HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-04, Page 14PAGE
'ICs our hope and our
'belief : that the New Year
is` just the .beginning. -of •a great
future for youand you' and, you!
Greetings and thanks to you all.
.ear H i
. , es osp to
=or Hol rda
(St, Helens' News)
John Cameron, who has been a
:,patient in Win ham and District. , „;. P g.
Hospital for several weeks with a
fractured leg spent 'a few days at
Christmas.;and the New Year at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Carver
Mr and. Mrs.. Archie IVIGQu' 'illin
andJimmie of Toronto; ` Mr., a d f
, . J >.. , n
Mrs. `Joe 'Murphy and Colleen of
;Stratford and Miss Sheila McQ ill_
in of Londonwere holidavisitors
,with >t their ..'parents.
Mr and Mrs Brry McQuillin
andill of'' Hes e e
Jp i t and Mr.,.and
'Mrs , Ivan .Mc � illin of Waterlooa
were'Christmas het
visitors wi h t it
Mr., and Mrs. Fred Mc
Mr and Mrs. Cecil McTeer and
Jimmie of Underwood 'spent . Christ-�
,mas Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs..
Frank MeWhinney and family;
Jamie Goutier of London spent the
holidays with Mr. . and; Mrs.. Andrew
Mr. ;and Mrs. Jack Wilson John
and Susan of Hamilton spent a,
few days with his sister;` Mrs. Jim"
Aitchison, Mr. Aitchison and fam-
Holiday visitors: with Mr. and- Mrs.
Harvey Webb were Mr. and Mrs:.
Dan Rose and fami1y of Guelph
and Mr.: and Mrs=; David Gilmour,
Jeff and 'Steven of 'Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Aitchison, •
Bradley. and Barbaraaspent Christ-
nias 'with her mother', Mrs. Adel-
• •ine Dowlint'near Mount Forest.
` Visitingover the holidays ;with
Mrs.' W.I.Miller and, Isobel were
•".Mr,, and' Mrs. Gordon' McIntyre and
Don of Richmond Hill. and Mr. and
• Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry. of,
Announce Winners
Of Christmas
Home Decorating
Winners in'the''Christmas home:.
decorating contest; • sponsored
'jointly by the Lucknow Horticult
ure Society and the Lucknow :Leg
ion, • were: announced during, Christ:
mas week. Judging took place
December 2s
em er . l t. •
Mrs. Albert 'Morton's home
placed first in the outdoor .decor-
ations .with total effect considered:
Mrs., Dave Elphick was second and
Harold . Greer third. •Prizes were
$12, $10 and $8..
Mrs;: Edith Gardner's home won
the class forindo :and.i door .
w w n_,
decorations as , viewed from' the
street. Mrs. Philip placed
.• ;
second: and Ivirs.; Cam bell'Thom•
son third.. Prizes were $9., $7 and
$4 for this class.
,Judges were 'Noel .Mason and Rev
taird Stirling of Lucknow
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thompson and
Mrs. Gordon McPherson' visited
with Mrs. Sylvester Raynard (Chris-
tine McFarlane) who is`a patient in
Listowel Hospital .on Wednesday.
Tv1fs.' Raynard has been quite ill
"dux ing `thet:past few weeks
Mr.. ' and Mrs. Lorne _ Forster': and •
Ray and W rn . Forster were Ghrist-
mas, visitors,with Mr., and .Mrs -
Ronald .Perrott
rs,Ronald;.:.Perrott and family at coder-
ich and with Mr.' and Mrs.. Ross
Henderson and family of Lucknow
-on New Year's Day'/.
'Mrs: 'Frank Pennebecker of
Clinton spent a few' days'with Mrs.
Don Pannabecker
Just a reminder of the January,
W.I.. meeting on„'hursday (to -day)
in the hall at 2:30,
For sound counsel and a 'fair Price on a monument
,correctly l designed from quality material, rely on
Fat O'Hagan,' Prop.
Established Over Slaty:Years
WALKERtON p.HON 4=fl1a4 ...:
To Mine Jobs'
Iosv Hamilton and Gary `Gammie;
who have been working for Inter-
national Minerals'and. Chemicals
at Esterhazy, ,Saskatchewan for
the past several months, spent
New Years. with their families:'
here, Mr. and Mrs. Gib Hamilton
.of Kinloss and Mr. and -Mrs. Ross
Gammie of West Wawanosh,
The boy's flew from y'orkton',.
Saskatchewan, arriving here
Friday night.
Ross has been working for this
firm in a potash 'mine and -returned
to the west on Tuesday, Garyy has
been working on construction . 'k
building at -the mine and will not
return. The • pair went west
in, 'April .,They have been living
at Russell,, Manitoba, 'which is
very close, to the Saskatchewan'
Kinloss Native
Passes Suddenly
A resident of the town of -Kincar-
dine: for the, past twenty years, but
a native, of: Kinloss township,
George Colwell. passed away unex-
pectedly at "the 'home';' of his 'sort,
• the former family home-, in Kin-
loss township on :November 28.
Death was attributed to. a heart
Mr Colwell had a close affect- .`
ion, for his family and had; gone to
Kinloss, to spend the:'week-end
with his son Albert ,and. his family:-,
:Born on September 17, 1884, the.
late George: Colwell was the son of
early Kinlossr
r and ..
Mrs. George ,Colwell who were the'•"
pioneers of the'area at a time
• when it was• never suspected that in
•the. years to :come Silver Lake
would.become a tourist hide -away:.
and motor . cars would pass through
the dense'"Greenock swamp as it,
connected'.the'shores•of lake Huron
to those inland 'towns which ,seem°-,
ed' isolated from' the rest; of Bruce.
In: fact it has only been; in the
current century' that the Kincardine
Walkerton highway would permit
two vehicles to pass on the narrow
gravel;and corduroy road through
; ,
'The: late: George •Colwell was. an
active man and: although supposed
ly in retirement. he: was •anxious
to work :`in his garden or to assist an
'old friend , George Gordon, 'as•the;
two "youngsters" carried out the :
nTiultiple ,chores which wet • deman-
ded: of them throughout the area;
The loss of his•,wiie, the, former
Myrtle Stanley whom he married
in Kinloss, . was a severe blow, to
Mr, Colwell arid he found his,re-
maining: happiness with merjbbers
,of his family, Mrs. Cecil (Floret'
ce) Pollard 'of kincardine, Albert,.
of 'Kinloss; :brothers,: James: of
Prince, Saskatchewan;. Reginald
of Scott,,' Saskatchewan . and Frank
.of Kincardine. He also leaves two
sisters; Mrs. Donald (rlorence) ,
Martyn of Detroit•and Mrs. Her
Bert (Ada) Farrell °of. Huron' town.
ship, There are'three• grandchild
A 'member of the Kincardine
United Church, last rites were'
conducted by his; minister, Rev:-
Bruce Hall,. with interment i,.,.
Kincardine "cemetery. Mr.. Col-'
well rested -at the Linklater' Pun
eral''Home with'the pallbearers
being,ali nephews, , Huston Colwell,
Frank ColwellCurrie., Colwell
Jack Farrell, Charles ,Flood and
•Ron..Stanley : Flower, bearers were
friends and neighbours.
Friends from a distance atter;ded •
the funeral from Guelph, .London,
WI«i d
iayCitchener and Chatham.
ill. 3101;1:);111111141i
WIDNES.DAY', JAN,: 11th, T:
Childrenof Golden CirclOchool Depict
Theme "The Centenn'ial Year Jn Canada" •
The families and friends of the
children of The'Golden-Cirele
School in-Wingham attended the
Christmas Concert, put on. by .the
children° on Thursday, December
22... Special guests who attended;
were the School $oard members
and their hives' and.•the school.
'nurse, .Mrs,' C. Douglas; the, child-'
renfrom the school .who .have grid..
uated. and :their. parents were' also',
guests; Mrs', "T . English , Mrs,. W.
.Forsyth and Mrs. Lapp, some of
the volunteers from former'years:
assisted with the social hour that '
followed the program;;. ;
The theme'of the program was.
"The. Centennial Year In• Canada
telling of the customs brought..to
Canada by the 'people from other
countries. This has,,been• the theme
of the lessons taught; all fallat.
'die .school' by the teachers; Mrs,
Jack Reavie, Mrs.. Richard Kilpat-
rick and the supply teacher,
Hans Schipper. , '
The first item on this part of the
program was the. Indians who first
lived in Canada a littie&Indian
drummer -boy entered followed by
an ,Indian chief and histribe: to do
th'e Indian Buffalo .dance 'around
the wigwam ."This 'was followed by
the children dressed in.the
costumes of the different countries
which came to 'Canada as the years
went by--- 'one of theboys as an
Englishman, with, soine'of his
soldiers,' placed the•Englishflag on
Canada . and one of the girls enter
eddressed as the Queen. Next .a
Junior dressed; in Irish costume pre-
sented the Sr. 'class who formed
a band with drums, spoons, Ind
other instruments -to play with • a
favorite Irish'folk song. Another
'little Jr: dressed in the Scotch
costume represented. the Scottish:
the ' .4 c es'da ced to -
me andcouples ,, n • A
"Commm•. thru the:' Rye"0. 'little
irl° g.dressed .in Dutch costume
troduced the Holland theme .and
all the other children brought .
tulips, .which :are a,product of •
Holland, to help beautifyCanada.
A little boy' and girl dressed: in ..:
Japanese costume with kimona,
parasol and fansdid an action.
'song to. a Japanese song and: then,
one boy entered dressed as a
Chinese withF a bowl 'of rice' and
cho psticks with the .son "Ch
P g, o P.
sticks" 'played in the -background
The • final number on this: part of
the program ;was All Canadian
with . the children entering with
the new Canadian efla • :band one
girl with the banner' "Canada"', all.
sang "The ; Maple. Leaf", This I
Land is Your -Land" and :"O
There were other groups,,of Christ
tm assongs ,and •sacred • son`s s
by, all sand one solo, .".Deck the
.Halls with' Banghs.of Holly",
• The. Golden Circle "School has;
also: participated in the National,
Centennial Physical, Fitness Pro -1'
gram and; this was explained by—
y,the teachers- and movie film and:
slides Were 'shown 'o(the :ch ildten
as. they participated• in the,!conteests
Thi program' will eontinue'a11 .
next -year. with tests being taken
again in. the spring and in the,fall:
The tests include., for .the Seniors'
a 300 yard run-, .a.number. of speed
sit -ups in 30 seconds, vertical
jump and a one and 'one • half to
3 mile hike,: according. to -age;
for. the Juniors, tests Ow:walking
board '•for balance, standing broads
ju, mp, back extension trunk exec-
,cises and the hike of one half to,
one and;one half miles, accord
:ing to age . Ross. Hamilton, Presi-•
dent of the .Association, 'presented..
the awards that.have. already been
won, all'.the children.received:
.,Participation .awards; and some
also received bronze and silver
• After this the highlight -of the..
program was swhen Santa arrived
and,thechildren•crowded around';•
-him and..received manytgifts. It
was a very happy event and the
teachers of .th:e Golden
School wish to thank,all who have
'contributedto make this' such a
happy event Special thanks too
to, all who have contributed spec
ial,;gifts throughout the year and; tc.,
the,Camp Fund in the summer, '
®Your interest is appreciated•
Murray Family
In Holyrood Hall
-The: family of Mr. and Mrs.
F',. :A: f Holyrood: gathered
MurrayY Yr, 8
in the Holyrood Hall' on Monday;
December 26th' to celebrate
Christmas. ,
Thosepre werer. sent M and 'Mrs
Keith (Veronica) McCarter and.
family, Wallacebur Mr, and
Mrs.—Lorne(Eleanor) Kraemer and.
•family/,. Rexdale;" Mr. and Mrs..,
Bob (Margaret' Anne)• Dales and
family . St, Thomas; ,Mr.: _pd Mrs,
Dona1d. (Elaine) Fisher,Barrie;
Miss' Barbara Murray; Windsor;
Mr. "and Mrs: Frank. Murray and
family," Culross; 'Mr. and; Mrs.
Alphonse Murray and family,
Bervie; Mr. and •Mrs.. Leo Murray
and family, 'Mr.:and'Mrs Charlie
Murray and family, , Mr. 'and Mrs.
John'Murfay and fare it and Mr'.
•and.rs: Gerald.M•'rra allf'
M r u ,y,0
.Kinloss,. .
The family, 54 in all,, had their'
dinner:' and supper,' opened gifts
anada ed' 'games' a ads.
Pl, Y and, G r
�ay this New Year.
see the, fulfillment'
of ali ydep brightest
'dreams. And to.
all oi}r faithful"
patrons who
-made out"
come true:
"Thank '°you;' ! .