HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-11, Page 9WNDNIMAV,..JAN. 11th, 147 Arta Smeltzer. Arn.ongG,raduates •: A.rn berley News) The. Ontario Department of . Hea : lth exercises were held on Decem- .,'ber 22 in St Pauls United Church, Avenue Road Toronto. Among the forty-one graduates; Mss Arla. Smeltzer, daugi,ter of Mr. and ,Mrs Arthur Smeltzer .of the second' cbricession; ;of Huron'was a :graduate • After the ceremony. a;tea :was: held in the Assembly Room. Later a dinnerwas served at the home pf ' ' Mr. and Mrs, James Mills of Wes ton. Present • for the occasion 'were. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smeltzer, Mrs. Jack Dahmer, Carol Irwin, John Dahmer, Mr. and Mrs, Mazur and: Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Mills:• ATTEND ANNUAL MEETING There vial a .large attendance at the 'first annual meeting of the Ontario, Milk Marketing Board: which was held in the Canadian: Room •of the Royal' York. Hotel , Toronto on Wednesday and Thursday of last weekRepresent- , ativesirom`Bruce-County ;were. Leonard Courtney; GeorgeMess- enger, and Donald Courtneywho were. accompanied, by their, wives and :attended a banquet, on Wednes- day evening. -John McLennan of Ashfield was `also = representative, at the ' meetin Sympa .is extended ,to Mrs. 'John Reid and family -in the passing of Mr Reid Who lived a full' and rewarding. life in, his home comm- unity where he'hadmmany interests': Flowers in ;memory of the late John ,Reid. were..:placed in Pine River United Church .on Sunday by the' Reid families, THE UCKNOW ;SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE CNIB Raise• At Dungannon (Dungannon News) Dear Friends; Once again our Annual Appeal for funds in Huron, Middlesex. and Werth Counties has been completed; and, we. are happy to announce that there; has been .an increase in the monies raised.' On behalf of CNIB; we would like to express Our appreciatio those who so kindly gave of their time and effort 'in ;assisting Us 'with the campaigns,, To those who so generously contributed to the CNIB appeal, our heartfelt thanks. We can 'assure' them that their dollars will .be put to good Usein providing services to theblind of their comm unities. It may beof interest: toeveryone 'to knowthat in Dungannon and.. district the proceeds of the 1966 :campaign„were $184.00; ;which. is ,. most°gratifying. We would like to extend our sin- cerest th nks to the various 'news: media of ;the district for. their gen- erosity erosity and :excellence of publicity which supported our 1966 Appeal;, '.. for funds.:. ,� 0 Hall Furnae Until later 'Date' Mcs. Harold• Gaunt, . president, presided at the St. Helen's 'Women's Institute meeting held Thursday,' January• 5th in the hall: The: meeting opened With the • singing of the opening ode and , all repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. The roll'call.was well responded to,. "A News item from another • country.”' During. the business it: was decided. that the 'Women's Institute. would` ,sponsor the 4-H' course provided the Leaders were willling•to„teach again: A. letter of appreciation from Mrs. Reclmoni of the Ontario Hospital, •Goderictr was read -thank:- ing the members ;for the Christmas . gift. Only one tender had been re:- ceived Concerning • a . furnace for the hall, so it was decided to leave this .matter•r until a later date. Mrs. Ross Errington, 'Mrs.' George Webster,; Mrs. Jas. Aitchison and Mrs, .Gordon MacPherson are to be in charge • of a card party to be • held ' Friday,., January' 6th 'inothe hall. Another •commit'tee appoint- • ed for entertainment later in the.'. month is Mrs. Harold .Gaunt, Mrs Robert ,Aitchison, Mrs. Gordon 'Struthers and "Isobel Miller. Curre- nt events,were given by Mrs:'' Andrew Gaunt.' The programme consisted of a quiz Mrs. E.W. Rice; monologue Mrs.. H. Carrick; reading "Land of B . Beginning Again” Mrs. . F Green;. reading' "His Mother's Cooking" ' Mrs. E.W. Rice. Two, artteees "Unicef - `''Tomorrow Must Be Better" and "Iceland a` A Nation Hurrying„To ward Tomorrow” 'were read by • Miss Isobel Miller. . The programme aj driunch was in charge" of Mrs. E WI;�Rice.,...Mxs.:. B. F'. Green and Mrs . Harvey Carrick; . Sincerely, .` Jack Clements, District„Field Secretary Mrs. Lorne Ivers , Carinpaign Chairman. Lucknow Ladies •HelpWith March Of Dimes Campaign The Rehabilitation Foundation for the ,Disabled (March of Dimes) is working t in Ontario to assist all. physically disabled adults who are in need. The services provided by0.. March.of: Dimes help not only victims of polio but.anyone who has been left with a physical handi- cap as a. result of. either injurror disease.., Last year, more than 4;500 per'-' sons were, given physical psychological and vocational re- habilitation services.. About 1,500 returned to their former jobs and another 100 entered competitive;. employment for the first time in their lives; The, objective of this year's March of Dimes campaign in Ontario for the rehabilitation of disabled ;per. 'sons 19 abd over is $820,000, • Theladies of the Auxiliary tel the Lucknow Legion, ''along with other ' willinghelpers in the community, ;are conducting 'the March.: of Dimes Campaign; in Lucknow during the IT month. of January The:prime purpose of this camp- aign' is to help .the disabled to re sume as active and self-support- ing a elf-support-ing.a role in society as is possible” for them and your donations are urgently needed • Mrs. Geo: Whitby W.I. Spedcer (Kinlough News) ' The Holyroo''d Women's Institute. met on Thursday- with 'Mrs, tHar- • old Haldenby • i n charge The, Ode. was sung and the Mary Stewart Collect was repeated in,unison . The treasurers report was given. also "thank you" notes read. Mary Eadie favoured with piano `music . 'A card party was: planned for•,Mon day evening January 16th in the: hall. The, F. W. I; O trophy w:as on display. The roll' call was a poem Written by Pauline, Johnston.. Mrs. Harold 'Haldenby led a: singsong ;i0 Canada" .."This is our.land" and "Let's all sing like the birdies sing'Mrs;' Frank: Mauldenreported from the Boy Scouts, Mrs.. Sam Farmer gave" 'the; motto on Indian affairs and •' Mrs Lorne Eadie gave the life of the late Pauline Johnston. The therne' of the; meeting was Cultural Activities and the 'guest ;,speaker was the president -of 'the' Bruce South- District, Mrs. George.: Whitby, of „Lucknow who,also gave, an interesting talk ort"Poets of, Canada" as well as her personal message to the Institute:: ' Mrs Lorne. Eadie presented Mrs:' Whitby with a gift/inappreciation. Mrs. Orville 'Elliott was, also remember- ed by theInstitute by Mrs, Sam ' Farmer and Mrs. Lorne°;Eadie.. The Elliott. family have moved from Holyrood to Lucknow. God lave the Queen and Grace Fair Board WorkOnt Centennual Theme (contributed) . On Wednesday evening, members. sof the program committee' for the Lucknow Agricultural Society met. at the, home of Mr. and Mrs; Olive .er McCharlesto: make plans, for the Variety concert. to be held on . 'February 11 in the Lucknow High School auditorium. Numbers representing ten years, ° dating 'from.1867 ig 1967 will be : presented in skits. quartettes', solos -drills; chorus ;and various ways at • th°e concert. If you `havea number or can help out, please contact, one of the committee, Cam- eron, Mrs. Bert Alton o ' •rs Oli- ver 7* ver McCharles . At the same time and place a meeting of the Centennial comm- ,:ittee was held and plans,for„the 1967' Fair made. It is that the whole area .. will rally to make the Fair on September 15 and 16 a home=com-: ing• weekend . All groups; clubs and organizations' are asked to appoint a representative to meet with this group and make plans for a big week end to celebrate Canada's birthday. a closed .the meeting^nd lunch unch w .as.. served:by. the, i'ostesses ;Mrs.. Jim Smith sand Miss Edna Boyle: Mrs. Sam Farmer:gave the' courtesy, remarks. • GEE'S ARE'. HOLDING---4;-BIG VVI] BUY LOW; LOW WINTER PRICES :AND, SAVE $ $ $ $ $ 151,'. LOOK 1966 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF` Two door, cylind.r, automatic,; radio and rear -speaker, 'power brakes; whitewalls and diics E1672 $2,495 1965 PONT Two door, .6 a 32430H, TTVESE BARGAINS:. 1` .0 STRATO CHIEF ic. with ,radio and disc's; lovely gray •finish; $1,795 1965 :CHEVROLET IMPALA Two -door hardtop, 283: V-8 with stick shift, •positraction,” power beak*.. radio, 'whitewalls and ;discs•, '31999H. Only 19,000 miles and still undo GM Warranty: JUST $2,395' 1963 BUICK Lie SABRE t Two door. hardtop, power . steering and brakes, radio, roar deo w f "roster. Beautiful condition, inside and ,out; .E4324. ' ' ' {yySPECIALLY PRICED $1,595 1963 CHEVY II Coach, 6 stick with whitewalls and -discs; E3320. Talk about cheap.' Look at this. 1964 G' i/2 Ton Rle.tside, s:`. box, , ready far work; .C72392..`. $1,350 1960 ' CHEV BROOKWOOD STATIONWAGON' 6 Cylinder with 'automatic; 91094X. { 1962 RAMBLER 'CUSTOM Two -door; E2081: Mechanic's Special 1962 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF' Sedan, stick shift, radio, whitewalls and washers..A:top car;' $495• 75 E82831. 'ONLY. $1,095 1961 CHRYSLER WINDSOR Sedan,, full : power, , radio E2767:. $1,195 1962 .FORO GALAXIE Wan, ;6,' 'stick with . radio. Clean as .a, pin and prleed for i1uick ONLY $950 1960 'PONTIAC LAURENTIAN ' ' Four -door hardtop, 283,. V-8;-Atomalic; discs. and a built-in custom and portable radio;" E6714. $995 ' � � $875 The Deals Are Sizzling_:Hot So Come On In And See "tjs Now Pontiac Buick' a Ic PIHoNE 5244391 •