HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-30, Page 12(by Janet Carruthers)
jockey Exams OWe�^ NX, played record
� .y from CK
for the evening, Ricky .Pritchard
.A i g of ,relief swe t over the won a record album for unrolling
schoal Ftiday Chnsttnas ° a roll of ,paper the fastest,, Albums
exams lat were saver, Aftet a week ,or were • also won .by Sharyn. Mowbray
.,etailoning•and writinS and "Stephen Andrew in a spat
hard,' the end was a welcome . dance, Special thanks•is extended
re ef; to Mr.. • and Mrs. Dennis and to
Mr. Needham, for chaperoning. •
Me,floric.I Servke
Last Tuesday, November 22, .Mr.
Ashkanase, and Mr. Needham held
an impressive memorialService
for President Kennedy. They
reminded tile students how Mr.
Kennedy represented youth. A
portio: of Kennedy's sperm on the
value ofekcation and recordings
of his addresses were played, and
all felt the , awe of tbas short ser-
vice.. At the end, the American.
National Aon was:.he z4.
Failures' Frolic
A 'enures' i3ic" wars,held
• Friday :fight to c lettate the end
of exams. MartyAdler, a disc-::.
Miss- Belt Leave
:The students and staff are sorry
that Miss. Bell will not be return-
ing after Christmas vacation.
Miss. Bell. a native of Kincardine
obtained her education there. On
the completion ;of High School , ' '
Miss Bell won two scholarships,
and went on to major in French
and Latinat the University of
Western Ontario: •Before coming to
Lucknow in September, .1965, Miss
°Bell taught for several years in the
,Port 'Arthur, and fart William
Collegiates, As a'.former director •
of the Part Arthur Community
Players', she is interested in
drama and literature,
Miss Bell,. an excellent teacher
and a wonderful person. is ,greatly
„respected by all her students. She
takes a keen interest in ali her
pupils, During her teaching here,
she has hadthe task of helping the
older students. gain the 'background
so badly missed in elementary
French. Her success was shawnby
the Grade '13 French results last
year. The lower grades will always
4emaiuber. her , for ,giving' them the
basic foundations needed in a,
language, Miss .Bell has made •
French interesting and enjoyable to
learn. ,We are all very sorry, to see
her leave,.
co -or sd , mu Flo
Brit high level vitamins A
and D; improves herd health
increases conception 'fate,
bulk's sturdier.calves
increases milk prroddoctian.
to mbetley . News)
Reids Corners W.I.. met in 'tire'
community hall on Thursday even-
ing November '24 with an attend
ance of eighteen. After the ode
and, Mary Stewart collect., Mrs.
Cecil Hollands presided and"Mrs.
Cecil. Humphrey read the minutes.
Theroll call 'A ,product we would
lack if the farmer ran away and
didn't come back" was well res-
ponded to.by naming many farm
A 'highlight of the meeting was
the topic in the North. West. Territ-
ories by Mrs. •Kenneth*McNay of
Wiarton who'was introduced by
Mrs. Robert McNay of'Arnberley.
A splendid history of this northern
,part of Canada was given by Mrs.
McNay who with her husband, Dr.
Kenneth McNay resided at Inuvili
for two years.• Many fur exhibits •°
were on display which, were inter •
•esting to every.. 'one :
Mrs. •Sam Snobelen gave a curl-
.' ent event.of the North West. Terr-
itories. Reports. of : the Institute
Rally which was held at Wiarton,
October 20 were given- by Mrs.
• .Kelvin Henderson and. Mrs. W .J:
A social hour was enjoyed over
the tea' cups. Mrs. John. Ferguson
,and Mrs:: Sam Snobelen were,
hostesses for the. meeting.
Established '1e70
Assets. $'15,000,001 • Capital l& Rosana 6,000,000
Paid on 3, 4 8, 5 year
0 de�Xbentures or ,
: ' i aid on
' P
1 & 2 year debentures
oflie.s: Toronto • Hsrnihon . Ottawa • St. Thomas
•Please complete c•oupon and mail`with cheque to; -
1 * 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Phone 432-4158
. Amount.... .. .. Yilbsrs ..
1 O AO
ccurhulatiVPess ...a...si:ea.0.a.wtr.ae .ie.a .....
.... :. . • ...• ,.,..e..+.es.4• a.w...;w •v.. TNL ..... ...........
Signature • . .w.a • ,.w n.+.ria,., •......;....• .. ... ••
How We at
Canada`s First: Bank
put your savings
dollars to .worm
• in .1966
Donald Ross, Manager,
Lucknow Branch '
Bank of Montrial
This is a :personal• report to the customers of m
branch describing the way the ,Bank.. of 'Montrea'
employed the money' you entrusted to .us 1:1 .1965:
At the Bank's year-end on October 3 -1st, 1966;
the personal savings of people like yourself
amounted toalmost half of the total deposits of
$4,995,398,152. This figure is another record high
for Canada's Furst Bank : in t s .1.49 years of aper•
anon. Of that total, '$3,279,997060 was on loan to
people in all walks of life.
What's rnore.S90'6..160,879 was in f te�,f ;^ hie!'
grade Government bonds and puhlit
which have .a ready market, and: 5119 45 °p,
other securities - mainly short-term ' rre,Clis tr
• industry.
Yalta co -4. Bae' and bait* ColvOrntrates your cows
are ft a rnirte7ais, and`gait -of the him
qn to High of •vitamiiitas A and D .ham been
added h se lheth health d tyre profitabler
or beef .prod.dTMzic c • n t from home'
erowa grains and roualiazei.
.e. C0-0?' feeds, co,i0? ANirira Beef Con-
=ttztesforrZtaiLted from the. htgbest quality
:al is and bea.td l tTest researth ,cr n—
m Si nAL' .; When oo b u 'E
.* n? . 'quaky. :sem= and proteraMming t
Record •depOsits •of almost $5 . •
. billion and, loans of more :than V.3
Ninon are reported by the Bank `of
Mentreal in .its I49th annual state-.
melt released here by Donald Rod,
manager -of the bank's Lucknow
Cc rirent ng an the.bank's annual
f4.ures'for the year ended October
g l he .said new hicis had been
establited riga across the board ;
assets,' loans, deposits and earn
:, .; •
Deposits o1 $4. million. . '
ittol dem perna: savin .e ' S'.2,.30;2
taillicz. Total loans ,"iurtte4 to ' •
W.•i M'•
=fiber". itn an increase.
vddilitea.in he key category,
w m a' 'rner#1.. and other loans".
Ass recti . , @@4c.; a:
u:•%. e,a". '4t'' -as."'`.".. `:.tea C'�3.' .t a "; is:tor„
- a k
'a. +. wet:,,p.;' v .c Sa.*4ug ,h+."or
•L.1;, w. w , .,..e"vc�".`.` `anac:es
rr' Cir.. ♦ini..'.�ea,' +L.
• +
'[. - • � WYW' i6F',r�ww'. }lt
Yes, they were busy dollars than ' Sa:.-„Cs ,4;:t11:
of yours...: They were put right to ;id«;•., 'r he;
peaiple improve their standard . of* -
Dancing the •purchase of cars, hoasf.c:.q:-i gO3di
all kinds and- home 'improvements .. ln• asst$
.businesses large and small .to ext.1,1- ' + P4c .Ew
'PlOying more people.
Your money Went into new'
::P;::;aglicreated newr' dabs ... helped farttheirfaranis andandiheia' way Of'iliv^anew sa>hhatis staidhelped stua+'*CO . a' 'g:.;``
education ....aided fishermen to.•
catches and their incomes ... hu.
highways ... supported .cotn,mun:'
and small, of many kinds.
Your savings dollars worked hard ;in 1966
hardest of all for you And because they are steaE
ily .accumulating at interest they are .building
sound investment •for you and your family Iowan
• • a better, future.'
Speaking, for Canada's . Ft st • .
'Thank your for your copfidrr
and for the support you're°'.
together to build e more pep