HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 14PAGE FOURTIEEN le — • sr— e- v• •••••.-.• • • ....Tr,. THE LUCKNOW .ONTARIO •11 ERSONAL STATIONERY Ripley11.1, HoId • (LoChalsh News) The Ripley Women% Institute Met Fricla,y.for their annual Christ - Mas: patty* • A noon luncheon with gayly dec- orated table's began at 12:39 when fortyfour members and friends 100 POPP , sat down to well -laden tables, • AND The program tinder the leaderthip- 100 041911.0PES: WISIDNIISDAY, 1431C. 7th ta. ..0, prine.d •° 0 $4 of Mrs. Walter Lock was novel and enjoyed by all.. In her capable manner Mrs. Lock introduced the panel and ch,alleng- ers of "Flashback". . Mrs'. F.• • Gemmell, Mrs. Jas Kirkpanick, Mrs. Bill Trainer and Mrs. Lloyd Irwin -made up the panel and • popped the questions to Mrs. Oliver McCharles with a Hobby. Mrs. W,m. Harris and Mrs. Lot Culbert with a Fad and Mrs, Jack Tindall and Mrs. Joe Scott with an object.. • Mrs. Outerbridge gave a talk on. "History and Christmas' A duet by Mrs. John A. MacDonald and Mrs. Kin MacKay was a delight to all.' ' ". • „ „ Mrs. Andrew Patterson conducted the business part of the meeting , • and•it'was decided to pack the. Christmas Cheer boxes on Friday, December 16. - Mrs. Skirl Bowers brought the Courtesy remarks and a very enjoy- able day hrought.to a close. Far your .own use or for gifts Avon Vellum club size white notepaper -printed in black or blue ink . . with imprinted matching envelopes. Attractively boxed'. .• • •• •••' theoso hoots SI4ti‘14fatigv.s. aosolost TYPE mkt •MO MTs John iliidtrson TYPE STYLE *8 • *ono Four Typos Midis .• • mai. DONALD: PHILLIPS TYPE STYLE Ap • •M;4t'. Rdtinton TYPE STYLE AID • • -..,::•cuARARtg.gp• TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued to 5 year term. • • earn the above indicated interest, payable half -yearly 4 cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance ,Compiudea and trust funds.. . 1111111111111111" •THE jan ne% bec Si • Btu, ded ha the die assi 1.13 goc •pre bet of It ate , ila Th fuby ric ca ye • ye. '• •1.1 se • CORPORATION ORDER FROM TINE Agricuiturai Society Members To Have agility To Visit polleltitct er you about your number or contzib- (contributed) ution. FAIR NOTES The District 10 convention for Agricultural Societies was held in Meaford on Wednesday at which • time Mr., Russ Gomrne, newly appointed secretary ,far Ontario Agricultural Societies was guest speaker. ,•L'' It was decided by the group that a train from Bruce and •Grey counties would be sponsored to Expo in October 1967. 500 people will have the opportunity to see Expo. To be eligible to go on this trip, one must be a member of an Agricultural Society in Bruceor Grey in 1966. Fare will include train, Hotel and admission and will be around $60..00. If you care to go for three days -' leave LUck- . now Tuesday, October 18 and re- turn Friday then you would he well • to let the Secretaty. Mrs. Fred MC.Quinin know so your place, will be reserved. First come, first served .is the motto, so don't delay Plans are progressing for the con- cert in Lucknow on February 11 • How about it folks, lets hear from •Shoot Pail At St. Helen's School •(St. Helen's News) Eleven tables enjoyed 'the Shoot Party at the St. Helen's School on 'Monday evening. High prize winn ers.were Bruce Raynard, Mary Pannabecker and •Linda Mewhinney with,consolation prizes going to Loree Campbell, Douglas Miller and Douglas Mewhinney.. Fred Thompson arrived Friday 372 lay Si., • '. 35 Dunlop St., 73 MIsslaseeo E., Termite Barrie °Milo eVening,from• England to join his, • wife,. Mrs. Thompson and sons who are visiting With her parents, Mr.-. and Mrs.' Gordorr•McPhersOn. Mrs; Lorne Woods is a patient at Wingham and District Hospital. Thirty ladies completed *he Hat Course at St. Helens with Mrs; WM,: Rutherford, Mrs. Gordon Mo - Pherson and Mrs.' Ernest Gaunt as • leaders, •Several ladies attended "Summary Day" in Wingham on Thursday and displayed their hats.... The Christmas W. 1. meeting • willheld on ThuiSday(to-day) at 2:30 in the hall. ." Ann Eirington. of Dungannon spea the week -end with her cousin; Lorene Errington. • Alvin Miller of Strathroy: who his been critically 111 this past week has shown Some iniprovernent thy week-,end..This comrnunir) v;,isho him improved health. • Mrs.: John Scott of 'London has been visiting•het_mht_iMrt Joe Gaunt and other members af her family. • . • P [ PORI • • 0 GIVE A PEN! Pens 25c to $13$. . ,t THE.LUCKNOW SENTINEL • BROWNIE NEWS ist LLICICNOW PACK (by Joan Hackett) The Brownies met in the base- ment of the Town Hall, Wednes- , day, November 30. Games. were played. ?airy Ring was held and Joan flackett was fairy queen'. Joan patsed sewing on buttons and Debbie pu.sed combing hair. Things were made for the tick people in the home. The meeting closed with chimes and the squeeze. p S PORI Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a .Farnily Expo,67 Tour Aecount., Be sure your family sees' Expo 67 —April 28 to Oct. 27 at Montreal. nu: BA14ICS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY . .„ 00-0#0.0, 4006 w0,40 0444 .