HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-11, Page 2—^111.111k !ME MA417.'rcaiwillIM-1,1111111.1.1.mwW.4‘ .11•11'11 'Immo; •4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JAN. iltb 147 PAGF The LUCKNOW •SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 0_ ,"Tha 111,Y, Town" On the •Huron -Bruce. Boundary Authorised es* second class mail, Post Office Department., Octavo. Iceiablished 1,873-4ublished Each Wednesday Afternoon • MeMbor of the CM,N.A. and 0.W.N.A, Subseriptien Rate, *COO 1# Year in advance — to the 1J.S.4.1 $5,00 • ".. Donald C. 'Thompson Publisher • • , • • • WEDNESDAY, JAN: 1$7 The :inaugura1 meeting of 'Coun-' . ' cil of the Township of West WaWa- _ hash for 1967, took place,On Jan- • nary 3rd with all members in, att 7 endance and Reeve Robert Lyons, • Jr. presiding. After the Council members subscribed to the declarations of office, • the busin- ess of the new .year was undertaken, Th.minutes of ,the December. 1966 meeting were read and adopt- ed On a motionby Councillors Errington and Foran: By -,Law No. 1, 1967, was read • and finally passed on a motion by • Councillors Errington and Chisholm • This by -law, names' and sets out the. individual salaries of the elected and appointed officials • for the year. . by -Law 140; -2, 1967,a authorizing the borrowing, if'nec-' essary, of an amount up to $40,000 to cover current expend- itures, 'Was 'finally'f•assed on a . Motion by COtincillors Chisholm• • • ,and,Aitchison. . " On a motion by Councillors, Ait- • chison and Foran, the Road' Supers- •intendent was authorized to' place, •• an ad in two local weekly papers PHONE *3573 STARTING TIMES, • Monday • to. "Thursday -11 p.m. Come as late as 8:30 to • see complete show.: Friday and Saturday. 2 Shows -=7:15 and 9:15: , Saturday Matinee — 2 p:m., unless otherwise noted - • tlt-rJ******* WED., THUR., FRI., JAN. 11, 12, 13 — SPECIAL -- . "FANTASTIC VOYAGE" Colour, -•CinemascoPe • Pairing': Stephen Boycl, ' Edmund O'Brien, • • Arthur Kennedy • Here 4, is truly a different science fiction entry. The plot of shrinking men and equip-- ment to the size of molecules for a voyage to repair a dam- aged brain is fraught with sus- penseo thrills and curiditty. • SATURDAY MATINEE' JANUARY 14 • "DEVIL SHIP - PIRATES" , SAT., MON., TUES.•, 'TO STEAL A • MILLION" • Colour - CinemaScope Starting: Audrey Hepburn, • Peter. O'Toole, Eti Wallach' to the effec:t that the Township would not be responsible for ,dani- age to cars, trucks, mail boxes, ., etc. and that vehicles are' not to be .parked on Tow*hip roads, so as to'aid in the removal of snow.' The road accounts were Ordered - paid on as motion by.Councillors . 'Chisholm and Errington. .. , e .'''•tli On a motion by Council s it- chison and Foran the foll wing ‘ • general accounts were ordered . • paid: • ' . Ontario. Hydro, Dungannon lights $205 .00; Pannabecker's' General - • Store, relief accotini $63.00; ,' Lucknow Sentinel, printing $25.85; Blyth District Fire Area; Donald Young bairn fire $64.00; ,Ontario Assoc, of Itural Municipalities, •membership $15.00;,Thornas' ' Inglis, fox bounty $4.06; George, Humphrey, 2 fox bounties $8.00,' Road Accounts: Harvty Culberi,. salary $57'.00;,,Cyril Boyle', .operf ator $120 91- A Redmond, wingr man $91.13; Cecil Cranston, snow fence $6.60; N. McDonald:— plowing snow $571.00; p 7 Cook, plowing snow $387.00;N. McDon- ald, hauling gravel $20.00; Imper- ial Oil Limited, diesel fuel $212. 00; George Smyth, chain, shear pins, welding $20.30; ceiver General, U.I. stamps $8.16; Bank of Commerce, C.P,P. $'7.26 Council adjourned to meet Feb- ruary 7th/... , 0. Joan Armstrong Clerk. • • • •sito. low —.'que• =p amiti +IN; •■••• onto. .40. +ow qui. imet. oes• 41110 .4111. in Smocks 10% Boys' Shirts Boys' Jeans 7 Coats20% Off Hats — 1/2 Price Ties — 2 for $1.00 Sox = 50c Boys' To ." Shirts — ,Trousers Coats — ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. William Hogan of , ,Ashfield announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Patricia, to Mr. William George Collinson,„ son Of Mr. and Mrs: Alvin Collin- son of,Ashfield. The marriage will •take place in. Si, Peter's Church, Gcderich in FebruarY. • , Mrs . .Don McCosh, pestSpeakot (RipleyW 1.): Mrs.:Amelia MacLeOd was'hott- ett t� the ,Ripley, Women's' ' on Friday;iJannary:6th. Mrs. ! • Andrew Patterson anci'Mti,. Walter Culbert: presided and after the 'r institute Ode and, .Mary Stewart' • Collect had been,repeafed, Mrs. Francis Gerninell introduced the guest. speaker ; Mrs: 0'9014- McCosh of PurPle Grove,. who, '.. • ,spoke on: het recent' trip to'•the • West Coast of •Canada „ she. made . her :talk very interesting by show- * ing souveniers she had collected On the way, 'such as gald and si14'..- ver from the Gold mine town of Barkerville. • JAN. 14,16, 17 • The rollCall was', answered by 1-1,0* A • way to help our Community"'. Mrs.. W.J. MacKay 'brought' ut. up to 'date' on Current Events: Mit:. Francis , • Gemmell' is to write' to the adopted koreap child and Mrs. Culbert was instructe0 to buy a flag for '•iiseby the ,Institute, • , • • Pun; ffinie' ,and forgery in. Paris natant loads' ;Of laughs Mrs 'arn.Erilnier(511 brought the for: audienCes everywhere. courtesy rernarks.. and a, social • „•, ••time was enjoyed over Cup tea, • ' 89c La e Coats $i5O Millinery — 1/2 Price Knitting Wool — 39c Mitts 81, Gloves — 50c Headsquares 50c Nylons — 2 for .0 Girdles — Blouses Sweaters Poor Delivery For..:. . B.C. Subscriber 4954 West llth Ave. Vancouver 8, B.C. , • • • January 3rd To The Editor, Lucknow Sentinel: Dear Sir:- . • Please find enclosed our'subscrip- tion to the Lucknow Sentinel for the year 1967. ' • 1 regret to report that for the last , year or more, .our paper has been coming 'very irregularly. As of this date, January 3rd, :we have not had a Lucknow Sentinel for the last three Weeks. We do hope that. this irregularity rail remedied for the coming year, 'as we do mitt• ourpaper so very anuch when it fails to reach us. - We extend to the staff of the. Lucknow'.Sentinel„ and all oui Lucknow friends, oUr best wishes for a Happy and prosperods New Yeal. Sincerely, • Ewart and Jean lylcKeith ; 4354 West llth.,Ave.. • Vancouv,er. 8, B,C. • • Editors ,Note •slow and improper tiiail deliverY,opweekly newspaper particularly in urban'areas; it a • major p(Oblem with all Weekly.. publfshers., address is properly recorded and' the paper 'leaves, the: .1LuCknow post office regularly On " Wednesday What happens after. that is anyonequess. We will, ho0iever, endeavour to solvethe problem.• ,,* :•.• • 110 r 4",1• Or +40. OLIVET Olivet U.C.W. motion Wednes- 'day eveningat the horbe of Mrs. Elmer' Osborne.4 Mrs. derb Clay -e ton, Mrs. Garnet McNall, Mrs. •Robert Osborne, Mrs. Gerald. Colling and. Mrs. John MacCharles "presented the worship.Program • .Mrs. Robert Osborne gave a talk on Christian Education and the . . . • / treasurer/ . Mrs. Walter Dexter reported a very good year . finan- cially • • . .• .:, Mr. and Mrs:. Henry Howes of • Listowel.sperit the weekend with ..2‘.0: and Mrs:. Walter Black .and.'' • • Mrs. Robert Engle of Dublin .;;s.;, .father, WilliamMcGuire* in the Kincardine • nospitalon Sunday.' , • • - • . 4 , '.' • . • ' • MARCH OF DIME r. , e• Held Throughout January IN LUCKNOW , • Conducted MeMbers of the Ladies ,Autillary,to the Catiadiai Legion:, . • • and etlierlielpert.' ' •BE PREPARED INFIENT.IE LADIES CAL.LI • • •i GHT BIRTH DEFECT JOIN MARCH OF DIMES 1, ir