HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-18, Page 10PAGE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I 11 IT'SMINOR HOCKEY. e 11.te..0nia ebru� The winter sports committee of •the Lucknow and. F istrict Lions . • 'Club is presently organizing'a. . 1Lucknow Centennial Hockey Week to be held February 20th to February 124th in: the. Lucknow • Two hockey games;will.be played Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day and Friday nights with the first game.„commencing a,,'7 o'clock'. • . . . Every hockey team now .in town will be given an opportunity to: 'play. This will ;mean that every boy in Lucknow and district from the ageoof.6years to 16 yearswho is currently playing minor hockey,, Will -Play at least once that week... ` This will be .an excellent chance for parents, grandparents,; neigh - bouts, or, friends „to get out and , 'see these boys in action;. - The, House .League Hockey which play every Saturday, morning will° have its.,play-off games that week. The teamspdrticipating in the;. , Lucknow .Centennial Hockey Week •will'be Fleas, Squirts Pee-Wees, ' Bantams and. Midgets It is possible that an•"Oldtimers" game . may be arranged for Satur day -evening, •February 25th again st the LucknoW Midget team', Lion Al Hamilton' is,trying to'".. "round' up" a Juvenileleam1;which played in Lucknow in the 1954-55 winter season. This was a 'champ- iotiship team..• 11' you were on that team and -.Al has not contacted, you, he would appreciate hearing from you at The Lions are promoting this ,project, but it is hoped; that financial'helP can be secured. from the Lucknoyr B.usinessmen.. ' The boys.participating in the games.. will be out selling advance tickets • Proceeds will go towards the •betterment of hockey, 'such as buying uniforms, equiprnent, etc. ; Pe.e Wss'. SuieF . . I rst Loss Lucknaw Pee Wee „hockey team suffered their first defeat: at Ripley last )Friday„by.• a .score of O to. Kim Cowan flashed the red light With .3 goals and Mark Chisholm .• The Lucknow team: will:have aachance to redeem their loss when Ripley plays in Lucknow,this Friday at 7 pm . ' Three, other game's played by'', the Lucknow .Pee Wees were; Lticknow at Mildmeyoon January 6 with a score of 5 to 3. Goal '.getters were Jimn'Murray "2, Andy Whitby, Mark Chisholm and, Bill . • .Hall leach. . On January'10 Lucknow trounced Brussels by a'score.: of 13 to 2 at a garieeplayed in Lucknow . Kim "Cowaii.washigh scorer with 4 • goals. Lone markers wenn to'', Mark Chishotm , Jim Murray, Bill Hall, Kevin'Ackert, Steve Hack- ett, •Lawrence Jay',; Bruce' Johnston'' Andy Whitby. In an''exhibition-game playedin; Goderich early in th'e .month, Lucknow came out on top with. a, ;score ,4'0,3, ` Ken Farrish getting •2.goais , •Dave Parrish and Andy Whitby one:each. ,uckno�r Rink Edged0.ut B Nalkerfon At Ripley Curling Bonspiel (BY DON;McLAY) • Rinks. from Walkerton', Kincard two,:.be . ing tied fourall corning ine,,,Dungannon, Engrave, Srat- home DaVe played a perfect Shot ford, Lucknow and Ripley, cotrpet with. the final rock. of the. game to ed•in,the fifth annual bonspielfor:. defeat last'yeat's:winner, Don the Johns"-1:ianville Trophy on'Sat=,. urday 1ast. The ritik"fron Walk John D,, MacKay made,the pre . erton, .entered b')•, Dr. Wheaton sentation of the 'Trophy to the • Thorrpsenand skipped by Harry, Winning rink in the, absence of '1 ; Hosfeid,enoerzed'the winner, Jirr. Lowry, Second piize on both • diaws went to Lucknow entries; George Monctief and"Glen Walden::: Consolation Winners were John a ?.;cFadyen, of Kincardine and. John NiXon; of Belgrave, after a day of. many ,exciting,'` close.contests Gordon Tolton as .vice and C.c rdon Colerr a'n throw -in.second stones, rounded, out the victorious foursome , ' ' 4 . WEDNESDAY, JAN,. 18th, 1967 an. *jvigll'/'ll`'lli'I,�il�ili II'I .' lilill��r Il lll�ll��I�����i��'lll11l1j;11111IIII1jPi j1111111III111� Il�y�ll�il�`l, t•. dltifXDIAN: CLNT[HNIAL 'YM.IDGCT NOC$I£Y CNAYMON5Nir ►4 seri ik�:.y�U:rb�, • KINGSTON• ONT. YAR. 25 •. APN.,1 ro tMe'arena! BY ELWIN HALL This must be .soine kind .of record.. to be: able, to say that LucknoW has only .been beaten once this year, ' -s. S orisore• but it is true: '• The Lions, d P Pee Wee team Went down to defeat at the hands of, the• Ripley club % ,' • last Friday night' with a score ;of 6-4,, ,'Previous to this :game the• Pee Wees had beaten'Teeswater - twice, Brussels' twice. 'Mildmay, twice, Wuigharn and Blyth once.. i, The ;Squirts, who are also spbn I'sored .by'the Lions, have beaten W Ingham .twice, Ripley twice Mildmay twice. and Teeswater once. , The Midgets, who are Lions proteges,” are•'stili undefeated • ;with. wins'over Ripley , ',Blythl, .. ,Brussels, aid 3riildntay`, Ttg Legion sponsored Bantams, ware as.yet .undefeated with wins .` '. over all their opponents ' ° • In' the 1oca14touse league made' upof Pee Wee and Squirts the .. 4 .• Midgets Win Tivo �n Wee tti`al:'ep' of irdn,oiir club wiTT be 'competing Lucknow Midget hockey team :1tit anc had Ted 1,.icCena' in area corr petition for ..the ' chalked up two more wins in th• e ,s t..�c%{nor,� s.=� , vice; Itraz:ii Alton. second Massey -J er uson Ciit1-o°rama, and *Lorneluther, lead, Until being held•thts year in Kincardine the f nal roc-,.. of ene .garre , the „„,...,..There are a few blank spots for i:uckrow ertr appearec to lase ' entries. for, the keenly contested "nom Ls the,, were Kincardine'-R'pley da;,�s. ,on Jan- , • ; e. trot :�y �, o . con. r along wit:, a four -point . uar"y 2Sth anc February' 4th. Last 'singletons by Donnie MacKinnon, lead' and Witt two, Harry Hors- year, ,: you will recall, the two day Brian Jardine , and Bill Bonk > feltfq`:i*:al shot, cleaned out'•both event ended in a, tie on poi �'• .On Monday. night of this week p t '. Lucknow edged out Ripley , L•.irknow co,,,.te"rs andx�ai�e the' and the Geo. E,=iiariison Trophy 4-3 in 'air :e*, `i•, e couevaild the garret retrained in' the local club, as it areal thriller, 'Llicknow .scorers ' + Were; t onnie 1/viacKinno Brian' Baca, d `or, a::e.day and the: win .....,was.: he pre.viou� \ears winner., n, net of the early ;raw Via, the Club Presidents, rseosrs Mahood Jardine, ,Bob Humphrey and Jimmie past week. In Blyth on Tuesday' night of last week, •Lucknaw•sound=. ly defeated the Blyth .t.earn .by a. score of 5-2. Lucknow marksmen Were: •Bob Mullin with :2, and Youthful rink :kipped o). Dace and ion MaeTavish are finalizing Mackinnon, Ripley's ,g:oals were SheW�elxi- of Kincardine. incardin,e. This `' the deta 9 'now for this' popular' totted by Brian Sno,Yielett , John ' o,pr ganwe , al.b idda thrill,or . e " Fludder, 'and Dennis'Martin er standings arc as follows'' Wills' Hall's; Red :.:& Whites .. • 5 Schmid's & Ashton ! 4 Hamilton Fuels Chisholrn's Essos 1 Losses Tien ; :Points l .. 1Z. 1 Anyone wanting:t0 see the future. Y `hockey players of Lucknow in action,just drop down to the ;rink • any. Saturday .between•;9 and 12. For a' special' treat watch. the ;fleas (8-10 yr. olds) from 10-11 o'clock With Toby. Greer and Pee -Wee Baker chasing them, we're sure. uis' ree, fr On.December 3OthLucknow :. 'Squirts. trounced Teeswaterby''a score Of 16 to 0 on;:Lucknow, ice,; David Parrish was:the b.Sgun g'' with. ... 1.0:goals tochis credit. 'Randy; c ., 2 , A kert,got 3, .Ian: Montgomery. `and; Stuart Mann 1. On January: 6th 1 ucknow team wort over.ipley 6 'R a ame'. :t'o 1. in. � Ripley Goals .were scored by David Farrish 4, 'Ian Montgomery and 'Kevin. Murray 1 . each Lucknow. tied a same played. in. Wingham,on January 10, 4-4. David,: Farrish 3, .Ia. n Montgomery ,at1 Wingham.;'played: the return game With Ind. -know on January. 13 with the score 6 to 3 for•Lucknow,.; David F,arrish scoring the 6 goals. •to have hockey, in Lucknow for along time. Don't send your boy:, to the•rink, brie irn ' CURUNG. BONSPI FARMERS FOR MASSEY fERGUSON ENTRY` Wednesday, �a��uary �5 e PHONE 524-6511 0R Drop in at your Mpssey Ferguson ' • dealer. GEORGE WRA1TH HIGHWAY 8, 14;.MIL' ES:'SOUTH'OF. 'GODE,RIICH WE ALSO .HANDLE JOHNSTON TRACTOR C'ABS'.--'VAN DALE SILO UNLOADERS 6 AND BUNK` FEEDERS .• FA1MWAY. BARN CLEANERS ; VERSATILE FAR: 'EQUIPMENT