HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 1$4.04 A . Year In Adva+nc*
$1.49 Extra To U'.S.A. •
WinsMonday Eleceion
Bob Lyons `lr. Is. New.
awanosb Reeve
r.obert W.I.. ,yons .of the 12th
con(ession of•'West Wawanosh is
tlx: new.Reeve of that Municipal-
ity Ery virtue of his,victory at the
polls on Monday. Bob Jr. as he is
known to everyone, polled 196
votes to edge his sitting .council '•
mate Gordon W Smyth of'the,6tk
of .West Wawanosh who rang up 181.
votes close on Bob's heels...
Running third was Lane Duran of
the 9th who polled 108 .votes.
Lorne formerly served as' Reeve
and Councillor in the TOwnsh p.;
nip "new .Reeve was .elected to
cotincil;.three. years ago when he
was second high in the balloting.
at that time. .
slob's -victory in the Reeveship.
contest shattered the old theory
that a:"northerner" can't get elec-
ted because of the,heavy vote in
the south. Lyons polled very soon-
gly at St, Helens and Jim Curran's
while :Smyth,:picked up his streng-
th at Dungannon and Auburn.
The poll by poll results were. as.
No., 1 'Dungannon . 12
No. 2. Auburn .. 2/
No. '3 Township Hall • . 24
No. 4 St.:.; Helena 16
No. 5 -Jim Curran's 12 .
No. 6, St..: August he .'.17
Lyons Smyth
17 76
22 48
•`17 24
57 6
76 ..10
6. 19
196 181
Second ° Nomination In West Wawanosh
a..u�.:...i. nomination meeting.
A second: nomination' meeting.
will be held for the Township•of
West Wawanosh on Tuesday, •
December :13th,,
At the. first nomination meeting,`
nominations were received for Iwo
vacancies on the Huron County •
School Area. No, 2, but by dead-
.line time, only -one ' no dnee had
signed up, ,Wallace. Wilson.
This left one ;posittq not filled
on the board. The position ;to be .
filled is . for a one year term to
fill the vacancy caused by the,
resignation,of William Webster.•
' ' Clerk •of the township. Mrs.
'Joan; Armstrong will receive. nomin
fl ations at the townshiphall next
Tuesday from 1 to 2.p.m, `and,an
.• electron, if necessary, will be held
on Wednesday.. December :2),st.
Ross and Breckles
Honored By Family
On 79th Birthday
Mr.:and. Mrs. Elden Lowry of
Lurgan were hosts to:a .family
dinner on Sunday in honour of Mrs.
Margaret E.. Carruthers. of Luck -
now •who .is celebrating.. her 79th
birthday on.; December 6th The
table was. centred with candles,
and alovely:birthday cake.
Those present :were Mr and Mrs.
Gecr8e Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
ald .Forster and Faye. Ann, Mr. and
Mrs,: Virden Mowbray,', Mr. and,
'Mrs, Elliott Carruthers. She: was
presented with " a , table lamp from
the faintly.
WEDNESDAY, DEC.' ltIi 1966
Here S
Stele copy' '1k
24. PP109 . .
• -Santa made one of his threeplan-
T ees DonateTravel:as a guest es1 of .the Lucknow Business .`
�. Men's.Association, much torthe•
Trust Fund For Purchase 0f Awn
The November session of the
Board of Trustees, Huron County
:School Area No., 2 ,met on Dec=
ember 75 . with all mernbers
The resignation °of. William Web-
ster was ,accepted with regret. •
Thanks' was expressed to.Mr.
For School Webster for his untiring effort to .
William Evans k
a esK
.century. •
s ' n O The Board has again decided to
the school .board for almost half a
In Close
purchase two periods 'a week of ice
CtuneaCthe LucknowArena .Det'ailsoforganizatiautobe�'leftwithon ,es�.
. the Principal. Angus s N ...MacLean
• p . gu
Two sitting:. councillors in Kin-
los< Township waged .a close batt-
le for the Reeveship on Monday.
with William Evans edging Wall-
ace Conn by 36 votes to tike the
The new Reeve, Bill Evans, is a
veteran of six years on the Kinloss
Council and his opponent. Wall-
ace Conn, has served, the town-
ship fix eleven years on the coun-
cil hoard.
oun-cil.board. Bill will succeed P.A.'
Murray who is retiring as Reeve.'
Both Evans and Conn live in the
Lan side -Whitechurch area of
Kinloss. ' .
Russell Ross of the Whitechurch
arca of Kinloss Township headed
thr"' poll for election as school..
trustee on the: new township
school area of:Kiploss and Luck-
PA-aw . Russell polled 190 votes:
Running second in a bid for the
two Kinloss seats on the new
board was Walter 13reckles of Kin' -
lough who polled 179 votes•. De- 'an. More helmets are to be pur-
!.chased to add.to the present equip
feared intheir•attempt at seeking
a position On the school board
were ,Evan Keith' of the second
'concession with 173 votes and
Ronald Thacker of the Blackhorse
area with'155 .votes.
Messrs. ROss and; Breckles will.
sit on the new :Kinloss-Lucknow, •
board with Donald MacKinnon .
and Jim Henderson of Lucknow
.and one representative from Green:
oc'k. Township yet to be named
The poll, by poll results in Kin-
loss are as follows:. .
No: 1 Blacckhorae
NO. ' 2 Kiyough•
No. F.
5 Iatnga%k
No. 6 Whitechurch
Scheel • Trustees (two tlsct.d )
lir cklos Keith' Ross
NO. 1 Blackhorse 2Q
No. 2Kinktugli
No. 3 H
No. 4 F. Oinningiultal
No. 5 L ngside
No. 6 Whitechurch
58 10.
45 41
41 64
9 ' 23'.
979' X73 190
Conn E.varrs
31. 14
31 35'
32 .'55.
'S 35 50
. 30 25
'28 44.
18`T 223
Thaek r''
3' 38
11 30
33 39
33 26
.46 14
64 e
Amotion was made to the, effec
that a . Christm'as ""treat be given to •
e the children at their concerts.,
The, secretary has been engaged t
assist the Principalin'secretarial
duties at a salary. of S1;50, per hour.
1• Trustees agreed to pay registrat -
;y ion fee of 510.00 for' the course. in
"School Supervision and Adrninis-
nation" presently being attended •
I by . the principal in Stratford
The secretary, was instructed to
advertise for a part-time teacher to
relieve Mr. MacLennan so that he
could spend more time in supervis�
.l ory work. •:
' Truistees voted themselves an
I allowance of fifty dollars as travell
ling expenses for the year.1966 and
then placed, thus money in a fund to
lsecure trophies and proficiency
shields to be awarded annually to
I the oustanding students of the area
"on behalf of the following board
rnetnbers; Samuel Gibson, Charles
McDonald. Webster,. Rob-
ert. Helm, Edwin Mills and Russell
The following expense account
was ordered paid.
West Wawanosh .Mutual Fire Ins.
Co. $43,75; Ontario Hospital tittle of the s.Sepoy Hockey Team
Services Commission $56.75; The
Queen's Printer. 53.00 Teacher's
Salaries, S5,469.84; Receiver
General 363.82; Howard Blake
398.69; *Caretakers 3373..53 Bus ,
Operators, 31,895.00; Bus Drivers,
3249.62; Trustees - 1/2 salary
3720.00; Trustees Travel
Allowance S300.00; '.Ontario
Teachers' Federation $533.76; In
structional Supplies - •Copp Clark
Pub. Co. 3120.24;' J.M. Dent &
Sons (Canada)' Ltd. 526.67; W.I.
Gage Ltd. $58.97;, Jack Hood
School Supplies Co. Ltd. 3556.35;.
Township of West Wawanosh. 1965
audit 3100..00; The Lucknow 'Sent,-
inel, advertisements and office
supplies 313..06; ' Signal -Star Publi-
shing Ltd. $2.10; Skeoch Office pother Mrs. Harold Treleaven of
deligi.t .of David MacMillan, age
two, sitting on Santa's knee, and
Paul Mac illan , age 'four,
standing. Theboys are the child-
_ `.
ren of Mr: and ;Mrs. Hugh Mac,
Millan of Sarnia •formerlyof this
community. .Mrs. MacMillan, the
former. Colleen Tiffin, is the '
fourth' ,rnernber of the group'
GO Stiter Gets
National Research
Cama? Sc6okrs`ip
Mr. and Wt. Gary Suter of
Toronto visited recently with her.
Supplies $1.58;' .Postage', 'S10.00; Lucknow. Gary and Ruth flew from
Express $5.50; Office Supplies .83; " Toronto Airport on December 1
Huron County Library. Ashfield, • to London England, Where they
5165.00, West Wawanosh $60.00; ` will holiday.for a• week befcee' ,
Imperial Oil Ltd. furnace oil visiting friends, in Germany..
3200.17; W.A. Hamill ,..furnace ` Gary has been awarded a . Nation-
oil, 552.77; Maintenance ripples , al Research Council Scholarship
Chas. LH. Fowler $4.01; Robert for post -doctoral studies at the
E., Irvin $.5.38; Ken' Hodges, $2.50; Otto Graf institute in Stuttgart.
Angus MacLennan, $10.13; Webster He completed his Ph'..D, at the
and. MacKinnon .324.76; G S, university of Toronto last -month
Osborne Ltd. 'Sports equipment Gary is the son of Mrs. Elizabeth
•38.50; Mrs. Margaret Cline, re- Suter of Wingharn. formerly of
Lucknow •
pairs to football', *1.00;. John W.
Henderson Lumber Ltd. window
repair $29.28; Pannabeckers .Gen-
eral Store, gas. $138.37;: Bluew•at
er Truck 'Centre, bus repair and
maintenance, 374.71; Dental
363.00; Blake Alton, cedar, :$40.
Visits.S�py Town
M and 'Mrs, "Babe" Book' of
tl ow. Sask. were recent callers
in cknow. It is twenty-six
yearn since Babe spent his winters
in Lucknow and will be renentb-
erect as a valued member at that
Ripley Return All
George McLean was returned as
Reeve or Ripley' for 196'7 nv a•c 7 •
,elamation at the nomination, 'meet-
• ing Monday night.
• . Council elected by acclamation
were Peter. Sissonnette, John rod
Robert Love and George 'ranter
Howard Hodge was returned by .
acclariation to the
Ripley -Huron. .
School Area. Soard