HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-01, Page 1u $4A'A Year In, •Advane $1.00 Extra To ,U.S,A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,: FEB. 1st, 1.A67 Single Copy•.10c 16, PageS. Re#res-'From Air �orce Ater 6:. .10o. ennite Flight-Lieutenant' Lloyd: Hender- :son of this community officially.• retired from the Air Force oft January` 26th. "Lloyd has been on retirement leave..,' an 'accumulat- • ion of holidays; for some time and has been residing at his farm,, Highway 86 west. However,. he' was officially a member of the • service until last Thursday when • he severed• an association of sli ht• Vover' 26 years, Lloyd enlisted•in the•RCAF on October 26th. :1940 °at -London and has. served in "various places in' Canada •and,:abroad:during his service years. During the war he spent two years in .New •foundland .He was based at var, ious places all across Canada and • was on• construction and ;mainten ance of radar units in the Arctic which took him away from home for•rnonths at a time.' Following • four, years service in . Germany, he :returned to Centralia where he•. spent a short time ':p'rior, to his re tirement, :In advising The Sentinel of his ,.official retirement, Lloyd; said; he - would strongly advise ,the youth of this, community to, look to- the. armed' services as a . career. Prior to his 'retirena'ent:, •Lloyd, purchased the. Orland; Richards farm on °Hi hwa 86 west and hea and ,his .wife; the former. Audrey , • Campbell RN of Prince,Edward::', . 'Island , .have. been residing`there f . for sorne, time. They;have two daughters both living in: Windsor, Mrs. : Keith (A-drice), :Land' and: Miss Lillas Henderson...., Members of the officers mess'at; Centralia 'recently presented hip.), with a lazy boy. chair. ' .During his service career. Lloyd has always received The Sentinel • which he valued greatly in keep . • ing him. in touch with his home community of which::he ,was so fond. racture Mrs. George Stuart .of Lucknow• is in Victoria Hospital in London with •a. fractured hip: She suffered the'fracture in .a fall do Lucknow twain street on` TuesdaymOrning,- - Mrs.,. Stuart was, taken to Wingh'am Hospital. Hospital official's there reported her condition as satisfact- ory prior to removal to London. , As : ,,well.as'the fracture, she was suff' ''er.ing from shock: She was' trans.; -:ferrel to'�London in early afternoon, Tuesday. ' Mrs. Stuart resides in Lucknow •• "with her 93 -yeas oldi.s�ister", Miss, Catherine McGregor the her brother-in-law, Joe Stuart. Mrs` Stuart's husband George `died within Pa 1!1.11P 11111111..11111.k 1111111! Ira! 41.1Pa 111111W. Record lmpressive In, the -ten years since •Lucknow, District Lions. .Club received their charter, they iave;given valuable service.to this;, community, but .hey also have a jecord of 'service t .;.. Lionism throughout the area. In "those, years, they have .produced. a zone chairman, Dr. Peter Biss onnette; .three deputy -district' governors, 'Harvey Webster, Rae. Watson and ,Pete Bissonnette;\ two. governors,' Rae Watson'and.'Pete Bissonnette . . .' • 411.111. 4111111.,'411.11;! 4111111., 4111111. 411110.' 41°,11* 411Ir 82nd eji,i,aay On January 26th. Alex MacKenzie of Lucknow'ob- served his 82nd birthday on Thurs- day, January 26th atthe. home of Mrs. Neil MacCallum. . '.Present with Mr MacKenzie for dinner werehis daughter .(Kath leen) and son-in-law Mr. and lvMrs., •Farish Moffat of Wingham and Mrs Bill Scott of Langside Others who spent .the evening • with him were Mr. and: Mrs. Russ- ell Gaunt of Lan side , Howard, ;.a . g Robb Mr.and' Mrs Wilmer .i r Robb and: Allen of Amberle . Reeve... George . Joy. nt• Announces Interest O f Calgary Oil Firm In Furtler .DeveloOment In West Wawonosh,. a' es:. i O O n tario ov rnma t Reeve George J•oynt of Lucknow 'announced to, The Sentinel this . week that he had been; in.touch •with. R E Wolf of•the 'Altair .Oil and. Gas. Company 'of Calgary, Alberta regarding the recent striker .ofgas in •West, Wawanosh Town ship on the farm of :Elmer Foran. From what Reeve`Joynt has, been able' to learn, the, West'Wawanosh strike:. is of major importance Wand this was confirmed to him in a telephone Conversation 'with Mr.' Wolf in Alberta on the weekend 'Following is a copy of the letter which Mr: Joynt , received, from the .Calgary: company. 24th January-.' 1967 Mayor of Lucknow; LUCKNOW , Ont : , • Dear Sir., Altair Oil and .Gas Co, has' made a ,significant discovery` ofgas•'.at an initiarunstimulated rate of 1.604 million cubic feet per day at •awell in, West'Wawanosh Town, ship, Huron County, Ontario. This well has enc ountered approx- imately 150 feet of Guelph reef pay zone which it is felt., may be stiniula ated by cid, fracturing to -,a rate of 7 to 10 ',million cu)iic feet pr day 'At present a second well for further reserve development'is being star- • , submission' to Stanley 'Randall.:. Ontario minister of Economics and DeveloP hent•, t'in. an attempt' p to seek information on heavy in` dustrY gwhich in i ht .be looking for • g a convenient and economical source of•heat in their operations,. As Sentinel readers will know, the 'gas ,strike was made on the 9th of West-Wawancshseveral: weeks ago on the Foran farm', .Leasing has been carried on for years in this area by drilling firms -after a" well was,drilled as struck and the well capped on the farm. of'.Mrs i Josephine''Mac Tavish back 'n 1958.The Mae Tay.ish ca ped well is very close PP Y to the;'one , on the Foran farm: the :. farms sitting side ,by side on the ': Would it he possible that you are • aware of any industry, which. might require gas in `your area or that your .city may require gas for. heating? If this idea is• worthy of .. ,consideration, please contact the writer. ' Sincerely, ALTAIR OIL & GAS`.;CO,• R.E. Wolf. Lucknow's,Reeve lost no time in moving on the matter . • .Following his phone conversation with Cal- gary, h,e irr mediatel Y ': made a •: '9th. . Mr;. Wolf of Altair confirmed te,;Reeve foynt that the''West' Wawanosh well was; one of the best and most promising they.' had ever - struck. onald MacIntye Re=elected Presideflt ake Plans for Hoiflecoming FaIIFair BY MRS„ 0„ McCHR(iLES .. Lucknow Agricultural' Society: held their annual'r`neeting on. Saturday afternoon at Lucknow Town Hall with a number :of interested people in• attendance, ' Re pP orts from all :sections were. , heard with Mrs: Oliver McCharles �. rePortin �:on:the:ladies section''and telling of the revisions tithe var io'us parts, and that•,the early lists were now ready and available. 'Gordon Kirkland reported on; the horse and pony section and felt that the raising and 'showing of' g. horses. was on a professional basis now rather than the idea.with ',which the fairs had started. Fred McQuillan said there„was• room for more interest in the g•rain•,'roots and vegetable areas as did Evan Keith feel' about; the apple and fruit 'section Prizes: paid during the past,year, amounted to $900.00' which indic ated a good fair, • Receipts for the year were good. and almost reached the $4,000: ► •► ! +al mark. An ex .enditure: of $1,100: .• P for entertainment'proved the fact that the Society are anxious to . provide ^for"ever one att- ending:the; fair. • The minutes and treasurer's report by Mrs.• Fred McQuillin were adopted b � the • P Y, group and Donald .McIntyre, Pres- ident, res ident,, thanked everyone for their help during.the past year and announced that'.Charles Webster CONTINUEDON PAGE 3 Jim Beaton Passes The community was saddened , last Friday by the passing: of'.James Roy. Beaton, age, 41, of .Lucknow. Jiro had been hospitalized in recent months. Death'was due'to, a .heart 'attack .. . f The. funeral service was conduct- ed from MacKenzie'Met•norial Chapel in Lucknow on Monday with temporary entombment. in South Kinloss Mausoleum.. ►. ��� aH , u� is Meeting To entennial Pl_.. .. their attendance. The 'meeting is being called by Lucknow municipal council..Cou- ncil-had originally felt the organ ization.of such. a committee be left in the hands of local citizen's and through an announcernent at the inaugural meting in January, gave them a free hand in this matter. Since no:residents'of the community, have taken the first Ity is hoped that •each organiza- .step, .council has now called this tion in the village, large or small 'public meeting in the hope that Will. have a representative at this individuals interested in the obser- M.eetin• Also it is hoped that yance of Centennial year in Look- ;individuals •uek i dividual s will`show interest by now will' show an interest •nit .l l . . � .eat►411101111i'.r •ems► �► .'�� Discuss A: public meeting for citizens' • . of -the village of Lucknow has: been' called for :,the Lucknow Town ori 'Wednesday evening of:- .k: nett week; February 8th., at 8 pr m.: • Purpose of the meeting is, to form a Centennial•conyrnittee for the village and all community minded citizens are urged;to attend . Ian 6 . Plans are `toiling ahead for the • Lucknow 'Centennial-Hocke 'Y Week which is being planned'.for the Lucknow arena on February 20'; 21, 22 and•24th. ••. Promoted by theLucknow and District Lions. Club, this'is billed as'one; of, Lucknow's first centenn= ial iubJic'events .: °: Interest has been running high and last week•about seventy :spon- sorsindicated their support•by backing . the eventwith a Further. sponsors are being' sought among 'businesses,. organizations, - sportsmen and' individuals' in th e.. community and your backing would be appreciated'by a keen '- young group of hockey players who are looking •forward to.a big ;week • at the Lucknow arena Events during the Centennial hockey week will'include .• Yplayoffs' in the. local house league for the Floyd Milne and, Bud Hamilton trophies. Minor hockeyteams from:'Goder- ich,. Wingham, ',Kincardine and Clinton' RCAF team will meet:• teams from Lucknow at various times `during the week.: 'Holl ' Catherine, daughter Y g of Mr and; Mrs, Lorne. MacDon- ald Of Ashfield Township., : was ;the first New Year's baby at. Kin- cardine and District- Hospital -' having. been, born there on •Januar- ry 20th. • r • Lions Observe lOtk Anniversary Shown as they talk over 10 years of Lions Club work in the village, of Lucknow are ML.. "Mike" Sanderson,.l96'7 president of the' :Lucknow arid District Lions Club, centre; and Rae Watson of Lonr don, on 'the right, charter. presi,- • ,dent when the 'clue was Thirrjed-.. 10 year,. ago. On the far left is Cecil Blake., a past,,prestdent.•: The 10th anniversary ohservttee was held at .the Legion. Hall; ort Mondtay of, last week. 01.