HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-18, Page 15•4:
WEDNESDAY;..IAN.• 1$th,9677 .
H4�d Programme To Commemortrte
Sir Jo�t� A. MacDonaid's Birthday
Last Wednesday was Sir "JQh.n A,
MacDonOld's birthday. To. eomn7 -
'ei porate this, a short programme,,
headed by .Mr..Ashkanase .and
Madame St Hilaire, 'was present
ed •. The 'speaker's pulpit held the,
Canadian flag and the Centennial
flag. To",open the band.piayed,
"0 Canada" Mr. Ashkanase • acted
as M.C. Jon Lizmare, the first
speaker told. of Sit John A., the
man:and the politician'; 1-le‘out- •
lined briefly the life of this great.
statestnan,and.thepartite' played,
in founding the nation , "Canada .,
Mr. Ashkanase then spoke, on the
English attitude towards. Confeder
atiorr .both •then and now.: ,As a
transition .from ,English to 'French,
"O_ Canada was played on' the
tape recorder in French. Sha•ryn
Mowbray' then spoke on. George
Cartier, the French Father of Con
federation. .French
spoke on the4French,attitude to
wards' confederation; As a rule,
Quebec in general is Canadian in
Mind. •She. then spoke on Separat-
ism. ;She said` the. Separatist `move-
,ment �in Quebec .is: small. After
this the "Anti -Confederation' Song"
was played. This song from "folk
Songs. of Canada" .showed
'Newfoundland's attitude to Confect:
erationbefore she joined `in;1949,.
It was her pride in histoty.as.
-Britain's 1st overseas colony, and
her desire `to be independent that.
made Newfoundland say "Hurrah
for Newfoundland, her face turns
to Britain, her back to the Gulf
Come, near. 0 peril, Canadian
Wolf," and "Fox a few ,thousand
dollars. of Canadian gold' don't let
it be saidthat your birthrite, was
sold; "' Gertrude .Varf-Beers spoke •
. ontExpo and its' -theme "Man and .:
his World, Eighty cotintries:'are
being represented here Murray
Morrison, ;then spoke on :why
Canadians should be proud of Can-
ada.; He briefly outlined what
Centennial is about. Pride; should
be taken in our; forefathers;who
built Canada. He then outlined
some things .happening in Canada
for Centennial such as the Canoe
Trip, 'Etc The programme closed
with everyone joining hands and
singing "0 Canada" .•. .
in ter . Carnival
The Winter Carnival .will' begin
Friday evening February 3 and run
;to Sunday. There ,will be ice'
monuments, sports contests and,
a Queen's 801. Please \keep this
.in ;mind, .It is ;for the community.
'• On Tuesday January: 10, Lucknow
played. Sacred Heart. Results
were both Lucknow Boys' teams
lost.' Jr. Girls' Sacred Heart 20
•' Lucknow 1;4 Sr. Girls' •Lucknow
3$ Sacred Heart12. ' • .
••/VI(iss Year .Book
Marty Adler, will be disc jockey
this. Friday evening at the Year
Book Dance. Miss:Year Book
will be chosen at this time. Each ,.
class -has a representative in the.
contest. Adinission 50¢,
Centennial 'Film
A •Centennial Film will be shown
Monday , January . 23 at 8 p.m. in...
'the High Schoo1.. This• film depicts
life in Canada. Anyone wishing to'
see this film can do so free of,
:On Thursday Curling • results were
Gr. 10 team .A vs team 'B, 7 - 1;
Team 4 vs 7, 6 - 1; Team 2 vs:
6,'6.-2; Team 3 vs'1, 5. 7s4.,
"Send for Aphais" will run March
2 and 3 -This. Operetta is a lot of
work so support your school' and
turn out ..for it.
a. ,o. Kaos
The Radio club held their regul-
ar program last Thursday'.. News',
;Sports and Special events were •
recorded. The special feature was..
.an interview with Madame ;
Trip . To . Expo. •
The ,High 'School's Centennial '.
Project is a trip to Expo. The
:board.. has approved. this plan :but
only if the .Atudents ••are :behind it.
Chocolate Bars
More chocolate bars (2;400) •
•.have been ordered. Please,help` ,
your school. Buy a bar for .50¢.
►olves Shit In
L�chalsh Area
(Lochalsh News) +,
Reports have it that at least four
Wolves have been shot inthis, area:
Mrs. David Elphick. and Donna
were in, London on Saturday and
Visited' with Bert Alton,in 'Victoria,
Mrs. Leespi is spending a few
days with hCedaughte`, Mrs..Jack'
Mrs. Henry MacKenzie and Mrs.,
Donald R. MacKenzie spent Tues-'
y • t• Presbyterial.
as in 'W.ingham a.
Mrs. 'Hugh MacKenzie, Mrs. Dick
West•arta Miss Sadie Johnstone att-
tided, the, same meeting''for•-tha
Mrs Donald Martyn has been i11
for the past week; and' had Mrs.
Donald Blue supply teaching for
her•at Ripley School..,., .
Wednesday afternoon, teachers
and pupils of North A'shfieid t"ublic
Scl oo1 enjoyed a•holiday.for Sir
John A. MaClionald's birthday,.
Thursday sehool:had to be called
off due to stoutly •weather.
Jahn Mc.Charles and• I1od Finlay -
son of Petrblia spent the week -end
at their respective homes in'the
fair Pipes dor
I.omecoining Event
(contribute d)
Plans are in the making' for a
home: coming week, end for Sept*'
ember 15,:16 and 17,.1961. The
annual fait will beheld on. the
15 and 1,6 and it is hoped all organ,'
izations will get behind this pro-
ject and mak 'it a wonderful'.'
Centennial celebration.' If
you have an idea.you'd. like to see
in force then contact one of the
directors or the President of Luck:- : c
now Agricultural Society,'
• • The .annual Variety Concert will
be held Saturday evening February
'the Lith. You can, be sure of it
being the best yet and we know
you wili.find it an evening well
worth planning for.
We are in need 'of costumes . •
dating. back to 1867 and would, ask
your co: ;operation in helping us
out., ,Just call Mrs'. •Bert Alton .or
Mrs. ,Oliver. McCharles and let
them know the type, of costume
you, can loan:
Also plans are that' as many of
the Agricultural Society' as
possibly can should plan for the'
Convention on February 22/ and 23
in Toronto. Costumes will be
needed for this time and as; well,
all who attend will be; expected
to take part in the gala ball and
parade of old-time costumes.
Remember to give a. hand to the
Agricultural Society and help
celebrate Canada's birthday.
District President
Speaks To Her:
Home Institute
Th:.e District President ,'.''Mrs;
George Whitby; was;guest,speaker
at the January meeting of. the Luck
now Women's Institute. As the
theme of'the .meeting.was.Citizen=.
ship and Education, Mrs. ' Whitby
spoke on '',Citizenship",, and in her.
talk 'she stressed that to • be a good'
citizen, one: must find' what the
rules, and: regulations of the, dist
.rict are , ;and live . by them 1
MrsOinar. Brooks conducted the
opening of the, Instithte and- Mrs.
A. Wilson read :the tninutes and
the .treasurer's,report..' Mrs.
MacKenzie: and .Mrs.. N, . IvtcGal'1-
um; `reported on''their visiting' •
committees anal' Mrs .. O. Brooks
thanked those who had helped in
any way towards the .making of
the Christmas puddings. A dessert
,bridge was planned for January
26th with Mrs.. Alex ,MacNay, , Mrs.
A.J. W.ison , Mrs:. J.L. MacMillan
and Nits -J Adams on the comm
ittee. It, was decided that the Irisi-
itute would cater to th,e .Lions:, Char,`
ter night and also be hostess to the
:Distr.ict Directors meeting on
.Mardi 14th. ;
'Mrs. John Emerson presided' for
the program and read a paper on
Citizenship and Education. The
.women enjoyed two instrumentals
by 'Mrs. 'Ross Cummings,• and the .
Motto "Even a woodpecker owes.
his success to .the fact that he
uses his head"„ was taken by Mrs"...
W.F. MacDonald Mrs. George
Saundersgave a comic reading.
"Joan's Graduation" •;
Avery, interesting demonstration
on "Liquid embroidery" was given'
by,Mrs, Donald MacKinnon,., and . •
also many of the' articles that she
'hid made were shown. Mrs.. R,,
' Martin thanked Mrs, Mackinnon
•'and presented her with a gift,
The meeting Closed with th'e
Queen, and lunch was.setved by
th'e ladies in charge,.
Usti your own quit r or .buy one whalesaia.
1$14410 glvas you a good biginnsrs •guitar) •
Blind Secretaries Meet Ifl Toronto
Twenty-two blind Field 'Secretar-
ies from all •ove. r Ontario met in
Torontorecently for their annual"
conference on future' kenefits for
the blind of the province; With
The Canadian National Institute.
for the Blind these men are res-
ponsible .for the. CNIB;'service pro-
ro-gramme y, a .community level.'
Jack Cles, the local CNIB
represent '°`ve reported that the
conference focused attention on •
the position of the blind, in modert
The group examined, the CNIB
aid. to"130 blind university students
in.Canada. They are studying a
variety of subjects including Elect-
rical 'Engineering and comparative;
European. Literature Some students'
with residual vision read'inkpfint
books with special magnifiers pro-
vided by the CNIB, Others use the.
CNIB library; which provides re;
corded. and Braille books transcrib-
ed by volunteers
Mr Clements reported that 33 •
blind O'ntarians were newlyemploy-
ed in industry alone during the
last: fiscal:year, bringingthe total.
to over 215. blind workers: in.m,anu.
facturin plants outside the CNIB.
The field man was proud of 8 blind
people in a new career -computer
programming. This isa field with
' a future for the blind as great as
•theibroadening horizons.of modern
science'. In the field of rehabilit
ation,"theCNIB helped 28 newly
blindpersons this year through, the
specialized 'Adjustment Training
Course where theylearned skills . •
for daily living such as'typing,
Braille andtravel training.
Among the many duties of the.
Majority oaf the field men isthe
administration of one of 10 district
residences which provides a home
'atmosphere and recreation; for 512
elderly -blind people. The confer-,
ence studied expansion of services
for them.
Prevention of blindness ,was .a
topic of active discussion. Last
year:2,771 had, sight.saved or im-
.proved; through eye examinations,
operations, or some other type of
:assistance provided by CNIB here
in Ontario.' "Through prevention
of blindness a,ndipromotioniof eye
safety. the CNIB serves not only the
8,000 blind of the province, .but
the whole population the CNIB:
man .concluded.'
if your hogs are . full fe
:1 b% :hog. grower
n ,
& 14%' hog finisher
Research.is •a must to produce better'
hogs; SH UR - GAIN '16% Hog Grower and..
14 H
% •„g Finisher were re proven at the
SHUA-GAIN-Research Farm producing
an average of 65% grade A's ( 26%
higher than the national average )•
SHI.1117GAINJUllfeed program contains
the proper balance, of protein,• niTher' a ls;i.
and Vitamins. to meet th&4requirernents
of u11 fed: hogs
jL.et SHUR - GAIN Research •work for you
Drop in soon and discuss SHUR:.GAIN s
Swine Feeding Progra'm with us;