HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-04, Page 11Ft! W DNKSDAY e .JAN. 4t!t, 1967 THE17, ; LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO l Present Graduating Pins To At First Class Joseph's School At C.W.I.. Meeting StR Joseph's Catholic .Women's,' League"of I i'ngsbridge held their Christmas Meeting and .party, Approximately 60 members and guests were; present.:' Among them • ,were Father Mooney "from Winghani the.membeis' husbands, St. Jos. eph's'Schooi Teachers, ..1966 grade 8 Grads and•j966 Newlyweds•of the. Parish.' Mrs; Audrey Carver gave a very interesting report on the P, T.,A.:;meeting held in .Goderich recently. ' -Sister .Mar Elaine' was the guest. Yg speaker thereand she outlined •f• foufrules:.for 'Parents. ;1- Children... • are like•sponges; , give a good exarr ' • pie and 'they are bound to''soak it up, ;2. -;Love them; • theirgreatest fear is not to be loved anymore. 3 -: Letthem learn of; the :love be tween the parents; this makes them. feel. secure . 4 Accent the: positiVE set asidea few moments every d'ay. ,:for• thein Father Caruana read • the • Marriage 'Ceremony 'as it is con- ducted" on the dayof the'• Weddin g The President, Mrs, Carl ;Reigling, commented " Yt is .•g.. ood for us all ; to renew 'our r.narfiage vows;" and it •.is also a, iood .thing' for the young '.adults present :to' hear the romises. P The •Educater"'Convenor; Mrs; rother ill'iam Kinahan `Is Ordaifled .A:,Priest' H'is'Excellancy, .C:' Emmett Carter. .'Bishop.of London, on Sun- day, December llth 'ordained to.the priesthood, in St. Columban's Chu •rch near.Seaforth, Gordon Francis:• :Kennedy,• son .of Mr, and Iv1rs. Angus Kennedy .• Assistingthe bish- op` in the ceremony were Fathers L. Pare; L Coughlin, F. Moylan, and.F.• McCarty,'C S.B.. Before: a. congregation made up Of St:. Columban'parishoners,.rel- atives. friends,•' local cleray.and, ,Basilian Fathers Bishop. Carter;, by his imposition';of hand, s, conferrred• /the Sacrament of .the=Priesthood .: At the 'end'of'the •Mass and Ordination rite; the bishop spoke • . briefly to ..the' assembled congrega- tion and to the new priest. •Follow`--- :inplthe•Ordination ceremony,' Father' Kennedy gave his first Sunday school : Murra�' Simpson •priestly' blessing to all in attendane .and Donald Ross,, accorrlpanied On Sunday morning Father Kenn .by'Mrs.I Donald Ross, swig Away edy was the ,Principal Celebrant in in .a Manger :: his First Mass of Concelebration, . Mrs.:Victor Emerson's class gave,' •Following -the Mass, a dinner' was a Fleury Van"Dyke. reading "K,eep• served intthe. Parish `Hall ;ro:the';' in' Christmas" and then;followed .' pests. Miss, Hilda Kenned. u . y, god-wittl. a talk on "Others" The class; •' •mother: of the new: priest was Mist 'on behalf of the Sunday^school;, ress of Cerenomes� or the event • .presented gifts to• other's who ;had ,arid Father L,, Coug" lin brought assisted in-Sunday.school work ',greetingsfrom the Parish. Father Janie'Lai-d'law read an, address to :Kennedy's` sister, Mrs. 1n�illiam .. Mrs. Johnston' Conn; Sunday ' • Kinahan, of West W;awanosh Town- •school• pianist and Ruth Elliott.:pre ship replied ori behalf o.f•his family . 'sented!�her with ,a'gift , Doris rishetb Reis .Miltenburg, ' presented' seven ,graduating pins to the first •gradi uates of the new St.:. Joseph's_; school.' Presented with the pins areas follows; Nold'a Miltenbttrg, Denise Dalton, Marlene.Dren•nan, Frances' Hogan; Gary •Courtney, Joseph Austin and Ron Boeul. Entertainment followed. Two :Maltese songs were sung'by the".. school choir:...Ursula"Courtney read part of the 1966 Valedictorian's speech. /Cathy. Hogan., Peter Fray.- tie, and, Mary Ann O'Keefe gave a fevf.. •amusing •anecdotes of their schbol year and churns, Anita Hog. g an 'plaYed the .Melodica. -.Mrs, .Orman Heffernan;, Social .. N S n ra r Ronald ch a Mr. Convener, presented•the ewly- w,eds of the, parish with."Sick 'call Crucifixes." Those presented are P as follows; Mr. and Mrs. Brian.. Dalton,, Mr.•;arid Mrs. F nk,Reig ling, Mr. and Mrs. 'Albe t Heffer- nan,. and •Mr. and Mrs: 'nald • Durnin. Miss Barbara Winter,, ,,School Principal,' `demonstrated' nd. ave'. the• purpose; of the .AdventWreath. Mrs. Mark Daltnn motioned,that the meeting be closed Presents :.were distributed by Mr, and Mrs. ,Santa Claus, namelY, ' . and Mrs Eugene ,Frayne. • PAGE ELEVEN!• -EImers.O.C. Entertain Guests 4shieW.M.S. (Whitechurch News). bells,, 'team bells, ,neck yake bells,; '(Ashfi'eld"News) On• Wednesday afternoon. at o'clock the C.O.C.; members of ' • Chalmers. Presbyterian Church , • thein mothers and leaders, Mrs'.. Hugh Simpson and. Mrs•. Earl Cas- lick entertained the United Church Messengers, and their leader., 'Mrs. Dave;Gibb,, .' • The Call to Worshi ' was iven b P.. g Y. Mrs. Hugh Sitnpson,.The carol:Joy ,to the World was sung and the Lords'Frayer repeated by all. Kathy .Purdon with her recitation welcom- ed all...' The Scripture was read by Jimmie Pe Boer' and. Cecil De Boer led. in prayer. . The`'offering' was received by Rob ert Watt ,and,the offertory ,prayer•:. was given by.Doris Fisher., • Ruth Elliott gave a piano solo Away in a Manger,; and a reading "Far aW ay in Bethlehem" A trio - Cecil De Boer, Paul • E1T ott and.Murray Simpson sang 'Away in'a. Manger. `Mrs. Victor Emerson gave a reading. - "It's Q. K. Son; Everybody does it" which proved incidents in Johnny',s .life ,frorn.6,to 19.years of age that his parents:and relatives had cheated but when Johnny.. at 19 was caught with answers :at school and sent home in disg race: his parents and relatives were horrified and said -. If.its anythingwe can't stand its a kid who cheats.' Mrs Emerson then told the Story of Bells having on display replica .of school bell, - hand school bell, strings',.of`bells which went around a horse shaft, bells, `back. Present Gifts Of Apprecia#ion .And � ". Attendance Awards Ott Chalmers Concer (Whitechurch News) Chalmers ,Presbyterian Sunday! School held 'Christmas concert on Thursday e.Vening,,• Decernber• 22nd. in the: Sunday School•'room . 1fie . pre schoolers David Elliott , „Don. ald..and.NormanWatt were center ':ed .around':.the Babe in the Manger • • while ::Away in.Manger was sung. Their :teacher is •M.iss Barbara Pardon . • Wendy Reynolds,•primary teacher had members of ,her class. 'Baty Elliott, Robert Watt, Lori Purdon; Linda Moore:, 'Bobbie. Ross, give recitations concerning the letters 1 "in the word Chriseinas. Joann Laidlaw's class Jimmie Henderson :Debbie,. Reynolds, Cathy •Purdon, Cecil De Boer;all gave scripture verses•learned in rhythm.•liand:bells, cow bell,; rnel-1 The December meeting of the ody bells and 'row the only brass j W . M,, S. held in,the 'church school factory in Canada is at ,Breslau, was atended by l2eight members with Ontario operated, by Carl and Her- ,' Mrs. John. MacCraspleader. 'worth?Stoermer. The youngest' 1 -Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie had the •c ildren pr sent were caedto the-71 Mac' ., front and each given •a bell which . s 'Lerman read a paper.' Poems were read' 'by Mrs: they wee to ring_while�the 'audien-i;. MacCreight and; Mrs.. ce sang ,single •Bells. Mrs. Emerson was thanked by Mrs..Simpiori,for her humorous talk and presented by •Lori' Pardon with at'gift. -Irene De, Boer gave a reading;' ' "Far., -away in .Bethlehem" Another Carol was sung and Murray Simp-., son closed ,the meeting with prayer Many enjoyable games were en joyed by the children•, supervised by Mrs. Donald Watt. who had prizes for the winners. •Lunch and candy were served by the C. O, C. and •helpers. At the conclusion of ' lunch the children gathered around • • and ;examined and .rang the bells as any had never seen this ' . pemof bell - . MacMurchy . Mrs:. Ross led in • prayer. Carols were• sung and roll, .call answered With' a Christmas verse:., , Dungann�n C.GJ.T Christmas Meeting The C. G.I T. girls:held their Christmas meeting'on December 22 in the bungannon United Churcl school' rooms and openedtheir meeting with a hyrnn and purpose. With Sandra Errington reading the. •scripture. The :girls are doing liquid embr- Sunday. School superintendent,. and Jim D.e Boer made the:.gift present atton • Although •completely taken by . surprise all thanked the class for thinking of them. Mr: Watt's class•had a`contest. On the White side' was. Irene„De. Boer', Ronnie .,Henderson and Har- vey. Craig ; On the. Blue`` side was Paul Elliott, -Arthur Henderson :ar`id.Darlene Sinspson•. Mr. Watt gave .the 'question: and the, first one ringing, the bell and "giving the correct answer scored:. In the first 5 minutes the Whites `had 15' and theBlues 7. In the next,5 minutes; the: Whites had a score; of 3 and the.Blues 2. ,43. A film The 'corning of the 'Shepherds'•` and "The visit of the 'Wise Men” was shown. • ,Mr. Ira Wall, Superintendent, presented' awards for perfect ,att endance to Jim DeLBoer, Lori Pardon, 'Janie Laidlaw, Cecil De i3per .and. Cathy P:iirdon. Those who : to ssed one Sunday were'Irene Ile Boer, :Ruth Elliott:, •Paui, Elliott, Barry. Elliott, Paul Laidlaw, .David` Elliott. Those absent,2 Suridays,; Murray Simpson, Douglas Ross, Bobbie: Ross Three. Sundays absent was•'Darlene Simpson '- • • °` Santa'Claus arrived and pre° ented 'gifts and bags `of ;candy to •ail a.fter:. " which lunch was served, Alvin 'Rau representing the Father • . Stephen•.Eckert Council of. the Knights'.o�f`Columbus presented the guest of honour With.a cheque. Father•Kennedy thanked the Knights of, Columbus and all`wh,o had contributed -to his reaching - the priesthoodand who had. Made. ,the occasion a success.: In the: aft- ernoon a reception was held at• Mr: and Mrs, A. Kennedy's home. Father Kennedy is a •member of the Congregation of St, Basil; a community of',priests dedicated . . to the education'cif youth. After completing his theological studies : this year,. he will be teaching in • one cif the high sch 1 Lode y e B Tari Fathers addressed,Mrs .'John. Gaunt , :day School :treasurer, and. Betty Carrpbell, made the presentation Miss' 17bris .Ross;'• being .absent, was sent het gift as she, had ,mark,... •ed their work books, Mary Lou' Wall; addressed Mr. Watt/and .Panl • Laidlaw presented hini with a. gift as'he had taken the class while Mrs; Cmer'son was away to the West. . Jim:Boer, :its the absence of Wesley Tiffin,. called .on Mrs and she received the address. Tiffinn Paul Laidlaw' made they. presentation to Mr. Tiffin because of his assistance as song leader:' • "� y Y r• r n t l l r_ri � '4�,�;,d,;,�I;�k�..GX+AI l .. :' �idCci'ndI�Ight ServIceAt Ashfield •(Ashfield. News)' .The C, G.1. T. under the•leader . sh ip,of Mrs. Jin; West; assisted by. Barbara Mackenzie, held.•a candle, light service on'Sunday evening:-'• Jan Simpson`.led the service": Jane M•dncrief was candlelighter and Betty Simpson 'and Donna Wy1ds, rcadets. •Nancy Mactinna•n'was organist. The• Nativity scene was w„ .w • Presenfi Awards AtChurch Concert (Ashfield News)' Church School =Concert was held- Friday,evening Soloss, choruses,. readings;:-a-tnanger Scene,, select `ions on guitar and accordian were rendered by the pupils'.' Rev, Neil MacCornbie and 'Reuben Wilson,` assistant'' Superintendent gave:the attendance.' awards.' There are 88::' pupils on the roll in 11 classes. • Sidery with the assistanceof their leaders, Mrs. Ivan, Rivett, and Mrs. Robert Jefferson: Carols were sung_ with. Karen Rivett as; pianist and'the meeting closed' with an exchange of gifts and lunch ' The girls enjoy ed;'skating in Lucknow the Week ., beforeas a social part oftheir meeting. • Choose"now, while our prices are clearaway low! Buy your,Christmas' cards for next year ... get beautifully designed greetings plus extraordinary``savings. •AT THE iffic)vv