The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-14, Page 213fT.;5, he. at as a rd, alp 4111110, !mgr. WrielirillkWardi4JIMIIIFt • DIEL. 14Mr 1'1ii = = : THE LUCKNOW SENTINlL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,1TENTWN MOTOR VEHICLE OWNES' R,L VEHICLES LIFT PARKED, STANDING ATTENDED OR UNATTENDED ON' ANY "runIN THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW, BETWEfrIN TME HOURSOF 2:N' A.M. AND i.$ AA., FROM NOVEMBOR 1st, ilii TILL MARCH 71st, 1147,. WILL SE TOWED AWAY AT THE OWNER'S RISK ALL .LIEN AND STORAGE WILL BE PAYED BY WNER : ° .OF VEHICLE:, CONTRARY TO EY•LAW NO, 1..iNi ' : VILLAGE, OP LUCKNOW.. Williann R. Nelson CHIEF OF POLICE VILLAGE OF LUCIiNOW Local 4-11 WimiersAt: Members Prominent Among. Awards Niht prolectx were prescnted to ;23 .cl'ub Members. • Honored for con;plettng'10 year's' serVtce. 'as ;a club leader were Martin Baan, :R. R, , Walton; Ross Snaith, R.R. 1.:, Ethel. ,Ctinspleting five yearf service as a 'chi leader' were • Bob 1 athering;- 'l atrt, J`.R.3, Seaforth; Ivan • . -,. #1• att,:R.R,1, Bellrayc; Donald,, Lobb, R.R. 2, Clinton Ian McAll- •. ,inter, R.,K.1, Zurich; Bill Wilson, R.R..1, Enrdwlett;; pob McNaughton., R. R.3.• IC1ppen three awards, •was the .most; Ero;ated 4-1-1 club member at the !pit Hurest•County .441 hilar Qi *at icaforth . . Iob Mc$auglitan won .two awr urdtt ttfig'a score. In swine club War ted alto was judged eiaampion f.. :mean, LlabertVoiden, R.1t.1, Clinton, lived awards for top score. in all clubs in liuron and for champ ioidtip:dairy dt6Wman,. Alfo.winning two awards was • 1t :Lamb; R.R,4. Goderieh,• for : STATIONERY .top Econ in beef club and ,w,rtgand .' addeventent in 4- 1 :grain Born i• POR• MEN a4• .1iI there is .. a titan On your hrist- c %. mss lj w (bete•t41111.Ilseto—stItionerY, op awards were presented irtollaw THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL •Citizctuhip.urophy for all-rotand . • '4•H member;• George !rotor—acrid, :. Seaford(;. highest score let`. r county, )clan 1 rradlcy, It. R ,:' l:`ericla; trig score for flat year eembers,. Nancy Waldrrt, .R.R.2,. :ix rrrrw, highest'score among. :lintlear swine club members, Itta McKenzie . g..:R, 3, • Lticknow; wdarnpiota all—,round showman,: lig 1 rxld , R; lt. 2. Lucknow champion 4-H..swinc showman, nettle Craig, R.R. .1, .WArton;.. treaty champion -H gilt, Ray 1itiebraad , , R. R. 2, Auburn; dhunpitn.Ilereford calf, Paul R.R..1, Dungannon; lei , rtae.excluding tcetc for champ* Ili 1fereftard calf:, Katherine Fear;; �1i.5,'Rrttssela; Champion short`. tannheifer . Janet, •Filconer, ft.tt 4, Clinton; highest score in sheep windows; on tither: side of, tlk. • eltb', Gerald Snaith, R, R. , oomparrrnent cot taining :•ls, Outstanding achievement 1'Stceting w1ierl are in stall a Gond- b4:41 grain corm clubs. Dianne n. lemon ars. to afford the .driver a' 0, R..R,3, Exeter;• Rf elle 41 proicrts ;learned in 1 "clear view •to the front and side of dna Tart spring, 93.4 "fir rent .� tiyc rrrvtor vehicle , anU wee Complctcd Fath rraertrbcr (b) uralcss,tktc rear window is iii. t,lae 'suel a condition as to afford the arrlplctcd a rirniect received driver a 'clear view to the rear of • 14The money was contributed ty the local sponsoringtar enizat+ dtc motor vehicle.. ,, . g Scetion 41 (bX2.),. t'lausc'•(1 ��t e Ontario Department of substation (l) docs ncx apply so a Agriculture and Pood and the Can- motor vehicle haai is equipped • rkPartmcnt: of Agriculture. with a mirror or .mirrors rriirrly CQairr;,an of the meeting was , attached to the motor vehicle' and Itlrn Clark, president •of the i 'utorr placed in such a position and fleshy Club Leader's'Associat on. maintained in such a (onditicar as CCsert speaker was John lrad.ley,.• to afford the driver , otherwise 3; Gddcrieti a delegate to g ; Fe national 4-H club tori etr+en*ue• clear through v iew ot/th roast- eTtronto, lie is a°member Of the way in°the rear of any'Chielc ekaoW dairy club. approaching from the rear.' R eivin awarcia for +corrtpleting This in•cffeet means that before lrolccta were; 441Rtnnett , R. R. i,:. Port Albert; ropmroavteinag la fvrohsticleno.ywrO n,it($rt , �, : windows !tell Cranston. R It � Atrburtt, •from list. windshield •side wiraci 'trti paalpctlY" Jirn (larding, R.R. t, immediately to the right and raft e► Ranald ilowatt, R.R.:1, of tilt driver and also from tier big ave:•(lob l�tcsNaughton; Gerald' rear window unites cquipprd' with 5mit,•R.R,2, irdiutscl;; 'Gcor a aart t�tside rir•ror that Z1%acs a fsends Ckaniald Waten.ttart, i',4 clearly reflected' t�icw of thc'road.• Abut ds:tor c lrtin, si..� p g way, +tw vehicles approaching from the rcaar. PAGE TWENTY 4 NE Work Force; Still At High level `I' . work force employed in this are was maintained at a high fevc during -November according. 6 E est Stuart, manager of the Cd da, Manpower Centre at Wale Ton, with shortages still continu- ing for all classes of wood,and • furniture workers and for skilled labour for he rtcaillitaptirittg iv' crustries and: construction work, ',As of the :30th November , there. 'were1& t male• and .;I 3 . female unenp oyed •applicants registere,.. . •'.tor work, an increase of 90 marl •. and 1$ women dtar.ing *the month. 'flits is a normal seasonal . increase and compares favourably ing. f with November 196&'s figures of lin There were 199 vacancies . maleand 122 female applicants, ' :.available for.men and 88 jobs av- Durinl November, the Walker ailable for women during Novem- ton Canada Manpower, Centre :plat-'. ler. At the endof the,: month', . ed $1 mein and 20 females in jobs'.:r;there were.93 reale and .38,female listed. with.the Cenue .' unfi 1ed vacanciesstill available. Pour persons .were recommended lobs fo Men include requirements forr Adult Retraining Courses, Apt- j. for •Auto Mechanics, Bodymen.• . itude tests' were arranged for two ,'Stationary Engineers, Mechanic ,applicants who may subsequently. ' Apprentices, Farm Mands, Bank be recommended for •Adult'Retrain-' Clerks., skilled; semiskilled and Saf. •Driving Tip; indows Gear #contributed by k: incard:int.:O P) At this time.-of.the year vehicles sitting outside overnight •are coy, erred :with,frost.,, trio* or ice in the morning, It would appear that Many, drivers are not'. aware of the new rection, of the iiighwat-' `i°raff • lc Act, 'covering• windows on vehicles. • his hereby repeated for :the in- formation of the travc111tng public; "Section 4'1 (b)(1) h•o person shall. drive. a .motor' vehicle . upon a high way, • (a) unless the: windshield and the.. Q. 'HOME,DECORATING 1O1PETITION. TO BE HELD FOR RURAL AND. URBAN DWELLINGS IN AND AROUND RIPLEY. The. 'Ripley Bus inns Men along with Ripley Dion and Ripley and District Horticultural Society will ,Siva prises for the folk ring: 1, BEST DECORATED PLACE OF BUSINESS — 2' PRIZES. 2.. BEST OVERALL DECORATED DWELLING — 3• PRIZES, , . 3:. ZEST OECD :ATED WfNDt It " OR D60R AS :VIEW" : FROM , THE . STREET, ORIGINALITY ' 'TO . COUNT. 3 PRIZES. o• Those„living in tide rural area and wanting to enter conprtition,' are ;urged . to cell Rig Moore,. Ripley not:; later than 'Dccanber 17th. �r.i , 5Y1Wf�r4Y r unskilled furniture and wood Work- ers and machine operators. Worts- en's jobs include vacancies for wood workers; assemblers, house: keepers, waitresses and bookkeep- ers. • t The ,Walkerton Canada Manpower Centre services the southern,ralf of:Bruce County and..the townships of Bentinck. Egremont, Normanby land. Gleneig in. Grey County FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY 'CHOOSE ,FROM OUR'SELECTION OF SLIPPERS, WINTER FOOTWEAR, CURLING BOOTS; LADIES', MEN'S OR CHILDREN'S SHOES • 7 • ALWAYS . APPRECIATED A Miniature Shoe' with each' certificate, attractively boxed 4/. %trl�. MANY' MORE STYLES AND COLOURS 'TO CHOOSE FROM:'TO •MAK A HAPPY FOOTWEAR CHRISTMAS ` : • "FINE FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY” r.. Shoe Store Lucknow PHONE S2E4117 am •