HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-11, Page 15,rr • (1. WEDNESDAY: JAN. lith, 1,117'• ` Q THE .LUCKN.OW, SENTINEL,;'LUCKNOW; ONTARIO: dvocate Marriage OfO.F.Q. andO.F.A. Maximum Results Are l'o Be Obtained MRS. JIM MARTIN) . "The effectiveness' of the Tractor Blockades cannot :be denied and, th„ milk producers of Ontario have those men who had theguts to ride ;, the tractors to thank for 25 cents or more •per 100` lbs of milk." These. are'the "words of, Malcolm • Davidson,' a non-union.member and farmer front • Brucefield _who has. recently been, appointed on a'. special ;committee on farm income as `a result of the Vineland Confer • Once. . :Mr.. . Davidson was -guest speaker, at the Ashfield Farmer's •Union Meeting, Local '342, held January, 4th. at $t.' Joseph's:Hall, •Kings bridge. "In.• sortie cases`I believe that:farmers and farm leaders may have to risk. or accept �itiiprison-•: ment or fines if they consider that the law is unjust and that this.is a • legitimate method of protest:." He 'said that, "The `O. F. U.. has, indee filled the .gap the: O. F. A. has left, however, the alternative is 'a • single farm organization. In, fact :. there really is no chgi'ce . We ,do, not have; the money, or enough' farm -leaders and technicals spec- ialists for two, far 'm'organizations.. What we must do in the next few months is to find sufficient comr- on 'ground that a marriage can take place: We"'must recognize that it would be impossible to have an organization which couldexpect • to have unanimous agreement on all subjects by all members.: But it can;have a .fairly" general agree- ment on most important areas by a large majority of the 'people irt• This will require strong lea"der ship by Imaginative, intelligent, deterMined and dedicated'nien.One objective should dominate, all others.. Thisis to' ensure' that : farm ers should receive a return for. '• skill, effort, capital and risk com parable to returns for similar' skill, effort, capital and risk in the oth `er' areas of Our economy ." . During the: business part of the. meeting the new slate of officers IMPORTANT NEW. DEVELOPMENT. FROM. CO-OPERATIVE .RESEARCH`:. ew C0 -0P Cattle Min+�ral fights phosphorus.: deficiency in milking cows Beef Cattle A. shortage of 'phosp'horus' reduces milk production.. Too much Calcium in relation to the Phosphorus has the same effect. That is tvhy:.. Co-operative Research has developed new CO-OP ' Cattle. Mineral A. This 'foriiiula,'contains Calcium and Phosphorus, in cgpitri,/)roportions . ; the. same' •' ratio. found in/ milk //sty,/ . `. . to assure you of maximum ' milk' prods ciion. CO-OP Cattle, Mineral' `;. A also contains salt; :iron, iodine and important trace elements, :plus vitamins 'A.and D: Discuss the dvanta e. s. ofCO-OP � attle.. Mine ral. A with your Ctred secialist noW,COOPCATTLE MINERAL (Regular) Contains adequate amounts . of ` Calciuria and',, Phosphorus to satisfy the needs of' cattle where Milk production is not in 'question dry cows and heifers. 11` Beef Cattle are raised in phosphorus .deficient ' ureas., beef producers' s` would -also be Iidvised to feed CO-OP Cattle Mineral A. Be sure of your ►icuri ti.onal balance by. rising-thi high quality pruduct. COOP +12r 7s��rrd Trade' )tar Lucknow District Co-op assumed their _duties for the first time and: the President elect, Jim; Martin, chaired the .meeting-. Thirtyafour people were present. Apppinted to the Educational Committee were, Donald Frayne and Warren Wylds, ,The.lurich convenors are'Mrs.Jim Boak, and, Mrs,. John 'Austin. On Press•.and: Advertising are Mrs. John.Plaster,' Mrs:` Mike Penich and Mrs..Jim , Martin.. The motion was carried and voted on hold to meetings the first Thursday of each -month at 9 O'clock and the locat; ions will be: posted.: J ACCIDENT INCREASE ._ OPP To Increase Traffic Patrol During °the year '1966 the :Kincar- dine Detachment of the Ontario'. Provincial Police was increased to six men, consisting of a corpor- al and five Provincial constables. In' the 'near future :a secretary will, be added,'this will enable the officers, to ,spent more time•.on" traffic patrol The following is a comparison of the accidents : investigated in .1965 and 1966.by the Kincardine detachment which polices four townships,; Bruce, Kincardine.. Huron" and Kinloss. 1965 . 1966; Total Accidents 89 142 Fatal Accidents • 2 5 Persons ,Killed.. 2. 8 Persons Injured 10 42. Property .Damage$48 , 700 . $69,800 , 'During the year 1966 the follow- ing investigations were carried out Criminal Code Investigations, 188; Provincial Statutes, .41. The following charges were laid in 1966, Highway Traffic Act, 83; Liquor' Control Act, 38; Criminal 'Code of Canada, 44; total, 165. , Due to the increase of traffic accidents and deaths in the year 1966, more traffic patrol will be ,;implerne'nted, and more: traffic. checks; made in.the year 1967.. ,• Purple'Gr�ve.W.I. Hold fun.:. Meeting Mrs, George Harkness was hostess to:the members of Purple. Grove. 1„ Women's Institute when they met for their January Meeting. She welcomed all the members and' wished thein all the best for the New 'rear. Mrs: Howard .Thome son read the Scripture. This was Fun'Meeting' and the fun started- when the members. found theroads slippery and car wheels determined• to d& nothing but spin. As each n1e"mtier arrived; she hada picture pinned on her back and also a' short reading; Many soon asked so many quest- ions, they discovered the, person= ality •theywere representing, but others had quite' shpck wheti they were finally allowed' to see,their :sheet.: The small readingsgave' .each one.. an opportunity to cont- ribute to ont:ribute'to the 'program. Mrs. How- ard ow-and Thompson also'led 'in a'guess- ing game where each lady acted tt the items given on her .assigned eet. Mrs. Francis Boyle 'acted as. pian- fist for the singing .of patriotic songs to lead off our Centennial. Year Mrs; . Herb Farrell gave' a reading on the New Year and Mrs, Howard :Thompson -Other, appropriate read- • - ings.• A .display of hobbies was in- teresting. Many laugh's were heard as members told of funny sayings Of children as they answered the " roll `call,' Mrs r W.J.:Arnold read a story from `Harry J. Boyle's book "With a Pinch of Sin" and.a• hum; orous newspaper clipping. Two parties ,were planned for Jan „PAGE FIFTEEN Omens ' Lined Snow B9OIS Medium . or. Flat :Heel Style For Over The. Foot. War. • .l.cicl.jo*";;;.14,1:',. Dress $Dots Waterproof and Stain ;Resistant, Black and `, Brown, Warmly Lined REG. T0,614.95 41111wAIIIwoolio. Am. ons: demi. • ladies` and Misses' ..Saes In Black Or Brown • Flat''' Heels: -*-. Waterproof.: Materials,. ' In A „Variety Of Heights;, Reg.: To .$8.95 ladies' Sizes ..- Sale ::Prig Misses' Sizes -a-Sale Price — =, — ThER SIZES AND. DISCONTINUED LINES, GREATLY REDUCED TO CLEAR. de Store' Lucknovi PHONE 62.3117 "FINE .FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY" nary to be held in the Community Centre. the 13th and '27th.. Mrs.'; W,:J.. Arnold and Mrs. Victor Gaw- ley will be in charge' ofthefirst one.. Mrs. ,Harvie Thompson,read a 'Letter from the Peh 'Friend Institute in England..Mrs. Herb Farrell'gave some current. events and Mrs..:Arn- old mentioned how. the -History teachers are finding Tweedsmuir :Books of.great value intheir,work. •The next meeting.Will be held at the home of Mrs. Francis Boyle and will be a Backwards meeting. .;` Mrs; Herb Farrell thanked the hostess and Mrs. Howard Thompson for, arranging'such an,enjoyable program. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Jack Farrell and Mrs, Earl, Elliott., aro Ripley :. e 'ourtney Phone 206 • FOR• SPECIAL :PRICES ON GRASS SEED; AND .GRA'IN. REGISTERED OATS,—, different varieties $i.90, bus. 9 MIX Wheat 15, Burley 20, Oats 65 from registered seed treated for smutt. R J .Wire=worm treatment extra. a pound or $4.25: for.. 85 pounds. GRASS SEED SHOULD BE A GOOD -SUPPLY:' • • GRAIN COULp BE SCARCE, GRASS SEEDPRICES DOWN FROM LAST YEAR.