The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-21, Page 2ATARTING
Monday to Thursday -0 p.m..
Come as . late as ' 8:30: toy _ •see
complete, show
Starring: Marty Allots,; • .Stoves
Rossi, Nancy Sinatra
Chase your blues. away
by the nonsensical fun of
and Rossi, the newest film cor-
edy team.
The staff and managemen t at
the. Lyceum hoPe you have a
Happy Cluistmas.
DEC. •24 '
DEC. 26, ,27, 22, 29, a•.. .
*ardor' 'Dice VanDyk
• Nancy Kwan ,
'For your family entertain-
ment, we takepleasure in pre -
this fun filled Watt Dis-
ney aidventuire I 's holiday en,
tertahnnent at lb best.•
Christmas" .comes : but, once. a
.In fact, it's just ahead.
But have you heard the bad
news? •
Santa Claus is dead
He didn't have a stroke,
In fact it's difficult to say
What made old Santa croak-:
Some say it was exhaustion,
Some, say it was a'clot,
But others: seem, to think., he.
conked .
, From smoking too much pot.
Chimney -pot, that is, . of course,
He wouldn't touch the other.
But what an anti-ciinstut,
For Santa ` just to smother..
At least he could have fallen
From his sleigh and made a
Or run into' a satellite
With . one almighty crash...
I know it's going to be bard
to explain that to your kids, but
• that's your problem.
The revelation contained in
the above doggerel is my per-
/ sonar' campaign against the as-
sortmentof creeps , going
around smelling up the atmos-
phere with ' their God -Is -Dead:
garbage. l ,
'• There's just as much • truth,
and. just as much common
sense, . in my report about S..
Claus as there is in theirs
about God.. '
X don't care whether they are
eminent clerics or half-baked
beatnik s, the. God -Is -Dead
'crowd is dead wrong: He may
be out to lunch occasionally,
but He is not ' dead. He is very
much alive. And you can go tell
that on the mountain, my folk -
singing friends.
Sorry if I sound a bit
at this time of peace and good-
will . and four-color ads for
whisky and perfume. But 'I've
had enough of the, complete
current scene for a' bit. Quite
enough of psychedelic sense-
Hon*, and clever little clergy-
lergymen sayingglib things, and.
young people with open mouths
who swallow anything that flies
into: them, and simple-minded,
earnest ''liberals" . who bore the
hell out of me 'trying to explain
things far beyond them.
There, . it's out. I'm Just a
ruddy old' reactionary, after all..
And I don't give 'a diddle: Nev-
er in mylife have .I had''a de -
sine to be one of the "in"
crowd; and Y have no intention
of stetting' now.
First of all, what is Christ-
mas all about? Is it not a cele-
bration, in the Cbr'lstian world,
of the basic tenet of faith: that
God - gave man the greatest gift
in his power, a son, a living,.
breathing manifestation_ of His
concern for the muddled,
wrong-headed, twolegBed ma-
tures who ` make such a muck
of things on their own?
swer our prayers." •
His little . : daughter piped,
"Sure He.did, Dad. He said:' no-"
That's faith. God, is alive.
Christmas is real.. And 'ifs you
have, maybe you'll
find that therumor about Sin-
ta's untimely .demise is false.
and that he's alive, too,
The. famous ;Appian Way from Rom*
to Capua was wide enough to per-
mit wagons to pass one another.
Ahead' lie, the months when 'flu
flourishes at the expense of all,
too many victims. According to
*'pamphlet put out by the Canada
Ian. Tuberculosis ,Association.,
children..ten years of age and
under are more open to attack
than others but nobody is safe -
as hundreds of thousands learn
every year.:.
What can you do about the 'flu?
If. you: want. to prevent it, the '
• pamphlet states, the. best thing to .
do Is.,be vaccinated,•.:Sojfar vacc n
ation is no hard-and-fast guarantee
because new strains of 'flu virus
may get past the guard but chances
es of escape 'are good. The Surg-
eon General of the United States
hat gone on record as saying that
he believed that 60,000 out,of
the 86,000 influenza, deaths which
occurred. in his country in'three
years .could,have been prevented
by vaccination. That is nearly
three `out of four: ' •
'The leafletTiflis about the .
.causes of 'flu hog is in the most
danger from, it. how it damages,
It also makes six suggestions'
about how •to cope if. the virus
does attack. *Here are the sugges.-
Call your'docter.
Go to beds Even if your'aches
and pains and sore throat turn
out' to be nothing but a cold,` bed
test will help,you get will sooner;
Keep warm and drink plenty of
,liquids if your doctor, can't .see,
you right' away: A washcloth
wrung out of cold water and p1ac�
ed. on your: forehead 'may relieve
yolk fever.
DO NOT take' medicine your
doctor does not -prescribe:
Stay in bed until the doctor sayi
you, can get up. He will proba
tell you .to .stay ,in: bea• at lea
TWO dayrafterthe. fever is go
Avoid exposure to ocher. sick
'after you are out of led : Flu 1
your resistance
The leaflet is free and mai
obtained from the association
which sends you Christmas Sea
from the Canadian. Tuberculos
Association. 343 O'Connor St.:.
Ottawa, Ont.:
He gave mad. this ' gift only
once. • But every, year for 20 cen-
turies, its celebration has 're- '
newed peace and joy and love.
in the world, even if only for a
short tirre..That's quite a gift.
Now,/ Santa Claus is a :little
different. He's been in business
only for about a century. He
brings something different, ev-
ery year, and all his . gifts can
• be broken, lost or worn out.
Already,' a lot of people are
getting a bitsick of Santa. ,We.
see Kiat everywhere. on . floats,
fn department stores, at Christ -
mu concerts, its beer advertise-
ments. Ile looks a little differ-
ent each time. And he spends •
two months of the year leering
at :as from all direction* and
ho-hodnd like the village idiot.
He's like everybody's jolly
old. grampa. But after : two
months of white whiskers, belly
laughs and urgings to buy, buy,
buy, even jolly Old grainy*
should be sent off to the funny'
farm. •
How would you like to have.
God around for two months a
. year, every day and night, right
where you could see him? And
' what's worse, where He could
:see you. . •
What we've got . to do is stop
treating God like Santa . Claus.
A visiting clergyman told us on
Sunday the story of a family
that wanted something very,
very much. They prayed .for it.
And prayed and prayed, the
whole family, as hard as they
could, for a week. Nothing hap `
In despair, the father said,:
" We4, 1 guess God didn't an. •
ere's hoping Santa leaves .all the
dreams of our loyal patrons in bright
array beneath, their Christmas trey.,.
A hearty. "thank you" to ' You' all.
,, we
tc. sincerely
hope this
(hristmos over-
' flows' with all the
good • things, !ink-
ing it very special.
for aria good friends.
« Gor►da swift
Birti! Hamilton-- Rosa' Miens