HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-25, Page 11•r•
WEDNESDAY,' JAN. 2501, 11967
Muck Repair Work Done At ,444,10.10:
The Annual, Meeting. of Ashfield.
Presbyterian Cluirch washeld at. •
the Church on .January 16th, 1967,
D. Neil McCombie presided
rand opened the meeting by the
leading of Scripture, followed by.
prayer; .
The minutes of the last Annual.,
Meeting, and. ofna,speCial meeting
of the COngregation that. was held
in March, were.rea•:1 by Mrs. D.R.
MacKenzie and moved foradopt-.
ion and seconded by Henry Mac-
Kenzie. •
The Session Report was. read by
Reuben Wilson. After the reading.
orthis report •everyone stood with
bowed heads for a minutes silence
:in memory of diose•who had.pass- .
„ed on to their reward during the •
year, after which Rev.-Mccombie,
• offered prayer. •
The reports of the various groups •
were read and moved fo, adoption
and Seconcled•by. Reuben WilsOn.:‘
Each.reported an active ad' success
ful year. . • •
Considerable repair work was done
around thechurch during the year
• such as painting. New doors were •
put on the church, cement steps
and Walk laid, and a new ,roof on
•the Manse. ••
AlvinRobbi-Geerse Moncrief and
Jirn'•MacKenzie 'Were appointed to
the Board of Managers for a three •
year term: •
The' Budget allocation figures
Were presented and it was agreed
• that it,be. 'accepted and that the
congregation strive to reach the •
amount- Of $1,145::• which was raised
in 1966. The Camp allocatiOn of
$35.60 was ,also 'accepted.
The minister's Stipend was finerea:
sed $200 00 with a'deductible car
allowance of $i00.00 from the
alvin-Brick S.S.
Elect Officers
.(Whitechurch News)
. Calvin -Brick church held their'
"Sunday school meeting Monday •
afternoon at Mr. and 'MR.'S. Norman,
Coultes'.horne with an attendance
of 18. • •
Officers re-elected were; Gordon
• McBurney, Superintendent:, Assist-
ants, Donald DOw and Norman'
Coultes. 'Secretary Treasurer,' Mrs..
• George 'McGee'. ,Sunday School
Teachers are as follows; Pre SO-
oolers, Mrs. Ronald Coultes;.,
`. • assistants, Mrs: John Jamieson •
. and Mrs. Murray Shiell; Primary,:
.#1, Mrs..Donald-Dow Mrs. Lloyd
Whytock; Primary # 2, Mrs. Geor,
ge.Mcdee, _Mrs. Peter, Chapdler;'
• Juniors, Mrs. George IvIcGee,
bert Beecroft and Alex Robertson;
`.1 Intermediates, Mrs AleX:RobertsOri
. Mrs. Sidney Thompson? Ivan•DoW;
:,:Seniors, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft ,
• Ronald Coultes...
• They are to be given the option
of choosing one of their own Mem-
. hers in advance•to'be leader one.
Sundayin the Month I Adult, Mrs.
• Kenneth Mason, Lawerence Taylor• ;
• Messengers, Mrs. Norinan Coultes,'
'Mrs.''•Lawerence Taylor and assist-
ant, Mrs„, `Diak Moore; Beginner
•• Messengers.. Mrs. John Jamieson;
• Seniors, Ivan'bow. • ,
•• The Sunday School will hob:1"a
• Social Evening in the near future
With the S. -S. Anniversary date
• possibly"beinithe last Sunday in
• May - and a picnic inthe surnIner
months. •
Stipend: „I: "
The meeting adjoumed„and Rev.
MCCombie 'closed with 'the Bene
diction. •.„
Chalmers 'WMS
(Whitechurch News)
Chalmers W.M.S.held their
• January meeting On Wednesday,
January 18 at 2 p.m. it the home
of the President Mrs. Victor Emer-
son who welcomed all and gave
the Call to Worship, "A .Day Off."
Mrs. Albert McQuillin gave the
Meditation and led in prayer. •
Mrs. Victor Emerson gave a
• reading "A Slight Misunderstand-.
• ing". The Glad -Tidings Prayer was
• given.by ,Mrs. Robert Ross. A '
reading "Mother's Apron" was
• given by Mrs. James IvicInnes. A
• mission letter from Nigeria/was
• read by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt.. Mrs.
Victor•Emerson gave New Years.
messages - "The Keeping Care of
Ood" and "A New Years Message",
• from the' Glad Tidings. •
The offering was received by
Robert Watt and dedicated by Mrs.
• Russell Ross. Arrangements were •
made for the Day of Prayer, Feb-
ruary 10th. The Roll Call was an-
swered by 15 attenders giving a
• verse with the word "Assurance".
• Mrs. Dawson Craig and Mrt.
Frank Coulter gave.'a report on' the
• Annual Presbyterial Meeting held
January'10 in St.' Andrew's Church,
• The Ladies Aid meetin2 was then
held. Thanks for cards 'received
was given.. It was decided to send
thanks to Mr.. and Mrs. Robert '
Henderson for the dotiation of a
cook stove to the Ladies Aid for
the kitchen. •,
The closing prayer was given by
Mrs-. Emerson.
• KI,1110,Ugh- WAS;
(kinlough News).
Mrs. Stewart:McDonald was host
ess for the January meeting pith&
Kinlough W.M,S. The president,,
Mrs. Don Robertson opened the
meeting with the use of a• hymn
prayer cornposed by MiSs Louise
Reith for the W.M.S. Centennial
in 1964 following whichthe usual
order of business followed. Busin-
ess included a discussion on Cent-
•' ennial projects, plans for assisting
with the Worlds Day of Prayer and
report of the. Annual' Meeting of
Maitland Presbyterial held, at
Wingham 'Presbyterian Church on
.January 10th.
Mrs. ,Torn McDonald, wai in
charte of the' prograM Scripture
• Was•Acts 1 verses 1. to 14 and the
Study,mas on the Presbyterian •
• Chutch, tracing the history from
• early times and comparing it with
the church as founded in Acts.
:Mrs. 'Jack, Barr as Interviewer and'
•'Miss Winnie Percy and, Mrs. Perry
took part in a short,
dialogue tegardingthe history of
the church. 'A Question and •
answer period followed.
• ' Mrs. Lyman Sutton gave'a:reack
ing entitled "Once and only once"
and Mrs.' Don Bushell read "Take
Mrs.. Tom McDonald •
• Conducted tWo Bible Quizzes; and
also gave the ,courtesy retnarks, •
• and 'closing prayer. Suitable' 1.
• hymns were sung throughout
'Ulrich was served. • •
Calvin -Brick U.C.W.
•(Whitechurch News).
Calvin -Brick mot on
Wednesday at the, borne of Mrs,
GeorgeMcGee With 14 ladies in
attendance., •
•Mrs,. Peter Chandler gave the
Call to Worship and led in the ,
Scripture reading assisted by
Mrs. Donald.Dow, Mrs..john Jam-
ieson; Mrs. Gordon McBurney
and. Mrs. Dick Moore, after which
Mrs. Chandler led in prayer..
• The offering wai,received by
little Donna Dawson with offertory
prayer:giVen. by Mrs. Chandler. •
Mts. Lawerence ,Taylor gave
poen?. Mrs. Kenneth Mason gave,
the Bible Study "Who is our Neigh-
The Mission Study- The Churches
and. Minority; was given by Mrs.
'Ronald Coultes. Mrs. Lawerence
Taylor gave the poem "Where are
You Going?" by. Rev • Huster. 'Mrs;
• :Gilbert Beecroft conducted the
installation of: officers, It was de
cided to donate $40. to the Board
• of Stewards, $l0. t� M. M. and
$10. to Five Oaks. A bake sale to
be held, in Winghamis planned
for early April. ThroughOuf the
year,. group•bazaars vil1 be held
with details. tObe decided by
group leaders. Birthday teas will
"be held quarterly throughout the
year, • • • .
• . Ken Mason gave the finan-
cial report on the Budget: Mrs.'
Donald Dow gave the report of •
Christian Education. The World
'Day of Prayer will be held Feb-
ruary/10 with.. Mrs; b,;§. MacNau-
:ghtOn, 'Wingham.; ° guest Speaker.
• Thank you notes were read 'from
Stephen MOrrisOn, Mary'Taylor ,
Murray Scott, Mr, and Mrs.
• George Coultes. •
• Anyone wishing Lenten Books •e
• may place theirorder With Mrs.
• Gilbert Beecroft. •
• .Mrs. Alex Robertson pronounced
the benediction'. „
From Boy In India
The JanuaryMeeting of the
Lucknow Presbyterian' Evening
• Auxiliary was held last Tuesday
evening.-at:the home of Mrs.
'Robert MacKenzie with fourteen
ladies, present.'Mrs..Bett'Gammie;,
who was in charge, of the meeting,
• opened with a New Year's.pOern
and prayer. Following the opening
• hymn, the Scripture Psalm 90 was
• read in unison. Mrs. Rod Mac-• • •
Leod ;gave 'the meditation entitled
"Happy New Year". •
Roll Call was answered by pay-
ment of fees,: Mrs, Noble Johnstcin
was. chosen as delegate to the
Synodical to be held in' Stratfcitd
in April., Members, were asked to'
• be thinking,of a special project
'for this•Centennial year. A christ-
inas letter was read from the
• Auxiliarrs adopted boy in India,..
expressing thanks for the Christ-
mas gift and enclosing a .Christmas
Card made by the boy./: -‘
Mrs. Norman Taylor read from
the "Glad Tidings" a report ,of the
,"World's Day of Prayer" service
held in Nigeria •in•1966.. Miss .
DbrOthy Douglas presented the
topic - "The Church Grows in
• Canada" reviewing the grOwth of
the Church from the time of
Jacques Cartier in 1534 to the
• presentday. Miss Douglas urged
members to strive to be Worthy of
those 'who have one before us,
who laid. the foundations for the
Church in Canada. 'Mrs, Noble
Johnston read two poems - "A 'New
Year's Pror'pise" and '"A Lovely
Light", . • •
The nie, eting closed with a hymn
,and prayer by Mrs, Ross Christian.
'A social half hour follow,ed, ,
, •
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Mrs. Geo. Sutherland of Ripley Heads
Maitland Presbyterial W.M.S. For 1967
• The Annualmeeting of Maitland
Presbyterial of the W.M.S. of the'
Presbyterian churth was held in
St. -Andrew's church, Wingham on
Tuesday, January:10th . Mrs.
• George Sutherland, President, was
.„ •
in the chair and opened the
meeting with ;an inspiring message
•for the.New Year. Mrs: Wm. King'
• of Brussels presided at the organ• .:
Morning devotions were taken by.
Mrs.' Jas. Little , Mrs. Noble, John-
ston and Mr -s. Morgatil-leriderson'of
• Lucknciw W, M.S. Delegates were
•welcotned .by Mrs; T,A. Currie of
Wingham. •• • •
Annual reports presented by the
secretaries showed gratifying
progress in all departments, and ,
plans were,made or even greater
, .
:effort in the Centennial year with
More Prayer. More People and.
Better Programs. • • , •
• Afternoon;devotions were taken
by Mrs. Finley MacLean, Mi.'
Don MacDonald, and Mrs. Kenneth '
MacKay of•Ripley W.M.S.:
. The speaker, , .Mrs. Everett .•
Hawkes of 131tievale was introduced
by. Mrs. Bernard Thomas: Mrs.
Hawkes' :mestage on the theme,,
'Lay not up for yourselves treasures
upon earth, but lay.up for your-
selves treasnies in heaven, for
• where your -treasure is, :there
your heart be also,:" was an inspir-
ation and a challenge. She 'told in
a most interesting manner of the
• life and: experiences of her family
as she andRev., Hawkes, as teach -
e1 and' preacher , ministered to the
peopleof English descent Iiving.in
the Kentucky moun tains: It
proved 'a MOst rewarding ministry,.
• The srnall, colony with no Commun,
ication with the outside world and '
with little land suitable- for Agri-
culture, seldom had enough food
to.eat or clothes to wear and had
very little happiness,
•Mrs. Jack Lloyd, Delegate to the
Training School for leaders at Belle
ville, presented an,interesting re-
port. The offering was dedicated.
by Mrs, Dawson Craig of •••
Whitechurch. Mrs. Mel Ritchieof
Kincardine 'presented the slate of
• Officers for 1967, installed by Rev.:
Gordon Fish of Wingharn. Mt. Hifi
also brought Greetings from' Hnron-
ed the W.M.S. members 'for their.
harvest." . . .'--- ' • -••• - ... ,••• , ,
• Courtesy, •rernarkS Were,by, Mts..
_ ....,
James' Reid • ii Of TeeSwater, :Mrs. : ''' '•0. 1
Sutherland , :iri her closing rernarks.,
spoke of the many wasted opportu- •
nities in our lives which should be :1
fruitful, joyout. and useful as we
build for Etetnity. The closing
prayer was gilien by Mrs. Lloyd ,
• Felker of Gorrie • • '•
• The following officers Were
ailed for 1967; Honorary .Presidents;
Mrs; Alan MacAuley, Ripley, Mrs.
Henderson, Lucknow; Past.'
President, ,Mrs. FarishMoffat , *
Wingham; President, Mrs. George ,
Sutherland, 1Z.11;4,' Ripley;
Vice pres. , Mrta Alvin Mundell, •
Belmore, R,R,2, Wingham; 2nd • '
Vice 9 Pres: , Mrs. J. W. English,
• ,,
R.R.4, Wingham; 3rd Vice Pres., •
Mrs: Bernard Thornas, Blueyale;
R.R.4; Wingbarn; 4th :Vice Pres,, •
Mrs. 'Mel Ritchie, Kincardine; •
•Treasurer. . Mrs. .D;11. MacKenzie,• .
Ashfield; 11,11,3, Lucknow; Histor-
ian; Miss Iva Carr , ,Dungannon.
Asi't Historian, Mrs. MorganHen-
derson, Lucicnow.
, • .
• Secretaries; Recording, Mrs, W. •
D. Campbell, Molesworth,
Listowel; Corresponding „Mrs.
Victor Emerson, WhitechtirCh;
Afternoon Groups, Mrs. 'Howard
• Harris,. Molesworth, R.R.L.Ford-
• wich;• Evening Groups; 'Mr's. John.'
Day , •WirighaM; Girls' Groups:;
Mrs. James Reid,'R.R.3, Teeswat
er;'Childreiri Groups°, Mrs. Henry
MacKenzie,' R.R.3, LucknOw;
Home. Helpers, Mis : Frank, Mauld -
en; 1/.11.2, Holyrood; Welcome
and Welfare, Mrs. Walter Ballagh,
Teeswater; Literature and' 'Library.,
Mrs. John MacLean; Ripley; Glad
Tidings Mrs. Ira Dickie, R.R.5.„,
Lucknow; Press, Mrs. Robert McA-
11iSter, R.R.-2, Aubum;Supply;
Miss Sadie JOhnston,' Ooder-`•
ich; Life Membership, Mrs. 11ainic
ton McKinnon, Ripley: •
• Without Portfolio:' Mrs, Stuart
Stevenson, Cranbrook; Mrs.., Daw-
son Craig, Whitechurch;
Robinson, Gorrie; Mrs, baye Neil-
son, Gorrie; Auditors, Mrs. Morgan
Henderson, Lucknow, Mrs. Doug -
1a s Graham. S. Kinloss; Norninat-
,ing Committee -7 gOlough.(Coriv.)
Langside, LuCknow, MblesWorth,
Mrs7-1-latnilton-Mc!Kinnon; Mem ,'
Exec. • • ••
keen interest in Missions.* Ili his,
message,. he said, "Pray that the •There are More that14,000 col:
Lord Willdp great things andlkat
dectors: of clockin the, nation;
He will send ,forth reapers': to His . ,••• • •• :•
. •
Y •