HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-18, Page 6,J• , 2 • • • PAGE POUk • 111114CMiiittak- THE LUCK$OW SENTINIEL:":LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • ,711;,7.14;:;*7;i:1-44346 "Fs • • " WEPNOISPAYT•'JAN.. .11010,0„. 100 4 . • • 11,~ ems !MAO/ tomb -it -1.-1-APP16,V.-47.7 r••-•-Jc-te 440•440.44,4 • 444444. 4. 4"4 4 - .- FOR 'SALE: . . ., . FOR SALE — drop calves frOni, Western cows; any time in- the. next ' six weeks. Mike Penich,' Phone 529-7278, , • SNOW FENCE. . • See your local Co-op for your snow fenee requirements. •. LUCKNOW CO;OP . . FOR SALE.— oil 'furnace in ;good condition, complete with electrical controls. '200 gal: tank, and duct. *irk. .May.be seen :in the: agricul,., total barn, at Wingham District High School, where further infortn- atiOn'ai to price, etc.„ will be avail- able*: . '• , , ••• . • . , ... . FOR SALE -.7 Incor snow blowers May be 'seen at the ;residence' of F. C. VanEyl, laticknow. r, SPHALT SHINGLE'S Standard,: self seal, and .100c, 15. lb. felt paper; roof 'cOatingsi. caulk- ing, .-roll sidings. -" ' . '' - ' MORRlSON 2ROS, RA. 2 Lucknow i - . Phone528-2906 .. WOOD FOR" SALE. L heavyhard. maple and beech slab wood; deliv- ered to your yard. 7 cords .$28.00 or 5.- cord $20:00. Craig's Sawmill Auburn, phone 52677220: - . . - . . - titsToRY OF HURON: The . Settlement, - �f,.: flnrcin Coinity, a 'history ef.11uron coni-.: posed.by.. Professor: James!Saki: of I Seafoi4h,' is -available at The ILnek- noW Sentinel .for 45 , per copy. • — • , , , . DRY. AIR?. ''• • . . ., . Try an Electrohotiie' Humidifier trom Greer ' TN: and .,Eleetrie; pkene 5ii-3112. • .' ' ' . , T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE •Jtepairs and :Installation:: 'Fr6e timate§; Year :I•Rotind Service;: Doug. Harker, F'hOne 36473313 tol- 'led,: Box 467, Hanover; Ontario. . ' SPECIALTHIS 'WEEK 2 New Dominion .Dryer $13S; Greer TV. and Electric, :Lucknow, phone. 5213-3111,, ' • '. BRIDGE PARTY ENSEMBLE • • ,Two spre pads, thirty=two tally cards, tviii• pens, alf,.matching.' S2., THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 2 VACUUM CLEANER • SALES and SERVICE. / • '? .or all . makes — Fi:ter Qiicen •Sales. - Zurich, phone' • Henson *2-534 collect,' .: : . • '.. ., . • • •,. . -..1 HISTORY,' OF BRUCE , • . ' "The Ili:story Of -The County of 13ruce"..by Nor -man, Hobeilson . is for sale at The • Lucknew. Sentinel' for $5 per copy. , ' • ' ..' FAMILY HERALL: SUbsriptiolis taken at. The Luck. • now. Sentinel, phone 528-31,34. , FPR SALE FOR SALE — one pair. Co-op Hus- kie nylon snow tires, .775-15, .6 ply. Lucknow Co-op. FOR SALE .— registered Polled: Hereford' bulls of serviceable •age and younger. Quiet and halter broken,. T. Edward. Powell, R.R. 1 Wingham. Phone Wroxeter 547W2. FOR SALE -- 3.'Angus heifer/cal- ves.. approximately •600 potind.s each. -E. Lizmore, phon'e Bervie 2312.. CONTRACTS AVAILABLE — for Betze malting barley; seed oats,• •Garry, Rodney and Russell; bean contracts also available.. Warren Zinn R.R. 1 Dungamion, phone 529-7350. FOR SALE ..--, serviceable hogs, 7: months old, ,'at FarrnerS' •:prices, real' healthy. Reid Brothel's, .Dun-. gannonr Phone '529-7418. TV SICK? ' Phone Dr. Bob at the TV clinic Ripley' 112R: , FOR SALE — in village of Ripley, 8 'room brick home, new,. oil fur- nace. Further • particulars from Wm. McCreath, ' CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and, pork sold, in any 'quail- CurStom. hiitchering in Govern-, merit licenieda,ubattikr'.Pigi every Tuesday. ' • Beet .• frOnt, :Monday through Thursday: • BUTTONS MEAT 'MARKET . , NOW.IS THE TIME TO ORDER • SNOW BLOWERS tow ',Stalls and Stabling • Farrowing crates • , ART HELM , WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP R.R. a Lucknow • - ,• Phone 77r16, Ripley FOR SALE 'I— .Registered Hof - stein 2 year old• heifer,. dile. to, freshen in a . week. Can ••be, seen at the farm, of. Pete 'Van Osch,"R„„ R. 3'14cluIow of1"plione 529-7169. • SILOS •ATTEN, TION PARMERS. Construct Upright Concrete '-Silos to 55 feet.' Artold Hugill Box 19 Cambria, Rd. N., Goderich, phone PLAYING CARDS " • Double and single decks. euchre ile6ks at the Sentinel Office. • '1 CO ING EVENTS •• NEW CASH 'BINGO Legion Hall, . Lucknow,., Thurs- • day, 8:45 15 regular dames„ $10.00 each. 4 .Share The Wealth games with ' jackpot included in • each game. Jackpot this Week $95 'on '59 calls.: •• CARD PARTY •• St. Augustine card party 'will be, held ori Friday, January 20th at 9 p.m. Everyone welcome to at tend. • ANillUAL,'MEETING • . . The Armual Meeting of the Luck now Agrictiltural. Society,' will be held in the Town 'Hall, on. Satur- day, .January 28th, at.2 p.m. A good- attendance is' requested, • , , • . • CENTENNIAL FILMS • • he first in a •series of Centen- nial.'Historical films will be held' at Ripley -Huron Central School Tues- day, January 24 at 8:15 p.m.' These Mils are not only'educational but humorons. , Everybody 'welcome. 'No admission will be .charged:. • Ripley -Huron Township School . • • Aroa' BOard • 1.967 ANNUAL MEETING. • A. • • • Wingham and District Hospital • • Association The 1967 Annual, meeting. of the Wingham and District 'Hospital As.: sociation will be 'held on Friday,' March .3rd, 1967.' This date is ap- proximately one month later than in former ;years. The change to facilitate completion of year end hospital business, was authorized by the Board of Directors at , its regular meeting on' 'January. 1.3th. Further. and due notice of the 1967' annual meeting on March 3rd will be published'in this, newspaper ac- cording to the 'hospital by-laws. • Cousins • John Strong, Chain, SecretarY TENDER WANTED TENDERS, WANTED Tenders .for. the 'purchase of the agricultural ,barn at Winghani Dis- trict High. School *will be received. by the undersig,ned 'up to 6 p.m„ Thursday, 'February ,9th, 1967. •-Barn' is .30 by:50 feet, of...cement' block construction, 112. ' storeys; With asphalt tile hip roof and two overhead garage doors,' • . . Building rnay.be moVed as is, or taken 'down,' but " in either case • Must. be removed from the • salad. property . on ..or before April '1'st, 1967., CORN FOR SALE cob.and. . Interested parties may see' this kiln dried corn from. the Ridge- building by ,contacting Mr. 'Elmer town •• Chatham' area. in 5 -ton 'and, Walker at the Wingham District truckload' lots: Jim NacEwan., High School. Kinloss, phorn .2410 Bervie. Highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted.. .• . • • / A, J. Worrall, BOx 400,, Teeswater, Chdirman Property Com, • • , , ckgisTmAs CARDS • •,SP'tIC TANKS. CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping et septic tanks, Ronald. Forster: Lucknow phcne 528-2346 a facttirer of' cement .septic tanks • and well lib. • .• • 1 3 off Christmas Cards, Arian - I ping•paper, ribbon.at The 1r ucknow Sentinel ,Office. • • • , • , ?nno- EAN'ES711(iGHING and 'metal, fla.shing, material and labour, for It.Llza Walker, who passed away. • free estimate call Morrkon Bros. Jantjanfi:19th, 196,5, • . at NIurdiers .11arthyare, Lucknow A little tribute true and tender phone .528-2906, . ; ' 1 '. ' Just to show that we remember . .. . - . .Sbe lives with us in .mernory still Not just,'to-day. but always will. • • , • '11113E1E5TPRICFS f '1 - - '' . ... ami % . . Lovingl ,,terneMbered•bY. the . IN MEMORIAM WALKER .imemory of Mrs. • • . I#4.10.04`.#4,41.00•414:11•0404.004.04`.••••04U,III' PAID FOR ' • FRESH DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS . • • ' Under' 500 tbs• , Picked Up,'Pret ' CALL MERVY.N. yuLg COLLECT CARGILL 3664713 • Licence NO, 42Rp66' , ee s .• BEAUTY:.SALON 'In the johnstOne` Block on Main Street, Lucknow' Meana Farrish„ proprietor) PHONE '5284438 ,or 529436' ,.. • .... • Alexander Calder, a leading • w orld sculpter, has been Comm- issioned to create:uge gainless stabile for Expo 61, Called 'Wan.' it Will:be 67 feet high , 94 feet long and.will weigli. 46 tons. " • , NOTICE _ To ,Ashfielel Township • Vehicles, must riot be parked on Township Roads during the winter months to assist in snow removal. Ashfield' Township will not be responsible for damage to cars, trucks, mail -boxes, etc, cARDIOFANKS We wish.to thank our' friends for • their kindness, their gifts and their sympathy. during Margaret's illness and our bereavement. They helped in a •war we will always remember. - ' • , Millan, Genevieve, Muriel 'Mid Elwin. Moore.. I, would like to thank everyone who sent cards, letters, flowers and treati, and those who came to • visit me while I was in Goderich •' . • Hospital. Special, thanks to Dr. ' Mills and' nursing ,staff, also Rev. r;:r47 Wright for his, visit • •Thos. Rivett Mrs. O. G. Anderson would like • to express her appreciation for the • thoughtfulness and kindness of all' , who called or sent cards, on the occasion of her 80th ,birtliday. • 1 Oscar Hodgins wishes to expreSs thanks fpr cards; treats and visits / while he was. hi Wingham Hospit- al. Special thanks for, the box of, • groceries sent from the High School, to Doctors Corrin and Mc- Kim and nursing staff. All was much appreciated. •NOTICE • • EiR,UCE 'COUNTY HOG, • . PRODUCERS •8100.00 prizes . for improvement of percentage of Grade "A" hogs i.n.196. over 1965. Send grading slips 'for, two years to Ontario De- , nartment of Agriculture and Food,'" Walkerton, by January 27th. MONUMENTS . - For Smind counsel and afeir price on a monument peOrreatly''detigned from 'quality 'material, rely on, , . SKELTON', MEMORIALS • WALKERTON • • I PHOANY234 '''` ONTARIO 'EntablinhOd over Siiti Years • . • /„ ' • • , l'i t O'Hagan, Prop. ;, .NEJ ,, On behalf, of the patients in our . Nursuig Homewe would lilie to • convey our sincere thanks to C.P. T. Fund, Ripley and Reids Corn- ers Institutes, Knox and St. And- , rews Church, South Kinloss •Noung-,-- People, Teeswater Lions Club and for, all the individual .gifts and.;: visits • race and Elliott Carruthers ,•• ' • • ' and Staff - POLITICIAN: A man who, when he comes to the parting of the ways, 'takes both C4f them. • ' • . kESTATEy FOR SALE • 300 ACRES ASHFIELD with 295. workable level acres. This is the ideal acreage that is 'so hard to find in one parcel. Moat of this land i tiled" every 4 • rods. Buildings' are above 'aver- • age.'2 storey brick house pack- ed with modern conveniences &Om basement to attic. Large L shaped' barn .set up for beef' • with good Steel' roof. Almost iiew silo. and large steel covered implement shed. 60 acres of fall wheat. Look this farm over; 'it is a real money-maker, FULL TWO STOREY red brick home at edge of village on 86 Highway, has modern kitchen; large dining, tooth and living room, .3 good size bedrooms, 'piece bath,. full basement with oir furnace, garage, one storey barn, orchard, and 50 'acres of • land on. 'pavement, only $9,500. , - SOLD Francis Wise cottage too Jacob Stuinper, New Hamburg and •Mary Strauss ,Cottage to Joe Pritchard of Ohio. . • CONTACT' • • IVAN STRUTHERS , „ PHONE 'KINCARDINE 375 , •• STAN KAY • . .• PHONE' 528.3531 '1VIlfred, .Limited: ...•• •.,...WALKERTON. Member ofthe'..Gre and Bruce • .; • Multiple ••ListingsSerViee • - 'List • OVer'601eaktlelt • Working. For You • • • • • • • • 11 V •WANTED .-=. a small' rotary egg washer. Contact Jerry Stanston,, phone .529-7407.. ' . WANTED -7, used large size; woody en baby crib., •Contact Mrs. .R. DaitiSma,,phone.5211-2171. WORK IN YOUR OWN- TOWN..-!. till or part time,, unusualiopport- • unity for man Or womaninterested • in a. good steady incOnie,„retire- rnent p7Asible, Phone 528-3315 after . . ROOM AND B04,1RD, ,' , RETIRED PENSIONER: non. Adair, non sMoker,.. quiet, • re - guilts , room .and ;board . in. Luck- noW orturrOuntling rural area, ro- • quires' -parking facilities ' for car, sniall. weekly laundry ' by house- • keeper. .Apply 'in'. writing • only to The Lucknow Sentinel; Box No. D, stating facilities offered, services provided; rate for rooiil: and board.. NO: infOrIntiti00 will' . be given, by The :Lucknow • Sentinel, ', reply, by letter only. . . ,. , ." LOCAL MAN .. : . REQUIRED -. • • I need a representative for my firm. in Jilts area.' This Opening May be worth up to $8,000.00.yetir- ly forthe 'right':person. Full .er Part -time., -Age .21 to. 70. Can, you 'make short' auto trips?' ' We . hope you will start soon and stay with us ,a long time: . •. ... ' _ ,'• ' CONTAT NOW! . ' CHARLIE LEE • ' . , • Winghani,:Phone157-1383,•' , - • . , , NOTICES .. . . .... ATTENTION BOYS! Will•%you, be 15 before' February. 20? I Last Hunter ..Safety Cowie b�-. fore new. regulations take ' effect, 'will- be held January 30 .at• 8' pm.. •• Contact Bill' Hunter 52fW424 Or Harvey Carriek“58-5705; ABSOLUTELY' LAST CLASS • UNDER PRESENT' RATE OF $2'.50. ••• , . ATTENTION . 'Plan to : attend the Rural.learn- ing ASsOciation meeting in the 'Rip- ley Legion ',Hall on Menday, Jan- • uary 30th ' at .8 p.m. The Guest: 'Speaker will be Norman:A. SheP- herd of •Crawford; Shepherd, and ,Mill, Barristers,. Wingham. Topic Estate. Planning, Wills. and Income -Tax. Everyone welcome. to 'attend., Lunch will be 'served 'and. social time'after.. ' ,: - . .. • , • I - ' • , NOTICE _ To ,Ashfielel Township • Vehicles, must riot be parked on Township Roads during the winter months to assist in snow removal. Ashfield' Township will not be responsible for damage to cars, trucks, mail -boxes, etc, cARDIOFANKS We wish.to thank our' friends for • their kindness, their gifts and their sympathy. during Margaret's illness and our bereavement. They helped in a •war we will always remember. - ' • , Millan, Genevieve, Muriel 'Mid Elwin. Moore.. I, would like to thank everyone who sent cards, letters, flowers and treati, and those who came to • visit me while I was in Goderich •' . • Hospital. Special, thanks to Dr. ' Mills and' nursing ,staff, also Rev. r;:r47 Wright for his, visit • •Thos. Rivett Mrs. O. G. Anderson would like • to express her appreciation for the • thoughtfulness and kindness of all' , who called or sent cards, on the occasion of her 80th ,birtliday. • 1 Oscar Hodgins wishes to expreSs thanks fpr cards; treats and visits / while he was. hi Wingham Hospit- al. Special thanks for, the box of, • groceries sent from the High School, to Doctors Corrin and Mc- Kim and nursing staff. All was much appreciated. •NOTICE • • EiR,UCE 'COUNTY HOG, • . PRODUCERS •8100.00 prizes . for improvement of percentage of Grade "A" hogs i.n.196. over 1965. Send grading slips 'for, two years to Ontario De- , nartment of Agriculture and Food,'" Walkerton, by January 27th. MONUMENTS . - For Smind counsel and afeir price on a monument peOrreatly''detigned from 'quality 'material, rely on, , . SKELTON', MEMORIALS • WALKERTON • • I PHOANY234 '''` ONTARIO 'EntablinhOd over Siiti Years • . • /„ ' • • , l'i t O'Hagan, Prop. ;, .NEJ ,, On behalf, of the patients in our . Nursuig Homewe would lilie to • convey our sincere thanks to C.P. T. Fund, Ripley and Reids Corn- ers Institutes, Knox and St. And- , rews Church, South Kinloss •Noung-,-- People, Teeswater Lions Club and for, all the individual .gifts and.;: visits • race and Elliott Carruthers ,•• ' • • ' and Staff - POLITICIAN: A man who, when he comes to the parting of the ways, 'takes both C4f them. • ' • . kESTATEy FOR SALE • 300 ACRES ASHFIELD with 295. workable level acres. This is the ideal acreage that is 'so hard to find in one parcel. Moat of this land i tiled" every 4 • rods. Buildings' are above 'aver- • age.'2 storey brick house pack- ed with modern conveniences &Om basement to attic. Large L shaped' barn .set up for beef' • with good Steel' roof. Almost iiew silo. and large steel covered implement shed. 60 acres of fall wheat. Look this farm over; 'it is a real money-maker, FULL TWO STOREY red brick home at edge of village on 86 Highway, has modern kitchen; large dining, tooth and living room, .3 good size bedrooms, 'piece bath,. full basement with oir furnace, garage, one storey barn, orchard, and 50 'acres of • land on. 'pavement, only $9,500. , - SOLD Francis Wise cottage too Jacob Stuinper, New Hamburg and •Mary Strauss ,Cottage to Joe Pritchard of Ohio. . • CONTACT' • • IVAN STRUTHERS , „ PHONE 'KINCARDINE 375 , •• STAN KAY • . .• PHONE' 528.3531 '1VIlfred, .Limited: ...•• •.,...WALKERTON. Member ofthe'..Gre and Bruce • .; • Multiple ••ListingsSerViee • - 'List • OVer'601eaktlelt • Working. For You • • • • • • • • 11 V