HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-25, Page 6..DAY IpNTARIO _ _ • WEDNE5 ., THE':' LUCKNOW ' STiNEL, ,LUCKNOIN, JAN'S 3Sth�1_ yOUR KEY TO INDEPENDENCE: t;1SEINV[ els . x SEVERAL 'TO.CHOOSE FROM 1966 FORD Custom 511, 4 door 1966 CHEV impala;:4 door hardtop, V8 automatic 1965 FORD, VI automatic%transmission, radio 1963 DODGEPolara, 4 door hardtop;. 1964` FORD, 2 door.: 1964 MERCURY, Vi ton truck • 1964 CHEV Stationwagon, 4 door,; V8 automatic transmission 1963 ' PONTIAC,. 6 Cylinder, 4 Door Standard Transmissionµ 1463 MERCURY, 4 door 19611 son FORD; 4 door sedan,. standard Man� • 1.961 CHEV, 4 door,; 6 cylinder standard Mans mission: 1A60 RAMBLER, 4 Door, 6 Cylinder • 1960 PONTIAC, 4 door; V$ automatic 1954 CHEV.• 6 cylinder, standard .lransnmissron SEVERAL OLDER': MODELS ESE AND OTHE Insta PHON.E 52 Members of Joshua Royal Black Preceptory. .NO.' 132 held their annual meeting in Amberley Orange Hall, .recently ivith install ation of officers" -the main'topic for. the evening. ; ; .. • Arthur McCormick- was installed ; as Worshipful Preceptor, Ar . thur, Srrxeltzer .named immediate ." 'Past PrecePforR Deputy PrecePtor is Lorne Em menton. Tames Broekle- 'bank will. act as chaplain, Regist- •' rar will be Alvin Irwin with Will- iam Courtne assuming the. duties of i easurer.' ,Lecturers will be. Alton Smeltzer and, James Ketcha- bawf censors, Donald Courtney,,:, ,..' Clarence .McLennan; standard bearers. M. Reid , , Robert Lyons; pusuivant, Nat Thompson. • ,County Master Sir Knight William; Houston, presided'for the.:installat I ion, assisted by the Past .'Preceptors: 's your excu: eing in g business Less than ideal housing conditions?' Lack of time for properrnanagement? • Bad, Luck with your chicks? ' These are only :excuses for missing;out on BIG EGG PROFITS With haver Starcross 'Rugged—with erceptcos ai . vt taw and resistance to respar- 'atory, disorders, this large;' Whitt egg producer i a.wifner "•crt ices tan .cdeal 'sxtuiborks. SHAVER 'TARCROSS S 444 ' gs diste i.gursh d by its. heavier b+ 'r'wet'ght and•smaii black flecks;on the plumage. .• Yau.cal expect :.. ' 4•.250-280 eggs. annually • • 75% iarge.and• extra targe •. 425 lbs. teed per dor ;eggs • CONTACT YOUR SWIFT' 'HATCHERY OR DEALER. • • 'ass ./-, CHARLIE BOYLAN ,1iA1V(fVtlt PiiONE 3fi4.2536 AsF,field'Hok.I Ina.ugural' Meeting Ashfield Township Council met on January ..9th. for inaugural meet:- ung. All -members were present •and took'their oath of office:.: •; ' By-I;aw_No 1 appointing officers' .for 1967 and setting their salaries was; passed with, the following wage schedule; Reeve $400..00, Deputy Reeve' $325.00 , Councillors $250.00, Clerk Treasurer $2,000.' Road•'Supt, $1.75; per hour, Grader: operator. $1.75 per hour,, laborers $1.50. per hour, • 'Livestock valuers, appointed were Alvin Robb Wesley Ritchie, Bert -Dougherty, Clifford. Crozier and Mike O'Neil. • Fenceviewe.rs -.Ross Henry,• Nel- son Pearson, Bert McWhinney, Joe O'Keefe, William Helm, Henry, ' M. MacKenzie, Duncan. Farrish. Poundkeepers - Carmai'Hayden, Warren Wylds,'.Gordon Saunders, Douglas Hackett. The following accounts were. ordered, paid: Payroll.No. . $853.45; Canadian. Oil • Co. gas for' Truck $34.39; Mrs. 'J. • Donald- son; gas for Truck, $12.22;. Frank ,1 MacLennan,' gas for Truck, $5.25; Robert Stothers, . Tire repair and bolts., ' $6.93; W J. Van; Osch•,, Machine bolts. $2:22; Bryce Elliott, Hauling salt $15.00; Can.-. adian Tire Store (Goderich), . Wiper Blades $5.45; Dominion.' Road Machinery Sales Co,; .Grader: supplies $588.13; Elwin .Petrie,`gas:" for Truck $5.0, Glen .& Olson, Sand $33.00; Ashfield.. Huron I3ourid ary, Boundaryacct.. $166;.62, , Chester ,Nicholson, Snowplowing .'1932 '.00; Doug.. Fuller, Snowplow, ing $617:50; Murray Johnston, Snowplowing• $672 00; Im Imperial . , Oil Ltd. , Fuel Oil and Tax 1186.56; Grant..Chisholm Oil and:. 'Grease 189.68; Domtar Chemicak Ltd , Sift() salt $84.42, .Imperial Oil Ltd Diesel Fuel $96.67; Lucknow Post Office, 'U.I ::and" :postage. stamp's $22.80; Receiver Genera. 1, Income tax 12:55 and 'Pension ` 21.20 '$33.15; Bill_ Park•.;'sanding.$38.00; Mel Dick- son, ick-son, Bulldozing : 518:00; Jack Liddle `Fox' bounty. $4:00; .Joe. McGee, refund dog tax $2, 00, Pinecrest Manor. Nursing .care, nursing" care; $217.00; Donald 'M , Simpson . telephone calls $i8.95;' Ontario Association of Rural Mun- icipalities, membership fee $15.00 Ontario Good `Roads' association; n embership fee,,$15;•00, Skelton •Gibson'and .Associates; Supt of . Construction (Lane drain) $ 525.00; Donald ,Rock . part •of contract '54$7.00; . Andy Ritchie., ' Extras: on , Lane Drain. ;38.00; ':Jin) Nelson, r Extras on Lane Drain, $125.00; Girvin::Reed_ Extras on 'Lane Drain, $260 00; Hackett Bros. Extras as :Lane $105'..00; �Townshi of P., Ashfield Extras on Lane Drain $125..00;' Donald M. Sinipsan,,. Clerks fees, Lane Drain 190.00;., Cliff Ivienat'Y :, Silver Creek Draiir. .. $7,.50; :Murray Johnston,;•MacIntyre Weir' -'Hauling gravel $61.60; Bert McWhinney,. 'Drain Inspector X8.35;. Village of Lucknow, , Fire call - 'Alvin Collinson 175.00. •• Council adjourned 'to :rneet Feb- ruary 'Tth at 1: 30 'p.m. • • . . -Your Future Security, depends on what 'you do now. • That't why you should , look L d United. Athe results that ' have compare been obtained with this .remarkable investment. • ;Proven' Record of performance: $10,000• in - Fund Ltd. United Accumulative uary2,19 • would have grown to $26.607.32 "(with dividends reinvested) by ;January 12, 1967. That's, an increase Of. 168% in approXi • Mately 9 years. •. 'More Than . • 125,000 Shareholder= With. this ' kind' of performance record.• no wonder United..Ac- cumulative Fund. •now has • more• : than ,125,000 sharehold- ers! . Only one other corpora.. tion in Canada pays dividends to a greater number of share. holders. .• 4 . Net Assets; $282 .Million tlnfted Accumulative� , P u n 4 'Ltd is .one of .Canade. $ largest' and fastest drowInm d' utual funds. Net assets in 1$6s than 'ten years: $282.011,339; .1i10001s Tox'' Soy ngs because: the United' Retirement • savingps. Pian le, registered. with the_. Government of Canada, ': • you can deduct from. taxable • income -tor the - current year every investment • made up' . to• :the limit applicable to you: under the Income • Tax Act. Investments of $100 or more - may • be.: made as often as you • • Other Plans • You, may become a aharehold- er in: United Accumulative Fund Ltd. fpr' as little. as 1100 Savings Plana start ' kt *20' a month. For Details Without Obligation co: UNITED INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD. REPRESENTATIVE• James' LUCKNOW • Connell PHONE. S2$.353$:' Infprnationy, l Expo TOp. 1Vov� 4vaildWe FAIR' NOTES (contributed), • Prize'lists are ready 'and avail- able by:.calling or ;writing' Mrs Fred McQuillin, All sections have.. been: revised and are more than. interesting. ' A section for ;brides. .: •of 1967•, is:a• new feature. •' .Now we:can'ive. ou'the mfor-' S Y . mation you ,have been waiting•for on Expo 61 and the :train, going from Grey" -Bruce district: for Agricultural' Societies. The group will .leave Owen. Sound, Tara', 'Cliesley Hanover via C. N. R, 'Special 'train early the evening of October 17th.. You will, arrive'in Montrt eal the morning; of .i October: 18 at Motel Lafayette, .10 minutes from Expo site, where you will stay,.for night of October. 18. and from where you will leave.for'home evening of 19th to arrive'back at Ower Sound . Tara,.: Chesley, Hanover, early October. a Tice' cost is :.555 ; 00 per 'person. this :includes train fare, accom.- odatiort•-and. admission', for two days to Expo: To: be. eligible to go. ot: this train. yOU Must be a . member of an/ Agricultural 'Society'•. Cheques or money.orders;shall be made payable at par toDistrict,'10 Expo Rind, mailed to your secre • tary arid .she will in turn send, the m to C.A., *Merriam: at Tara.. A detailed schedule will then be mailed direct to you with your-. tickets, • etc .' Hoer -about it •folks'? Will, you be on tirne for this big, ' trip planned by your Agricultural Society? :Remember the 'concert for. Feb. ruary nth: It's going to be a `good one and already we are ;being ask- ed for tickets. It will be; come. • early and .get thebest seat ,this' year:' Make sure of the date. ii31i Is 'Holidaying..In Florida x . (Z. shfield 'News) : •day. Various church group meetings last week were postponed :on accow nt of stormy weather, Rev. Neil MacCombiewill preachiin Brussels and Blyth next •Sunray, and Rev;, Thos. MacKinn- Mr. 'and Mrs. Dave Compton • J ey of Teeswater will conduct se - and Lisa and Laurie' of Lucan vices in Ashfield Presbyterian ;visited Mrs : Colin Howes on Sault —Church. Kenneth:MacKenzie.is holiday- ing in 'Florida. " Mrs,: Frank MacLennan spent a'. few days in -Toronto with her daughter. Mrs. Donald Ainslie.. • ' rr Almit ._ . .. ...,......., .. • ._r Glasses Faces' Cut in.' two Accident: (Olivet News) Mary MacCharles suffered a. painful accident while playing hockey in Ripley on Friday. A flying puck .broke'•her glasses, cutting her faCee Michael Handl ton had a similar' ac id accident a let eek clden week. • aSo in the R lY'Centra1:Sch0 School • gym. • Let's hopeaccidents don't • go fn three's. g Mrs radICo •1`nwas hostess. . Ge 1 1 1 g: when the'Messe Messengers h eldthew: JanuarY meeting ., •:. ATTENDANCE AWARD Attendance awards were.ves en_ ed on Sunday' da ' un y to ttie. following pupils., of Olivet United Church Sunday School. Wendy Hamilton, Brian :McGuire, Joan Osborne, •.Nancy.and Ronald McGuire, Jim , Joyce and David Black, Joyce Osborne ...Bill Black, Laurie.. Patsy and Mary' MacCharies; and Lynn Clayton,' ister asses MRS. LH; • PRI MO". 11mi...6;Henry Prior of -AB . . Ottawa Crescent, .Guelph died at her' residence Wednesday;, January 11th ; 190. in her lith year.. She was the former Margaret Glazier,: daughter of the late John Glazier. and ;Mary Ann Cook' and was barn in Georgeto'wn.' Mrs, Prior lived in Ashfield .town,•' 'ship ion the. 9th Concession' until ; 'moving to Guelph`S5, years ago.`' She was predeceased•by her hush.' : and Joseph' Henry Prior in1961; , also four- brothers and 'one sister, Sam ,,,George., Tom , Richard and Lena She is: survived by three daughters Mrs.. Gerald: Bard' (Cora), Mrs: Wm Gates ;(ivlay). both 'of Guelph and Mrs. John Chilton (Thelrna) of Brantford;`two brothers9f Guelph arid Peter•'of London; tree '. sisters, Mrs. R, Graln (Mary) 'of Wingham., Mrs: Stanley Dennis. , (Esther) of Clifford , Mrs, Harvey Maize (Ida),of 'Lilcknow'. Also surviving ate'seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren . s' "Funeral service was conducted at tfi the M'aclntyre and Wilkie Fune ... Home oil Saturday January 14th with interment at WYoodlawn . e • deter ,,.