HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 8llAGe EIGHT Ti4111 LOCIINOW SIENTINIIL, LOCOING% ONTARIG 0,444444474%*,4=m4444..14.444.4. Lucknow Men (Tues. Nov. 29 - 9'P.1vt. Group) The high Single game this week Was rolled by Allan Hackett with 306 flat. High Triple goes tO Bill Stewart with 712 flat. Freck Button's Oldsmobilif-4 points, Bill Hunter's Dodges 3 poi-. nts Clarence Greer's Buicks 7 points, Jack Fisher's Mustangs 0 points Led MacDonalds Pontiacs 4 points, Roy Finlayson's Fords 3 points. Games of 250 and over: Allan Hackett 306, Bill Nelson 252, Bill Stewart 283 and 253, Lloyd Hall 291, JackFisher 271... Fred • Young 256. Team Standings Buicks 40, Olds - mobiles 40, Fords 35, Mustangs 26, 41)odger 26 tiacs-.22. Ladies' Aftermicin. (December 5/66) High •triple score for this week ..goes to Ferne MacDonald with 671 flat. Jessie. Joynt rolled the High single game 259 flat: • Shirley Hawthorns De4cious.5 • , points, Mildred Cameron's Pippins 2 point; Marion MacKinnon's Wealttlys 5 points; Arnetta Thorn psont's Duchess 2 point; Ferne Mac, Donald's :Russetts.4 points. Isabelle Eedy's Spys 3 points. . Games of 200 and over Jessie . . Joynt 259, Pearl Murdie 249 and 227, Shirley Hawthorne 221 and 203, Kay Collyer 212,/ Mildred Cameron 215 and 236, •Margaret MacNay 213.- Ferne MacDonald • 222; 208'and 241, Jean Phillips 242, :Isabelle Eedy 221, Mabel • Steward 21'1, Wilma Chisholm 218, Arnetta Thompson 219, Marion, • MacKinnon 258 and 233, . • Team. Standings: Russets 31 points Spys 28 points, Wealthys 25 points, Delicious 21 points, Duchess 21 points, Pippins 21 points. • Ladies', Evening (December 5th,,1966) '• Team Polnts Tulips 2. Petunias 2; Pansies 3, Roses 1; Violets 1, Poppies 3.. ' Jo -Anne Searle won both the High Single alp arlagicri le or 655. . • ' Games 200 and over Yvonne Christian 243,, Anna Johnstone 242, Jo -Anne Searle 303, Trudy Nelson 240, 226, Kay Crawfccd 265., Joyce Cranston•222, Josie ' Hamilton 223, 217, Anne Pritchard 213„Shirley Hackett 227, Dorothy • Errington 237, Pearl Jamieson 231, Marie Stewart 227, Barbara Sand- erson 207, Muriel Ritchie 203. Team Standing; Kay Crawford's Petunias 23, Muriel Ritchie's 20, Rose Hall's Roses 20, Kathy Gibson's Violets 18, Tillie Wilson's Pansies 17. • Lutkiow Arena Skating Schedule 1141111DtiESDAYS SOS P.m. to 111011 pan, SATURDAYS 2:00 p,m. to Cie pan. • -141111.-Parit_to 18611Jp.m. • SUNDAYS. 2:0 Pm. to 4:0 P - * * * • SEASON'S SKATING. • Excluding'Sunday • Adult ' • High School Public School * * * Lucknow- Dungannon 1 WIC: 7th, Ito WED Saturday Afternoons 241:30 pm. Saturday •Evenings. 7 - 11:30 p.m. THE LUCKNOW BOWLING ALLEY Phone 5284N4 or 571-311311 TICKETS Skating $12.63 7.11 3.N • REGULAR ADMISSION Excluding Sunday Skating Adult • High Se.hool Public School • P.To-School Frank Hawthorne iolltd the high • triple and single for the men with. 768 and 295. Lloyd Ashton also rolled over the 700 mark with 715. Marie Stewart also captured both single and triple with a 311 game and triple of 718. Men over 250: Bob Mason 283, Lloyd Ashton 269 and 250, Harold Greer 267, Bill Stewart 266, Bill Nelson 260, Harold Erringtori 257, 'Stuart Jamieson 257, Ernest Button • Ladies over 225: Shirley Hawthorne 274, Joyce Cranston 267, Anne Anderson 251. Standing: Zebras 57, Wolverines 47, Kangaroos 41, Beavers 40, Tigers 40, Squirrels 38, chip- munks 37, Coons 31, Pole Cats 28, Cubs 23, Lions 19, Gophers 19. 1111111. 411111111. 441/1/.. /OS 41111111W 411.111,- 4111011. 11110. 40*.411i11011.61* Get Your MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY TALKS RECORDS HERE 25c each inemertm" 41410; '1 X ECTLTHE-SET Or It • Area Couple WeJ At Wingham .• 4 .ROBINSON - BAKKER • . St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham. decorated with‘candel- abra and 'large baskets of pink and white shasta mums was the setting for a pretty candlelight wedding ceremony at 730, Friday evening, October 2lst,.. • . • • • Aantje'Sietske Bakker. of Wingham daughter of Mrs Bakker, Auburn, and the late Mr. Rimmer Bakker, became the brideof Thom= as Roy Robinson, R.R.. 2, Lucknow, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Chas.. Robinso Rev. Gordon Fish officiated for the nuptial service and Harold Victor Pym was at the church organ". Miss Anna McDonald sang "Walk Hand in Hand" and 'The Lord's Prayer". The bride, .who was given in marriage by her brother, Ted Bakker, chose a floor -length gown or white velvet with.bell sleeves and detachable satin train- with •empire. waist'. Her embrOidereci wedding veil was fashioned 'in floor -length 'style and. she carried' a cascading bouquet of pink roses • and white carnations. The matron-of-hOnor , Mrs. Walter McLean, sister of the bride,. of R. R.2', Kincardine and the •bridesmaids, Mri. Doug.Layton of. .Wingharn and. Miss Dianne Thomp- son of Wingham wore identical gowns of floor -length dusty pink velvet with bell, sleeves, empire waistlines and matching satin trains. They carried basketsof white shasta mums and pink Best man was Bill .Robinsoki...,. • brother cif the groom , of R.R.?. Lucknow . 'and the ushers were Doug Layton of Wingham and Marinus Bakker of 2,Auburn. 1, Guests from Wingham. Auburn. •LucknOw Bowmanville , Kingston • and Toronto gathered at the •Hartley House in •Walkerton for the reception where the bride's „ mother received in a drets. of burgundy crepe with matching !' lace bodice and sleeves with black accessories and corsage of •pink and white mums. She was assisted bY the groom's mother, • • wearing a turquoise blue, knitted I suit with black accessories and • corsaze of pink arid white truitrit. For their wedding trip to Florida.. the. bride donned -a teal blue suit • with .blac'raestorje Tht• . ; couple will rerideir Wipgl.arn. GIVE A PEW THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Recalls Event . The following letter .to the editor appeared recently in the Kincarlift. ne News following that paper pub= 4shing an old picture of an early train derailment . We reprint'it because ,Of the local interest.. .1600 Lake Parker Dr :Apt. Dl. • .. • .. Lakeland Fla.. 33801 Editor. . ' ktheardine.News.. • Dear Sir: ' • • Some weeks ago on the front page of your paper, you had the photo . of a derailed 'engine.. Perhaps you. already have had an answer or reply to this.. I was an ernployeesof the Grand Trunk Railway, acting as assistant agent at LuCknOW, and` was on 41,4 the morning this 'train met with .the mishap. It left Kincardine five • ' thirty A.M.arrlving Lucknow six naught five. A..M.. and about twenty minutes later it collided With; g.1 can recall cortectlyi three horstion.,tbe right Of Way al- most one and one half.miles west of •Wingham One of the passengers who boarded the train was Bill McKenzie known as ,Medicine Bill, and still residis in-LOCknovi. The Conductor of the,:train.was *Alfied Ireland, the fireman Joe. ' Herrington Who was raised near, Ripley.. The fireman was thrown clear and Mr, McKenzie remem- bers him saying."Where has the engine gone" and Mr. Ireland made the remark "Looks like we are here ,for. awhile," This was in' nineteen fourteen and ,1 beliLe • she Month of June. Yours truly, • • Harry McLean, . . a ,Irtg14 tilloiriRdosis and supleatiory dlseasn •On 1 for M. and J• 1 bourn •Don F -arrive the. 01 with 1 ,wInm .riagh w1n11( and 1 lunch read Whyt •aghat lamp • and a 3 nip puzzl neigh with ingt.s ed. t soldi Wing Mr. • • Doctor Casey? No, Henderson DETROIT (UPIl PsuI HetidersOn tooketi like Stn Casey wrath a hockey stick at the Detroit Red Wings' practice yesterday. .. Henderson has Misted five geniis with an irritation in.hts.windpipe. And coach Sid Abel And team physician Dr John Finley didn't, want to see anything eke happen to keep,Handetson on the sidelines so the ti.yearold left• - winger wore a surgical mask. • '• , That s right, like Dr. Casey and the.gang. . Finley explained; "It ail started with the void. Wi!th tlfe mask ,we're able to control the sir Paul breathes a little 'better Without the mask; he would he taking .deop breaths of cold air and that would make him rough "Tills way, the mask warms the air slightlY. With it. , his is Partially breathing some of his own breath, and he • doesn't get all that cold air." • Abel sad the procedure will „be used in games, toot • at least for week. V• V 4