . as chairman for the LIC .oE•;=� ,ear and .a• g ,ek'ening and he' was•P. p resented s lie' Mei "tics v3, 2$ a .t ad a `'ti ought. ^.-es he .cpr the club e ,•as vera; gittedin e ,c ip "fat stitches » tzrrotr._:erra�<s ex re_sed bis ' : speaker `rte: present= �`'L M,;.•yr 4•51, 'trhe, club. .e`e1a of wisa.e..was re • cle''•V iorfi [: "i ,z.;:meLtri::ec ail to 1Y Cr Dt al. ,. .• e f' td t.3:e "Ai aasw:c; 4 a'. yr Z't r e5 Blake . t' ct., Andrew ,•lot. sr:�cc' CecU Blas e,, Ord Brobks , . Or; ar, ooks , " • { Ernie Burton, Russ, Button, Stuart : Coliver, Dr, `Mel Corrin. Bob Firtiay' , Cord Fisher, Tort' Hackett; Al Hamilton, Bud Harry iltotit `Harveys Houston, Bi11 ' Hunter. t{ectg;e Joynt Wes loynt,. ;'Jack McDonagh•; Don MacKinnon.,'. w. a•gift: n Kitchener »FORSTER MICHA U D. Mr, and Mrs'. Leo Michaud of Sturgeon' Falls announce the marr $age of their daughter Diane to. Robert A. :Forster ; son of 'Mr: and Mrs. Walter. A A. -Forster of Ripley Ontario: •The wedditg took place on Tuesday,' January 3rd at: Kitch- CUIROSS CORNERS • Tom .Stewart returned home. oh.. :Sundays from th'e Kincardine H05 • pital. Mr. and Mrs,. Fred; Friendorf anw Brenda Haldenby, Kitchene~, spent•:the• weekend with Mr. a.nd • /OM 4.` 1 . B, Haldenbv�.y. Camp John Stewart of., .. Borden is spending this week with his parents 'qtr• aridY firs Torr ;taw