HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-09, Page 9IV,
E • kI tfAY NOV: 41 _ i i
Wayne Armstrong and daughter of
HonorBreckleS On 25th Anniversary
(Kinlough News)
On Wednesday evening, NovenT
r 2nd, a social evening was held
the school to honour Mr, and
rs. 'Walter Brec:kles on their 25th
edding ,Anniversary. Contests
re conducted by Mrs,. John Barr,
s. Perry Hodgins... Mrs. Harold
aldenby.. This was followed by
sing -song.: Readings were given,
Mrs. Bert Nicholson. Mrs. ,
rtrude.Walsh,. Mrs.. Tom•Mac•
ally Breckies' showed a •number
interesting pictures which in-
uded the Scouts trip to Washing-
and Kinlough's Centennial,
ctures and many others. -These
to ehjoyed by- all ,present.•
s. Gertrude Walsh readan
dress expressing good wishes and
s, Perry Hodgins on behalf• of
Kinlough neighbours and •
nds 'presented Wally and.. Mary
h a gift of money' • •
ally made a. fitting reply and
joined in singing "For they are
y good .fellows". _Lunch was• •
• ed and a social time was en',,
ollowing is the address.
ar Wa,lly, and ,;Mary •
e your Kinlough friends are,:
ered .here tonight-, not only
a social tine but to help you,
ebrate your 25th ; ►edding
iversary '
e are fortunate to have you as
ghbours and we could not let
occasion pass without. some
ognit(ionon our, part.
ar-y , 'you. have grown •.up in our
sr. and have deserved the reit-
8 ant-
all ass.
ir^ a;
pact and .esteem of everyone. an.
cater on Wally, you found your
way here too, and also proved to M
be a good citizen, ready to help
out in time of need. either when
our cars stop or the snow piles
h At this time we extend our sine -
ere •best wishes andwe trust that
you wiU. both enjoy good, health •
and happiness in the years to come
. 'We asktyou to accept this gift of
money as a friendly token from all•
of us,
Signed on behalf of your Kinlough
,Mr.. and Mrs. Elden Eckenswiller •
returned borne after a month's
trip tothe west. ,
Mr. and, Mrs, George •Haldenby
returned home from• Ottawa where
they; spent the summer, -••George •
was .employed by the; Standard
Paving Corripany.
Mr: and Mrs. Roy Roberts of Tor
onto visited, with Mr,. and Mrs.
' Arthur Haldenby.:
Mrs; Frank Maulden and Keith.
spent a few day's at ponthill: Mrs.:
Arthur Phillips wino has.been .vis-
.is-icing here returned home with
Mrs. Bert Nicholson Spent Wed-
nesday afternoon at they home, of
Mr. and'Mts Harold 'Slessor at
Mr and Mrs, Alex McTavish
and Miss Beth McTavish were
dinner guests with Mrs William
Cox and May Boyle on Thursday.
Visitors; with Mrs. James, Hodgins
and Mr.. and Mrs. Jack`.Hodgins
were Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Suttn
erland'of Toronto., Mr. anti Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthro' H#laenby •
spent a ,few days with their family
at Toronto, "They also received
word that their brother in law is
.critically ill at New York.
Mr. and Mrs. William McInnes
and Lind* visited on Wednesday
evening with. Mr. and Mrs, Dan
McInnes and family.
Donald Barr .of Waterloo and
• Donald Hodgins of Guelph spent
y •
the week end. at their respective
homes •
" Artiur Graham of Sault Ste .Mar-
ie called on friends here during
the week.
Mr. and'Mrs. Perry Bushell and.•
family of Toronto visitedWith
'Mrs.' John Bushell and other ,mem. -
hers of his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnes and
family 'visited on Sunday with Mr.
and. Mrs.. '.Melville Henry and.;
family at ,Amberley,
Mrs, William Cox and...May
Boyle `were dinner guests with M=:.
and Mrs. GeralddRhody and family
on, Wednesday evening
n Sunday next; the Anglican,
Service will be held at 1:3O p.m
On Thursday. afternoon.; November
10th.; Mrs, Howard Thompson;
Will be hostess for. a :Combined
meeting of the W.A. and Evening.
:Workers at her home,. •
:A number from here attended the
Commencennent.at the Lucknow
Disui ,High School on Friday
•evening •
Sunday visitors •with Mr, and Mrs.
Ezra 'Stanley, were • Mr ; and Mrs,
Rein•Preik and family •of •Hanover.-.
Mt, and•.Mrs..Ezra :Stanley.visit
*140'40 - t to.::
the 'Shove... *Seated letereig4
n l.► by
r au+thotd:beating*: ter
Catfiathilit 1. VC.
t •O'
372 Soy Sty, ..
• ES: Dsinlop . St.,
72 Miasie
. tMiM�
ed during ::the week with. Mr. and
Mrs. •Dan Tollefson: and Bradley at:
Toronto. •
(Whitechurch News)
Ha1ai`e' here wast tires for
tli+e young. fry. Fall: dressed up as
goblins, :ghosts clowns and -
witches calling foutreats,.. The
weather -man having provided'an
Ideal night, this group really had,
a good tirrie. .•Early in the evening
the collectors' for.: the :United Nat-
links Children's Fr td made .their
•:rounds.. The:older teen age; lads,
climbed ion folks roofs, turned Ty.
aerials. trued to release poetry
retired for. the night, scared:the
'sheep and ended •up burning bales •
of hay on :the road brit the police
ended this performance. No serious
damage was'done.
Mr: and: Mrs: Tim Currie were
_Sunday evening visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. 'Bisset Gaunt ; •
Mr and .Mrs.. Jaickttohnston,•
David and: Dotuta jean of London.
spent the - week end •with Itis parentis
Mr, and. Mrs.. Gershom Johnston. of
W'ingham. :
Mrs. Bob Adams and girls,•.Mrs: ,
Bill 'Scott and Mrs. •Lawrence
McLeod were among those attend-'
ing the shower on Saturday night
in St.ryHelen's Hall for; Lucy • j
Morrison, btide to be. • '
Mr. and Mrs.. Russel Gaunt visited
on Sunday with Mr... and Mrs. Wa1,l.
ace Ribey •of Paisley Vicinity.' •
toe Tiffin on: Sunday attended
the. Mn . Meeting .:t,ocal
at Stratfordusicia. s ,418
James H. Currie of Wingham,'
visited last Week with Mr. and
Mrs, Russel Gaunt and .vividly
described to them his tour of the .•
• Continent, 'Holy Land' and 'British
Mr; and Mrs. Russel Ritchie were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Leslie' Ritchie • of faro c k now ,'
This community extends' melt
sympthy to Frank Thompson in
. the loss of his wife and to Sidney •
Thompson. of East• Wawanosh town-
. ship in the loss • of his mother who
pissed away on Sunday in the
Winghant .and: Distract. Hospital.
Funeral Services will be held on
Wednesday at Walkers funeral.
parlors with burial in Wingharn
gat are you
1967,E This is the year for Canadians
'everywhere to stop .and think about
Canada. To look back on how far this '
nation has come since its rough and
rugged beginnings. To. think about `
`Canada as fit is now: free, prosperous,
and with an unlimited future for growth..
To celebrate, ,magnificent projects
are in the works. The Confederation.. .
Caravans will bring Canada to millions
in rural and tiny out-of.the-way,
places. The Caravans unfold. an , •
exciting colourful story of Canada:
from early beginnings right up tothe
present. Festival Canada brings
Canadians the largest. entertainment
. ;package ever: from western music to
opera, musical comedy to drama.
Two, companies of 300 servicemen
` each will travel Canada to put on 'a
magnificent "stirring Military Tattoo,
portraying Canada's past 300 years
of military history! •
••These are just three of hundreds of
' Centennial events planned for you
in the coming year. But what are
you doing for Centennial? 'What is
your own personal project? Other
Canadians are painting their homes,
flying the Canadian flag, planting
Maple trees, hooking Centennial rugs,
reading' up on their Canadian history
What will you do? .It's not important
how large orhow small your project
may be. What is important is that.
you have stopped and thought enough'
of your country and what it meant
to you to take up a Centennial
project of your own. •
The Federal/Provincial events
planned will be magnificent and thrill-
' inga But to each of us, the truly •
exciting and most :meaningful projects
will be the ones we ctr.s►te ourselves.
What does Centennial 'mean t� you?
And what are you planning for
The Centennial Commission.
Ottawa, Canada.
. "A.