The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-21, Page 23111 f. • ft D M v•roir • nOpOrt traffic.. night wear or caul' sonnethini,,, white or light in colour .44,1•Detachrizerit of the frovincial Police last tatitigged two traffic 1004141 PcPeftY •dam Wowing pm(*) le)ery for: peuee were bitmed gal accident /0”Whlch 7' a°WAS Traffic Pitt113 iti4 were fifteen anftwarn. Oar heissol were thirty-one. Five iiagyieks were given at five • lox/ Olds to 110 children., too aiming investigations. wow diefts. breaking wring,. no disnabances with ota miscellaneous-inVeat- oierecea was received by the deuchment under theL*t co of *general flatlet. 1 1•1 1 1 1 1 Police officers were en duty for 54I hours and patched 07,71 miles ttia4s, The Godertch detachinent has the following tuggestitais forholida) • 111Q10t111$, , ' TOM Ontario.Provincial Pfl HOC there's 110 "Safe Time of Yeas" for pedestrians in traffic, Alertness is)required at all times and with the itneertain• weather and lottger hews of. darknets of the hol- iday season.' the hazards are high for people (OM More than • • tio. of all traffic accidents involve pedestrians.. and in large cities.i • pedettrians are invedved in more • thariiii•the total accidents: If • you Onitt.wilk Cei the roadway want on the left side, facing LUGGAGE 0 fitting gi Samsonite s e cost barrier JitweighL Iuggage • - Example:This handsome 21' case weighs only 5)4 pounds, costs only $2595 LESS 0 e klt,,sesIttfeertnOtrotes Debonair,* Iota/priced Ougga;e*Dth 1 viltecortete ritogis of highisite features! ' • Auttrethbly tough 'mOulded liked •contbiroodi wtitb the • !Amt..** Samsonite oragnaSiallIt %Una to reek* that tit**. Ng - Gallo the Eghtest and reost .derable to its ctass. , ' . S Wed Debortateconors insieweattcaset artdetteecurt. The eeleurs cannot crack or peel because they al! ere SamsOrtitie Debonair ts beathstly Cnted-to ecleura match or torOpeerrisrot the tatte4er..A,trueortescurrt frame Pcitles a toogue-roul.groore seal to help keen cot demo amd•d4st. Arid Debonair's recessed locks keen these cases • 14hty itesederen In bigwigs pihkonslighere other tot** . rag cr-4fooaro aced.' ntaltr. • • • NNW With neve Struntentle Debinter,-, korroy.11eggege at economy Pcolk • Samsointe Schmid's 4.4 Jewelry and Ulna • LOCKNOW moms 51114s32 •ii • • , - Fatt, :a kilt"blialiglo0141011131110001‘0011Miat10$001101404"1111241111!‘ ^VP to help: drivers, see better whet e you are and which way you're going, h other words.. walk as though )our life depended on it. There ate times when K does, Drivers - a wither reminder. It is now required b) law to always have re ardlets of weather. driving visibility -. front, sides and rear• This means it is ilk al 'to drive with windows steamed up: cc frosted over, or Covered-v/1th. snow. So keep thern.clean and • avoid a nuntnont - maybe even avoid an-acciclent. • • Kincardine O.P.R. Report •• During the past week there were • clay tiio manor accicletin as in- • vestigated by the Kincardine •De- tachment of, the Ontario- Provincial' police. The good driving condit.7 : . ions for' -this dine of year ha i assis•-:- ted in keePing accidents to a • otirtirnurn. . . • . , EXTRA- .ENFORCEMENT -HOLIDAY •' • SEASON •'. •. ...: -Were now in oneof the year 's most dangerous periods in traffic -. dle lloliday season; Time to pay extraattention to the, reminders a • . the traffic atetikient.hazards we ••• face :in this time:of year, These. are impcitarit rerriitideri. They , ,help.us to keep out of accidents, , the) help prevent iniliries and they help,:saVe lilies; in addition,- a'S' • ••:Yerif Ontario Provincial•Police points out,- the extra. HoUday ' '.. Season •polk e enforcer:tient 'of •the , - • • traffic riles and regulations helps . Make the safety reminders evert • rfaiore effective., The rules and regulations are designed to help Make mit we:do. It's a corr:Nr:- atiokthat deserves the public. support it always receives - • ruIes for life; enfeccernent for life and the life invOlved-could • • be our on or yoUr child's.. • 'Driver! It'S i‘tact! .0 you .iet in- • to the hahtt of breaking traffic . rules YO‘e. re headed .for trouble! N T.I:-,.e recards prove it. They shoW; R t .rnany •of the iriiinies and ' .j fatalities On our streets and hi01-2 I ways are the result of the breakiril!T - • .,,of ace or nre of the traffic rules; i and .ins by: some pefion or persons..0t, the:other hand.. Most 11,11•driters. stick ;to the rules and stay a ,ol.t of trouble.- Makes: sense. 111 ...ttlettet L.i• • Traffic • rules and extra flolida•y •easor. eniorcer-eur cit tl",e.rules rra,:i,c a life sasinvz combination. 1 '.',;',41t•r• is team and key: s,ave :;*.. f'4', per'.44.:ttlt. r cror. Ot- virltz , ,.. 'S. ,..-:::et,, •' I resent Pageant 11 At Blokes Church, Goderich Hospital 41.1.3r. . We wish you .0 .1 this time 01 rik?r A plentiful measure of Yuletide cheer! 1967 Modeis . • • . SEVERAL ToCHOSE 1166 FORD Custom SOS, 4 door 2-1146 CHEV 41 rioor hardtops, VS eutortsatic ' 11146 PONTIAC LeuMutian, VS automatic, 9 p11110,11Pr ' statiorreagon •• 1163 DODGE Polar., 1'door hardtop, V4, • 1164 FORD Galaxie IS, 2 door hardtop, V4 automatic • 1164 MERCURY ½ ton truck 1163 PONTIAC 6 Cylinder, 44 Door Standard Transmission • 1163 MERCURY, 4 door 11441 RAMBLER, 4 Door,, 6 CYlindor 1168 PONTIAC, 4 door • 111S11 CHEV, 6 cylinder, standard transmission SEVERAL OLDER MODELS SEE THESE AND OTHERS rr amm s arage MYTH .4. PHONE 523 -4342 Dianne Zinn. Sharry Boak. Ronnie ?denary.- Harold Menary„ Dotig Cameron, lack Cameron, Freddie Philips, Jim [leak, Steven Andrew, Jerry Irvin, Ivan Cranston, Leone Cranston, Gary Blake, Beverly Blake, Greg Blake,. Dale, William and Murray Irvin, John Anderson, ,11 A- .` c-irt.- • -a -cart it • crati- - • . A ' : :, t. ' rt<itr a •tor"..,'" was citt ell - e., -•t"..,. creser.te,* !•-, t„'',.c Junior an,„: .4, '''''ir ir.t*ir ,....!' Cit4 14a.' t 't.4rt.4•14att % tO rein 'et . 1 at . Aaii.C('' 1:4 .,,,,rt- ., Adtilts assictir:z .;• L tr, c ca..,-catlt were ?1,•"tts . Iii at: „ Ii A n,:*ew ,, 4 "rs. i• et A :ton. lkt:rs. :rzr.• ,,- oNllo, .. A:et L •i•a,, ,,ett. !•it.v.,,arti , or,ea:-: t, Mr.,' !ioward It'ia'ko and ?,•lt / cron,Antterson. • , . , 144(C. t, ?',ets tait rtg pair were rortna. Ir;.ir :e . t.' ":v. a itc!'!ie. Brertda , : .••-•:vzi.',rift%ara.it,tit15. Narte ' i, 1,!..:a2.'. %t, anda Flutter, ! at,e .• w, ',z•t--,:'„, -,.' ' ece Efacitett. tr7.•,ia aa.- ,.,r..- . 'at: -.t•114 litrit ' i. . 1 ' -. s • a .t -!... !"arlent 'tia4 Kett, 1 .:'. ...,,1 4 • * t 11 Stuart Afton, Brian; Bili and Jim Alton, Steven and Larry Harken. O Friday evening this pageant : -The Christrna.s Story* was pies- :.ented also at Ontario FiovitaI„ Goderich. Rev. and MrsKaiser •• accompanied the group as well as t several other parents •, 1i 4) At this joyous season, may I take the „opportunity of exteximg-to all my - friends and clients best wishes for a ' wry merry Clwistmas„ and a haPPY and ProsPerous ' • New Year. 4 •-, • .4t 01 -••:."--,•••••• MANI • J. KINAHAN ItR. 2 1..ttcinoir Phone Wingluun .35 74 9117 ; lifg ASSUI COMPANY Of ONADA • • 44 1