The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-04, Page 13•
JAN, 'h,; 107
epor •'From Parliament Hili
(IY.1"ohn Loney, M. P.) •
The retain '.proposals of . the' A' muni=
:"budget" brought down in'the douse
•of Cornmons last night by the Min -
Aster of Finance are increases' in
the maximum Old Age Security '
Tax from: $120. to x"240 'and an
•inorease in the Federal Sales Tax
from 11% to 12%, •
For sortie -time now it has been
"well known''that ;the Government; "
• has been. plannitigr •tax increases.
The reason advanced. •for,:the rete
ssity of'this, action is that'proposed
increases,in Old Age,'Benefits will,
. necessitate •the, raising.of more '
revenue by the, •Governrn.ent On its
face this sounds. reasonable , but
,closer examination. reveals the.
need for tax hikes :at this time'to'
be not so readily apparent. •
I should: poibt• out her•e.that t'he7
doubling of the maximum ar fount
which must be.•paid. •under the Old
.Age Security 'Tax will not affect
all Canadians, It will''however
hit .the pocketbooks of single Can
adians.•who earn $4,100 or more
per: year .1 married .taxpayers whose
•'income,exceeds.$5,100. and the.:';..
• married taxpayer:with',twochild-
:ten who earns' above $5700,
It is; 'a',:dif ferent story , though , .
with the sales tax. increase.. All
Canadians, pay this:'tax \.and '.ac;cord
big to informed:observer.s a 2°J0'
increase;in•pr;ices will result when
mit'. is, passed'along to consumers at
the: retail ,level after it'' comes into
effect on: file 'first of January 1967
Thi outcome will. be, to place. an
even 'greater burden on the'; already
Itis the contention of .the Con.
se`rvative Party, that the •'taic-hike
at:this time is not.nece ry, at.
act like Santa: Claus wf th • fts F en
sion Supplement i vera ,, fres,•
'filmed' :out to he 37th ore,TUke r1�'#�tlw a
by taking not of the packets Of�all
pensioners that amo n1.they ,will be
are p aced on the Canadian people. forced .to. pay because of the incr...
Under normal circumstances a ease' in'the sales tax The n>
budget is not brought down at this, effect will' he to reduce the value
time of the year. Finance Minister of the $30 , supplement) to those
Sharp himself pointed Put • that his who receive iit.
speech was not a full-scale budget
statement. The regular budget will
be' presented' in 'the spring. What we
witnessed was,. an ad .hoc:proposal,
for' increases in two areas .of 'taxat
orkb. Changes wi11 ' be made' next`
year in. the light of economic devel
oprnents which take'place between
now and"the date? Of the'' next' bud -
get-; •
For .some time' tow we have been
waiting' for the report of the Royal
Commission on Taxation;, popular•
ly..known.a's the Carter:'Commssion'''Theworld's most'farrious
ly now . ' television'po` cemanwill•soan be .'
dy, which has examined the
'entire Canadian tax structure, will. back or?�TV - and Th.' onlything'
'have far=rear in new'an 'out him will. be, the favi, .
-leaching g effects on. the that he has been demoted ;
allocaticih of taxes as between the
Federal, WandProvincial and Jack `�eb6. 'star'and producer of
n. Maruti- the new 'half-hour', colour Dragnet •
pal Governments if its recommend- seties ,' sa s that` oe Rada will be
ations are as extensive as' most'.. ' y T
the same • man the. :fans. etlioyecl'
observers expect and. are enacted.
during.. 41e- series• przze -wino nC
into law', It is hoped: that 'some
means: will be.devised to' allow
Governnients' on, all' levels to plan
farther into the .future than they
arae now able and thus 'help avoid
the situ/atton.where• taxer,,tnust`;be
tinkergdwith:in the manner of'the
• .days of the 'Sos., ',
`'But_when the :Series went, dff the.
air in,19S9 , Joe Friday Tad been •
. promoted to Ii�eutertant; field
,dr op back down `o ser earn in the
iiew series.:
"Having Joe prid'ay as a )snorer
most recent changes •In hese day, `. I _
r r ' ant, w'a4. a. rrttstake', It 1im'ited us
when .Cove nment action a_a� , c . y
rofound effect :..too rnuh"• ecplains. Webb, a tick-
p ect ori the' econorn�t .
ler for' real y. "T`ne''
'soiree .means should be retane�: . •: • �!• g •' •
the guys 'wha do the' questioning
'Whereby ' Govc.lment an .-ornba-
and clic •.le . wqk and ',teat's what `
d'angerouSPL7no-nic trends but':. • �
at. the sa e: t m I want Friday to be'doing, to flange':
sn i e it shoulc3:'not be goes. Elis pxottou•
in Via.„position where ch:a :'
must be• made.;to counte every . hili there:be plenty of gunfights
minor swing'. in the econotry.• and scenet ofr:$4t "Friday capth-/
ssa Mr :Sharp•s'proposa+, -tag whole gangs 0f:1•c.ocds by. Eiin-
ie'ast lot the ireasO.Ps.whic4: the Lib- called'.;” as I..riient, o ie�i a io ie , self? "Absaiuteiy net, .'sags We'bb':,:
erals have advanced to justify it. • "mini -h'; .get • 'As't'i Op os•''7r .os Angei'es'detecti es work`' in
critic Hon; 1.:Wa do; �Eonteith• Ott •. teari a. Thewau,ld never ' ; never .:.
The Conservative 'Rarty argues that y �. �`
the A •sur lus now:in'the Old:,e, :..' it, the 'analogy with.a .rrsz =i ;'gars rry to' pu.11,,off'a :one -than `�ang:
P g.
,,Securit} Fund should be drawn'on is a good one: Tax." keep ,, drourd -i p ,nigher Wali Ire Ft trial)...
to'rneet the pension increases be• up ani' up, :and•they:cover le3 a^d Friday,'and ?its partner, Wali have to -
. ;fore any additional tax burdens : •Less.' The _Governrnent, °tr7
VVWY :Y:OU .,:.
It's easy to convert tooil. We have a complete
lig of top quality Esso treating Equipment to
goose from • Esso burlier — $1,85 a month
Com lett Esso oil 'furnace unit --$4,05* a
• . month. iind now, with Esso heating.cquipmcnt
we can you arrange forto get Esso 'Lome neat
Service, at, no cost. Your best guarantee for
i ntinucd home heatin comfort
•initdlod. fo your *doing duce meth
use their riii?S :price :.n -a
to tie; but
r N thesw:LCerYLidII .ra�si
urriginelanci Heating « ;Phone. 528.36I 2 'l.trc<know
3.' O O114' BURNER SALE: and;•$ERVI
tL�e *•'�_e
::. 65 uODGE, 4.,door, 6' autolifitic, with ,ra'4io
65 CHRYSLERS 4 door With. radio " ►Wer''
4 PLYMOUTH, '4 door with radio
DODGE Stationwagon, '. 8' atv#omstu
65 HASH Ambassador, power
land: radio
64 COMET,, 4 door,,. 6 stick with: radio
64 PLYMOUTH 4 dolor se0,n, 6 . standar
63 PLYMOUTH, :6 :automatic
63 FORD, 2 door with radia
DODGE '/z tan ,•Pbaa'
63 • .DODGE, 6 standard' with -radio.
62 . +OLDS', "4 floor hia►rdtop' wish iradia
62 , ,CHEV '4 door ;statio iywagon vtrith ,radio
6'1 SIMCA, t4: door
61" FORD,:2 2 door : with `radio.
60 FORD, 4 door sedan,6`" aivi ri rltatl+ `
Yaur.01Fet, Pfymdootli :'- Chrysler Nee ger
04004.E 357-3842..
Q:r" aA of tida-,,a..lX"G'l tog. _ ,.i nder the erICan ire':th6iii Y/,;:
'N a,Gb say;,,s n ha:s' t'wo srx.ogg rea'
Sons, f',6r serr. andira •: se: and bele a
able action' 0n the tfew •tiows.
all,, because the
a°�u1G' t�.0 ria'a k.T'ke' .o e,cue.4',, an
urir>i ..J anet' - and aeTc# i c,r
-' New ,L earl, •LSI.fJ'r!s 'N:t3. YLL
ri.i innffred rerc J were.Mr and
Pes"'-r c'.r " ns V/ rs . oFui` ear
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3-iisheli. and', a'711y;,
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\,Noir" and Men ..r:,3 1I t LL na
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:aCifi{+,"Pace a an tIv tie:. ar
1 rlrt ''at :;fir one . `y�triLla`;'
Jen'« Zi$•
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«sSi.Ci?;4 �'t' "'ts.•^tsiti io'l.r, rsl'k'•,:lior',
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�.}k,"� \ Ai y�.
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:ly ri'r .r epi -r aa�. •J:;rL tv'�.y
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',J�Ytii �J,':,, •'1tati ���riY t3id. .iadlae�T.',_
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