HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-25, Page 16A 14 PAGE '.SIXTEENS WEDNESDAY, JAN. nth, 1%7' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 2Q.o'FF 'ALL FALL a AND WINTER WOOL- LENS AND SILKS. POPULAR DEMAND.. We. ate repeating last week's SPECIALS.. There is: still, tune. • to get in on': the BARGAINS .ENT .SPECIALS Yard Goods 'SPECIAL • LOT OF BROADCLOTH, •• .SILKS AND: PRINTS AT :54PRICE • A`GROUP OF FLANNELETTES, STRIPES, AND PATTERNS 47c 'ER BASEMENT Gids 8 Car Coats and Cardigans =REG. s3.9$ FOR Blouses y$% TO ..SOBS,• OFF. to Sli ns ;Dress Coats #1.00 OFF ANY 20% OFF'' PAIR „, Jackets Va. PRICE Flannelette Blah PECIAL Dresses UP TO':1/3 OFF, :en PRICES en's I"lannelette jamas and • Sport Shirts: .` ham Dresses -Ging. $7 9,, and $aa Values , for Sizes 14r,1226,10,42:4,418;.181/2,20, .; SPECIAL DIXOUNTS 7iIRWGHO STORE IN LADII .DR CAR . `COATS, SKI .JACKETS PARKAS AND. ALL ; WINTER COATS . . 20% to .33Y3% Discounf. Corduroy Pants.-`.$1.Off. eaCh pair SPORT COATS.AND.SUITS• discount' • •COA`T'S . •20%. TO 5O%O. OFF PRICED MOVE AIL:: SUITS 20%QFFr Discounts: off all AM O'SHANTER T=Shirts SHIRTS. Flannel and Corduroy , 1 1.98. lamas . ;1.49, ;2.79 AND ;3.49 25°x'0 ff ATI- Dry . Cle�ning. SPECIAL ENDS FEBRUARY 2nd'' .. �►. LE► WEN WINO is ,i +fir, w! Wait 44 .. BrTh.er, Sentinel • THAT a special evening observing the ,10th anniversaryof the form ation of'the Lucknow and•Distric4:' Lions Club was field on Monday. A complete report will appear in next week's paper. THAT Ross Forster 'of Lucknow cornmenced training last week • as a telegrapherwith the Canad. ian National Railways He is taking his training • at Paisley under statiorr,agent.;John'McCo- nriell, THAT a large congregation enjoy- ed the address of Rev'. M.R. • Roberts of Auburn United Church at, the community week of prayer. service. at Lucknow United Chur ch Sunday evening. hRev. Roberts was a recent missionary in •Argen• tina i The evening' was/interden •orninational and'was arranged by the Lucknow,•Ministerial Associa- . tion. Taking part in the service were. Rev. •R, L. Stirling,' Rev. Rod .MacLeod,. 'Rev. Stanley Jay, Rev. GW . Kaiser and Rev.... Dirk. Lieverdink Miss Helen Thomp• . son was soloist. THAT .four films highlighting the Centennial year .were shown at Lucknowt?istrct High• School .to a rather small' group on Monday evening. Several other events. on Monday: night within the,'cornm'-, -unity, had• their -effect on'the.,att endance. However,. Monday was`. ,the only night the films Were ayailable and the show' had 'to go on. THAT Al Irwin:',. formerly of this community who has been with Imperial Oil. in Sarnia for some time, Was recently promoted with,the',company and is with the,dealer sales • group,at the Don Mills office,. Mr. and 14Mrs; Irwin have sold their Sarnia • home and are 'moving -to Don Mills. Mts. .Irwin;:the .former Mary Alton;; and their two child- ren, have been visiting with lief parents -Mr:. and Mrs.'. Bert Alton of Ashfield until their new horne is•available THAT young Tarp Forster. son of • • Mr . and Mrs. Ronald.Forster of..., Lucknow, suffered•: an eleven - stitch' .gash` bet' een his eye and 'nose'in a sleigh riding accident on .Friday, January, 13th. A group of children 'were sleighing south Of the Gollan residence in Lueknow.•Tam was, thrown, ag ' - sleigh a a barb wire fence when the Pset. THAT the report of the Bruce j County, Engineer to County . Connell last week: indicated that! the' !dad from Ripley to Holyrood 5.6 miles in length, was COM- pletely reconstructed last ,year at a cost of .$156 ,822 .averaging. $28 , Ob0 per mile. Among equip' meat purchased during the year 'was 2 Ford Crew Cab trucks from Montgomery -Motors, Lucke' now• at a cost of $5:,430. THAT advance prize lists for the • home••:and school., departments of the Lucknow Fall Fah are' now available at The, Lucknow, Sent- inel. Lists will be mailed to exhibitors by the secretary, but those. 'who are not included in, tb�...t�il�.ug...o�..atf,.�aao•k..�+:.u'p�.t:��. The Sentinel,• , y YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND to4P14.1.DICE .{{t•• •`,N,tiv'.�': • ti\ 1` ^•.t •. 'f. k + c{ 4 r� rb u/ti{. %s ti > _.s SUPREME, 16 OZ.. Peanut Butter ide KLIK :BRAND, 12. OZ. Luncheon M DELMAR 10096 )_ .GETABLE OIL. • Margurine Sale SUPREME TALI. S OZ: Instant Coff�e McCORMICK'S SALTED OR PLAIN Soda Crackers IMPORTED, RICH, RED. Fresh Tomatoes ONTARIO NO 1 (3 LB. PKGS) Fresh Carrots SAVE 17c • Jars 69C. SAVESc. • Onl 57c• SAVE 15e: ounds • . 89c GOOD BUY, Jar;19c.. SAVE 13c ounds 69c BARGAIN ackages 49c SAVE ,:19c,, ackag.. es : 39c IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII111111111IIIIIIEII IIIII11111111IUIIIMIIl WITH 5.00': CASH. PURCHASE SAVE 20c Get Half -Galion Ice : Cream: 00:` 79c YOU. ARF WISEI ; SHOP REAL EARLY FOR •THESE•BUYS! IIIIIIh1111II11111111$1•.101IIlIIIII11111I111IIIIIIl111III11I11•�i1I • WE SE•UL. FOR.LESS--VALUES EFFECTIVE .. . PHONE. 3284420,. JANUARY 26, 27,' 2t • .THAT a - hunter hun er sa fety.course, the last'before new regulations. are,. • ,introduced, .is currently being advertised' inthis issue and: it., would be well to take note •of this: THAT • it's, 4-171 'club meeting time. again and we're glad to: receive reports of thesemeetings if they., Fare ient in'imrnediately after, they happen.' Late 'reports: cannot be considered'.'for..publication.; The same can be considered Tor 'reports of 'church meetings. The, space"is available in,the Sentinel only if reports are 'submitted promptly,' and this.can.be.con- •sidered.as immediately after• meetings take place. THAT Rev;, and Mrs Howard Snapp are presentlya visiting in. Kamloop"s, B.C.. with their son. Following Rev. Strapp's recite` merit in the•summer, he has been ministering at Preston until rec eRtly when they moved to their Rol e in London. Rev. Snapp was formerly minister at Lucknow United Church. THAT Kinloss Township Fede5rat 'ion of Agriculture are planning a: series of three meetings ,this winter withthe first scheduled' for next 1vlonday, Jahuat`y 30th: at Holyrodd: Hall . •Topic .for the initial meeting sounds `quite in* • teresting and 'beneficial: Estate. will be discussed.,...' f THAT details of the EXPO trip" being arranged by district' Agro ; ultur'al Societies; appears advertisement in 'this issue. To be 'eligible -you must be an 'active member of the Lucknow':': Agricultural' Society and further detail's may beieceiv.ed from the..: • Fair secretary, Mrs. Fred .Mc- ' • Quihin. THAT the annual meeting of the. Lucknow, Agricultural Society is .planned for the Lucknow Town , Hall .on. Saturday afternoon of this week. This small hard work- ing group of area residents need some new willing workers to fill • in their ranks, They. have big' plans for a Centennial year fair :and would welcome your, help and encouragement., . THAT Mr. and Mrs.. lack Treleav•: en oftown attended the annual • Venison Dinner of the' Walkerton ' 'Hunt Club 'recently held in Walk erton:,The hunters and their wives enjoyed a venison dinner and' social time. This annual eventfollows the hunters' return from their Fall hunting trip in the Manitoulin. • THAT a recent fire at. Omar Brooks weigh scale' near the 'CNR station did considerable' damage to the building. The scales will be known to older residents as the Henderson scales ter. Ceci� Johnston stKrie time::ago:.. ;1