HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-11, Page 12PAGE TWEI»
Madame Saint -Hilaire was born
in Quebec City,- Her early educat
ion'was obtained at the Monastery
of Ursulines.' She, then, 'attended
Laval'University, majoring in.
journalism, radio, and' languages.;
„Froin 1949 1960 she'was a jour•
= '
nalist and radio commentator.. In
1950 she was the Professeur of
French phoenetics and diction at' .'
Laval.' She operated a private
. schoolin diction and dramatic art.
The, Quebec Government .employed
her"as;'the Interprovincialrovincial Liason
Officer from •19
60 -644 n Septem-
Tber 1964 she obtane"d a "ledi+e of
absence from this .arid accepted a
position as Supervisor of all French
for Public Schools in Port Arthur.
To} further :her education? Madame
went. ba4 -to Laval in 1965 to take
special courses: in oral audio -vis.
ual teaching, methods in. French.
She6took 'a contract in September
with. the.. Royal Commission -of.Bi-
culturalism and Bilingualism to
study and analyze+Canada's second
language., : The Centennial Comm
.ission hired Mme Saint -Hilaire in
April to conduct . a survey • .On this ,'
•she travelled through the Eastern
Provinces in July,;•and.has been on
-the same in the West.
During her. period as Liason OM, -
ger, Madame visited many: schools
roughout Canada. While in Port.
Arthur; she started a radio program ,
of dialogue between' English and
French students. This program,
"Canadians,All 'ran thirteen weeks
and won Canada's top French lang-
uage award.. She hopes to start the
same type of 'program here:
• When .asked. why. she came .to
Lucknow she said last fall she won
dered. if she should go into Public •
commission—again; however, she
wished to come back into an Engl.;
-ish speaking'prov..ince•to:.continue,,
to6do .something."for her province
and, her country . ,;She likes her
province very:much and'•says by
trying to show her people how the
rest of Canada lives, and the. Eng
dish the ways of the French, that ..°"
a better relationship can be' attain...
ed. She 'founded a society, "The
Canadian Alliance which has
groups in Quebec and Ontario; to'
spread friendship between the two
During October she returned to
Laval to. do. research for a book she
was writing. 'Then, •she.decide'd, she
wanted to return to teaching She
contacted the Department of Educ-
ation in Torontowhere she was
given addresses of positions. She •
chose Lucknow for: many reasons,.. It
Was relatively 'close . to Stratford.... '
Kitchener and Hamilton where• she
hias.friends•. She had worked.'on all'
lakes except Lake Huron;. Mme said
after.talking. to Mr.. Mason. she kne1
this Was the place for' her. She find
the students"receptive, enthusiastic.
and good•:students". •
Mme Saint -Hilaire has two sons.
Andre 26, Parliamentar trans1 t -
y a
er for the Minister 'of Health 'and
Pierre 23, a Journalist and Conlin
entator with CBOF, Ottawa.'•
Her interests include 'reading•
us: a a_ a a
:,.m r,ic.._.dr m ,,._.the ue:,,_CanaLdr n,..,.
affairs, French radio and, .sports
Mme is:.a vivacious, enthusiastic
.teacher who already has made ':
,friends With every. student., ..She is
so very interesting, withso' much .
.to tell..
season officially began,,, The girls' assembly Tuesday, January
(by Janet Carruthers)
In The
A new term has begun : at: L. D.
H. S. It promises to be even bus-
' ier than the last.
To start off the New Year 'a
standing assemblywas: held Tues-
day, ; January 4. Afterthe
and 'Scripture reading, Mr'. Mason
introduced, the new French teacher'
Madame M. Fohy Saint -Hilaire.
Thee` old daily routineJfollowed
Students were back i the "groove'
Wednesday the basketball
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teams 'under Mt. Dennis,` trave11- for.: a sales talk. They put on:a
ed to Walkerton to play SacredYo.
' short skit; ,"Or Veritas,
Heart girls, The .boys'. teams, •
.here in
played s'
la ed Sacred' Heart' boy
Lucknow. Results were'as follows:
Jr, .Girls - Sacred .Heart 20 , :Luck:
now 12; Sr'.. Girls -•Lucknow 22,
S.H.; 17 , Jr, .Boys: •- S.1-1,
Lucknow 28'',, Sr, Boys‘,-; S.
Lucknow 16, "•'
Congratulations to'itt a Sr. Girls
on -their victory. The 'other ,teams
will•have better luck in the future
The -next game' is-alsoagainst •
S.H.` with the girl$ playing here.
Thursday afternoon, curlers aga-
in took up their.btooms:' Team 2'
defeated_ team. 7, 4 to 3; Team 6, "
defeated team 1, 9 to 1; Team 3
defeated team 5, 6'to 2.
Olde. Timers.Out
An"Olde Tymers" ' Basketball
Game was held Friday night,
January.,6, at 8:30 .p:: m : At ;this
time •former basketball players,
.novi in industry or .university,
returned to':take on the Senior
boys. However the' Sr.' boys de- ,
feated them 41 - 38.in:a very
close game" 'A record hop follow-
ed. Disc jockeys for ,the dance °
were Jon Lizmore and Eric Thack
er.;.The `students wish to thank
the chaperones, 'Mme 'St.- Hilaire
Mrs, MacKenzie, Mr :.and Mrs.,
Gibson.aand Mr. and Mrs. Dennis..
Caminito Events
,Friday, January 27, is tobe
Grade 12. day. At this time each ''
student takes- over the planning
nd teaching of lessons.. v Th�;
take. on the responsibility onsibili of runn-
ing the schoolsmoothly for one
day. Committees for this day
have been: chosen. They are as
Chairman: 12A Sharon Courtney,
12B MarY��belleHunter•''`
Secretary: 12A Cathy MacLeod,
12B Janic Fowler;
--Office-Committee: 12A Doug •T
Eadie 12B Jim' Boak;
Teaching Committee:. Lynda
Cameron, Laurine Mor•rison,. Har-
old Menar , Dou Alton;
y g
AssemblyCommittee: Jamie Ross
Wendy MacKenzie, Peggy Mac-
ac-Donald, Betty Anne Simpson;
:.RosemaryHogan ,.Joan MacKen-
zie, Don
acKen-zie,'.Don Alton, 'Ian MacKenzie,
Carolyn"Adams, Sylvia MacLeod;
Dance 'Committee: Pat Anderson.,
Sharen Moffat, Janibe Brooks,
Don' Johnston,.Herb'Barger
` Publicity. Committee; Joan' Percy,
Cathy MacLeod,' Joanne Hayes,
Wayne Todd;
Carruthers,. Marie *Mewhinne.;
Stephen Andrew, Karla Riegling,,'
:Fay Hogan', Pain. , Linda; •
Little, Karen Gaunt, 'Rosalene
TIeasurer: Don Bannerman.,
A .;Centennial film• will be ' shown'
Monday, January 23, at 8:0.0 in
the, HighSchooi Auditorium. Any-
one in the'comm'unity interested in
seeing this° can. do'so''free:'of
Thursday, February 2,,'a Career
Day will beheld. Students Will
.have the opportunity to talk, to
various people.from'industries and
universities. • •
An Operetta entitled',,"Send, for.
Aphais will be held Mrch.'2 and'
3 i- the High School Auditorium .
Rehearsals have 'now begun. The
students are looking forward to
putting:it;on,. Please keep the. , • `.
date; in mind.
• A'"Winter Carnival" is now
being -planned for later 'in • the
term, Details will be disclosed
at a further date."'
Year Book
The Ye rbook staged a Short;.
Exams_ ,
Easter exams -w 11 be, tried"Mar..0h.
16 23, Start now for better :marks:
The W.l• meeting was held at.
the°homeof Mrs. -George Harkness
on Wednesday, January 4th .
Margie Collins celebrated' her
tenth birthday on Thursday.. She.
had a. pyjama party and those pre-
sent were schoolmates/ Shirley
MacKay; Kim Farrell and Joan.' :.
Courtney;' The girls spent the
night with. Margie and, wentto
school witkher on Friday:
Visitors; with Mr. -and Mrs.
George Emerson and. Bob 1ast,:week
Were . Mrs. John Bell, Kincardine:.
who spent a -;few days with the .
Emersons,` Bob Thompson on
• Saturday and Roy •Collins: on Sun-
Sunday guests of Mr., and Mrs.
Earl.,Elliott andfarnily were Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and Nancy ,
:Elliott of Niagara Falls, Sharon
and, Arthur Stanley of Kinlough
and Linten 'Sitler and Agnes
Sitler .f 'Greenock.
Sandra and "Margie Collinsacc,om
partied.'Mr; and. ••Mrs..Glenn:Young
and`.family to Mildmay on Sunday:
where they weredinner .guests of
Mi. and 'Mrs:. Jerome Schmidt "and
Mrs.'.Don McCosh and.Mrs. Vic-
for ;Gaw"ley were among the U. C'
A. '•,Growp Leaders. who sperWThu .
Clay evening g with Miss:Eva,iii ;t
in�Ripley,-where--they;prepa . re w
programs'for the'U.C.A.
Mr, and, Mrs. George Emerson
and :Bob were'in Wingharmon
Friday: where they attended' the
wake of a'r'elative
Some of the folks ;from here att-
ended the hockey •game on Satur-
day evening in ,the Ripley arena
in: which' the boys from theicentral
school participated .
• Mrs. Burton Collins attended a
teachers meeting. in Owen Sound
'Ori Monday;
Sandra, Collins spent Saturday in.
'Waterloo with Brenda.. Currie
Joyce Elliott, spent Saturday with
Bonnie Boyle.
Miss Eva Culbert is Visiting in
Robert Treleaven .
Passes Suddeflly:
Robert Alexander Treleaven,; .a.
native of this area and a frequent
visitor to the .Lucknow •and Dungan.
nonareas, .died at Peel:Mem'oriaa•
Hospital' in Brampton. Christmas
.-day„Sunday, -December 25th. • ':.
Mr. Treleaven was born and
raised on the. 9th of Ashfield; a
son; of•Mr,• and Mrs.. William James
Treleaven'' He leftthls area as
young Man and most of his business
life. was spent and
At the time of his death, Mr...
Treleaven was a resident of Brap-
ton spending the winters in the t..
south. He was.home' from' the south,,
for Christmas for his grand -daught-
er's wedding ;When stricken sudden-
ly on Christmas.
'He isesurvived by his wife, the-
formeil.Amy Reid of the Ashfield
area; daughters, 'Mrs; Dr.. C. La
(Beryl) Wrenshail(Thailand; Mrs.
M. (Aileen), Braithwaite, Orange-
ville. Mrs. W. (Doris)'Kay,. Apple
wood Hilts;•Mrs. Al (Wilma) Reid.,
Woodbridge; sons, Harley,: ,,Vagi
couver; .Caswell of Burnaby; •B; C. ;
19 grandchildren arid. 5 great; and :,
children;. a brother., Harold Trel-
eaven of Ohio;.sisters; . Mrs. Jean
Dillon.of St.' Petersburg.• Florida;
Mrs. R. Trimble of: Winnipeg; Mrs:`;
Spearin of Windsor.
The fune•ral servic•e 'was conducted ;.
on Tuesday. December 27th in the
chapel of McKillop Funeral Home.
in Brampton•with cremation at
Riverside Crematorium.
WinghamBill.Eadie we
wrtn her skister,, `Mrs.
this e. • •
Mrs, Don-McC-osh and Cuirie -'"-
Colwell visited` Mrs.' W.N. Bushell
in Wingham Hospital on Sunday.
It:was reported that Mrs., Bushell
has improved a little since their
last visit. Other visitors with -Mrs°.
'Bushell were Mr. and Mrs.' Walter'
Forster and Mr. and Mrs. Ardill
Mason on Saturday.
--Sandra Collins.spent Saturday --
night with; Mr: and Mrs. e 'Glenn
Y a
Young nd.family of Kinloss
Sandra was also among the group.
of young peoP le who. visited :their'
Sunday School Teacher, Mrs.; .
Outerbride on Sunday evenin
. g
Mr'. and' Mrs,. Don Robertson vis-
ited on• Saturday evening with Mr..:.`
and MrsDon McCosh,
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