HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 2.000 00,0, 000,00,00003, 'Pr PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO ,WRONS$DAY, DEC . . The LIXICNOVV. SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • "The. Sam Town" On Ib. ,Hurortgrugo liOundary AOthorised as: second elate mall, Post Office DePartment,f Ottawa Established 1375—Published Each Wednesday. Afternoon Niamber of the C,W.N.A. and. 0,111.04.A. Subscription Rate, $4.00 a year in advance — to the USA., 0501 • Donald C. *Thoniption, POblisher 4 Only suggest what should be done.. School if they wished, 3 1 • ' . • , WEDNESDAY. DEC.'7th, 1906 • WAnu Pack Power ear Plans At Nomination For Extensive Village Improvement Steve Stothers was appointed chairman of the ratepayers meet- ing following the nomination per- iod for the village of Lucknow on Monday evening of last week at 'the Lucknow Town Hall. In his opening remarks, Mr. Stothers recalled an early nomin- ation meeting in Ashfield when five men managed to get through' the storm to attend. The clerk was not one of the five. • Lucknow's meeting was reasonably well attended conipar- ing'it to former years.,but the per- centage of ratepayers who avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing reports'of area municipal business; is actually quite small at all district meetings. Reeve George Joynt said that it had been a great honour to repre- sent the village of Lucknow as Reeve for the past ten years and since there were no other nomin- ations.for the position, it would be a privilege to serve for another term. Mr. Joynt said his length Of service as Reeve had actually gone past the "honour' stage but that he is sincerely interested in the betterment of Lucknow and his, service to the village is done with this in mind. He was highly complementary of the work done during the past year by the works department • headed by Cliff Crawford. • . . • 1967 plans which it is expected, will cost between $8,009 and $9,000. Reeve Joynt referred to a two to three. year 'road program which when completed will put all roads in the village .in A -1 condit- ion. He referred to roads which a few years ago had been black topped with cold mix and'which were high in the centre causing Water run off problems. Roads on the improvement agenda for the future are on Outram from Camp- bell to Willoughby; Havelock from Willoughby to the Flax Mill Which will include a river diversion to. the rear of the McCallum and Marriott properties southerly past the Flax Mill. This will mean the removal of the two narrow bridges just north of the Flax Mill. 'Arrang- ements have been made with the Department of Highways on this project with an 80%; grantto be paid the village. Other roads scheduled for improvement are Inglis Street north from Wheeler to Gough sweets; north end of Outram Street from the public school corner to Gough; Gough Street from the residence of Philip Stewart -east to Havelock; Ludgard Street from Silverwoods to the . County road. As well roads, side - Walks and storm sewers will be improved at the same time. Also mentioned were short pieces' of road on Victoria and Hamilton • Streets and also Palmerston Street. ,FeeVe Joynt pointed out that in order to obtain the best job, at the most economical cost, it was essential to carry out sidewalk, storm sewer and paving jobs in one area at one time. Costs run higher, and the finithed job is not ' Reeve,Joynt said the assessment of Lucknow presently is $1,067,000 and that new home construction within the past year would increase this. Further eon- . structien plans within the village. • will all help the mill rate. Mr. Joynt said that -.the lecal assess- • ment was.$707,6-00 re.sidentiai • and $359,000;commercial and suggested that Lucknow should have a,400/0 commercial asses!. 'inept.; "I have no doubt that we are just around the corner so far as gettieg new commercial assessment is concerned", commented the Reeve. Mr. Joynt said that five new bridges are being built .or have been built 'within the past five years with. the latest „construction at the north end of the village on Gough and Ludgard Streets just recently commenced. He stated that the public works. debenture debt in Lucknow is /7 1/210, the lowest of any murdc- !patty he knows' with equal facil- ities. Hi compared the debt to that of 'Wingharn which it approx- .-, imately 40/7o. • !I • • errup with the contractor and hoP- ed.for Correction in the spring. Councillor Harvey Webster , 'chairman of the water system, said that Lucknow had a waterworks system second to none in the prey - ince and spoke of early,retirement of the water works debentures. He referred to the trouble with the south well and said that council hoped to drill a new deep rock well soon to improve the situation. He paid tribute to the clerk for recent improvements at the town hall and announced his intentions of remaining in office for 196'1. Councillor Sanderson was not present and clerk E.H. •Agnew announced that Mr. Sanderson's nomination was valid,because sat- isfactory evidence of his intention. to Stand for office had been pres- ented to theclerk. • , .. Councillor W'.A. "Bud" Hamil- ton, chairman of sanitation, repor- ted $1;198 spent in this department In the past year. He paid tribute • to- caretaker of the town chimp!, . Floyd'Milne for keeping the dump- . ing grounds in •gooci•order . Mr. • Hamilton said he felt ft was good business keep the dump locked with regular open hours for super- vised dumping. He expressed his -intention to stand again for ;coun- cillors " • Councillor Omar Brooks said .he' would again be 'a candidate'for, council in 1967. Mr. Brooks, - chair- man of roads, said ,that. the Reeve had • given a complete run down of the road program in the village over the past ye.ar arid plans for , futureyears. Mr. ,Brooks said thatc the two new bridges under construc- tion will be completed later in the .seasOn unless weather makes Lucknow and Kinloss Township • 'Mr. Webster said the same later Made arrangements to amal7 problem is. presently being exper, • gamate and a new board Will take fenced 4c Ripley and Kincardine effect the, first of the year with two iiigh Schools, trustees from Lucknow, two from After talking'it Over with the Kinloss and one from Greenock public schools concerned, it was Township. Mr, iviacKituton said realized that the -most 10061 that any major construction or ren-, CdeOision was One that had to be ovation to the Lucknow Public I made immediately in order to School will not be subsidized by 1 prevent additional constructionJe With the acquiring' of the Lucknow school ptirposes, and only to be tohiestrDiecpt arlitimgliesntchi:0117:aoino grThaantts.li iKlantliosnsaafnedwl, yticekdrnsore:pitf:orpeopaku:6,omiiiciiity: facilities'made available at.this i useless high school building. com. ciiLititncylkcipntiQpbwun'wcliilcsel fisbc:1109olb:ltitniebrithteKhi•punr1061Tivssioactikel.-1''onirT•eehanesteedh(ViStgelc;siltscoWh:ebist:ca.t ion: because Mr. MacKinnon said that if it . spoke of problems obtaining and of the.decreasing enrolrnent. 'lie holding teaching staff. Only two weeks ago, he said, we had a staff and board dinner and eVerything appeared fine. Within'a week we had a Christmas resignation from one of.the'best French,teachers. •the schOol has ever had, and not, a week aftersthelresignation of the • 'principal; was received effective. .in June. "In a large. school , the slack couldbe picked up":, he said, "but replaceMeet and adjust ment by pupils is difficult in a small school" . . ,as satisfactory; when work is done this'iMpossible. He listed'an exten- in bitt and pieces. • sive sidewalk repair and replacem "The most underpaid people in ent program which council have on LtIcknow" Is how ,the Reeve referred their agenda. He said that last to Lucknow's volunteer fire depart- winter's snowplow costs with their merit who received a $1,000 raise own equipment were $2,400 of. '. this past year resulting. in a mill which a 500/0 grant is received. increase on the tax rate. The s ' Roy Havens,' nominated for Reeve outlined other reasons for council, said that he would have the tax increase including the to wait until the' following day to debenture debt on the High, School. announce his intentions. • salary increases and general in- Eldon' raith' another nominee creases.. • . He referred to a recent agree- ment with Athfield, Kinloss and West Wawanosh Townships regard- • ing the renovation of the Lucknow arena. The townships had been.. approached on this matter some •years ago, but within the past , • three Or font years they had begun to think. differently on the matter Donald MacKinnon, present in that more rural young people member of the Lucknow. Public •were becoming increasingly in- School Board, was nominated for a Speaking of the tree pruning volved in this recreational en- position on the new Township project that has been carried out deavour; Overall cost of the arena School Area of Kinloss and •Luckno in recent years, Mr. joynt said project will be $26,000 to $21.000 Mr. MacKinnon, speakirig'ior that he feels this work has been , and could go to $30,000. Each board chairman William Schmid, ' one reason why the Electrical • rural municipality, will contribute outlined the steps that had resulted . utility has shown a good profit. He $3,500 and after Federal and in the amalgamation plans for referred to past iniproved•lighting Provincial grants,. Lucknow will the public school boards of Lucknow programs in the village and said make up the remainder. * and Kinloss. Mr. MacKinnon said that new street liens' are planned Mr. Joynt said Lucknow is going that last winter the Lucknew board for Stauffer and Ross Streets and . ahead except industrially, but, felt had met with the .Department of tin Willoughby between Havelock & it was only a seat time before Education and discussed the ',Stauffer. It IS also plarmed.to light action would be taken by govern- future of elementary school educ-. the two aceets roads at the rear of mem' to develop this slow grawth ation in this area. The feeling of the business blocks. • • the Department was that they Reference was made to the No3 Questioned by Putell Whitby on would like to*.see Ashfield, West .• water well at the flax mill and the unsatisfactory top soil on the' Wawanosh, Kinloss and Luchnow , the problems thatbad been encouria boulevards on Willoughby Streets • all dric school area. lie said, toed with it, Reeve Joynt Said a following recent work there, Mr, however, that the department will t ' new deep rock well was slated for Joynt said the matter had been tak- not tel you to do thir. they %Ali,. • wasn't for the 'changeoverin • boards, he did not feel he would be a candidate for ‘officetut fel; obligated to see the changethrow h now that it had been started. Jim Henderson, the only Other nominee for thetWo Man board, was not present but had supplied the clerk with. a notice•of con- sent to stand for office. Questioned as to how much of . the present Lucknow Public School would be used after the High Scheel balding was acquired, Mr. MacKinnon -said that five rooms. willeontinue in use as well. as 'four rooms at Kinloss,'Central: school with the Kinloss and ugh schools to be closed, Charles Webster,' the village of Lucknow representative on the Lucknow District. High School Board, saki,that*any people thought the town had been sold short.by the High School Board when it was decided to close the loco school for secondary education; He denied this idea explaining,the reasons leading up totheboafd's 'decision. In 1963, when the vocational prograni.Camt into being, it was necessary to have an 'enrolment of 600 pupils to offer this training; Wingharn • being the nearest centre, to offer this training. Lucknow and Ripley commenced buying this education for pupils wishing te go. " In 1963, Lucknow High.had an. enrolment of 238, with 10 pupils going to Winghattr for vocational education; in.1964, 258 with 22 goingto Wingharn; in 1965, 254 He alto,spoke of inadequate hou- sing in iticknow to attract family type teachers and. also said that.. with -no departmentheads in the - local school; it was not possible for.promotiOn, . • • 7,This has beenforced on us" he said. "no-one bates • to see the school go mote"than.i do". Stunming up some remarks,. . Reeve. Joynt -said , that :he 're greited; the closing of the hiO•schoel and as Reeve of Lucknow no one:1)id made:mere noise nor fought h alder for its retention than he did. The Reeve referred to connect-. agreementIng llnk with the'Dept. !men; of Highways which when cOmpleted, see . an expendi- ture: of abeut $200.000 in tne.. village, costing the:village only about:0410.0. "There are very few places' itrOntario 'With such an. agreement" commented Mr. Joynt: He spoke Of plans by.the.county 1 and the department' of 1 gbw a$ to widen the county road approach to' 86 Hiway at Johnstone ;Fin-, with 39.'8°1401 Wingharnt iture Corner. House ,remova1 'on 1966 2§5' with' 74 going .to Wing- ..the hill.as well as hill .cuttitic. ham:, I • . • ' • and. widening will be part of the • With the trend to vocational ;commit . • ; education in; increased 'numbers; . Don Thompson questioned cpunc- ancithe.iteadily decreasing' at •to further.' plans for intprove- 'number taking classes here, it was went' of drainage facitities.at the realized that Lucknoviwas.headed south...side of business places. . for tteuble. it' was decided by the / Earlier 'alit large septic tanks, beard that eventually, the Luck-.' which would serve a nimhet of now school would have to Clete • and in order to best make use places and be pumped periodically was turned down by. the fittv'e the .LDHS bending, ft.'would be Health Unit according. to. the Reeve better to make the decision now The Reelle hopes' for' increased aid tO'srnall municipalities re9,aiding sewerage 'colts in the near (Inure. when local public schools could for council, expressed the honour take advantage of the local high 'of again being nominated. He said ; • that the present mitten are doing. a satisfactory' job and with them all indicating their, intention of standing, be would step down and thleetyPieharnd: bePmgcueneed withthe work LYCEUM- hall PHONE 3$74630 STARTING TIMES Monday to ,Thursday—$ p.m.. Come as late ail 8:90 to see, • complete show WED., THUR., 'FRE., DEC. 74-1 "DR. GOLDFOQT AND. THE GIRL. BOMBS" • • Colour - Cinemascope ,Starring — Vincent Prim, 'Fabian If you think "Dr. Goldfoot and. the Bikini Machine" waiLdiffer- ents wait until you see this one. Friday And Saturday 2 Shows — 7:15 ind Saturday MOM,. — 2: p.m., othorviiint noted SATURDAY MATINEE • ' Dec. 14 , • . "OOG OF FLANDERS" cotour • SAT.,' MON., TUES., , DEC. 10, 12, 13 "THE GUNS OF NAVARON E" Colour - Cinema$cope Starring: Gregory Piaci; David Niven This is one of the best adven-, ture %thrillers to -hit the screen It played at the LYeetitil in 1961 to capacity audiences We've brought it back so you can see • it 'again. Please note that. due to the length of this picture the starting tittles on Saturday night will be 1:00 pm and 9:35 p.m. • 0 * * • 0, • 'v * • .• • * • • .i 0 • • ie we et 0 0 * 0 .03 0 * 113 V * ie • . • • e • _. • --dr.