HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-30, Page 13 (2)v.1 I Y es IY B OF M Sof my,. .lontreo: in .1966. it. 1966, yourself losits Of )rd high • of. oper i loan to •!n ;5,c9 hh- -dits te. „ 04: by tn. ass:s! 'AWAY. NOV. ?O. 1,, KINWSS ELECy . ONT1NUFD. FROM PAGE 1 oss School Boad, Leo Murray., also nominated for the schOol non, but Leo qualified for a — • ' • oil seat after a number Of S school service. So, in the 1 eleCtion, it will be two men ted and two men left at home. had Elliott, a former Reeve inloss, was nominated chairm- I last Friday's nomination ing Clerk Gordon Wall re- ed thetollowing nominatons, • KEINE .. • . lace, Conn by JarnieSon Petta • e and .Russell Ross. , • • Murray by Wallace .conn.incl • E. Haldenby. . , Murray by Walter Breckles', Ronald Thacker. • , lath Evans by Jack Ackert and. ald McFarlan. • • . E. Haldenby by A. Murray Frank Mauden. • cpuN cm, . • , Murray by Ronald Thacker Wm. E.' Haldenby. ace COnn by Wm, E., lialden- d Ronald Thacker: , , E. Haldenby by Lyman Sutton onald McFarlan. le Elliott by Jack Ackert and an Campbell. . • an Campbell by Orville ti and Ronald -Thacker. Evans by Frank Maulden and 11 Bushell. . ; cHool. TRUSTEE o to he elected) 1 Ross by Jamieson Petta and WallaceConn . r Breckles by P. A . !Murray; arlie Murray.' urray. by Russell Ross and • er Hughes. Thacker by Leo Murray. anti 1 Ross. , Keith by Leo Murray and ie Murray., EETINd OF RATEPAYERS e of Kinloss and Warden of County, P.A. Murray; was _THE LUCKNOW SENT1410IN ONTARIO the first speaker of the afternoon and outlined work`that had 'been carded Out in the county during the year, " Mr, Murray stated that Bruce County had a total revenue in 1966 of $2 1/2 million, In the •expend- iture departrnent, highways, prot- ection to persons and property and welfare are the three main items.' He spoke of the highway work done within the'past year speaking of the $150,000 HolyrOod to Ripley pro- ject•which will be hard -topped next year. The county engineer • had commented that this piece of road was the best built in the County, 'there are 2251ni1es.of county road in Bruce. $1,400,900, was spent on county roads this year approximately. • The Warden spoke of the • $300,000 addition to the county buildings which will be .opened early in the year.. He said they s were ready to call tenders for the $2 1/2 million,loc-bed county . home at Wiarton. He said there is. a present continual waiting list , fix Brucelea Haven at Walkerton of about, 25 ; /- Mr. Murray said he had no notion. of staying on as Reeve if the other. boys were interested in stepping pp . CouncillOr Wallace Conn:gave .a breakdown' of 'expenditures in var- ious locations in the township dur- ing. the year. Work in Whitechurch hardtopPing the' street. cost $3,400. .10;000 yards,of gravel went on township roads and about $1.800 was spent on Calcium. 'Snowplowing .in 1965-66 cost the township $2,600: which does not include the workdone by the township equip-. ment Considerable discussion centred arOund the Use of rhulene as. an effective.control of warbles . and lice. ,• • Mr. •Conn said if Reeve and War-. • den Murray was retiring, he .would like the opporttinity of serving as • Reeve befOre retiring from.munic- ipal affairs. • ' touncillor Wliliam Evans sugg- ested advantages in having the roads well graded and in good con- ,. 1966 - are stead. milding .1 y towards CHRISTMAS CARDS 050-0106 WRAC) mew,* air/ cAatos. • Ribbon'. • Christmas Wrap • • • • . .Af. . . .11CKNOW: SENTINEL ditiOn before winter came to preg• vent unnecessary problems with toads in the winter. Mr. Evans said .he had served on council. for six years and announced his inten. • tions of seeking the Reeveship. Councillor William E, Haldenby mentioned the work in Whitechurch and on the 4th concession center as great improvements. Mr. Haldenby forsees in the years to come that Kinloss will have one olthe most progressive tourist areas in and• , • around the Claviand Silverloake . vicinitylie also stressed the nat- Ural, beauty of the 4th concession which is taken for granted by local residents but which will-141-.Ature , see more development and use of this area. by. out'of township resid- ents, Speaking of the postpone - merit of the building of the tOwnitt ip garage,• Mr. lialdenby felt it' was 'a necessity and thought that future council should proceed: ,with the project, He saicl the norn•- 'nation as Reeve was a surprise and he .would have to think about it. Before' the meeting ended; he announced that he wouldnot con- test the Reeveship but would re- , main on in council. • . ,• Councillor Orville Elliott said •that when tenders were, called for the township garage,.'only one was received at $45;000. He said „ council .had ceriginally feltthat, it could be' built for $35,090 or : • . $36•,000. Itswas decided,to call , tenders again and the second Call. produced two tenders at' $44,000. . and $43,009: It was decided to hold up the projectin view of the ' • cost. The lotlor the garage was purchased from Lorne Eadie for :$700; Mr. Elliott referred to the. township durnp:as'a disgrace and !. felt that corrective measures would have to be 'taken to preientim-•• proper use of the dump area. He • said.only one tender was received on.municipaldrains..arid that this work, which was supposed to have • been completed in August, has "only just started: He said he had intended to quit but 'that he ,under- stood 'he was still eligible to sit ; ..• on council and would continue on rather than call another nonlinat7 iOn,, *Mr.Elliott now resides in . Lucknow but has property in Kin!. . The, .two other nor/due for escs copricil spoke. buncan.0 mpbell, said he had net made up h . mind Whether to stand .a not. and 'Leo Murray saichhat he 'would stand, kir tilt, council sear. ', ' • Treasurer Ns'. 'MacKinnon spoke of the financial business of, the.township referring to some tax arrears which would have to be •acted on and which have become a problem. He felt.the year would end with a snrplus'Iri view of the fact that. the building.of the town• ship garage'had been provided for, but had been postponed. He paid tribute to the retiring township clerk; Gordon' Wall and hoped : that he would be able to sadsfact-. ally fill the, office 'of clerk -yeas- dor/don Wall, who retires at the end of the year as clerk of the township, said he had found serv- ing as clerk a .rewarding and en- joyable experience but regretted that his Work in Wingharn now madelt impossible for him to carry on.. He stressed the import- ance of 'keeping the ratepayers of the township well informed. Mr. Wall heartily recominended his Successor. Fraser Mackinnon and felt the combining of the clerk and treasurer position was essent- ial now With the new inethod of ' assessment. Mr. Wall paid tri- bute to a number of officials who he had served with in his years ' as clerk and mentioned the assist- ance given. him by his wife,. Many of the speakers throughout the afternoon were highly • complimentary of Mt. Wall!s service and also of the honour brought to Kinloss by Warden • v * 4 TtHATIEIEN Murray'intis being elected WE den. • Road Superintendent Frank San., rnacher outlined work done by »is department in the township and answered several questions. fror,n the audience. RAssell Ross of Whitechurch wondered if anything could be done to alleviate a serious summer dust problem in his area from trucks hauling gravel from the Joynt pit to the Maitland t Redi-Mix plant at Teeswater. Frank Maulden also said that the. same prOblern existed•in the north of the township where heavy trucks were hauling pavel,from Ment in, the application And tim- ing of calcium was suggested.. Schumacher said the'towriship ? grader cost $6,614 in fuel. wages': and repairs and he noted that the' machine now had 460 hours on it; Evan Keith chairman of the Kinloss Township School Area, said the past year had been a busy and trying one on many occasions. 'He stated that Mts., Isabel, Mac Ken zie of Lucknow. had taken over the duties of secretary -treasure of the .area On April 1st following the resignation of Allister Hughes be7. cause of ill health; ii said the board had to 'make the decision OA whether or not Kinloss would become, part ,of a larger school area with LucknOW and make use Of the I facilities of the.Lucknow District High School building which be- • came availai)le. He felt the de- .•-.' HEATING EQUIPMENT. •• 4011.4%.10110thild.OtOr,O)- • tt. HOME NEAT 4 ••SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU cision of the board would prove a • • • ROT' HAVENS Plumbing and Heating OF:SalesiiirutT °11111741BServi7VICE • „ completed two yettrs.pn the aria .board• and ,had.SerVed Oil their 1 section board pia tkith.at, 1thaihe•would let his name kaki for office,. • The final trustee to speak was. Whad terarecmaldoogood pesstogress id he they In bus touting'in his area of the town- ship and thaetlie 4 - class idtools. .at the ncath were'woikint satis- factorily. He said he Wield stand for school trustee: Other speakers were Jamieson:. ,Pettsipie,ce Kinloss representative to die Wingham and' District iligh School' and Allister Hughes, " • representative to the Lucknow • District High Scheel, The two men outlined steps taken in' the formation of the new Bruce -School Area which will.; comprise the Winghun and .Luck - now High School Districts. bon Thompson Of The Lucknow • " 8entinel was called on for a few • words.. ' • • • In his closing remarks; Reeve , • PA.Miniay, said he had beep More pleased for Kinloss than for himself in bringing the Warden - ship' to .the county for the first time in 54 years. • Discussion frequently changed'. Wlseone ' iii -years to eorne, and that the education -opportunities offered the pupils within'the area *ietad,.: be comparable:to that ofia city school. He said .that additianal, ,bus.service for. the north end of the area was workiagnut well and said thatiit had been felt that if , -some of the pupils were offered -the facilities of bus transportation., all should be. He said no teacher now has more than four grades by • the juggling of classes in'the two. rernainingsone room schools in the township at, the north. end. Mr...Keith said he would let his naineitand foroffice on the new board, and as there was.going to • be an election for Reeve, • • .felt it'a good tittle for the rate, payers to express their vilifies in regard to school matterl is Well. Jack Ackert iinestiOned the school board chairman onthe method of... tendering for Caretakers at Kinloss Central, and of raises in pay given after the tender had been let. Leo Murray, A board member fOr. six years, stated he would not: contest the.school positions and was letting his name stand for council; Mr. Murray said .that it is unfortunate that the new Kinloss- Lucknow hoard'will only have two' representatives from Kinloss and two from LucialoW. The other Me- mber is from Greenock. Leo said it had been the understanding. of - both 'the, boards up until a few days ago that both Kinloss 'and Lucknow would-haVe three members. He said that a Misinterpretation by • the inspector had caused the. pro-. • blem and felt that in view of ' thil, three Members should still be allowed from each municipality as well as the one from Greeri- ock. He referred ,to the new TV piirchased by the area board at the tender. price:of $250, 'which was covered by a 100% grant. • . Russell Ross, • member from the Whitechurch ffrea, stated that he had suffered severe criticism from 'some circles regarding the closing Of the Whitechurch school and the letting of bus contract's. He said he had been accused Of Single handedly dosing the school and ' expressed the wish that some of the beefers would show their face auttomination meeting where they could. learn the truth much better than talking on street ;Oilers. He said he would stand for trustee Ronald Thacker saidhe had . . •1 . • — • • r •. it • • ..t • • „,,,„.• • ° back to. rhulene treatment .of• • cattle for warbles, the availability • • and price of It. The Township . subsidize purchase i .wherfpreserit- ,• ed with a rieeeipted bill. It was agreed that ,the treasurer order ,108 cans to get in on the $13., per can prices It Was suggested that the .cans'be made available at, a •cent- . nal location. and:Raynard Ackerti• offered the use of his storage facil7 ities 'for nOthin.g if.the township wished to use, them. It was also, suggested that the township ertgagte• sOrpeone to:go from farm to fawn • sefllng thulene in the hope that it will he more widelyuied.. • It's a real friend ;wit° likes you in spite of all he knows about yOU: • ..r • 4