HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-14, Page 11d a t•litt c. )re , • fee 1 3t1 Jot1 e to °gTa T. •• nec and - cu LH:7 1' t.r c • ipe • ter lite 0. t‘'• 01 t. . • ..entigsnaT, DOC 140n 1146 • Unit 5 ludcnow UCVV: k hicKirri was beget; for aeChrigthas meeting of Luepilow k Unit . . MIS. Robs. campben, After welcorning ranters and reading s chrintinas „eveoatadihe ho**#•.. rs, lack Treleaven repated, for. citizenship and 'recommended we ;amid up on ciarent news SO the Indian situation,. Mrs,. Wirt; Bolt mated for Social Function* and winged for the menu for Unit 5. it the coming general meeting. Tbe 2 maims of Mrs.' E. Hall and '.. Ws. H. Webster, handed so their arainingpennies.. Min. H. pi repeal on,cards *lir Out. , Las. E. Hall iodic charge of the ftoOsinure assisted by Mrs. Robt.. Irvin and Mrs. Ross' He'nderstion,. Exp a portion of the Christ- Ins.stry. interspersed witha ear.. Two timely christmas readingsind splendid article on *Celebuti.ng (bristmas Children*, made •er) their gtngrarntne. Mrs: J. Boyle pre a.humereus reading and Mss, L.MCKIIU and Mrs. Di.; Dennis pas two lovely duets. . 1,10,11...Webster thanked the. hostess and those taking Iin the trogianime and Mrs. Robs. •Camr. bell for her fine leadership. The 'roll call was answered 'by each '..mernber visiting,*gaily dee.aristed • basket for her gifts Rev. Mei Tens Christmas Story Atthe bererriber .meeting of the afternoon Of the 14mlulaw. Preshyterian Chirrch. Steuart presided. It was..held.: in ' the home. c,f Mrs, Morgan Wednesday. Pieernber itth. gtiod:attentiance.'of 28 . and one gentleman. I4s. P. Stewartopeneii the ;Meer bag 4 reading a verse --'The Joy .9f qivine. Prayers by mrti W. Parish and Smith *tete given antithe Bible. Ietscling was • .tsken from: chapters 1 .and 2 of • St. Luke Gospel, . and. given: by Ma. las'. Little. She gave as het • topic."No Room faciesur...and asstd. that we .should come to . ChliatITIASIO give our Material giftrof love, peace and service .to art the gift of our hearts, and !hes to lents Christ. We should: • •conte.to receive Christ's gifts of peace. and Joy.. Dorothy Douglas gave a Reading entitled 'We saw in'the 'East*. sA may cf a small Star'. 'which led Iht ;Ike Men to Bethlehem,'" • . where chefat.was hart. and which grew to he . g �f all .14 World. A lener of thanks from the fam- Py of Mt/. Neu McKenzie, fonifet. Member, 'Whit) now itsides la Kitchener Was read. The Guest peaker, the Rev R. MacLeod of �e church wai called on aboi rhe' ctristni41 story. was very Ably pier% lie began with the. prophe- g massy years.ago, of Christ'', C'"Ing..•Ard the events which led up 10 1415 Birth. He also 014 of Elizabeth, like Mary,' blatant fh God's sight, having a sal. ew • his'narne became john. address was well received.. .,e ter:X)15 of the different. secretaries were read and: second ed- Mit% Dorothy.Douglis install d the members of the EXCCuiive CoCttee for 106/. The , (-411 was answered by repeating ChtiStmas Verse. A hymn was suitg, and the closing Prayer was Oen by Rev.'it: Mactcod. A tasty lunch..was ',served by .the Hausa. l• 4 '7 .- "Mr 1.111.11W WIEVr40. .WW.ir.477014111 411111411W° • !E!, gain.".g THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,•nr...4" Unit 1 LucknoW UCW Mrs.eorge. Newbold was hostess far the December meeting of Unit I, U,C, W. Lucknow s Mrs. II. Treleaven presided f�.the opening and biasiness period. Reports were 4.1V..01. bribe ..Treasiner...and-the- conunittee ft.* Sociakkoceasions. • Member,. were reminded *to save• stamps from ChriStrnas mail for Mrs* 'Wifffirrn,an's projeti It was 'decided ro hold the next meeting • on January 10th, at the home 'of • Mr*. Clarence Greer with Miss Ada Webster as convenor' Of the program Poiles. A A. Arsdrew took the ctiair for the *warn* and. a Carol was sung. Mrs. E. Ackert Sr. and:Mrs. J.W..Joynt sang•A duet "The Gosp- el Bells are Ringing**. Mri.' Andrew presented a Christ- mas Gift Service With Miss Ad* •Webster. Mrs•. Isabel MacKenzie and hArs... W. HOwalci lightingthe candles of faith. Hope and Love. The Christmas storY.iti Luke 2: . . 6-21 was read in unison. A record 01"Mary's Child' was very rnuch enloyed. , . The gifts' for Cheerio boxes were brought forward.and Mrs. Wharry • as the first. Giver , .read an approp- riate pelts. Mrs. Drennan saves reading. Mrs, •Wbarry, told of her .visit to the Saugeen. Reserve With ciOthing from the chinch members. The .meeting closed with .a piano by Elilabeili Newbold. . M Ez It rs. r(i o z -PAGE 111,EVEN Lacknow United Church Women Raised Sunday School Have $3,5001n 1966, New Officers Installed White Gift Service (General Meeting U.C.W.)' presented by 'Ars. Wellington Hen- a of tucknow United sanctsi ry On December 8th, sixtyline .-derson showed a very profitable c-htFeh was fined onSunday even- ' • members ofthe U. C. W. Met for Ye" with the total amount -of • ing for the annual white gift se; a pot -luck supper, prior to the annual meeting in the Fellowship loom orthe church. Mrs. Wharry, as president, had a word Of welcome .and a cheery -.C..hrigtmkA-goretIing..for.,4111..-the- members and viiitors present.. Mrs. V. Hunter had the devdt. lonal lession "The Christmas Starr". Let us go over into .1 Bethlehem, and Make known • this thing that has come to pass, as told by .Scripture verses read by members and carol .singing. Offering was received by Mits .Ada Webster and Mis, ivlacTavi.sh and dedicated by 1*.s. Wharry, • Mrs. R.L.Stirling gave a paper on the Christmas message, A duet by Mrs. LW. Joynt and lvIrs. Ernest Ackert accorriPanted by Mrs. John waS much appreciated. A committee, Mrs. Wharry, Mrs Houston. Mrs, E..Hall.and Mrs. Hunter ,.was appointed to look into the possibili7 of purchasing three pulpit chairs as a centennial O project for the coming year. Reports were received from , the following convenors: The annual report,' group secretaries, Citizen 'and Social.. Community. ;Friend- ship. Christian ,Education, Liter-. .iture . Manse, lvienthership. Stew :ardthip. Social, Functions,Prog7 • rani; SuPply, FlOwers; Special Occasion, Bereavernent, and- • Finance. • Mr. Elwin Hall:was appointed ,as ,auditor.'The treasurer's.report. it,t1C-i President -.A . . (Whitechurch News) • The LI.C. W. held their meeting • in the church on Wednesday, Dec- ember Mrs Garner barrier play- , Purpose was repeated and all sang the C.G.I.T, hymn: The. offering was taken and offertory, prayer giv- ° en. Scripture, Meditation and ' Prayer Was given by Margie Sirbp- • • son. - the Secretary's Report. roll and treasurers report followed. bless was the Vesper Service; The • .meeting closed.with Taps.. A meeting of the Ashfield Pres-: byterian C.G.t.T, was held Dec ember .5th in the basement of the charch. The call to worship was fiallowed:by a hymn; 'The • monies raised around thej..$3,500..1 vice and concert of the Sunday nliar•I'" • •. Sch001, The President', Mrs. Wtsarry vacated her requested ofinen preceded thcee prd. ode. Mr.. Stirling to take charge of the thoitwhlte gifts at the fiont. of the ri°n1.10, , • '' tehurch -whom itizy ipkere-acep.ter, theMrnv sc. Cinumattningingc,othasmcoittenveprenoroln.by santa: aims. The gilts win go ted the following slate of officers. 1 I:Id/north° CanaF`eBruCr6cekerivaindtyian, Reserve . for :1967 f! 1968:President,. Mrs. . marvey Houston,tleyd Atkert presided for a var- iety of numbers by the Sunday Elwin Hall. 2nd Vice, liirs..,Ver-• . u--4uus 'The kindergarten and nursery 'sang two numbers. Away in: a 'Manger and Jesus Loves Me. Mrsd, chrGordondi te t in.schosiaranged:0Mrs.E f th,cseld. yuno Eldon "The Christmis Story" was repeated by the classes Of Gordon Montgomery and Mrs: Glen Walden .Mrs. Raynard ,AcIceres class sang. a • .song of Christmas ' of,Mrs. Leonard Ritchie, -Mrs, 'George -Whitby ind wits. • Bryce Elliott sang and recited as'a group. •"0 Holy. Night'. and ."What child is this" was. sung by Mrs. non Hunter, Recording Secretary, • Mrs. Raynird Ackert. Correspond -c ing, Secretary. Mrs..Robert Finlay. Treasurer, IVirs, Wellington fiend!. • erson.' Convenoreof Conunfttees: • Christian Citizenship and Social., Action,Mrs. Jas Arnold Progra Planning. Mrs. Ken Cameron, Community Friendship and Visit- ing.- Mrs. Wilfred Drennan. Christ fan and Missionary Education, Mrs. Jack McKim, Finance, Mts. William Wharry. Literature_ and Corn. Ada Webster ManSe.• Mts. Alex McNay, Membership. Mrs, 'Wilfred Anderson, Social Functions Mrs. Vernon.,Hunter; Stewardship Ross %Lens'. class. arid Recruiting, Mis. Elwin •••• , Supply and Social Assistance, Mrs. Christmas in:Seandanavia Was • Pharis Mathers and Mrs. 'Ewan . Taylor. 'Special Oceasions. MrS. R.H.'s Thompson and Mrs. J.W. Joynt , NOrninating Chairrrian; .Mrs. Cumming, .FlOwers at -13 e AI k „ed.:quiet; musie. ;while the mernber s .. . Were gathering./ Mrs. George. :Thornpson•presi'dedier the werstifp service and gave the Call- to W� - ship. MTs.. ,Mr.i..Gibb gave a reading. *Lighted Candles' ;!od•14/Irs„ Thetni- psott a Christmas. Reading. ,, Carols .. Were sung:The Scripture was read. :by. Mrs; Dave Gibb... .. . ' • . A litany *as given by Mrs. ' George Thompson to whiehthe ' ' , r. anditricereplied. :Sentence Prayers were given.by Mrs, .Cliff Laidlaw.,„ MTS. Bob Laidlaw.. Mrs.E . Sleight-. holm ', Mrs. Albert. Conites and Mrs Carl Weber. :Quotations from Luke:, were read by Mrs. George Themp- son'afier Which. she„led in prayer. • : The topic ."Community Friend,,, ship and .Visiting was given. by . . . Mis. Dave ,Gibb who Stressedyiays. to have fellowship and your attitude tOward: visiting tickand bereaved Ilk*. Mrs. Chapman gave a , 1 Reading, "Who' CareS? 7 Mrs. Gibb gaic a talk, "Why a teenage drop- out talks bio .a• Mrs Gorge . . .. hliteliell.gave a .reading on visit , . . I. Ing which taught One how. to helP .. i • rncntally disturbed folks' and alSo .'' 1 .0 Christmas Reading. 'Mrs.. 7.,arnet i Fattier gave a musical melody -anti concluded With Star of the East. .. Mrs. Mitchell presided forthe ' business. A vote:of thanks' was tend ered the buying committee for Inpervising the painting of the .' Church aud„itatium . Thanks for a . gift sent Mrs Gordon Naylor who . had moved to Auburn was read. The Roll Call was answered by *A Christmas traditionin your . . 'Home.* Officerselected were President. .Mrs. Ezra Sch9itz, ist Vice, Mrs. Garnet Farrier. 2rtd Vice, Mts.. iltruel Gaunt. MrS. , Elmer Sleightholm was appointed :to look after the cards. All oter'. OfficerS• rein* lie same for aTn- • . . Oser .year. ltwas decided to eon - Wine .With the travelling basket. eav me , Mrs. e Following this Rev. Mr. Stirling installed the pfficers and Mrs. • Harvey Houston, the new president was asked to assume the chair. er nt Andrew ' Mrs. Wharry as retiring president was presented with a Life Mernber- ship pin by Mrs. Kenneth- Cameron and. Mrs. Orland Richards. ; The benediction by ReV Stirling closed' the meeting. • • • • . South • • ' Mrs: Frank MacKenzie was hot- * ess to South Kinloss W.MS. for • the Christmas Meeting On Decem- ber 7. Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton pre- sided and Mrs. Lloyd MacDOugall read minutes and correspondence:. ,Reports of the year's activities were given by the various officers shoWing that much had been acco- mplished. Mrs. Ted Collyer, on behalf of the Noininating nee, said all ;officers d.agreed. to.serve' another y r. • Bible Study was Wel 6th.chapter of the. pooh of os and roll call was ans rdbf verse with ' 'Judgment,' • .Mrs..Eyan Keith read a touching Chrittm as • Story entitled "Did God lair", which should encourage , God's children to trust Him in the darkest hour; Christmas Carols were sung and .prayers were given by Mrs. Sam Wien, Mrs. Ted Coilyer and Mrs. DOtiOas Graham.1 'Mrs. M. r. King was welcomed to, the Society as a new Corner to town. Mrs, Douglas Graham thank--, ed all who supplied her with cards, magazines and stamps which she mailed to Various places fn the homeland and over- , seas..Miss rean 'MacLeod closed the meeting with prayer and the directors, Mrs, lianiilton and Mrs. Macriougall, assistedAhe hostesi with a aasty lunch and added hristmas treats. A • • portrayed by'Elwin Hall's class,.: Mrs: Vernon Hunters class sang a " number. The closing nuMber was the Christmas story.very imprets ively poruayed in pantomime by . the class 'ofIvirs. Jack Ackert and with Mrs. J.W; Joynt singing the solo. . • • Piano accompaniment was pro- vided, by Mrs. 'Gordon Montgom- ery and MIS. Ross Cumming. Rev. Laird Stirling closed the program by pronouncing the benediction. Santa Claus distributed treats to the children as they left the church, CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 • • bows • • . 11 .b101". ,••.Chlittiliii' Wrap.: • • .1. • 0. p. :1' 1 1 .31 1 •