HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-09, Page 13.....,'i W itooe r '11 Ho be Hat axle. Was Diane:' iFor ents DHESD Y NOV. i THE:. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO • A • re Juveniles The ause Of •Juveniles elnguency? ' :(by Sharyn Ivlowbray nay heti we think • of a juvenile del- uent., we think of�a teenager, is Hying that fatefui4ge bet en ,irresponsible childhood and f -secure maturity, .It is in this, e that the crime rate soars. Why.• this? t has often been said that ,the n years are. the .difficult years ,. it is. then that numerous . mental d• emotional problems must,be nquere.d. Therefore, the teen- er needs a loving environment ere he can develop moral stand, which . will last for life... His me and family affect the teen-. r from birth, ,and neglect or rindulgence often cultivate del! uency. t it :is not only the home 'envir: ent that affects the adolescent hild raise in_th_ecity° is usually. sed to more crime and low ality whereas a •rural area child mewhat sheltered .' However er any circumstances there is e constructive way .to fill idle e'.` Dale Carnegie said •'Remem-. that a man's name. is, to, him sweetest sound in the English age." Thus, some youths prestige. and try to build up. ego by breaking the law as a lay. of bravery.. linquency .definitely deserves : • shment. Yet the problem' is tion'al unrest caused by bore- , discontent,or unrest.. iou'sly, counselling.is needed nile delinquency' will end if only' if teenage emotional lems are .quenched.. • M 1 (ay Janet Carruthers) . -!ear,ALI.B. Representative Last Wednesday as special as$ekn - . bly .was held from 3x 00 p., m.. The purpose of this•assembly Wes to. listen to Peter J, Corless, the dis- tact representative of the C. N.I..B He spoke on the benefits of eye . care and eye safety . Each "day in Canada six people: become blind.; In..Bruce . County: alone: there are: sixty-five blind people. Over one half of the blindness in Canada 'could be prevented. He mentioned. some types of accidents that have.: happened in this area, and how they could be prevented, C, N.I.. B., is about 50 -years old. Almost all its income is received. by public donations. Their money goes for canes., talking books, radios,',recorders• and record play- ers. The Student Council plans to canvass for'the :C.N..I. B., some- time after exams so. please be : generous. Basketball Mr. Dennis has organized the basketball • teams' again for another season. He .is . to be in charge . of ' both the Jr, girls'.; and Sr. girls' . teams .Mr. MacDougall is In charge of the. Jr. boys' and .Mr. -Mason willcoach the Sr..: boys' The . games will begin ' shortly .' after. Christmas. Radio Glib The Radio. Club broadcast its usual program qn friday.. This program may be, its.last until, after exams. The special .report ' was on the meteor which fell here recently. FERIi By erviNe Williams Commencement n. M The auditorium was filled to cap'- acity last Friday evening. 'ACP the commencement exercises took; place, The Graduates all looked' lovely as they, received their diplo- mas, The Valedictory address, The "Advantages of a Small School"•, given. by Sheilia:.MacQuillan, was exwe11ent. , M, 'H+ugh;Bremner challenged the graduates to use their intelligence to make Canada a better and more secure nation. He. brought; in Comparisons.: abouts: Russia and Communist China: 'A tea .and .dance wereheld in honour•' of the graduates. . Debate The debating.` society will hold another debate this . Thursday. It , is stated "Resolved that'Canada should join the United States" 'The students are 'on the affirmative and: Mr . Ashkanase and • Mr . Needham .are.on the negative, representing the staff. , Ch ris tim as Is .- Corning The. Harmonettes and Hi -Tones are now practising,Christmas , carols for the. special Christmas •assembly. Christmas is. only six . weeks away. The examsare only '9 days'away Because of this otlYer activities will be postponed until after they:are over.' Toronto Trip Mrs., Hewitt and 14r . Askanase are taking both Grade .11 classes to the Royal Winter fair this Monday November 14, .1966.' They will also visit the. Royal Mu.eum in Toronto. '4 BROADLOOM CARPETING, LINOLEUM -CONGOLEUM> TILE' Vinyl Corlon Floor Covering By Armstrong REMEMBER THE 'BOY SCOUT PAPER. DRIVE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER UM -'Hallowe'en Pa At `North Ashfield A0 Titi*'1"BB14 AND DEBENTURE COMPANY • gitobli0010 1e70 . Aalita$7.4000000 • capita & RisOlviAONAO 1 1 1. 1 1 Paid on� . 4 a 5 yet debentures Or 1S4'" Paid on 1 & 2 year 11111001uNit Of c.s: Toronto a Hamilton • Ottawa • It. Thomas A. � �� �� aw.�. /! — �!IR 1 .wwr, ,,ra... w Al.il� . . A•IR',—'.� x!111 II..w Please complete coupon and Mall with oheque rot• ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE "COMPANY 131 Dundas Street, London, Ont, Phone 432415! Amount, rR..a ir.- a ', a .i. .•..a :. RJ�r...r.• .a s+'2ii f.,+�, Address ... .ek....•.1.Y,a«F.• aAY..R• •.A.1...».sal.'.»ass»l. ay r�ar.e•.. .y•yw,.*r.4... of ••.....-:... ... .lelr. s. n#41;./ r'+. ri m. r.e. ��'i.M�M..# .a»a.a.f Y. ?.....•i•••i•: .J.! .AA aA 1 I • • 1111,41011•111 woo imp inmop, aro. 4.1.0 ~AA IMMO MIIINOVOIMP.11, onempt soon. moo paw P P ,E GROVE. Mrs . McCosh left for Toron= to on 'Monday. where. she will att end , a meeting; of, the Federation of. Agriculture Mr, and Mrs. 'William McFher- son and Mrs; McPherson Sr...or Kinlough entertained the members . of the Presbyterian •Church Choir • on Tuesday evening: 7 Visitors on.:Saturday: with Mr, • and Mrs.. ;Don. Robertson were the • members' of Mrs.: Robertson's for- met Sunday School Class of Luck • Saturday evening: visitcrs with. '. Mr 'and, Mrs. Don Dore were Bob Emerson, and :Restate :Dore, Visitors On Monday , with the. Dares were, Mrs. Gordon McDonald and girls,, nceiitra co -or aes9i Dari-orao C+onosntra with high level vitamins A and D,a improves herd health; increases concepllon rate; builds 'sturdier calves;• increases milli p►oduttion. -fortified wit (Lochalsh' News) Monday afternoon' a Hallowe'en party. •was ld at.North Ashfield. •Public Sch I. /r .'• Mrs. .Day d Elphick attended 'a shower for ucy Morrison•at St. • Helens • on Saturday evening, Mrs. Oliver McCharles was host- ess to the Ripley Women's Institute on Friday afternoon, Visiting with Dan MacLean for the week end were Mr, and Mrs. , Allan MacLean and family of: Collingwood.. . . • ". The first severe.: snow storm of the season struck with full force on Thursday afternoon. 'Visibility was almost nil at times and several who regularly. attend night school in Ripley were forced to stay home Mrs, .Thomas MacDonald has • -returned home from Wingham hos- pital. and is presently at the home of Mr , and Mrs'. Alex Andrew in Lucknow, Rod Finlayson of Sarnia spent th"e week end with his parents, Mr. ands Mrs,. Gordon Finlayson. Mrs. Ewan MacLean and,Mrs.. Annie .McMurchy acted as Judges for the many costumed witches, goblins and,ghosts. Fifteen prizes were awarded at the party which had as its guests eighteen pre school children Highlight of the party was the announcement of the winners of the UNICEF awards for top coll- ections within the school.$4S , was .raised for UNICEF by pupils, $7. In prizes was given to the top • Collectors who were, in order, Donald Kwik, Aaron Hackett, Ian MacKenzie and Graham Hamilton.:' Treats were supplied to all at the party. Co -OP SIVA Seel Oalner Concentrate: -specially form dated for feed lot feeding. With high level vitamins A. and D, this, concentrate is an excellent forage suppfenrent. mins A an With .CO-OP Beef and Dairycows Concentrates your are fed vitamins, minerals, and proteins of the•highat quality. High levels of ;vitamins A and D have been added to= ensure herd health and more profitaibk milk • or beef production with maximum benefit from home i grown grains' and roughages. Like all co-op feeds,co-op Dairy and Beef ` • Con- centrates are formulated from the 'highest ;quality • ingredients and backed by the largest research organ. ization in North America. When : combined With ' co.oP quality, service and feed programming they offer the ultimate in herd. performance. / M N.e,#,r,,.r Tree* a> $5.00 pet ton off FOR OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER ON THESETWO... CONCENTRATES Lucknow District Coop Phone 528.2125. 00, r