HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-04, Page 77.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4th., 1%7' •
Squirts Win.
I,ucknow :Squirt hockey team ,de-
feated Mildrrray 'l-3 in. a game
played at Mildmay on ;Thursday,
December.,22nd, • • •
David Parrish :bagged,, six,,goals.
for Lucknow.with ,Kevin Murray
picking/up: the seventh tally'. .
th Guelph
Kenneth Houstonreturns` to the
University -of. -Guelph Janu.ary.4th,,
'where he will attend.the,ilockey,=
.. Carnp of the U3riversity "Redmen'«.
previousto classes which start on
the 9th of January. Ken hasbeen;'"
with .the •"Redmen all fall.
Midgets Win
Lucknow Midget hockey team' d.e-
'feated. Mildmay. 8 3 in Lucknow
onThwrsday night of last week.;,
Gordon Maurer..scored :four times
for Lucknow, Bob Mullin picked .
up .a -pair with single markers go
::Ing to Donnie and Jig). MacKinnon.
Thee Games • . ••
Lucknow Pee.Wee hockey tealrn,,.
has'come up with three victories •
since the last issue ofThe , Sentin
On December 2Qth they
w,hailoped Blyth 14-1. Goal scorers
were Andy Whftby5; Mark. Chis- •
holm 3, Ken Famish 2 with single-
tons going to Stuart"Alton,- Bill •
Hall, Jim 'Murray and Steve. Hack-
Lucknowohad; another "impressive
win over Mildmay 'on;December
23rd when; they won 11'- 2. Goal,
scorers were, Ken Farrish and..
Kevin Ackert,'. two each, with •
single goals going to Jim Murray,,
Ken Hamilton, BI1I,Ha11, 'Andy
Whitby.,. Lawrence Jay, Graham.
Haniiltop , The official recorder
had no record of who scored the
eleventh goal
Lucknow; edged' Teeswater on
December;. 27th by a score of 4-2'.
The scoring'was. well divided. with
Ken F,arrish,,.Bill. Hall, 'Mark'
Chisholm and lim Murray all •
flashing the 'red light..
Close Games At Boxing day �anspiel
OrvflIe EIIIOtt's Team Took Trophy
On. Monday,. December 26, the
Lucknow Curling',club members
• • ` held .their :annual' bonspiel for the
Silyerwoods Trophy. The ice was
keen, the spirits. were high and'
the curling', was good, .as was =indi
•cate'd`by:the number of,close
A team skiPPed by Orville ',Elliott
With. George Moncrief, • vice; Ross
MacKenzie 2nd and Ann Austin'
.'• lead -,had a'hard "fight to win the
• first.piize and the Silverwood•
Trophy. ,Their, first two garnes
'.againstJirn Arnold and Dr. Jack
• McKim were close games all 'the`
°'way: and each ended. in a tie; with
.winning in an',extra end.`
In their 3rd game they,.ran ' away
from a team .skipped by Glen„
Walden Who was•the other. two
gamewinner, .
1st Game: 'Orville Elliott 6 - Jim
Ar'nokd,6;.'Dr,J.. McKim
Nelson .4; Gletr: Walden 6 Har... •
old Austin •Vernon Hunter' 9 -
Alex Hackett, 4;
2nd Game: : Orville Elliott '5 Dr.,
• J. McKim•5; Glen Walden' 8 -5
Vernon ,iluriter 7; Alex Hackett 6 -
Wm. Nelsen 6; Haiold Austin 8-
Jinn Arnold 7;
3r""d Game: Orville Elliott 11,
,:Glen 'Walden 3 Dr, J. ;McKim 12
Alex Hackett 41 Harold Austin 9 A
''•Vernon Hunter 7; Wm Nelson 14 -
Jitn' Arnold.4.
Second prize was won b a team
p y, ,
skipped by: Dt e .Tack. McKim with'
2 wins arid :a plus,of 9. Third prize'
•wag won"by tearn skipped by
Harold, Austin Frith 2 wins 'and a
lus..of 3 .: The consolation priZe
Was 'won by 13111 Nelson's rtrik .
Ortiille Elliott‘ Geerge Moncrief
Ross .MacKenzie, Ann
„3W Austin, _..
Iviac ntyre, Stuart Reavie Robert
MacKenzie, 2W' + 9; Harold •
Austin, •Frank Alton :Isobel.Ma0
Kenzie . Deana'Reavie • 214 "+ 3;
• Glen Walden,' • Ted•.McCienag han,
Grace Elliott : Carroll cKi” '
2W + 2 Wrrr, .Nelson, John Mac
Kinnon '
i ,Barry McDonagh, Marjor-
ie Alton, 1W + 8; Vernon: Hunter.
Anna Mae Hunter, MurrayHunter
Patricia Hunter. 1W + 5; "'Alex
Hackett, Alvin Alton -
. v 1,,J ac Jack
Donagh gh Nancy : MacInt e
g •, •• Y Yr ,.
1W + 0;, Jim Arnold, Donald Mac-
Intyre, Herb Wilkins, Elia Hackett
3: L.
.ad es . Evening
January 2nd, 1967'
Teani Points; Violets 2, Roses 2;
Tulips 2, ,Pansies 2; ' Poppies,l,
Petunias' 3 . `
High Single went to Gweq,Cae'sar-•
'with 320 and the High Triple to
Muriel Ritchie with. 654
Games 200, and overt Diane Hack..
ett 206, 'Carolyn Mason 221,arid
202, Marina Parks 206 and 208,
Kathy,Gibson 232,'Shirley .'Cooke
2)2, Beryl :Mowbray .206 and 213, •
Rose Hall 226 Yvonne Christian
201, Anna Johnstone 215, Marie
Stewart 248, Jessie "Joynt..268,
Muriel Ritchie 270 and 255,, Kay
Crawford 260, ,Gwen Caesar 320,, •
'Team Standings, 14Craword's
f ,
Petunias 80 Rose'H.al,'s Roses 26,.
Muriel Ritchie's Poppies 24, With, ,
Jardine's Tulips. 22, Tillie Wilso's.
Pansies 22, Kathy Gibson` s Violets
'20 :.
Many of 'the folks from this
area attended the New Years dance
held in. Kincardine on Friday,even. -
• Eileen Collins of Calgary Alberta
spent' the Christmas 'holidays at: the
home of her parents;: Mr.. and Mrs:.,
Russell Oollins.
Mrs: George Emerson attendedts
the funeral of the late M.N. Smith.
at Lions Dead on Tuesday.
Spending, a few days last week •
With his.7Aunt and Uncle e. and
Mrs. Ralph Hill, was Jing Quigley
of London. • -
., Mr.. and Mrs. Don, Dore spent
New. Years Eve 'with Mr. and'Mrs.
Russell Collins. •
Some• of the. folks from here att-
the Presbyterian Sunday
School Concert on Thursday, Dec
ember•.22nd at:Kinlough;.
Mrs,. Earl Elliott spent the week,
before .Christrri as in Detroit with '
Earl's•mother Mrs; John S. Elliott...
Guests through the Christmas holi- •
dayseason with the Elliotts were
Nancy Elliott of Niagara Falls,
Bob Berrill, Detroit, Mr: and'Mrs'..,
Everett Stanley;:: Linden Michigan,.
Mr. and Mrs. A.J.Elliott;.
Stouffyille, and on New Yeart,
Paul and John;.Elliott of Ferndale,`
Mich Mjiss Joyce•'Ell ott spent a
fewdays 'in' Detroit visiting relat.-
Christmas dinner guests with Mr
and Mrs. Burton Collins and farpily
were Mrs. ' Gordon Stanley,.` Ripley,
and Mr, 'and Mrs. Vic Gawley-and
New Years Day'dinner guests of the
Collins' were.Mrs; Andrew Patter '
son 'and' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon . Patt-
erson. `Other 'visitors recently were
Mr:, and'Mrs, : Don Robertson and '
New Years Day dinner guests with:.
'Mr. •and:Mrs. :Vic Gawley were Mr.
and Mrs Don Chadbourne ;and Mr.
and Mrs.'Alvin Trowse of Kincar-
dine, Mr. and.Mrs, DuWayne. Greig
.and Teresa' of Hamilton,. Gladys of.
Toronto, Misses Ada and Ethel,
,Gawley • of Ripley, , .Barry Johnston.':
of Holy,rood and Mrs. 'Clark Need;
ham of .Kincardine..On Saturday
the Gawle 's celebrated Christmas'
With 1vlisses Ada,„Lettie• and
Ethel Gawley. in Ripley,
Mr. and Mrs,•'George Emerson: and
Bob spent
n hristmas with. Joe;
Frank i,a Miss Geraldine Emerson
and' on Monday were in Lucknow: as.
dinner guests 'of Mr. and Mrs.: Ross
Shiells and Mary Ellen. , O•n, New :
Years dinner guest's of the rnersons
were Mr.. and Mrs. Chester '
.Campbell, Lloyd and -David of
London, Frank and Joe and Miss
Geraldine Emerson and Mrs. John
Bell of Kincardine.• Dale. •Martin ,
and' David Carnpbel It spent part of
their holidays; with the Eniersons,
helping out CO the farm ,::' ` '
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norval
Stanley and • Fred for. Christmas, and
through the'holidays were. Deanna
Doupe of .Bradford ,; Mr and Mrs.
Art Helm of.Tiverton, Mrs.' Helen
Swann,' Milton Stanle Mr. -and
Mrs: Wilfred Thaher.,And 'farnily',
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, ;Roslyn
Swann and Tielen Whiting, all of
London, Nlr..and Mrs. Don,Doupe`
of Miharton; 'Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Stanley;' Mr. and Mrs Russell Stan-
ley of Ripley and, Mr,:.and 'Mrs.
Lawerence Stani'ey, of Toronto ,
'Mr. and ,Mrs. Don Dore and
family spent •Christnias''as. dinner
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Claude
Dore Sr.: of Bervie ..Other dinner
gnests with the 1.1;ore's were. Mr,,
and Mrs,. Harvey Thompson and
family, Mr. andrMrs. Gerald
Rhod and family, NancyDdre, of ,,
Y '
Kitchener; Ronnie and `Dianne' Dore
of . TeeswAter ,' Stuart Dore,. Bervie
and bon' Thorn:pson of Montreal who
was home fora weeks holidays;
New Years dinner guest was Cecil_
Due .to the storm on Wednesday
Evenin , the hockeyme sponsor'
,gga P
'.ed by the Legion Members, which:
was to be held on,the• 28th in the _
Ripley arena Was called .:off till 1
,further notice , -
-Mr..and:Mrs' Cecil Sutton and
Robbie"spent Christmas between'
Mr And Mrs ; George Kings and
Mr. and 'Mrs. Lyman Suttons and
were •ta Win gham' tocelebrate with
,her sisters family, •Mr, and Mrs.
Wilbert Hodgins:.On New Years: •
.the. Suttons were at Cecil's. parents ,
`Mr. and, Mrs. Lyman Sutton:
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle and
'family had as dinner guests 9n
Christmas Mr. and Mrs.'Aurel,
ArmstrongAnd family 'and the `.
. a. .
Boyle's were guests, -of the .Arrnstr
ones on,New Years. ,.
Bonnie and. Kerry Boyle, spent
some • of their. holidays .in Kitchen-
er,,with Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Fred. Fowler
and Heather and Corine visited. in
Goder ch: with Mr.' and Mrs. Bill . .
Mr. and Mr's Ed Farrell of Kin-
cardine 'held 'Christrbas Dinner
far their. family,.
Heather Boyle spent Monday
/afternoon. with Robbie'. Sutton...
Mr: and. Mrs:. Walter Forster •
held Christmas in their home for .
their farnily.._Those•present were
Mr: and Mrs. Gordon; Patterson, •
Mr..and Mrs; Bill Robinson°and
Darryl of'Oakville Carolyn and
Janet Forster of Toronto, Roy ,
Fraser. of Elmira, Mr;.;.and Mrs!
Don McCosh and Ikon Johnston of
H olyrood . :
Mrs. Bill Robinson spent, the
' Christmas week visiting her par-
ents, Mr..
ar_ents,'.Mr.. and Mrs. Forster and,
her sister, Mrs; Gordon Patterson.'
" • Dinner' guests on ChristM as with
'Mr. and Mrs.. 'Don McCosh were
Mr; and 'Mts.' Bill Robinson. and
Darryl; Mr: and Ivtrs,,Walter
Forster,;' an anii1:: , Mr: sand Mrs,
er the holida s wi `v�� .
ov _: _.
a a r -
.. e }y'J i1 M
Ctirr>` alwel n4 ric1 r
and Mrs. ..Don' Dore and family were / . Y •
i r s Caro
• � and Mrs. ArdillMa on, 1 n.
Mine Ronnie Dianne Y
'nd Don tThom•son Calvin '-nd Janet Forster; Mr. and Mrs, •
and Li ar P '
Lloyd Johnston and'
. x, r
Wlihi'arn Eadie 'of•W nghani and
Ken. Mason.;
Those who were.'dinner guests of
the McCoshes' on New Years were;
and'. Mrs. Bill Arnold, Ripley,.
Mr .and; Mrs; James .McEwan. and
their boys Jamie, Kenny and
Sandy; : Mr. Edgar -Watson',
Mrs. Ardill Mason.' Mrs. Walter
Forster and Mrs;'Don McCosh vis- ..
ited , recentlywith Mrs. 'W,; :N.,
Bushell in Win ham hospital:
Friends will be sorry to:hear :Mrs.
Bushell is very poorly; and; spends/
all of her time in 'an oxygen tent.,
It: is hoped she improves in;the
Visitors over the holida ',y . season
with Mr, and 'Mrs, Robertson
were Miss, Margaret Robertson'from'
Lucknow who was there for a' few
days,. Mr. •and Mrs., Goldie Huston'
of . Ripley ; Mrs . Russell, Collins , • •
Roy and Eileen, Mr, and Mrs,.' Art
Collins and,: Lisa and Calvin Robert.
Mr, andMrs, Don Robertson and
Calvin spent Monday : in Lucknow,
as dinner guests of Miss Margaret
Robertson. The Robertsons also •
visited•ith.Mrs •.,J. C. McNab,
Mr, and Mrs.. Cameron MacDonald -
of Lucknow and: Mr. and Mrs. ' Ken
Robertson Of Arnnbw"during the':"
Chfistm as Season.. •
..Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arnold of ,
Ripley and Don McC,osh were in
Arthur recently attending the fun-
eral of their. uncle, Allan Orr,
Mr, and. Mrs, 1 erry Hogan and
Todd of Stratford; Aleir Hewitt of
Guelph spent the holiday with,Mr.,,,
and. Mrs.' Jack Hewitt, Brenda and
Heather.. '
Nelson Webster of Windsor. and
Douglas Allan ;of the R.C.N. • at
.Halifax. visited with Mr, and : Mil,'
Prank Mauide'n and Keith.
,toyee Allen of Listowel 'Who spent
_the holiday with Mr. and:..Mts,..
Russell Hewitt returned home. on
Sunday. Mt- and Mrs;'Hewitt
spent'New Years at�:the Allen home