HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 11WEDNESDier DEC 7
Held White Gift.
Service On Sunday
.(Whitechurch News).
At Calvin Brick church on Sun-
day a White Gift Service was held
conducted by.the leader Peter
Mason. Scripture was read by Mar-
ilyn •Robertson • Jtm lieetrOft led -
in prayer. The stay "'Holy Night"
was given by Gary Jamieson. A
Christmas choruS was sung by .four
girls. and 3 boys,with. Mrs. Sidney
Thompson. pianist. The White
Gifts were collected by Dori
Thompson. Doreen Taylor, .Barb-
ars Moore and Darlene Coultes.
The :communion table was decorat
ed with a white tablecloth with
an open Bible in the centre which.
displayed .a picture. On each side
of the Bible was a big lighted
candle with holly around the base
• and behind this a white church
forming a very peaceful scene,
,Rev. Wilson gave a white gift
impressive address.
grey -Bruce Board
Passes 3/a Million
The : strides the Grey. Bruce Real
.Estate Board has ,made in the last,
year are''outstanding and should be
:of interest to all prospective . Real,
Estate clients in, the area ,of the
Counties of Grey and Bruce;
The Board has 1member Brokers
(and all of their salesmen) working
for the:benefit of anyone who,::
wishes to put their property on the
market. If the property. is listed
with any member of the Board. . it
automatically isgiven out to all
85 members.
Consequently. through the co-
operation of these men. who as
members of the Board have to
maintain a highstandard. of ethics,
: the sales to date for this ,year have
passed the 3/4 of a million mark.
Since this'Board is only, four
years. old •and the peek for all of
last year was only .SSOQ,000.04,' it
speaks well for the co-operation'
and standards maintained.
Zion Sunday School concert will
be held in Zion' Church on Satin—
' day, December 10th at.8
Everyone is invited to attend..
'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson.
Charlene and Joan visited recent-
ly:.with. Mr. and Mrs. Dave And-
erson of Rosemont. Mrs. Anderson
isteaching in a rural, school hear,
her home"there. Mary is attend-
ing High school, at Alliston.
Mr,' and Mrs. Russell. Irwin' visit-
• ed on•Sunday with:.Mr.. and Mrs..
Doug Raynard and Dianne.
Mr.. and Mrs. J1im Hunter visited
rcrently with Mr. and Mrs. Bill •
Smith and son of Seaforth. .
Mr .. and. Mrs,. Gordon Kirkland
entertained• with a. Birthday dinner
on Sunday for Ken and, Donald:
Kirkland and Betty Kirkland who
all celebrate their Birthdays a
few days apart. Those present
,vete Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kirk-
land of Leamington, .Ken Kirk-
land of London. Mr.. and Mrs..
David Kirkland, Annette and
Suzanne. of Lucknow and Nancy
Mr, and•Mrs..Donald Kirkland
Were, guests at the Fisher +. Ackert
wedding at Atwood on Saturday
' Friends in this community ate
sorry to learn of Mrs. Lorne
Wood's illness. She is a patient
in Wingham hospital singe Satur-
day p•m.
• It isn't news that Ronald Reagan
Was elected Governor.of Califor-
nia. In fact, it wasn't really
news°'at ail. It was a sure thing
for Ronald.
It was ,interesting watching' the
.three American networks kee
•.hag viewers up'-to'date twit le-
etion returns and the computer
predictions which were always
•I'm .sure there were many
<motion.picture and television
performers .watching the Ronald '
Reagan race with interest, and I
am sure there were many Canat.
dian showbusiness people and poi
iticians interested in the Reagan
.7. It certainly isn't new for Can-
adian performers in all fields.
such as..TV.and sports -to enter
the:political arena, Syl Apps,
ex' -hockey ,great, 4made it, Red
Kelly was a Member of .Parlia-
ment and then went back to. ' •
-hockey. There are thosewho
are unsuccessful. •Whipper Billy
Watson is one. '
'; In:future elections .I think you
will see;more and -more well-
known personalities seeking polit-
ical jobs.
Let's think of a few right now.
Fred Davis, the "Front Page'
Challenge Moderator..would more
than likely be a successful candi-
Ask about convenient d. dpa:rture
andreturn times
For information, phcn.* the foci!
CN Passenger Sales Office `
Huron Native
Was Widely Known
•A •native of Huron.township where
he. was born on the eighth concess-
ion In 1872,. Allan Murray. passed
away in the Kincardine General
Hospital on Tuesday, November•'•
8 .
after a comparatively, brief illness
despite his advanced years:
He was. the son of parents who
migratedtoHuron from the Isle
of Lewis around the' year 185.0, •
along with 109: families, many, of
whomsettled in Huron and in.
Glengarry .townships. .
Far 'years the Murrays farmed in
Huron and continued to be follow-
ers of the soil after his marriage • .'
to die -former Annie MacDonald,
On their retirement in 1945 they
took up residence in the village of
Ripley where they continued to
make at large circle of friends
On December 2nd, the 1st .Luck -
nevi Guide Company held its reg-
ular meeting in the town. hall.
After roll call, Captain •inspected
the Company . A Bean Challenge
game was played in which the
clove hitch was practised. The:
Canary patrol won the .most•beans,
During patio. l corners; tests were
worked on, A relay game followed
. which .gave.,the guides practice in •
throwing accurately. A reaching.
period was, held, when the older .
guides waked on' a cpass,game.
Rangers Linda' Boyle and Beverley
Ma D ld to ht therecruits
date.. I hear two major partics;have along with those whom they'had.
approached him . Certainly be, ' been so. close over the. years on •the •
would get the female vote.eighth •
:Betty Kenned,r is a clever gal who On the death of Mrs:. Murray in •
'could .get elected Is Pierre Berton 1961 Mr. Murray, came to .Kincard-
interested in being a'candidate for. inc to make his; home; with his ;.�
some office? Somehow l doubt it. daughter Margaret and..son-in-law
Charles Templeton vied for the. William Griffith, However. though
Ontario Liberal leadership race and' living there. it.was a common .sight
.Yost out two years agog Will he to see Mr. Murray renewing old
try again? He said not.. but. I think acquaintances. in "The ..Hub" ..
he's• waiting for a.•draft from' the • Mr „Murray was a.remarkable man
party., • despite his advancing years and had
When Lorne Greene : finally gets a. keen memory of pioneer days and
tired of "Bonanza"perhaps'ther..e the events that went. with them
will be a "Greene` for` Senator". •• Following* his death in hospital .
campaign. , ( Rev , lye 11 McCombie ; of •Knox.
And what about Gordon Sinclair Presbyterian Church, Ripley; of
as a• member of parliament? Yea. • which Mt. Murray was a member
how' about. that!: . conducted the last rites on •Thurs-
day ; November 10 at the McLennan
Funeral Home; Ripley. The pall -
Once again, .the Canadian Parti
iament,has temporarily stopped bearers were nephews, Murray
running the 'nation's business to •MacKay, Murray Campbell, •
Norman (Colin) MacDonald...John
discuss broadcasting by condermning ••
the CBC about a Sunday -night ro-
C. MacDonald, Malcolm MacDon-
p ald and David Murray. •
Wim' Mourning the 'passing of this fine .
This happened a few months ago:
it's always happening: It's true.that pioneer in'addition to his daughter
Parliament governs broadcasting.. with, whom he made his home are .
but perhaps it.. shouldn't, sons, Norman, ,John and Colin of
How many words; are spoken about- Toronto,• and William of Timmins.
television and radio in the. U, S. ' A sister.Mrs, Effie Moles resides in
House of Representatives or, in the Detroit..
Senate?. Very few. They are too
busy running a country to tie con -
corned about'a progtam dealing Support CBC. or broadcasting in any
with the oldest subject in the world i form-. The government should get
out and'stay out of broadcasting
Members on both sides of the • once and for all, •
House applauded when: Davie Fulton', Mr. Thomas made an ass of him -
asked State Secretary, Judy LaMarsh? self by asking whether.the P.M.
if •the. CBC will continue to abuse saw the show.' Who cares?
its'privilege of complete editorial '` k /alt's time all members of parlia-
and .corporate autonomy "with dins mens got,down to running, this
emination of this' kind of garbage country and governing 15 properly,
" b
Eric Winkler of Grey -duce said in It's time they•started thinking ,
part: "I believe the Ca adian`tax- about important issues like enough
payer needs no longer pay for this money'for the aged; for the blind ,
sort of trash," and other handicapped persons;the.
W.I1. A.' Thomas of Middlesex widows; the orphans and all other
West said: "The people have a right underprivileged Canadians.
to:know whether or. not the Prime • Your Ottawa bums who .are making
Minister saw this show on. Sunday $18;000 a year should start perfor :.
evening. If he did, is he willing to ming the duties the people .expect
condone the action of the CBC in,
presenting it?"
Mr. Winkler is on the right track.
The people. shouldn't have to pay to
and want.
Get out of broadcasting, and host
important of all, stop taxing the
people for :broadcasting., • ,
c ono ng, re ru .
while Mrs.' McKiminstructed on
the Canadian flag.
Campfire was prepared by Nancy.
Walden. and conducted by •
Captain. The Swallow patrol per-
formed a skit.' Taps. closed the
The Bluebird' patrol had the high-
est points at roll call. Joanne '
Thompson. and Margaret Montotng-.:
ery volunteered' to be Santa's
helpers on December 3rd, Debor-
ah Corrin; and Joanne. Greer velum-
aeered for December 14th. and •on
• December 17th Elizabeth, Ritchie •
Ellen O' Donnell , Elizabeth New-
ew-bold ..Charlene Anderson. Barbara
Wilkins and Kathy Jay will help. -
Custom Butchering
Mondays Howl,: in by 4:M' p.m.
We do Curing iand ,Smoking
Sold While, Holt '••• Quarter
And 'Lower Prices
.. ' B.�..Perk. and Land,:
C.. For ;Nr$sfl.r11Servos,
.H Rip.