HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-25, Page 1• ;LSO* A Year tri Adv n• $1.00 Extra To (11S.A. OPCKNOWf, ONTARIO ' • : WEDNESDAY, JAN 25th, 1967 • , ' , • 1 • w-, ,1 . .,,,,v, -1.1„. r ,te 4 ,10e, ' IIK . • ? t A , ,11.), (1 . - C4/1 , ',.,* : , 1T.,,tis..1 's :•„ •2 714!12,,e.: 1' .- „. ,..,,,r .. i'• - • 4.. `:,":!•7,.0.21;;,•ft AV ..il r.,',4 it , . - -- , . •••fli L • 1 Nf, t • • 7 • .: ii.. ,A• 'is, • • 1 ,it- -* ' , • ., •I }',0 kir 1 4.1; ki .1 .1' • -,,....). , • -1,' tri,.; • '.... •. :;.;!.... r/,,,,,, ,,i -,,‘,.,:,i..• i..i? ft ,',••' 4 .:,' ..3‘. .,k • . si,i%ir ' , • r V i , :1 s ..:-ja re / ... :'7044 li-1 . ',..;, ....e:,„lit:/, -. i .. . • -,t; .. . r 0 ,,,:,.-.1' ,, ' , -,-0, 'of i -4. ..,v. I •.' '''7 t'',..1 . ,•• - 444.4"%, -,tr407--.1,—„. -•-, r --zOo+,,,o, • 11 14144`, . • . • MRS; OLIVER ANDERSON Mrs. O. G. Anderson, a, resid=• • ent•of Belgravehbut..a native of . • • the St. Helens cornmunity'vho is well knownto area residents,' , - was honoured Jan.15th on her 80th , birthday. 'Open house was held „ at the home of, her daughter Mrs. .Bryce Elliott of Lucknow when • • -many friends called -to extend best wishes and renew friendships.. •••'••_ Mrs. Anderson was born on Jan- ..uary 15th, 1887 on the 10th of • . West Wawanosh. She was the. • former Elizabeth Durnin Ruther ford, daughter of Hugh Rutherford and Elizabeth Durnin of that area. • She attended public school at Belfast; high school at Goderich and 'Normal School at PeterbOr- • ongh. She taught ,for nine years at Cedar Valley in Colborne Township, at Linwood and Curries 'School in East Wawarlosh. While, • teaching there she met and mar- • ..ried'OliVer G. Anderson: 42, ,;••• 44. ‘o. r They' farmed on the 9th con-. cession of East Wawanosh until Mr. Anderson died. in 1934, Mrs. : Anderson continued to live on the: farmwith her family until a year ago when she moved -to her own herrie in BelgraVe.• Mrs. Anderson has been actiVe... In various Organizations through-. out the years In 1941, ,shewent , back to teaching at' Belwood for 1-1/2 years. She Was president Of the 'United :Farrn'Women of Ontario. for several years • was the first•Wornen director ;Of the Federation of Agriculture.. ‘Presently.she isan active •member Of. the board of directors of 'Enron ,Ce-op•MedicalServices' and was one of those who organized this • service. She•is a member of ,the Presbyterian Church at Bel-, • ..graye and .was presented .with an. honourary life' membership pin on Friday of last week by, the . • WMS of the church.- •• • Mrs,. 'Anderson hassa family of two sons; Ross C. Anderson of ;R:., R. 5 Wingham and Graeme D. Anderson of Belgrave; two• daughters, Mrs: Bryce (Merle) , -Elliott of Lucknow and Mrs. .. Russ (Bernice) Kelly of Orange- ville '• • •She has a brother, Will,' • iam Rutherford of St . 'Helens. ,•.' ;' -Her husband died in 1934 and • a sister, Mrs. Jack (Chriitena): • ' Bennett Is deceased. • • . enoluet„o014T,.. Articles To Print The Sentinel has received a.hist-; ory:of the Welsh family Of:Huron: • ' Township, Oneof • the earliest • • settlers in that area, which will be ' published this week or as soon as ' .possible.r.. • • the article is.written by Mrs', Lott Culbert.(Utha Welsh of Ripley and was written at the request of the • . 'curator Of Reids Corners Wornen's Institute., Mrs. William 'Courtney of Amberley. -In this, Canada's Centennial year, the early, history of area families, events and places would present ideal projects for ,individuals to undertake. In Sub - Mining 116r ,article to Reids Corn- ers W, I, Mrs. Culbert Woridersif the local paper 'would. '‘be interested in publishing histories • �f other area families•telling of • their contr4butions, to Canadian history the last 100 years, .1 To this we say ;:•certainly , our , columns are open at all times to such interesting. articles and We ,welcomeiall Items of this' type, • 4-0*.#4i4e,tinde-allY-Printied"7- 'citizens tdiubtnit.them to ,., „.„ • 4, •t;4 :1 Leases Hilray Holyrood Abattoir Harry Brydges of Wingham has leased Iiilray Farms Abattoir at Rolyrood which has been•operat- ed by,Raynard and Einest•Ackeit Jr.. for some time. ' • „ • fiargwo a br other of Mrs, Bill Johnstone of„Lucknow, has been an employee -at Ackert's for four . years and is°4 graduate Of the' . , Ontario Meat Training Institute, Toroinci. In Making the announcement, he. Said that he will continue to use Hilray beef.exclusively'which • willte supplied by 'Aekerts. 'Brather, Passes Mrs. N.J. Mackenzie of Luck,' now and Jack MacKenzie Of Ash- field ,aecompanied Mr. and Mrs. George MaeGiegor of Copetown to Cleveland Ohio last week -end where they attended•the funeral of D. R. MacDiarmid on Monday, January 23td., • Mr.. MacDiarrnid is a brother of MrtriViae,,Ken:tier4nd year ,of age, ' • Parents Reqitst ri` .Kiildergartefl. FOr Fall School Term:. A grOup of interested parents ' from Ashfield and West ,Wawanost, Township approached the Huron, County School Area No. 2'Board at their regular meeting Monday, 0 •to discuss•the,possibility of comm- 4ncing Kindergarten classes effect- ive next ,Fall. •• , , The new Brookside public schoOl is being constructed. on the 9th•of Ashfield, just west of the Lucknow Dungannon road, and had not been the intention of the board to introduce _kindergarten. classes . ••• when the new 'school ;opened.. - • Facilities have been provided in the new' building to house • kindergarten, but .the board had planned. to introduce this at a . .later tirne.' Present, indications are that the new school will be taxed to cap - city without kindergarten enrol- ment and introduction of this at the present titne • would mean that . classes might have to he held in • one of the other school buildings. : • presently being used. ° The board discussed the matter and advised the group of parents . • that they Would study the matter. ,•' • , • , • dior 1.•10.• •sai• 4.14% gem. maw ...Er :Shoots Wolf At Edge Of Town GlenrWalden, who farms at the senth.butskiiti..of Lucknow, ,took a shot at a 'wolf on ,tuiday morn- ing. Glen -wounded' the:•anim al before it got awaylleaving•a,trail,. of blood The animal has been spotted by, 'several People recently in this area around the.Walden,farm•. Glen:got .• the shot off from the C9 -op storage. tanks area just south of his farm and the wolf ool5 off iri a soutilerly, direction back �f Greenhill Cern, etery , • r Sa0cly. Nicholson In Wesf.,Contest • A. M. "Sandy". Nicholson, a' Lucknow area native and a resi- dentiof Saskatchewan for many :years, is contesting the City Park - University Constituency in the Saskatchewan proViricial election; Sandy •is a •CCF -NDP candidate • and will be contesting his 10th general election, In a rite to The Sentinel"; he says he holds a record' of six wins and three losses and hopes to improve- his batting average this time. He is 'present, ly a member of the Saskatchewan legislative assemblY. Sandy says they plan to drive 4a -&t- to -Exp- this, year and hope to . visit LuCknOWWhile in the east. / Single Copy 110c 16 Pages To. Hang Pictures. Of . Past Masters • • . . . •• 11 . :Another Lucknow organization tc announce. a Centennial project is• . Lucknow Masonic 'Lodge. • The lodge' ill endeavour. to hang a picture of all pasf.rnasters • Of Old Light Lodge in the .lodge• rooms and work on the project has started:• . • Elwin Hall..p96 MacKenzie and *Donald Thompson were named a Com m it tee tO arrange for the ' pictures. : A -letter is being sent ,outi to all•- living:past •masters and they'ire •being invited to the next regniar. meetingto have their photo rah,- • en. :Relatives oldeceased Past Masters will be contacted in the hope that a picture • might be _ obtained Where no family surviv- es, it is hoped, that friends and relatives will respond. with inform- ation as to where a picture:Might be obtained., ••••• • ' • ., It is not thought that pictures of every past master will be availab- le. but With. the help of'•Sentiner readersit is hoped, that as many as possible can be secured Cepies. of photos will be taken and. the , picture retnrned to the owner in good order. . • . • A small charge will be as • •• past Masters: who.have-their:pict- . ure taken but the ledge -,will • `2 absorb charges on pictures Of,. deceased mastersWho-have no close survivors who would be will- ing to accept this resPoniibility;:.': If you could be of help:, please contact any one of the above :. • committee members. • C-operatuve Announce Patronage Dividend, 2% Deferred and 2% Cash Sales for the 'fiscal. year. ending ". October 31, i1966, amounted to $633..457', This.was reported at the annual' meeting and. banquet of the Lucknow District Co- • *operative held at the Lucknow Legion Hall On Tuesday night of last .week This-amonnted to an • , increase of $71,838 over the ptey•-•• ious year. Net savings before pat- ronage were $17 ,:770, slightly lower than.last.year. . .• In his 'report to mrnbers of the -Co-op, Albert Taylor of West Wa- .Wanoih, the president , said that operating expenses of the Co-oper- ative are 12 .3 of sales which is . a slightly lower percentage than that of a, year ago. Mr: Taylor ': ..• said that fertilizer sales have risen substantially in the past year and shOuldcontinue to rise with im- proved facilities.fOrhandling and sapliseoarn aistg:' P. etr7ie11111'.!ale s have Director Jack Curran announced a 413/0 patronage return to Co-op • members, 2% which will be de-. •• ferred and 2.070 which will be paid in cash for the first time. • Guest Speaker 'for the banquet was Roy Jewell.; CFPL farm comm -i entator of London who'also farms 225 acres in Elgin Ccunty near Dutton Mr Jewell, who his been farm commentator in London for', over 20 years, also writes for the London Free. Press., He chose "changes on the farm through the years"' as his topic which was part icularly timely for a centennial : year addrest. He was introduced by Warren Zinn Thanks was. 'extended to Mr. Jewell by RUSsell Alton. • . • • • , Grant MacDonald,• a 'director lof the Co-op, introduced the head table which was made up of •direc- tors and their wives and official's; They Were Mr.. and Mrs. Glen... • Walden ,;•Mr and Mrs, Russell Alton, Rev: and Mrs . G,W. Kaiser, Mr and Mrs. Roy Jewell Mr . and Mrs. Allan'Milier M. ' and Mrs*. Albert Taylor, Ralph MacMillan,' Mr, ,and 'Mrs. Stuart • Jatnieson, Mr, and Mg. Jadk ' Curran,. Mr. ,and. Mrs, Warren Zinn, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Aoss,, Bill Culbert. ' ' The president of the board of directOrs, Albert Taylor, acted as chairman: Entertainment from , Kineardinewere unable to get tO the meeting becatise• of now co- ditions. •. ••• • Rev. G.W. .Kaiser of the .ASh;-.: field United Church charge was2. called On for 'a few words.• ; 8111 Ross eXtended thanks to the . . • ladies of Blakes church for cater- ing and.this'mas•-reSponded to by • ' • ;.••• • Mrs. ;Livingston Menary.- • .,,. • Bill Culbert reported on the annual meeting' of the, United oPetatives of Ontario'. . • • . Allan Miller read the minutes' of. the last annual meeting.• Ralph .•; MacMillan gave the.auditorsreport • . ,. , Manager -,cif the 'Lucknow Distric1;. Co-operative. StuartJarnieSon *reportedto the Meeting and.descri- bed'purchases of:a spreader",. tractor •‘, • and forklift which had been made.. ..• through the past year. He said that .• another' spreader would be added • this -year because of the :popularity • of the previous Move. Stuart in- • : trodtfeed members of the Belgrave Co-op present , •Charles Caultes • . and Sari) Pletch. He also:: • '; introduced-the.CO-op.:gtaff. Dick,' Kilpatrick, Jim Arnold, Barry • McDonagh, Bill Searle,. Rick Jar- dine, Mrs. ,Dorothy'Aikinion. He 'said sales in all'departments were. 4 up' with the exception of feed... • ' Thethreeretiring directors were • all returned for another three year tern') , Jack Curran,movethby Jim Wilson, Grant MacDonald moved.. by Evan Keith,. Russell Alton.inoV,7 ed by Allan Millet:, . .• ,• • • . • , • fiie:10.Piggery • • :`..% A fire in a piggery on the farm of Vernon Hunter at •the east edge, 1• ' of 'Llicknow on Highway 86 was nipped in the bud on Sunday after- noon preventing what could have 'been a serious loss, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Treleaven of Kitchener were 'driving into the .Hunter farm about 4:30 p.m.,ulfen , jim, Treleaven and Neal Leishman diew attention ; to what appeared to be "steam" coming from the pigg- ery Upon. inVestigatiOn,,the,fire,was .discovered in solve old hav at an. open end of the building. Snow and water was heaped on'the fire until Lucknow' Fire Department arrived At the scene, Firemen • extinguished the blaze. „ Cause of the outbreak is not t ' known,: Vernonhad, fed the pigs' in the .roorning vg;ith no sisn-ef.anY-. trouble:then, • • • , .,• ; •