HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-18, Page 13WEDNESDAY, JAN 1Sth, 1ti7 • .� ,.O EL, i.UC.K•NOW, .ONTARI'O LUCKNOW •SENT1N.... .:. life Membership Given, To Adopt Child Ashfield Man`s Brother To Workin India (Amberley News) Thirty-one 'members of Pine River U. C'. W..met in the. Sunday School Room;for the joint meeting and annual dinner at.noon on. Tues- day of last week. 'Mrs.. Bob,Court.- 'ney presided and gave the call to:.; A worship with a reading. Mrs.. Mer,,-" vin Funston, the secretary. 'read';: ..the minutes and correspondence. After the business period, Mrs Sam :'Snobelen gave•a reading in which many fine thoughts were ex- pressed in a parable 'taken' from Matthew, Chapter 7: 21-27 A duet by Mrs. Ernest Gibson and Mrs.' Perrin •Lowry was accompan- Attendance r 19b6 Meetings ied by, Mrs, Lynn Lowry . •A reading by Mrs,. 'Glenn. Boyd.rnentioned that we must take.God in every' one's beginnings which gave a thought .for the New Year., 'Ofinterest to all was'ah item '. written from New Delhi, India, in which it .was said that Mr: L' awren= ,,,which Oliver, a sixty --five year old well driller, 'who is a brother of Mr;•, W. L 'Oliver of Ashfield,, was appointed by. the Board of World Missions to go. to India to .work 'in that 'capacity.. 'A second Mari,. James McNairn .of 'Seaforth, has supervised the ,drilling of twelve wells in India and Paul Peterson of Kitchener is involved in this work 'also. The president' Mrs. Bob,C.ourtney read -a verse of the Hymn "Sunset; and evening Star'and quoted' "I shall not pass again this.way" in', memory of a faithful worker,' in . in the.U,C.W, , Mrs... George .,Mrs ,:• .Allan Ritchieheld' ,the. W ightma. n,• January/11th meeting of the Zion : Mks. John McDonald read an item U.C.W. at the home. of Mrs., Wes- from the "Observer" on the ley Ritchie in Lucknow'.with 22 • Adoption which wasdiscussed ladies,' 2•visitors and 7 children "and will be undertaken by the ,. present. The. president, Mrs Prank 1.1.C.W. Mrs. William Cotirtney Ritchie opened with a hymn:w and •' was presented',with a: life member-. , everyone repeated the Lord's " ship certificate and pin from the PrayeryIn unison. Devotional was U, C. W. Mrs Eldon Bradleyread taken by Mrs Allan, Gibson and an address and Mrs. Mervin Funs also the scripture.. ton made the presentation. 'Mrs'. P. Study book was taken' by Mrs,_ Courtney expressed her.thanks in Harvey, Areadin "What appreciation of the gift. ' Makes a New Year Better' was A short: business meeting of both given byMrs., William G"/ Hunter..:` units' was held:.and`the closing g , Piano solos by Mrs. Douglas Ray.- . hymn 178 was sung. nard and .Mrs.. Bruce Raynard were played.. i Unit' 1 LUckno.w UC A donation of'ttvo dollats:was .. given to Mr. Kaiser for the print- ing of.the year programmes. The, annual meeting of the Zion Church',will be held January"l7th at: the church ',with a' pot luck'; dinner. Mrs. Pete Cook reported. on .December shut-ins. Tlie visit- ors for. January are ..Mrs. Robert Helm and Mrs. Bruce Raynard. 'The 'talent •money for 1967 will be a cent for each day of the, year. Mrs. Harvey Ritchie was named. as leader'.for the 4H girls Club for SP The World Da the piing project. Y of'+Prayer is February lOtli,at Mrs. Kaiser's'home. A little phamphlet . based onr that. day was: read by Mrs. Kaiser Mrs..'.Gordon Kirkland is . to;look afterthe purchase of mat erial for relief bale . A hook from a n issionary,'. Muriel' Bamford is to be passed • around to each rne.m ber, 'A Thank ,you card was read •from Mrs. Gordon.Kirkland'for. frult and also the gifts Graydon, Ritchie's and Mrs. Eunice Duns', Muir received fromcommun- ity, The. president, Mrs. Frank , Ritchie read letters of thanks from donations .Of 1966.. ,Mrs., Ritchie also thanked the ladies for givenas treasurer their hetP ' her for the past 5 years . 'Donations of Money were. received for kindness from Mrs;. Sam Reid and Mrs. Mary MacAuley. The Bible study was taken by Mrs Hunter. Tl e•February meet , ing is to. be held at the home, of Mrs. Graydon Ritchie. ' , There were .S had a perfect att- endance for 1966, asfollows; Mrs, Harvey Ritchie,. Mrs. 'Allan Ritchie and Mrs. 'Earl Swan. Those who missed one meeting :are as follows' Mrs. Jim Hunter , Mrs. John Gard'- • ner; Mr's. Marshall Gibson, Mrs. Wesley Ritchie,' M'rs. ;Russel Swan and Mrs. Charles Wilkins.. Mrs: Kaiser closed with prayer. Lunch was served' by the hostess , and Mrs. Lorne Cook and Mrs. Wm G. Hunter.: • o Hear Missionary eek Of: Prayer The community week' of prayer service will be held in the Luck- now United Church on Sunday, January 22 at 7,30 .p.m Guest.. speaker will be Rev,. Mr. M. R`. - Roberts. of the United Church. at Auburn a former missionary to y just Argentina who st recentlcame' g Y from, that country. Theservice is • sponsored by the Lucknow Minist- erial Association. Instal U. Officers The January meeting. of Unit: 1 was .held at the borne of Mrs, Clarence 'Greer onJanuary. 10th. Mrs., K.. .Murdie presided for the opening and business periods, Miss Aa Webster and her comm ittee We in charge of the prograrr which consisted of New Years readings bj?` Miss A,' Webster and; Mrs. A Andrew and a pleasing ' solo• by Mrs.' E. Ditnsrnuir., Mrs,. • MacKenzie introduced the. . new study book - ."The Churchid' the World", and Miss. A .' Webster reviewed the opening chapter of - "Early Life in Canada", which was. .very interesting, After another: solo by Mrs. Duusr' muir, the meeting closed'.with.the benediction followed by a social.' half hour. Rev. Harold Pillen officiated for the install'ation:service of United Church Women of Pine' .River '' United Church orr Sunday`January, fifteenth:. President, Mrs. Robert p. Courtney, 1st. Vice, Mrs. Delbert.: Wilson; 2nd Vice Mrs, Gordon • Fry; Secretary Mrs. Mervin. Funston; Treasurer, Mrs. Donald Courtney; Unit 1 Afternoon, Leader,, Mrs: Sam Snobelen; Secretary Treasurer. Mrs. Ernest' Thompson; Unit 2 Evening, Leader Mrs. Perrin Lowry; Secretary T.reasnrer Mrs, Eldon Lowry; Unit,1 Standing Committee -. '. Conveners; Program Mrs Allan Farrell; 'Mrs Duncan Thor'butn;. ,Literature, Mrs. Sam Gibson, Press and Publicity, Mrs. William, *Courtney; Work Committee, Mrs ,*Duncan ,Thorburn R • Unit 2 Comtnittee7eonveners:°are` Work Committee, Mrs..Murray 'Farrell;. Treasurer, Mrs. Donald, Courtney; Stewardship, and, Recru4t: ing,, •Mrs.• Robert Rutledge Junior,. CongregatidnMrs':. Murray Farrell, Mrs, Elmer.Smeltzer;' Christian Citizenship and Social Action, Mrs.,'Eldon Bradley. Donate Money Within Own. Church • The January meeting of St.. Hel- ens U.C.W.•'was held at'the, manse The.: President', Mrs.' T; J. 'Todd• opened the meeting,'with;, a call to worship, New. Years Poem and Hymn. The Scripture lesson was. read..by Mrs:: Gordon MacPherson: Commentsfor the New Year were. given by Mrs °E. W. Rice'.- Rev . A.E. Willis installed the officers for the year. Roll call, paying of fees, was answered by 13.. The Program was in charge of, Mrs. W.I. Miller whogave: a . paper on "Some ;impressions of{the. East". Mrs. ` H. Carrick took as her topic "-Evangeli"sm and Home. Missions" Mrs.' John Cameron gave •a short .paper on 'congress .and .: Evangelism. Mrs. 'F. McQuillin,•. Mrs., T. J. Todd , Miss W.D. ,Ruche• rford and Mrs . B.F.. Green each the ` gave an inspirational poem, for• New Year'. This part of e' service , ,e . •w as :c osed with . prayer r b Rev. A. E. Willis. _ The -Secretary, Mrs: F McQuilliil read : the minutes and the . treasurer Mrs. G. MacPherson reported $142,6S on hand :It was decided to give .$ 5 :00 to the Sunday School and also'to pay half the .amount of'the "Observer." This paper e is. put into all rnembers' homes by the church The meeting :closed with a Natio- na1. Hymn'and Prayer. Lunch, was - served by Mrs. John Cameron and, • Miss :Isobel. Miller., PAGE ELEVEN inecresi Manor Nursing. ome Professional Nursing Care 21 hours daily Dining Room and Tray Service' Member:— Associated Nursing Homes Inc: Ontario Associate :Member Ontario Hospital , Association MunicipallyJ4censed : Licensed by,' Ontario Department. of Health MARY R. 'NEWBOLD, REG P4; GEORGE A. NEWBOLD, ' ADMINISTRATOR. Drawer' 220 Phone. 528-2186 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . '. • �•�-�-' : : , �-�-�-+ter-�1+�=.� � s� H �- �++-+�-.. �-,. • ►-�-i � , RGHT BIRTH DEFECTS ;oar, MARCH OF DIMES St. Lukes Elect 1967 Officers� (Amberley News) Rectors Warden, • Alton Smeitzer;- . . S dne Lupton was ' y' y chairman Peoples Warden.,. Jack. Scott;:, for the annual meeting of St. Lukes'' Vestry Clerk,Gordon Emmerton;,; Anglican Church Pine River. The Delegate to Synod, Robert"Scott; meeting opened with prayer. by' Sub Delegate, Leroy Godfrey;' Rev. Lupton and minutes weie read Nominated to Board of Manage by the vestry clerk Gordon Emmer- ment;Arthur• Smeltzer, William ton. All reports showed a gratify- Wilken, MrsReg. Godfrey'and•:' ing financial statement for 1966..William Courtney. Caretaker, Election of officers resulted • Robert Scott; Orga•nist,: *Mrs. Jack as follows 1fmmerton. • 1.947.:Off.ktersH:,.FOt.:Mesetitgos.. ,. (Whitechurch' News) WHITECHURCH.MESSENGERS The Whitechurch Messengers held their meeting on Sunday in the Sunday. School .room dining: church service. •.The call to Worship,was given by Mrs. Dave. .Gibb. All sang Tell Me The Stories of Jesus. • Cathy. Soloman readthe scrip - lure. 'Prayer was "given: by Earl Thompson. The offering was re- ce.ived by, Jackie Wh tock and dedicated' by Ronnie Solohian . The Roll was called by Thelma' Purdon and answered. by 22 'attend- ers. ' ttend-ers."The business' period was pre'- • sided: over'by. Mrs:. Gibb who also.. offered prayer. The election -cif officers. were: PresidentMilton. Pardon, Vice President:' Earl Thompson,:.Secretary Cathy Soloman 'Treasurer Janet Sleight t ho m , Press ReporterBrenda `=' Soloman. All'then.went to their Sunday.School class. CALVIN -BRICK MESSENGERS Calvin -Brick Messengers•held their meeting in the church on • Sunday with' Doris Coultes leader and Lynda ,Coultes pianist. The follow,ingofficers were installed: Past President Joyce: Coulees,, President, Doris Coultes, First Vice Jim Beecroft, Second Vice Cath.Y ` ;Chandler, Third Vice Margaret Robertson, Secretary Joyce, Taylor, Treasurer. Marian McGee. Secretary World Friends. Shirley Pattison, :Herald Secretary Mar-. ilyn Robertson, Lorna Mason, and Alice Beecroft. The theme of the meeting was 'our Father in4leaven. ,The_ scripture was read by .Helen,• Chandler and Jane' Shiell, led in ,prayer. The offering was received .by Jim McGee and Douglas Shiell The offering' prayer.was-given by Doris Coultes, The story How is God,. Like Your Father was. given. by Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, after which all went to their Sunday. School class. �Ilhen �i(ou Support.Christmas: Seals You .;• Find the people who are ill with TB and other Respiratory Diseases (RD) - so they can be treated. • See that care and help ' • are provided to those who suffer from TB orRD, so . that they can return to, a , normal. life. „Support education for doctors andnurses,, .as well as the general public, gobout these serious ailments.. • Support research that cap lead to neer; improved methods •bf treatment,' Contribute to the }r! im rove enc of, your community's health.• p Huron.; County Tuberculosis Association 1