The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-04, Page 12PAGE' TWELVE!
AIM :' �',.. .,.:+. !!F'�r Illt• .A +r!rT..y. ,gip�w ,eM.�ww..:.q
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ONTARIO;:. ' ' .' • WEDfIESIMY', JAN,. 4th,.•.:147
..■. . I■.I.. ■. ■■ I'IUI I ■ DUNGANNON
s ■
LI 1966 Ford 'Galaxle, 4 door hardtop', 8 Cylinder, fully equipped'
se 2-1966 Pontiac Parisiennes, •4door hardtops, V4 fully, equipped
▪ 3-1966 Chevrolet Impalas, 4 door hardtops, V4, fully equipped.
Y "■
, ■'
.1966 .Chevrolet Bel •-Air .Sedan, V4 automatic, fully. equipped
■ 2-1965 Parisiennes, 4 door hardtops
1965 Pontiac Laurentian, 8 cylinder automatic
■ : 1965 Ford custom 500, V8 automatic
19654)odge, Polaral VS -automatic .. w
■ 1�l64 Ford Galaxie, � ' 4 door sedan, 8 cylinder, automatic
'• .
■ 2-1964 Pontiac Laurentians
■ 1964 Ford, custom sedan
• 1963 Pontiac .Laurentian, V-8 automatic
i 1963 Chevrolet Bel Air, automatic
•■ 1963 Pontiac Parisienne . hardtop, 8 cylinder., fully equip
■ 1962 Pontiac, automatic
• ;1961 Falcon, 4 door, automatic
• 1962 Chevrolet • 1 ton van with dual
russels Motors
• .Cities ` Service Dealer
i ■■■m■■■■■■ ni■n■ ■■ onnni■■ umni misonniminen■m/
■ .
Brussels • ••
Mr'. '`.ar:
. and Mrs.' Richard. Kilpatrick
and Grant of Win ham were guests
g g
of Mr. ;and Mrs: Cecil' Blake for
New Years.
Wilriher' Errin ton of Dr den and.
g Y.
Mrs. Mary Errington of Goderich
visited. with friends ;in the village
'during the holiday .week '
New Year guests with Mr and
Mrs. Robert Irvin:were Mrs. ;
Bertram Curran, Beverley, ,Danny
• •and Rose Ann of: London, ; Mr,. and •
Mrs. Percy 'Blundell and Melvin;
of Goderich, Mr. and, Mrs`. Writ.,
Irvin and Mr: and Mrs. ,Russel
Irvin and family of Ashfield.
Visiting with Mr. ;and -Mrs. Chas.
Fowler. for New Years were Mr.
and Mrs. Thos..Fowler and Darrel'
of Shipka,, Mr.: "and Mrs. Norman
'McDonald and Lawrence ;of Rex
dale , Miss Charlotte 'W akely of
Toronto, Gordon Ball of Mardin,
Man. -,,and Mrs. Lois'Raleigh:of
Manitou, Manitoba .,
Mr. -and Mrs .:Robert Irvinspent
Christmas with and Mrs.
Elmer Wall of : e water.
Mrs, Lulu Jone �s been• visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. •Rudow, ,
Mr •Rudow 'and 'family of Elmiua'
Barbara Blake spent the holiday
.week with, Mr, and. Mrs. Grant
`Sowerb : o Scarbor.o and. Bill
... y •
Blakes... ek in,
pent the holiday we i, ,,
St:. Catherines and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Blake spent
boxing day calling on friends in
Listowel'andAtwood,• .
' Wayne, Brown of Montreal spent
a few. 'days at Christmas with his, ..
parents, Mr; and, Mrs, Wilbur .:
Rev. and Ms
n Mrs. Gle. Wright,
P a few
Miriam and Lisa'spent ent days.
during the' holiday with their par-
ents,. Mr.' and Mrs. Goodison and'-
Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Wheatley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. S. Reed,
Gary and•:Gloria- of W in ham and
Y. g,
Mrs. Anne Linklater, Paul, Barb''
ara Jennifer and Roy were'visitors
with Mr and Mrs';:' Wilbur Brown
and Wayne on Tuesday. ',
Cathy and'Brian`; Durnford of
London. spent the holiday_with ,
Mr and Mrs.
Jas. Wilson.
Visitors>,for Christmas were - Mr.
and Mrs. Thos Fowler and Dwayne
'of'Shipka with Mr. and Mrs.: Chas.
Fowler;, Mr •and Mrs. Delmer ' '
Maize 'and Jimmie of Scarbor,o
with Mr. and IMS. Bent Ntaze
Robert Sherwood with his parents,
Mr. and,Mrs, A.J. Sherwood; Mr.
and Mrs Jack Eedy', Michael and
Laurel .Qf. Strathroy and Mr . acid . •
Mrs. Ralph} Henderson of Goderich
with Mr . and, Mrs. Heber Eedy
;Patricia .Eedy with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy for the,
week; Mr'., and Mrs ''Wright of
Wheatleywith, their son, Rev.
Glen Wright, Mrs.. Wright and
children; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
McAllister of Sudbury, Mr. 'and
,Mrs.:,Robert McAllister, Con.6,
West Wawanosh, and, Mr. and -Mrs._
Dbug Raynard and Diane of Zion
With 'Mr. and Mrs. Mason . McAllist
er; Mr. and, Mrs..Wni. Bradley,;
Brenda, Faye and, Alice of Goder -
ich, Mr. andiMrs. Ken Thomas,
Linda and Wendy -of Toronto and
°George: Hackett of Toronto with.
Mr'. and. Mrs., Thos. Webster; Mr.
and .Mrs;'" Art ''Danahy and children
and Mr.. and Mrs; Ron Thompson
of Lucknow with Mr... and Mrs
Frank Thompson; Mr.. and Mrs. L.
Ivers with Mr'. and Mrs, Harold,'
Congram of, Wingham.
''Relatives/here-received news
recently of the death of Robert
• .Treleaven of BBrampton.;,He was' a
son of the late Mr. , and ' Mrs. Jas.
Treleaven who resided, on'
Ashfield: He is 'survived by his`
wife, the. former' Mamie; Redd
two .sons and four daughters
'Burial was at Brampton.,'
The '.
L.O. L, held a Euchre party,
on December" U'.with Mrs',. Alvin
Altong havin''
highscore' for the..
ladies : and Mrs. 'Russel ' Brindley
low,;Chas. Fowler was high for:
the men and�Wr. Caesar low.,..;'
The next card party' will be Janu-
ary 13
Mr and Mrs Warren,Bamford,
Craig and Ruth visited. with Mr.
and' .Mrs . Robert : Stothers on Wed-
Miss 'Flora Durnin andher, father,
R, J. Durnin spent the New Year':
week -end .with friends at. Schom-
Christmas guests with Mr. and
Mrs. J.M. Durnin were Dr., and
Mrs .. H. Hall Miss .L. El. Durnin •
• and Mrs. Whiteley of Goderich
and ,Misses Jean and Helen White-
ley of Toronto..
Mr `. and Mrs Ha':�old Con a
r gr m.
and family of Wingham spent New
Years. with Mr and Mrs. Lorne
lvers. ,.. '
Rev. and Mrs., K. KniS. ht and
family" of 'Oak: Park Michigan,
'Tomorrow is our Guideline;
Tomorrow's consumer.. de
mands, tomorrow's markets
`and to ad pt t000rrow's c hallenges, •
These'are the keys to industrial Leadership.
Manufacturers of .'TEX MADE •Products'
i:Grades'Pa riicipate . . ,
In Christmas
Assem�ly;,�resent Miss Be11 With Gi
Thursday, December, .21' was'the
last day of sc.hool.for 1966. An
interesting Assembly was held in
the m'orning..Various skits and
nunlbers.were,put on by .the grades
Doug Alton was Master ofCeremt
.:onies After singing the Queen, ,
the Students' Council put on a
skit wherein they painted a spring
scene To help them along, many
of the.teachers:were called on for
;assistance. Grade 9-A boys then"`
put on a fashion show,..Many of
the current outfits were shown.
However, the most striking model
was'Mr. Dennis who Was wearing
the new mini -skirt. Grade 9-C
then put on a weight -lifting ton- ..
test called. Mighty.Mouse."Tbe
Big'Surprise was acted out by 11-B•.•,
The Millie Drammer was put on ,
by 11 A.: Grade 12A reworded
some carols in a medley of sones
in -"C)de. to the Teachers".: -Grade
10 had a;very colourful play ,"The ';
Presentation of Disneyland Awards'
Many,of the Disney characters
such as Mickey, Mouse and Little
Red 'Riding Hood visited the' school,
' at. this 'time . • Grade 9-B then, put
on a• Kangaroo. Court 'Cat, Pie, a s:
two act; play'.was the work of 12-B...
The Teachers skit"The Staff
Meeting"' Was:very amusing ..Mr..
Tilason "closed with :his remarks.
Mrs. Hewitt. presented resented Miss
Bell • with a gift Miss Bell replied
saying she ,had enjoyed teaching
here. *At ,the conclusion of this``.
Program, at 11:30, `:.students were
spent New Years with her parents,'
Mr.,and Mrs.' Anderson Mugford
Wayne Mugford of Mount Cletnins
spent the hbliday week with his
grandparents, . °Mr.
.. and Mn. Mug-
P g
ford, who spent Christmas with
their families inMichi an.:
Word was recieved here of the
death Mrs:: Ben Caldwell of
Windsor the former Marjory'
Hobbs in her 55th:year. The 'fun-
eral ..was held ,from .the Anderton
funeral home .
, Windsor on Dec-
ember 31, with burial at Windsor.
e are sorry to.rep`oYt that Leslie
l is•a'patient inWingham
hosP ital Durnin
Alexandra and Marine hospital,
Goderich and Mrs. Frank 'Glenn is
in St. Joseph's hospital 'London,
where she has undergone 'sur ery,.'
We•,ahope they will soon be Vell
agin ::
Brother ,Sister'
et} After..10.‘Years
L'angside News )
Visitors at New Year's with •Mr...
and Mrs.Bloss: Koyle and family
were the' former' s sister,' Mrs.
Sarough.and her 'husbandof Wind
sor ,, Mr, and : Mrs . Allen and' d
Cindy and Mr. ,and' Mrs. Earl
Koy 'le
of London.. This was a
happy `occasion as Mr. Koyle`and.
his sister hadn't seen each other '
for ten'year.s,
Mr•. and:Mrs. Albert Lennips and
family :visited on Monday with' Mrs
and` Mrs. Gurgens of Dungannon. .
Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon Wall and
family were guests for New Year's
with Mr : and Mrs, George Need -
Liam •arid Jimmy of f inkerton,.
Mr, and Mrs.. Harry Arthur and
family and Sob.Arthur. and Jayne
of Auburn were guests ,on° Monday
Of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall and
Mr and Ws. Dick McQuillin
Curling ,Club:
That.afte'rn"oon at 2: 00 ... , p.
students went curling. The, results.
were; team 1,- defeated , team '7 by;
6 to,5; team: 4 vs 5. by 7 to 4;;4
team 2 won over 3 by 6 to 1.: ,
Christmas Dance
The,; annual Christmas•Dance was
held •Friday., December 23 ?The
orchestra was excellenL There
was a good turnout. However, it
was disappointing, to see that very
few adults turned out. Grade 11
did an outstanding job of decorat-
ing, the gym and foyer'. Many hours
of work were put .into this, '
Played .; Carob.
• Christmas''Eve from .4 - 6 the
Lucknow High School Band rode
around town playing Christmas
• Carols.
The, Basketball` teams have been
practising .for their first games.
They put this to work on :Wednes-
day, January'•4 against Sacred '
• Heart teams; The girls go to.
Walkerton :and the boys play here..
Letter T.
o Edi
to r
Ontario Hospital,
Goderich, Ontario,
Dec' ember 30, .1966.
ear Su
The. .
Christmas :Spirit of, Good Will.
was truly exemplified this year at:
die Ontario Hospital, ,Goderich,
.The contributions ofagifts and enter,
tainment. from the' members of the,
Ontario Hospital Goderich' Volunt
eer.Association, the Service Clubs, :-
the various.' organizations and indi-
`vidu'als in'y our. area rea was beyond all.
expectations. It was"a major factor:
.in rnakiing: he Christrith,fSeason a
pleasant one forthe;patients, of
this Hospital, r ' `
The Hospitalis truly',grateful',,
and the patients Wish to express •.
their sincere thanks arid appreciat-'
ion May we also take this opport-
unity of expressing Best Wishes for
the Centennial year:to our many
friends' in. this' Community
Dr.. M F. Conlon,
> •Acting Superintendent:
R. McDaniel,
. Business Administrator. .
and:Linda went-to.1'•oronto'on'
Sunday and'spent New' Year's
with Mr. and Mrs.' Doug MacLeod.
Linda .returned to Bloorview�
r Mr :and. Mrs.. Ronnie
vray and family of "Grand, Valley.
spent Christmas with his parents .•
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacGillivra' ,
Mr. and Mrs. Grahan, Pinkney.
and Glyn of Ajax were Christmas .
visitors' of Mr. and Mrs. Ted
At New Y
ollyer spentihe' reek end at