HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 16t 11
THE latiCKNOW 1.44KNOVS• ONT,1!..9t1t)
Ine Marriage was solemnized in
Knox Presbyterian Church, Ripley,
Of Margaret Adelene Hackett and
ROnald Wayne Stanley,
The bride is the daughter of "Mr,
and Mrs, Joe Hackett, Ripley and
the groom is the SOft of Mr.. and
11 Mrs, Harold Stanley, R.12.6, 'Luck.
Given inmarriageby her brother
Jack Hackett, the bride was
attired in a floor -length gown of
white bengaline, featuring A floor
length train, lace trim and carried
a bouquet of pink roses and white
» Her attendants were her sister,
Mrs. Robert Norman as matron of
honour and btidesmaids; Mrs. Gil
Ruston, sister of the groom, Mrs.
Phil Breckles and Miss Linda
•MacDonald. •
The groomsman was Kenneth
MacDonald and the ushers were
Ronnie Brooks, Stewart Stanley
and Jack McInnes, •
Soloist was Mss Diana MacAuley
accompanied b Corinne MacDoti-
Dinner was served in the chnrch,
parlours after which the happy
couple left kr Niagara Falls, and
other points..
' On their return they have taken
up residence in Lucknow.
Prior to her maniage the bride -
elect was honoured with a shower
• by members of the staff of London
Life where she was'emplayed.
Girl friends of the bride held a
shower at the home of Mrs, Mur-
ray Pollock.
A cornmurdty shower was held in
the Sunday school roorn of Knox
Church, Ripley.
,the anntial.,Parent Night meeting
of First Killion Boy Scoutswas held
•Monday night in the SeCtit
Encouraging repOnts were heard
ftm ,letidets and cfacen. in the'
Grciap OOmmittee' and Ladies',
AiTtMaty - also from tile sponsors -d
' Holyzood W.I. 1,Inoyd Ackett .
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WIDNIESDAY DEC,' 7th, •194 .;.
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As long as you are breathing easy, you don't
give a thought to it When you do become aware
of your breathing, it's usually because you're
short of breath.
Shortness of breath may mean nothing or
it may be' a sign of something seriously wrong.
It all depends upon the facts.
Short of Breath?
/ You are short of breath if you are aware
of labored, uncomfortable breathing. Anyone who
is short of breath struggles to breathe, gasps, for
Don't confuse shotness of breath 'it1 just
rapid breathing. If you are in a hot humid room,
or you are, very upset, you may breathe much
faster than usual. Panting is normal in these cir-
cumstances and is not real shortness of breath.
How _Long Has It Lasted?
• 1 ,
Shortness of breath may be a sign of sozne-
thing wrong the first time it happens, though
it may last only a few minutes. However, it is N
more usual for shortness of breath to come on
so gradually, thlt you do not notice it for some
. ..• • • . . • • • • •
Only when you think back over weeks or
months, do you realize that there has been a
change in your breathing. That flight of stairs
seems so much higher than it was a few months
As soon as you realizethat you, are distinct-
ly more short of breath than you used to be, see
your doctor.
ft Can Be Natural
Shortness of breath isn't always a sign that
something is wrong. Sometimes shortness of
breath is normal. For instance . .
• Right after moderate exera:se.„ if you've let
yourself get badly out of condition.
• . Right after setting -up exercises, mowing
the lawn, shoveling snow, or any heavy
• . When you hurl yourself into violent exer-
cise — tennis, swimming — after a strict-
ly sit-down winter. (It isn't very smart to
do this, anyway)
• - When in. Start getting around again after
serious and prokinged illnes.s.
• • •
•Nritrnmsa sbcres of breath disappears after
.m few mimrit& rest. If shortness of breath per -
ter resting. it may be a .5igp of samething
-arrIztg. aZd 7:74 g.e.4 a doktotipr.,.
Shortness of breath on no exeriion ,
is never normal, regardless of your age;your Hoist-
of-oonditiori" state, or your general way of
How About SimiokIn!
Do you smoke more than a pack. of cigarettes
a day? If you do, you're considered a heavy smok-
Most experts think that heavy' cigarette
smoking an cause many lung conditions, of
which shortness of breath is one symptom.
It's A Signal.
Shortness of breath is not a disease in itself.
It is a symptom ofsome underlying disease. The
Conditions most likely to cause shortness of breath
are . .
asthma (an allergic reaction in the lungs);
. emphysema (in which the lungs , over-
stretch and hold in too much air)
• bronchitis (inflammation of the- lung
• •
. . . pneumonia
. heart disease (with lung congestion)
Other Symptoms
Any unusual shortness of breath, by itself,
may be serious. But it is especially serious when
it is, combined with such other symptoms as
.chest pain, cough, blood spitting, wheezing, quick
gain or loss of weight.
What To Do About Shortness
Of Breath
If you are short of 'breath, rest. There is no
other specific treatment for shortness of breath
in itself. Even when rest does bring relief, you
should get a thorough checkup to find out what
is wrong. If distress continues when you are rest-
ing, better take action right away. Except for
rest, the only thing you yourself can do for short-
ness of breath is to see a doctor.
With the doctor's help, the underlying condi-
tion can be diagnosed and treated. Most' condi-
tions causing shortness of, breath can 1* helped
by treat “ent if it is begun wadi enough.
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