HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-25, Page 2THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO -
- WEDNESDAY JAN. 2Sth'„ 19#t
n On :the Huron -B y •
"The Se Tow race, Boundary ••
Authorizedas second .'cl s :mail, Post • Office Department, Oattawa
Established 1873 --Published Each Wednesday Afternoon
• Member of the C.W.N A and 0.W.N.A.
" Subscription Rate, $4,00 a year in advance to the U.S.A., $5.00'
• Donald C. Thompson, Publisher
' WEDNESDAY, JAN.25th, 1967
• The apathy of some Lucknow
''''residents towards community •
centennial planning for -the village
. is grad'uai1 ..ddsappearing, thanks
to several community minded ',••
organizations •whi:ch have taken •
the bull by .the horns despite any
local "co=ordinating ;committee to
lady plans for; a worthwhile cent-
: "•:etinial year in Lucknow
•The Kairshea. Women's Institute
• startedthe :Centennial Ball rolling
;fast year by die publishing. of the,
poetry of a Lucknow lady , • Dean, '
MacLeod:: The project:lias been a
'decided •success with the first
printing selling, out and the second
printing selling well.
Lucknow. Lions Club recently•'
announced a minor hockey �w ,eek
in•Lucknow_February 20th to 240.
and .Brock Cleland, is rounding
things :into shaPein this,regard...
'Details appeared in last:W'eek's
paper•. Lucknow Lions Club. are
seeking the support••of businessmen
'in Lucknow. ano all interested
sportsminded :citizens in the area
to help put across..the first cent-•
ennial celebration of the 'year;
Each person canvassed will be •
• asjked-to contribute $5. towards the
project • They in•turn will receive.
two complimentary tickets for all:,
games,during the week; Interested
citizens canleave their donation
•`at Murdie's Hardware: or at the
Barber Shop of Harold Ritchie :and
•Gordon 'Fisher. •
The Lucknow Agricultural
• Society'has been planning a "home
:coming weekend" for the Fall;. Fair
dates in September: In :this•regard.,
• they have approached Lucknow
village.council and suggested that
the town •arid;.'the agricultural"soc
iety co-operate to present some=
tiling extra special on the Fall
Fair weekend. At the inaugural
meeting of village council, finan-
• tial assistance was•pled ed the
P g
agricultural society in their
Despite these, and several other
centennial projects by district,'
organizations, ; Lucknow is still
observed Sunday
• Mr. 'and Mrs, Howard. Agnew'.'of
Luckhow observed' their. '40th
• Wedding Anniversary on Sunday';,
January 22nd; Mrs. Agnew• was
the former Margaret McCullough,
daughter of the' late: ,Mr, anal Ivtrs.
W.J. McCullough Of 'Kincardine•.
Howard is the son of t a
he late
and Mrs. Joseph Agnew of Luck.
Howard and Margaret were marr-
ied in Windsdr •on J nary 22nd,
1927. They came to.Lucknow .in
1928:. where Howard was associated
with his. father, who wast�that.
time Clerk of the illa 6.."
tlpon'Mre Agnew's retirement in
February 1952, Howard was .appoin,
hissuccessor. Through the, •• •
years Howard has carried on an
extensive 'insurance business.,
Mr and Mts. Agnew have one
son Joe who resides in Detroit and
Three granddaughters Judy, Pam
and /Canoe.
without a centennial committee •
which:' would'. co-ordinate all event
which are presently, planned , and
which wouldno doubt dream, up
some new and different projects' for
the village and district.
-One month of "Canada's,
centennial year has now passed.
We. still have, eleven more to make'
the rest of the country aware that
Lucknow is a progressive `commun
itywith a little 'eget up and go .
Who must. take they initial action
in a community: organization?
Whose responsibility is it to take
the .first step? %These questions have
been kicked around during the past
week following village council's
claim that they were not respon-
sible for the initial step• of forming
a centennial committee.. Dozens
of residents have expressed their
opinion to The Sentineleditor
during'the week.
We suggest that these. opinions be'.
pelt into letters, to the editor, and
fast.; The minutes of of the Centenn
ial year arc slsowly .ticking away
iam Gibsons
nored Bv Tamil
A social evening was held last
�-fSa'turd'ay''evening'at•thehome o
Mr: and Mrs:' Ernie_: Gibson of..
;A mberley to honour his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam `Gibson. on
their 40th Wedding Anniversary.
Present. for the occasion were
members of ;heir, family ;Mr and
Mrs ••.Ernie;Gibson,.Mr, and Mr's'.
:John Crocker, (Catherine) of
Thomas; Mr, and, Mrs,. Chris ,
Brown (Carolyn) of .Brantford
',Esther Gibson of London Mr and
Mrs, George Gibson of Wingham
Mr: and Mrs. Alvin Hamilton
(Gladys) of Lucknow, Mrs;.. Roy.
Gibson of Kincardine , Mr'.: and'...
`',Mrs.: Donald Hamilton (Dorothy)
'of,Amberley, David Gibson at:
Mr : sand Mrs.. Gibsonwere sadl.
bereaved in.Decem`ber 1963 when,
their spry Roy, died „at the age, of '
Mrs. Gibson' was the forrner
Esther Ritchie; daughter of the'
late Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Ritchie of
Ashfield Sam is' the sor%.of the
late Mr. and'. Mrs. George •Gib
son of Ashfield.' 0
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson were .
married on'January 19th, ,1927.
They now reside, on Highway 2`l
just a few miles south.of Amber=
"Mr. and Mrs. Gibson leave
' February 1st, on a bus trip through
the States to British Columbia .
They plan on being away a
inn onth .
Mr'. and Mrs.. Calvin Kindervater.
of Goderich announce the'',e nggag.e-
ment .o f their daughter Avis •
Cathleen to Mr, Stewart Allan
Curran, son of Mr. and Mrs, John
Curran of Ashfield. The marriae
will take piaci in 1 Tofth Street
United 'Church„ ,Goderibh on Sat-
urday,. February 25th,
THAT', Mt. and Mrs, Fred Peace
attendedthe annual meeting ,bf'•
• the• Lucknow. District 'Co-op ,
last week'. Fred; a former• man
ager.Of Lucknow Co=op, now
manages -the . Seaforth. Co-oper
'THAT The Sentinel editor gets',
called a lot of names,` this being:
one of the hazard's of the news
business Which everyone Claim's..
to be .an authority on. However;
this. past Week a:letter came to
us from a, group in Philadelphia
addressed' to "Honorable Donald
C. Thompson". Our ego swelled
until, we realiied'`they were
anotherof the countless looking,
for some free publicity and des
pite their glowing: terms, their
letterwent in: the ,waste paper
•basket along With the. other 200 •
or so requests we've had for free
space within the,• past' week
served Today
Mrs. Alex (Sandy) Pardon of
Lucknow, observes her'89th :
birthday (to -day) Wednesday,
January 25th.
Mr, and Mrs. Purdon,moved
from Whitechurch to make their
home in Lucknow • twenty one. '
years ago this coming June.
Mr. .Purdon is in his• 88th.year. .
His. birthday is in May: They
•bothenjoy y 'good health.
y; g
Mr: and Mrs. -Purdon.have a
famiry`of;four;daug hies and-
- .y
three sons', Mrs." Cecil (Cassie)
Falconer of Whitechurch "Mrs.
Jack (Florence) Maclnty re and'
Mrs..`Jack (Clara) Cleghorn,
both of Win ha . •'•Mrs.. George •
) Tiffin• of I:
William ofDetroit,Athol
Hector of Sarnia.
'BMW -18j
Ll1V.DSAY In Win gham ;and Dist
rict Hos ital on Wednesday •a
P: ,, .Y.Jn,
uary.' 18., 197, to' Mr. and Mrs.
.Walter:Lindsa , Lucknow, a' son:.
MCKENZIE-:At'ifKirkland Lake,
on January 4, :1967, to Rev.. and
Mrs Donald A : McKenzie, Kirk
land. Lake, a son, David Alexan-
rs. B. Steeksma
Passes In West
The sad news was• received recent
ly by Lucknow friends of the death.
Of Mrs. %Bryan, Steeksma in '
Nana•im o, British . Colum bia, after
a lengthy illness. The Steeksma
farnily lived here for several year's
before moving to British Columbia
in August of 1963:
The fahnily originally came from
Glasgow, °Scotland and settled in :
this area after the war. Surviving
are her, husband, one daughter
Mrs. Ben' (Carole) Gallant of New.'
Westrriinster; B. C, and two sons:.
,Ian and Colinat .home, also•one.
While living in this area,. the
Steekma family resided at the 2nd
of Kinross in the'home now:owned
by Allan Maclnt re;
Bruce .county council' has receiv-
ed. approval from the welfare . .
department to call tenders for 'con,'
struction :of the new county home
at W iarton.
It is -expected the successful ten,
der war be: presented to •council
:'fol final approval at its Mardi
•. session..
County. council <agreed to •sell 10.
.'acres of county home property' at
'Wiartori•to the' Brant: township area,.
school board.as a site for a central',
school.. The. board will: have until
June to'decid a whether• it'is will-
ing' to pay the asking price of,
$1,260 an acre.. :
A• four day bus trip to Expo is
planned for Augustatthe same
time the'Bruce Junior Pipe'Band
islated to participate attired; in •
the a
ruce�tart n.:. .;
Part of Brant Township,•former—
ly attached. to the Hanover district.'
high:school.area , will be added to
the Walkerton high.;.school, district.:,
A special comniittee,•, Deputy
Reeve Clarence Schmalz);of
Walkerton, Reeve George Joynt
of Lucknow and Warden Frank
Field of Teeswater:was appointed
to investigate, the :feasibility of
forming a count . welfare unit with'
.a homemakers' s
memakers service:: Cost to
the county has been .estimated 'at
$10,00.0"a year.
Appointed.' to'th•e criminal board
of audit were Bruce county.
treasurer T. H,.: Alton •and Reeve
William,,E. Macke of Mildmay. *.•
Reeve Archie McKinnon of. Cul- & '.
rocs• was appointed to the trees
onervation'committee for a
!three-year; term . ! .
:We are sorry to report 'that Torii
Stewart is patient in the K}n
Hospital We wish him a
speedy. recovery. ; 0
Mr. and Mrs Bi11 °Haldenby and
family visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs., Haldenby and girls
Sunday' ;visitors with Mrs Tom
Stewar.t.and boys were Susan, '
Gbesel, Mr. and'Mrs. Gerald
Stewart', all of Kincardine and. Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Smith of iviiidma
Beverly rl Wall•. f
y of London. ,
spent the weekend with her parents
here. ...
Mr. and Mrs, Milford' Wall vis:
ited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs..
Thomas Hackett of; Ashfield
, y .
R'IPLEY, PHONE,'66 r16
PHONE 357-163•
Monday nd to ..T Wrsda -11 7 .m.
Come' '...
as late .
t as •8:30 to see
cocomplete show
Frida •
and Saturday,
2 ;Shows — 7:15 and 9:1S. 0
Matinee • 2 ,pm:,
unless' otherwise. noted
WED:, THUR.,-,FRI.,••
JAN., 25, 26, 27
Colour =. Cinemascope
Starring: Elvis Presley; Shelley
Fabares, ,Deborah Walley
In this one Elvis is fast 'With
a guitar; a tune and a `racing
care .
SAT., MON., TUES.,:,
'i6 DAYS)
m .
;JAN. 28, 30, 31, FEB 1
i0fis '
iub a Anti
Starring: Elizabeth Taylor, •
Richard. !Surfer,'
This entry is one that 'adults
will, ;talk about fort some time
to Come It will be heard from
at Academy Ayvard • time. The
second', ahold Sat, night Will
start .at'