The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-21, Page 13y, DEC. VW. 004 ►ERZIE 0� iftristNOW . .IN RIPLEY .r. EVERY WEDNESDAY g, 1p:oo a.m. to !is PIS Roy, MEOW*. Bir 2$ for appointive*. w, R. Hamilton OPTOMETRIST • TO LYCEUM.'•THEATRE WINGHAM ' PHONE 3Si.1341 • Till LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOIN, ONTARIO m and District Hospitul Ex .P�ts Accreditation Survey Next Year it B expected 014 the Wingham anti District Hospital will undergo urveY, poratbly in the spring, for 'Official accreditation by the Ontar- io hospital Services Commission. For some, time pan die hospital: has begn working toward accredited state* and during :the past' year and a half, while rebuilding was in :pro,,. s.rnc. ec-•es ary. chara,es in{predecure were Impossible. Witb buiiding'ope ratio is nearly complete,the administrator, Mrs, ; I.E. ;Mersey, 'hopes to br ing all' 'departments up to the required standards • JbH NSTO N Ery . FUNERAL. HOMR:.• sour.. and Convitoo Phone s2e4013 orNibt •pay t ...Soiling All • Faiths • fo . T?►eir, I WIS$, Aaderate Prkes: . • Establ sl d 111M ' Windham Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING: REASONABLE PILES. avg. Direct and Savo Bus. Ph: 3S7-1911 • Rus: .Ph, . 337415 R. .DUVAL D.C., ` Sp. C. Chiropractor. and E I dro • Thovapsst Phone 3574511 located on John SL .,West to Toronto s.Dominloo Bank) H:AR,PER CHARTERED. ACCOUNTANT ss S7 South 'Street, Goderich • INSURANCE Na.E. WIND,: CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and LIPS To ;Protect .Your Jslck . lore With Jack Toddy. J. A. McDON CH , Phone R. W. ANDREW Barrister end . ' Solicitor .. LISTOWEL,.:• ONTARIO 1N LUCKNOW. Every: Wednesday •and Saturday Aft main Office in the Joynt Block • Telephone: . Lucknow 52d-3111 Telephone, 524-7562 den's Studio PORTRAITS Weddings and Children GODE11ICH, ONTARIO Ile St: David Street. .' Dial. 5244787 7 "AGO THIRTEEN STATISTICS The information on possible.sur- vey was given to the board of dir- ectors at their meeting, presided, over by the board chairman.. R, 8,. Cousins. ' •• TtN. administrator reported 186 admissions. during November; 5. deaths, 114 operations,, 228 out-.. patients; 373 x. -rays, 8 blood tran- sfusions, 3605. laboratory tests, 49•• cardiographic .caminations; 64 at. cancer clinic, .one, post mortem exarrlination,' Brie coroner's report..: Total patient days were 2605 , for a daily average of'87 ,patients.. During November 1965 the daily average was '12, MANAEMENT.. ' • \A, Barry. Wenger.. chairman. Of the m'anagernent committee,, reported that' a ninth statutory holiday had: been,added for the benefit of the staff and at the employe.ee request was set for November llth rather than Boxing Day The report; also referred to some problems in work assignment and admitting procedures; 'New - mehods of handling staff assign orients will be . used on a trial basis. The staff held a Christmas party at the high school on Fridayeven,- ing at which time service pins. were: presented / The management committee, at a niceting ,the previous week had ' reviewed a ,revised staff schedule wh:ich'sets up three Major staffing, departments: Group' 1, nursing and professional group; Group 2 admin istrative and' -Clerical; Group:3 domestic,.: Salary increases ranging., from 5 to 8'per cent have/ been recommended in the 1.96/. budget sent to O. H. S, C. for approval. Under the new schedule total pay- roll for the .year will amount to' approximately $666.198.00.. PROPERTy , Ed. Wacker, chairman. of the, pr.'opr crty committee reported that re decoration of the: cafeteria dining room was: completed and new. .furnishings installed. • Member7 of BOXING DAY PROLAMAT1ON AT THE: REQUEST OF THELUCKNOW dUNESS MENS ASSOCIATION BoxingDaywiltbeobervedaSCVIC HgDAy: of In the Viflagetucknow CRAWFORD and SHEPHERD . L N. CRAWFORD, Q.C. N. A. SHEPHERD Wingharn and . Lucknovs IN •LUCKNOW ' DNESDAY 10 &.`n". to 1' p.m. Waled in. Kilpatrick Block' Phony . W inghinn 3S7,3430 - Res: 1174330. IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS .for prompt service and quality products, Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone collect • Dungannon $29.7524 "1hltva,ys •i.r►.rok To imperial For The Best" ' k. WIiIlans, 0 Optometrist 9. Patrick Street W. • Mone 3S74282 D. the board visited this room after: MacKenzie ,the meeting and were extremely t Memorial Chanel pleised with the impren+emetlts. ' Mt. Walker said there ',acre still i some problems with the .heating system.. but anticipated that the proper balance will 'be achieved your Church, ' or at our Mem- shortly. He expressed the belief oriel Chapel at no additional that more co-operation should be charge. • - • : forthiovning from the suppliers of Lecknew, :Phone 5211-3431 • ahc equipment. . Day or Night ,. The report included the inform- ation that posts. have been tet in '"'� Concrete bases for•the new: fence around the hospital parking lot in R. W. BELL , the east side of Carling Terrace Thr board discussed. the final OPTOMETRIST 4ODERICH The/ board of capping' the basement • .square �' under`the old building and it was Theagreed that the architects should (Phony JAckson 4.744.1). ` be contacted at once in regard to ' . • ` the removal of the old joists in . s ... """"` ". , the ceiling. It was felt these • joists would constinitt a serious TED COLYER fire hazard if left in the. basement.. FUNERAL SERVICE. Servicers conducted according to your srtsbes at •your. Home, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27th And all citizens are requested to observe it as auks. LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL COUNCIL E..H. Agnew,, Cert-Treas. .G, W. Joynt, Reeve . MONUMENTS For aoun+d.:couneel .and a air..price, on a moosmneat correctly designed from quality miter's', rely on 1 JON //MEIMOR Pat O'Hagan, Established Over Sizty . Yds WALKERTON ...PHONE0014274 • ONTARIO 'A LAST. MINUTE GIFT '.0 What better way to solve your . . last minute Christmas 'giftprob- lems than a subscription to:The' Lucknow Sentinel, 'new 'cr renewal? Just drop in ; . or give: us a ring on the phone, ;and your gift problem will be solved . $4'.. per year in, Canada. $5. per year to the• Unit- ed States, • An ;attractive gift card will win - Ounce •any gift subscription.. , Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In ce'' cars parked near the hospital.. Air had been let out of tires and VANDALISM Mrs,. Morrcy reported repeated' incidents of vandalism to employ ' - and Repairs •and All E lectrical . Appliances il.uck now — Phone 528 5182• administrator had visited Dr, • •••••.+.+...*•••04,0 •�'-.4••'-`.F rcnlstari•in Stratford•ii an effort . . to workout a suitable agreement. - Gavilier & Company ol*ical work and providing super- vision for the laboratory,, as CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ; Lequired before the institution minor'daniage inflicted. ' Dr . 1. C. • Mckim reporting foir the medical staff,, said .'he and the 0 • • Resident Partner, .1. E. Kennedy, C A. can become accredited, .Though the Stratford, specialist' will not 'enter into an actual con GUITIBAND 110" ENROLLMENT FEEI Use your irsin,Euitar et bolt one witilssale. (i14.N ghees yen a geed •bogkea+ors,g4tar) Mill EVERY 4 WEEKS-- NO CHARGE. FOR MUSIC EVERT FRIDAY *NIGHT 4.T0 II AT THE ST. PETERS PARISH HALL, LUCKNOW g The medical staff recomnended' acceptance. of the new service on a trial basis for one year at •a fee of $600 for supervision.• Dr.• McKirn also,ann.ounced that he will be leaving the board and will be replaced' by Dr. P. Leahy of Teeswatet who was recently elected staff president. Dr. B. N. Corrin• will serve a further two years as representative of the medical staff. Mrs. Engiish said that the Hosp- ital Auxiliary will provide the prizes for decorated windows. at the hospital. tract as hospital pathologist he. Phone 1381"3471 - Walkerton,ill srtprry iso the lab alto eontini.re • Ito look after the required tests. LOANS MAKE IT THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS EVER! • Tulin itEtITINMONETfeel CRESCENT Be fife of money, worries this holiday season. Have extra .cash in your hand to meet those extra expanses. • • • You can RENT from $50 to $3,000 — for • a week, month, year or longer. Reining is the modern way— and int is: the company friends recommend: So do what you want to do now ,. -Call Crescent and say "rd like to rent money". Seam id the pleasant ways yes .cau rest tram transmit csutacaNr stormy inNirest. NAN Caft As is = w1oMAtr Rent As only i 32..Es 12 months 5 3.00' . 105.75 12 swaths • 10.00 310.75 211 months 19.00 506.94 30 months ' 22.00 755.29 30 moths • 32.00 958.39 30 moths 41.00 2034.20 . 36 mouth& 76.00 Lat�ter amounts far any purpose . are ' available •— lust ask. CRESCENT FINANCE ` CANAt)A'S MOSt CONS1OtRAT1 FINANCE*COMPOSY Sit Queen St. Kincaidl Phone tat -4tvSa►�<!"rr;JG°'1+1".L"rr� cif :tl r. rrsi»w .• .