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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-09, Page 11
9v, ER mil} of iditional DNESDAY NOV. Oth Ilii. 'L` UCKNOW fENTiNEL, LUCKNOW. _ONTARMO It 1 LVCKfOW V4 w nit 1 of the LI, C'. W' ;met at the, e of Mrs,. W, Drennan for the vember meeting.. rs, 'H , Treleaven conducted the ning exercises and dealt with minutes:. The roll call was an- red by 18 -members, very fine report of the Regional ly.held at.Chalmers Church, ich had been prepared by Mrs. Wigh'tman, was read by Mrs. leanten., iss Ada Webster gave a reading w Stewardship rs Wharry was'chairman;for following program - the Script - selection was.read by, Mrs; C. er. Mrs. Wharry reviewed the chapter in the. Study Book is the meaning of life" , • Mrs. nie led 'in prayer. Current ev- by Mrs. W. Howald were in- sting and amusing. Mrs'. Dow- read a paper on Armistice.Day. e meeting closed:with a hymn benediction. While the comm- prepared lunch, Miss Donna relayed two_ pleasing _piano. , • °tions', . jowl!. . C.'W.. e November meeting'of Zion .W. was held on Thursday. tuber 3rd„ at the home of . Gordon Kirkland Mrs. Allan ie conducted the Devotional with .Mrs. Chas. Anderson ing the Scripture passages. roll call' was answered by the d .. of; Paternal Grandparents". A' ing'on. Remembrance Day'_ was. n by Mrs,; Chas.' Wilkins.. The Book was given by Mrs: How- anger, and Mrs•. Earl Swan lusted' the "Bible Study Period Frankltitchie reported on egional Meeting held at Nile Mrs Harvey Ritchie on the.' made during the past month. Gordon. Kirkland and Mrs. Gibson . are the visitors for':the ng month. ing the business period, plans made to scrub the Church, he Bazaar.' arrangements were ssed. There will be an•exch_ . w •of Gifts at the Christmas: '1 ing which will be held at the - of Mrs. John Gardner..The s that were brought in tothe, ing were, judged with prizes to Mrs, Bob Helm, Mrs. 11 Swan and Mrs, D.A. Hack. - !'he meeting was, closed with. r by .Mrs Kaiser, Lunch was d by the. hostess•, assisted by Robert Helm and .Mrs. Chas. • s.. verrex Solomon• ads•,Y.P S hitechurch News.) S. held their meeting in the, Church Sunday 'School roorn. sday evening slate .of officers are Beverley an President;. 1st vice, Linda Secretary Jim Morrison , er Edna Wall; Conveners Farrier, Sandra Fisher,, Linda , Edna Wall, Linda Scholtz,. ley Soloman, Diane Coultes, ibb and Jim Morrison; Lunch vers; Sandra Fisher, Janis Linda Martin, •. ley Soloman presided, The ion was - Is it worth while. money to missions when is •a need insurrounding area. Farrier led in prayer. Roll as answered .'by 44 members. cring was received and the ction pronounced by the Pre-. Life Membership To Mrs. S. chislett The Monthly meeting.of the South Kinloss W. Mi S. was held at the,home of tie President ,o- Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton onldednesday afternoon. November.2. Mrs. Harry Lavis, 1st Vice President presided • and Mrs .; .:Lloyd MacDougall read the minutes and correspondence:, . Reports were given by those wlio attended the, Workshop in White- church Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Rod- • MacLeod and Mrs;,• Ira Dickie. Matters.,were discussed :in regard to the Young Peoples. Society; The Bible study was Isaiah '58 and Mrs.: • L. •Maclnnes read an article from "The Word . with Power" in regard • to the, period when the prophecy was written. Roll call was answer,. ed: with a verse containing, thea ; word "Health",. Prayer circle Was conducted by Mrs; Lloyd Avery, Mrs.' Ross MacMillan and Mrs. Annie MatIntyre. Articles in re- gard to ,Medical Outreach -in Niger ia�and ia-Canada were-readay ,Mrs:; .MacInees and Mrs: Harold Campbell . Rev :Rode MacLeod as guest speak: er gave a •talk on his recent visit to the Land of his:Birth and trans ported his hearers to Bonnie Scot- land' with it's scenic beauty and rugged grandeur .: Familiar, names like . Lochalsh ani';Kintaill remind- ed those present that, many of our pioneers in Huron .and Bruce came from the old Land.. The tide of .religious life still runs deeply in Scottish Society mid. .names •of the, Reformers 'like ;Knox and Calvin are kept alive.' while• kindliness. • and hospitality abound 'in the Land of the. Heather Mrs, I;eonard' Maclnnes:expressed the thanks of the :Society to Mr. MacLeod for. his •.interesting talk and •presented him with a couple of coffee mugs with the' Bruce„County Crest. ' Mrs: Ross MacMillan presented.. Mrs'. S. Chislett with. ,a Life Mem- bership em_bership Certificate.voicing the pleasure of the members to have her return to the community to, live..Mrs, Herb Buckton and Mrs. • -L. Machines assisted the hostess with lunch, -Rev.. R MacLeod closed the meeting with prayer and 'benediction. DisciissW�rkifl Other Cootries (Whitechurch News), , The U C. W.. held their meeting on Wednesday at the home .of Mrs. Dan Tiffin', Teeswater 1. In the • absence of Mrs; Millan . Moore and Mrs. George Mitchelll, the' meeting was'convened by Mrs, Russel 'Gaunt `,The theme of the meeting was Missionary; and. Christian Education. The call to Worship was given by • Mrs Russel Gaunt. Mrs...Elwood G skorth read. the scripture and Miffs.: Gaunt led in • prayer. A piano solo: "A song with out words'1°was`given by Mrs,, Dan Tiffin.. Mrs. Russel Gaunt gave a reading "Missionary Maintenance of the; Church" . Seven readings in connection with maintenance work in other countries was given. Mrs.. Russel. Purdon dealt with Concern for People in Hong Kong. Mrs. Russel Chapman told of the people. •in Japan and Jamaica',• Mrs. Cliff= Ord ,Laidlaw gave the work off ,Korea and Trinidad. Mrs. Elmer •Sleightholm described the Angolia situation. Mrs. Bob Adams read of. Zambia•and Nepal, Mrs. Dave Gibb dealt with the work in India and Mrs. Russel Gatlin told . of Ask about convenient departure and return times' • For information, phone she local CN Passenger Salta Office Mrs. D; SifllpSOfl Relates Trip The November meeting of Luck= now. U. C. W. • Unit 5 was held at the home of Mrs..Robt. Campbell 'with 22 members and `3 visitors. Mrs. Campbell conducted the bus- iness portion. Mrs. Wm: Bolt, the social functions' representative • obtained -helpers and. lunch for,the Thankoffering. November 15, *he Mrs. Belfry of Walkerton will be out-spe er; aclso theT inits1Ood allotment for an approaching wedd ing ' ` :Mrs. E, Hall gave •the goals of the "Partnership in. the Gospel” prograin`presently being conducted: An article on the "Work for the Centennial Year" was given by Mrs.. J. Treleaven,who:•also; was chairman for the rest of•the meet- ing: Mrs. L. Sterling read the scripture from Matthew 5,: and "used 'it to illustrate: her topic ; on Remembrance Da -Y... Shea comment : ed On the- story , "The Snow Goose" by Paul Gallico , .;a tale' of the .evacuation of Dunkirk. The Fent- rel. figure was a crippled and homely man With few human frier- ds., who made a sanctuary for wild life around his remote light house tin the English .coast . A white Can• adian /goose , that owed him its .life, was his companion when he hid evacuating men fromthe bea`` ches .,at Dunkirk. Mrs J. Treleaven led.in prayer and Mrs,. Don Dennis sang en Appropriate solo "The White Cliffs of Dover", MTs. • Don Thorp son,read an article on "Why we • remember November.11th" . Mrs. Don Simpson, a welcome guest , ' told us of her . recent 10 day trip to the Netherlands.. Sport: - soma by the "War Graves Comm ittee" , to visit the grave of her brother at Holten. All the Canad- ians were billeted in private hom- es and Made to feel' a family mem. ben She stressed the •:kindness and appreciation of the Dutch people towards the Canadians. Bus trips to various cities and points of hist orical interest., including the res.- . idence of the Queen and her fam- ily :were enjoyed. A touching fare- well was the lines of people wav- ing their flags to:say goodbye to 'their Canadian friends.. Mrs,' Simpson showed many interesting • `souvenirs,and pictures of her trip] and made all feel they knew their Dutch friends .a. little. better: Mrs .',1. Treleaven..read the poem "In Flanders Fields" and closed the meeting with the h,yrnn "Sun of my Soul" and the benediction, Kenya and gave a talk on the Holy.. Land as seen by her cousin., James H'. Currie. Mrs. George Thompson, gave the Meditation If We Care Enough'" Mrs. Russel Gaunt closed the devot- Ional exercises with prayer.. The roll call was answered' by 16 members with an :article cliPPed . 'from the United Church Observer, A bale has been sent to .the Manj t .- i oba Indian Reserve, The hostess,. • Mrs. Tiffin, sewed lunch• . . CANADIAN NATIONAL rw. ENTERTAIN mr CHOIR . MEMBERS Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. T. MacPhe entertained the Members ofthe Kinlough Presbyterianchoir on the evening of November t. ,Also present were Rev,: and ;Mrs. Mc Kinney of Teesvrater and Mr, and. Mrs. Don Robertson., 2nd of Ktnloas' Thea evening was spent'in playing croknole and Checkers The host- ess.served lunch. • gni %L�uicno►UON Unit 4 of the United Church U.C.W. 'met at the Hoche of Mrs . Lloyd Ashton on Tuesday. Novem-7 bet 1st with 19 members and 1 •' visitor present Mrs. L C. Thompson opened .the 'meeting with hymn 648 followed. by scripture read by Mrs. ,S.. Golly er...Mrs. Jessie tlen'led a: very Giformative discussion on the , Psalms. She was assistedbyread ing' of the Psalms by :Firs. J.C. McNab, Mrs. George Jardine.. Mrs, Clarence, Bell. ;Mrs. Gordo>A; Ritchi MissiHelen Thompson and 'Mrs,. Bob' Finlay. Psalm 23rd was sung and:Mrs'. Thompson closed with prayer. piano ,sola Climb ,Every, Mountain" brats.' Ashton was en:.: Y. jo ed. Mrs. Gordon Richie read a poem' on.Autumn.. Mrs; ;Mason completed, the Study Book ,"Brazil" . Mrs. Thompson closed the devot- ional period with a reading on Armistice Day and prayer, Unit 4 is to help with Iunch for November 15 Thankoffering meet- ingand''food for 'a.wedding Novem- ber 19. Moved. by Mrs.` Crawford we bring our ,pal gifts to December meeting and also cheerio bones; and a reminder ,for books for over. seas. • $Meeting"closed with rnizpah ben- ediction. •A'.lovely lunch was pre- pared by the; committee. Lucknow Presby erlan We At S: The November Meeting of the , • W.M.S. was held in the church •basement on November 2nd, with .eMrsned. Jaswith. 'LittlethesinprginesgidinofgPsal. Shme op94- . The Scripture and Meditation, was -given by 'Mrs.. Will, Parrish. The • Prayer Circle Was taken by Mrs. P. Stewart and 'Mrs. R. Reid. Mrs. Cooke thanked the .Society' for flowers sent her,. when convalescing. Eight "Mistily Mothers" offered to give gifts to C.C. I. T. girls. The roll call was ansWeied by the Book of Amos. ati�sa verse from. Hend erson invited the' Society to her home.. for. the Decerniber Meeting. on the 7th of h collection wasreceived Th and prayer given by Mts. Jas. Little. . A hymn Was followed with the reading in unison'of Isaiah•40, 18 51..and enlarged by Mrs. N. gr y Johnstor in her talk on the Christian's Calling, and how we can witness for Christ. Prayer followed Mrs: M. Hienderson,closed'the meeting, with prayer. WA, 404 . g' U snit 3 Ludcnow . . Qn November 1st, Unit3 met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Henderson. Nineteen members replied to the roll call, "'Thoughts on Peace" :with a very worthwhile corrin - eats. Mrs.. UtileAlton spoke ►* Good Steward. Mrs. Catherine . ,MacDonald seas in charge of : the Meeting in rhe absence of the President Mrs. Ross Currrninng. The Social convener. Mrs» l oyd Henderson ;made. plans for the Tha;ikof er g meeting On .Novem- • ber 15th also .for serving and cater- fa a wedding on November 19th The conrnrtittee.: Mrs, Aubrey, Mrs. Murray Henderson and Mrs, Root. Mcintosh' had charge of tie ',prooam.. Hymn ."Faith of our Fathers" was sung followed by Scripture lesson' and prayer led by Mrs. Aubrey. Mrs. )toss .ieils took. charge -of Vie ',Study Book Wise in,the +Christian L,iife 'liis .was followed by discussion... . Mrs. Lottie Alton had <a reading "Those who slleepIn Flanders"" and Mrs. Murk; llenderson *Lerot We. Forges". A Corniest on Canada was. ,enjoyed. Lunch Was. served ... Unit 2 The November .meeting of.timet 2 of the United church U,,.C. W was held: on Tuesday . afternoon November Lir .at the home of Mrs. Harvey :Houston With. 19 members;. present. . • Mrs; L.• :Macteod.' opened the •meeting'with the Cali to Worship followed by.a;hymn and prayer Meritbers were•reminded of the 'Thankoffering.,meeting on Novearri- ber 15th' in aIle church Mrs .:Vernon Hunter gave. a report on the Fall • Raul held' ik Chalmers, 'Church.. The December Meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Welling ton, Henderson; Mrs.: R.H.. Thompson presided far ..the remainder of the meeting,;, Mrs, 14`. Cu rait read the ;scripture and Mrs, Wellington Henderson gave the meditation acid . prayer . Miss kaze1 , Webster gave a reading on ' Remembrance. Day closing with the poem "in Flanders Fields". We vire .favoured with a beautiful • 'sol©by Mrs. Raynard Ackert 'accom panied by ,Mrs. H. Houston. Mrs. Vernon Hunter gave a reading on the poppy prepared by Miss'Susan Gibson, The' meeting closed withth the Mizpih Benediction. • ' The Group then enjoyed the pictures of Mrs,.. Harvey Houstnn on' her trip to Ireland. Mrs, R..H'. ' Thompson expressed the apprecia W .cion of the group to Mrs. Houston for her.home and also sharing her beautiful pictures. A social half hour was.enjoyed over; it cup. of • tea. FOREST PROVINCE Ontario's .forests toner. 2310.389. square miles, . 90 per cent of the province's land tres; 94 pier cent of theforests areon Crown lands, •.rit