HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 5• e WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7th, 044 MacKENZIR,r . D op em•trist NOW IN:RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office • Hours 10:00 a.m. "tor 9:00 p,m, Phone Roy MscKende, Ripley, 96-r-24 for appointment. ••••,1•40004.44404.00#400411,11040ae_ W41110.0000. W. FL Harniltofl. OPTOMETRIST . 't •• NEXT 'TO LYCEUM THEATRE 'WINGHAM , • PHONE "357.1341 • JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL.HOME Modern and Convenient Lucknow, Phone :525.1013 Day . or Night Serving All •PaNhs According to . Thair Wishes Moderato' Prkos .Established i1i94 • A. 'R.. D1. VAL D.C., Sp. C. • Chir.p "ae; ter Physio and EI4ch`o Therapist Winghatn ;.- Phona 357451 11,1 located 'on John St. West seat 'to Toronto Dominion Bank.) INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILE, and `LIFE To : Protect Your Jac Insure With .Jack Today. J:.A4 . McDO NADH; Lucknow, Phone 5284423 R. W� ,ANDREW • Barrister and ' SsIkitor LISTOWEL,. ONTARIO • .IN LUCKNOW Every • Wrde.sday and, : Saturday Afternoon Office in the 'Joynt::.Block • Telephone: Lucknow $28-31h6 'CRAWFORD and SHEPHERD J. H. CRAWFORD, . Q.C. N. A. SHEPHERD Wingharn and Lucknow • IN ' LUCKNOW WEDNESDAY 11 a.m. to 1. perm. Located its Kilpatrick 'Block Plane Wkigha,n 016k.357.34* Res. 357-2336 IMPERIAL. OIL PRODUCTS for: prompt' service, and quality products, Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect Dungannon 5204524 Always Look. To Imperial For The Best" G. A. WiIiiams,�D •Optoret st 9 Patrick Street W. WIN4HAM Phone , •• 367.1282 11' Ske f THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, NNTARIO., ►4411A`1i.4a~R*i 11N*41+N CHRISTMAS NOTES Do ..you write letters '.with your Christmas Carets? . Here are some notes es p .. y • decorated for as .writing, 20, notes for $1.00 THE LUCKNOW SENT.INEI. • Winghdm MemotiOls:. 'GUARANTEED` GRANITES. CEMETERY LETTERING. • REASONABLE. ' PRICES • Buy Direct and Savo. :: Sus. -Ph. 357.1910 Rees. Ph. 557.1613 .M. HARPER CHARTERED 'ACCOUNTANT 55:- 57 South' ' Street, Godecich Telephone 524-7562. Idd�n's,:StUdio': PORTRAITS Weddistms . and Children '.'GODERICH, ONTARIO. 116 SL • David: Street Dial 524-8767 ' MacKenzie,' Memorial (hapel FUNERAL. SERVICE Services conducted according. to your wishes. at your Home,. your Church, or at our Mem Orial Chapel at no. additional charge.. • . Lucknow, Photo( .5211.3432 • Day or Night. R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH Th. Square, (Phan* JAckson 4.7$61) • TED. COLLY.ER Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR .' Specializing In EI.ctrk Hating, Electric Wiring and Repairs and• All Electrical' Appliance Lucknow• Phone 528.5182 Caviller & Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, • J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Phone 8814471 Walkerton • AU.CTION SALE AUCTION- SALE AUCTION SALE of livestock, machinery, hay and grain will be held. for JOHN McINNES 19, Lot , Concesstott Kinloss TwP. 61/4 . miles north and 2 miles east, of Lucknow on • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13. . at 1:30. Shorthorn cow, •due in Feb.; Shorthorn cow, due in March; Shorthorn cow, due in April, Short- horn horthorn cow with calf by side, rebred in •Septem r, Shorthorn cow, call by side,. Hereford cow, calf by side; Shorthorn heifer. 2' . young calves, Hereford heifer. Hay and Grain: : 500 bales of hay, 4 ton mixed grain, quantity of :loose straw. Implements: • • Allis Chalmers B tractor with 6' mower, Massey . Harris binder, 2 furrow plough, manure spreader, cultivator,. harrows, wagon and rack, creamseparator, hayloader TERMSeCASH -FIsmall RM SOLD Allan .Macl'Myro, ,Auctioneer AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of `Holstein, cows and 'heifers, machinery, hay and grain,,will be held for the estate of • the late • CLARKE NEEDHAM Lot 4, S:D.R., .,Kincardine Town- ship, 44 mile . east of ' Kincardine (on -No: a Highway). on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 at 1:30, Offering indudees: • 'Holstein heifer, 3 year old, .dun December 29, Holstein heifer, 3 year old, due January .11,.liolstein heifer, 3 . year old, 'due January..19, 2 Holstein heifers, 3 year old, • due in March; 8. Holstein' cows, ' due in' February and March;' • Holstein heifer, .:bred, in September, 11 yearling Steers and heifers Implosion's;., Ford tractor with loader; Farm- an tractor, John ,.Deere J.P. arae tor on steel; mower, side rake, manure' •spreader;. 'seed drill, disc, plough, 2 :steelo stock watering troughs, extension : ladder, wheel- barrow, . Woods electric : chopper, Universal 2. unit milking machine, numeroussmall articles.:.: Hay and Grain.: 1800 bales of hay, 400 bushels 'of: mixed grain: • TERMS 'CASH Allan. Maelntyr., • Auctioneer • CARD OF THANKS THANK YOU Mrs. Peter MacDonald wishes to thank the members .of the Colwan- osh - 4-H Girls' for the gift present- ed' to her and wishes them the best in fixture projects. ' ' Bonnie Culbert WiaheS to thank . her .friends for the dards, gifts and visits. -while & patient in W.inghatn ` Hospital: Special thanks.. to Dr. M. H. Cortin, , . Dr. J. C. McKim and nursing staff. FOR SALE YOU CAN. ' BEAT the inflated-; cost ' of building now with this• new split level contemporary; executive 'home, Located in Wingham. It is a chance of a; lifetune for you and your fatu- ity' to step into luxury living at its ham.' 100 ACRE FARM, all level and., workable ca.n be a very efficient operation, Choice land and ex- cellent builditttgs, paved road 10- cation.. o-cation.' Full price . only $14,500, 150 ACRE FARM, value paved road . location,' Attractive 1'A storey bride home with mod- ern conveniences and a second small home ' very modern throughout. Barn • measures 75' x .90' with a silo. Implement' shed 30' x 50' and a'. garage, Level land is choice :clay .loan', all .:workable except 12 acres. This farmis an exceptionally good buy and can be purchased immediately with stock, mach- inery, and winter feed supply if desired. , - • WE .HAVE several good ess opportunities eral ' store, Summer resoria, Trucking ':business,• Garage. Ser vice Station,. Butcher shop and Bake :shop., . PAGEFIVE D.nIst,. deal Estate ' 1 Rural Ontario :Specialists Kith : Fitzsimmons Manager 'Phone 3574641 • 11•.1A•N1.N11e►es►a.a•net► 'Cathy Gould, daughter of Mt:. and Mrs.- Jack Gould, 153 Elgin Aver W . Goderich. has won one of . three $60. Carter Scholarships distributed in Huron County. Cathy winner of an Ontario Scholarship and',1965-66.valedictorrian at God'- e 'f Collegiate . is, attending the Clniversity of Waterloo.. She' fcrrn-_ er•ly resided atICintafl., We would like to express our sincere appreciation . to all our many friends, neighbours and rel- atives: to edatives:'to the Millarton U:C.W., & Rev, H. D. Palen, for their acts of kindness ,duringour recent be- Olive and Helen Needham. Nancy and 'Allan Maclntyre Mrs. Ewart Jamieson expresses thanks to the Lucknow Presbyter- ian W.M.S. and others who rem- embered her .in various ways, dur- ing her illness. Charles Hallam wishes to ex- press his thanks to all who so kindly remembered him with cardswhi'I thanks hee was nusing, staff on Hospital. ar d g Ward l•26. It was all much appreciate Alf 'Ritchie wishes to thank all who kindly remernbered him in various ways, while he was hospit- alized. Mrs. Eldon Henderson wishes to express her thanks to •a11 who rem- embered her s, with cards, letters and visits while patient in Vict- oria H)stiital. .......... LOANS M. IT THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS EVER! Moan WIT MIo$ONElftrsisCRESCENT *13r free of '.money worries this holiday season. Have extra cash -inyour to meet those extra in ofure c Ytiu On RENT front S50 to. $3;000 -- for . a wee$, month, year or, longer. Renting is the modern way -.and .Crescent is the company friends recotnmend, So do what you want in " do now Call Crescent and. say "It'd tike to rent money". Sole H till Pleasant trays j55 cis fait ftm. Crones t - sscENr -' nitr s.t.1L AN: Ram Cads As For .Mostildy boat As ashy $ 52.11 12 months 5 5.00 105.75 12.000ths•' 10110. 3/0.71 20 months 19.00. 50644. 30 months 22.+00' 751.19 30 moods • ' 32.00 961.39 3041,00 2034.20 36 moods , 76.00 ger aeewt�w for any purpose are oval c iw*t site,. ' CRESCENT FINANCE. :CANADA'S MAST CONSIDERATE FINANCE COMPANY 610 Quin St. Kinca$ndine' • Phonal iii CHRISTMAS NOTES . Do you write letters' with your istmas Cards?' Here" are some especially decorated fOr Christmas' writing. 20 notes, for $i.60 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL OFFERS ,BAKERY with 7• room living qu.eters ..for owner, on ''main. sMlet, Village of' Lucknow: Also large 2 car. garage .at rear. Brick •eves nl with full lin. of aquip.nt for all types of broad and pastry.pr. les Owner is in ill health, and Wishes to rotiiu. Th. it , . and the teerms are good This 'is r good business.' ' with unlirnitid" potential. ''(ACT NOW.) FOR 'THE with 2261 feet fronting FARMER --;134 serest of. roiling land, Saug..n Rlv.r, 5 miles ,frorn Part Elgin. included 1s two islands, appr. 13 aerie in all. Large 10 .room brick horn., fully furnished, .with scores of antiques. Good barn 66' x 16', water .n pressure, to both louse and barn. Gar.. age 15' x M', machine shed 12' x 10'. This was a local doctor's Ponderosa, who has moved M a larg.r'spraad. Price only $27,NO with 911,060 down, Nam your own forms. (HURRY IT WON'T . • LAST.):' We still need listing* in this area. PHONE PORT ELGIN 650 OR BOX 754 AGENT AGENT FOR H. KEITH LTi., REACTOR .• I 1- 4 m • 1 1 • .�