HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-09, Page 41 1,1 ft a,. it ii 4,1 it • • rf 11t •— ,L • .?,1 i (4 Tflf R' 1114104O1Wr. Saki LUCKNOW.. 'QMTARiO WIDiIR$DAY,, Noy, , qr !ti.=+ Crr % iet 21 ' • � � �i , T ?I4 ,1 ' 11r fitly 1 r-1 ' .' Aki r a t sk FOR SALE MIR SLE' -- girl's wine 3idece east set,, size 4;..var trimmed, new- ly dry cleaned. id's, Jim' Low, phone $111-2945. FOR SALE. - Orion .Pile &mere Bat •Size• ep to 12 'Months. Mrs. GGordon. is ice, Phone -5 -423,. WOOD ItirIR SALE — :Hardwood or softwood slabs in 19 toed. trackload lots. We deliver. Bor- 'den ' Lit Sawmt l:, phone Tees - water 392-639S, es - 3.613►, FOR SALE - Shetland poiy, lina year old gebring, gentle with c ken, aim western same and CUSTOM BUTCHERING bridle.. WM• .keeps ' Beef andPicric in sold any 911111W-. BIM Int*Rit, 1. R ,g Sane . custom butchering in Govern - 113 r . meat licensed abbattcsa . Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from M c o d a h through y.. BUTTONSMEAT MARKET X r-- r 1• t 1,4 ,7`:11'*.`. SALE MsdCINNON ELECTRIC •.• Specralid in: fain ;wino AR, " 1' Pmt Albeit Phone 5244336 HOUSE FCR SALE - 6 room house in iucknaw, one block off Main Street,' situated en large lot, dtchen with built-in cupboards,, large living :room, bath and: one bedroom on main floor, new oil full .bit. Priced f6r quick sale, Contact William S. Reed Wim, Real Estate . and. Business Stoker, phone 357-2174. ASPHALT' SHINGLES. . �c sm seal I lock, ..15 a. ' caulk- jaa RIR. 2 LweloaverPhone 'SWUM FOR K a 'se coal, Conk slave in — n„ small sine,. Flame , Mks, R• 1Isest, R.R. 3 'Gadelick. GEORGE MESSENGER A.R. 1, Ripley Phone 16 r 17 Reil eipresamfing S -R. Lea:.. F+ee Comet 'Welders, ' Compressors, Grinders, Acetylene FOR. SALE — used Julia she I FOR SALE bees aiwele.Wed ; Farrowing crates used wringer'washag ma 'cline. ' tar Stalls' and Stabling Greer and .Vic, phone: 4 aha and farm wsgo Irst12 ' ART HELM band* new or repair work to , WELDI G AND MACSHOP truths,. Imam or trailers aid *11 R.R. 3 Lucknow general woodwork, also small. el-•„ now X16 " Ripley tic cal', evenings, Dotedphone MIreltSt M alt ; . 5 L ow, Notice Ta CredtIors , FiIR • SALE.'— 2 snow tides ;and 1 Ford Wheel. 3fra. L. C. ' , phone - 115 NOTICE. TO 'CREDITORS • • In the estate of JANET CATHERINE MILNE TIMBER WANTED' -- standing . ' � AI PER = having claims timber and logs.cashFFort J� black ffur. the cook:, ,mof of 'the abode prices Free . estimates. Craig's blame ice: fir �, , of ' the of : Salm* phone 526-1220. both size 38; gm's. thud i. ate,• in the : y� ± f coat : sire it �. • , , who (Bed the 6th dayAOR RENT pie SS -7994. lei, Ate. 1166; are edt' to file proof ' - of same alb the under HISTORY OF HURON aa" or belee,e the 38th day FOR REST: • Settlement +af : Miran Cf , 1966.. that date „in , : Tom. Apply ' Anderson Cou+ ,` *4 a Wien' of : the3nisttator'will Footed toi,Apartments IAdcnow„ phone Posed. bry James Seat at strestrioute the estate having regal,995: is available at 'T'be • h ,i + to tbe claims of which be noe* Salt -sad fet $5shall thm have bad 'ROUSE FOR ItWitr -- 2 bedroom 'JUST 3' MORE DAYS ► .. r .. . badman, f .at , 19611,' * dei furnace, newly dery Yes,, ;y b 12th is , CRAWFO .D., SHEPHERD grated, pramGe Tie' . the .last day Inc can purchase a & MILL phone 4-71111"L FRIGIDAIRE DRYER at Greer's :. and' get all E SIC BLANKET WL WGGHAH, ONTARIO mit ' Boit car FREE:. Be sure you duet miss out Sam firs Bee A ' esesssradsr Ladimem phone on tits offer. GREER T.V. AND . ELECTRIC 1- Prete 3211.3112. CON:INGIL EVENTS.: NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall,. Lucknaw, every !Thursday evening, • .8:45, P.m. 15 regular., games, $10.00 each. 4 Share The " Wealth games with jackpot. included in each game,. Jackpot this week $85 on 57 calls.. RECEPTION. A reception will be held' for Mr. andDonald' Fisher (Elaine Murray). on Friday, November 18th in the:Ludnnow Legion Hall, Boyd's Orchestra. Everyone wel- come. • REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE A Day Service will be held on Sunday, "Nober 13 in the St. Helen's Hall at 2:30 p.m. Rev. ; A. E. Willis • will be guest . speaker ' .and the Ludnrow, Legion and: Auxiliary will parade. ARMISTICE SERVICE The annatl' Armistice Service wail be held at. the Township` Hall Holyrood, Friday, ' November llth. at 10:45 a.m. Rev. ,T, J. McKinney' of Teeswater, ' Guest Speaker • RECEPTION AND DANCE Reception . and Dance will be held is honour of .Mr. and Mrs. Wayne:.. Stanley : (Margaret HaN. kett), in Ripley' Township hail, 5atunday, November I2th• Boyds. Orehearta. Lunch will be served.. welcome.Everyone • WANTED PIN SETTERS V/ANTED Fr Monday, . Thursday . and Fri- day afternoons, men or women,. any age. , phone 528-3629 or 523-3904. ' . NrAttglui MEANER kcini memory SALES and SERVICE • al 1a and Yfrs.' APPLLCATloNS 'Far Trjak.- (41‘24°Im, ARL1cE, COUNTY JAIL Sam, Zig phi .. .. oc A • far 2a1-5761, til 1 • "turzakey a+ the a-uoe jail • 1FAM .Y. HER& N amber . .' App SEPTIC TANKS Sib°"" be at leaSt ' CAiw�� ' •• ,. _ _. ate$'f;:rriith c.;.a .,y�� i ' sem' o -'--td rte+ :4',; •�+ ii • plme fs .j udfis 44.10 i IFIC ..ars' $Er;" ' , a a sem, zold Lar I°.7'r4 •;I 'lea r pawed ate- � x 17",4;-44*rvtwuzr- lar Ninwobe- fret °7 =zee - 1'at • z The 40,14:53 we oz >r a • Axe b ��•,•,� ICS *S beats s sx �: kms r ore t*! the .Iskarsiforte S erd MAIOG give .moi ,,s Street, L. $ th a,a lee' De's:.'. F fir' s'•"tzrl, No` Ira eve"kroi • ",.. PHONE 1=oberztery APPLICATIONS Dee's BEAUTY SALON T RI*Treaszrer. k01 . P.a. Boa '11 . ' • zit, Ohio. .•11 1f FOR SALE 100 ACRS ON HIGHWAY, 5 acres bush, balance in grass, largebarn; 6 room brick With oil. furnace, $10,500. • TWO GRASS FARMS, . otee of 50 'acres in 'Ashfield with 15'. acres in wheat, • 7 acre* of good blush; :land • well drained;': other Is 94 acres:with bush and .of water, on Highwa , priced for ,quick sale .at • $6,000. GOOD 6 ROOM HOUSE in Ludcnow, close to downtown, has '3 piece bath, modern kite then, full basement with laud- d tube and .furnace, •attached. ;garage. Full. price $,000 Don Fl Real Esta Rural DMitarie. Specialists STAN KAY Ripresantalivs. . Phone 525-3531 Luckasw' :oI 120 ACRE FRUIT FARM m the Goderich area. •7 room, . house with modern . oonv Painted barn is . setup up for add storageand 'imp • shed.; There are 900 apple trees, ;109 peach, 50 pear and balance in. The : MOst of these trees are 7 to 9 years old, and just coming into full production.. Also' included' is two year cid traitor,' spraying-eque t and'' full line of. machinery.. Vendor a� to retro and will sell with modest down pay. sou? ` • William'Farrell, 50 :ae .farm,. l .towuship to Ray- mond aymond Bradley 01„. CONTACT IVAN' STRUTHERS PHONE ::KINCARDINE 375 • Wilfred Minim Si Co. Liaited WAr KERTON Member of the . Grey and Bruce' MIte listings Service • , 1,1.4. NUS, J-- Over a0 SialeSinen Working Foe You PN 528 - NOTICE, NOTICE. TO KINLOSS .1 fantasia Township Coo limited ,quantity of wint on hand.: Any fain ars to purchase any.. shall Pay 11Pto $7 ' - oz. matte• used . y treatment when rec Fraser McKi R.R... 6 Luckno NOTICE f” The Local Associato Lucknow Girl Guides, . Ri Brownies, will hold • a= the La cknow Town Hail, day,November '14th at All . mothers and inter. please 'attend. NOTICE •PIOOTOGRAPHIC. CO Will -anyone entering graphic' contest bring th taken ,at the Ludcnow Softy Fair, to the the IAadmow Town Hall dal,. November SOth. ' • CHILD HEATH C The child beaYt6 cilia Bruce .County . Health p re-scbool cliThiren as rilh be held. in the Leen I.ucimow, on '.Tuesday, 15th' ;from 10 .to 11:30, 4.2 ATTENTION, A Senior •Citizen's M. be held..on' :Wednesday; 5111 '(to -night) in the .'audi the Town Hall, for on All intereatedp Urged to attend. NOTICE Persons responsible' fo nova of two .iron gatei Alex MacKenzie. farm,' C 4 Makes, ez, on Monday nil ber 29, please return san cliednga will be started, .CL'ERK'S NOTItg OF POSTING, OF VOTER! Veers' List, •1:“ Tow •' West' Wawairsh County of Moroi Natice is hereby 'give .have cot npiied with Sec The Voters' List Act. that I have , postedup at ItR_ 2, i:ocknoiv, on .die of ' November. 1966, the:1 persons entitled to vote said municipality. at Elections. and' that such mains there for rnsp otic And I ,hereby . tali raters to take immediate 4 logs to. have any • omL errors corrected" accol taw, the Iasi . day for al i the 19th day - of ti lilt . Sista* this 5th day of % 19911. Joan C. Arnistrnng. (ler Township' of West Wal CLERK'S NOTICE OF POSTING OF VOTERS Vo+l +te List.. •1f4f, Ville LucloWns,. County of Nice is hereby give have . a:.. lye with Sect A E • REt 1€*left • SAND, GRAVEL CRUSHED E, CEMENT GRAVEL 111E PILL . cantata JOE MarINTYRE rr, PHONE 52945' a+1064040.404,estop► iw+s► .: HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR • DEAD . AND . DISABL'ED Cows AND MOUSES Carat .Cale I S1JtlN Graf Stock Removers • WAL.KERTON ' ikkC N0000soNAN....40a, H 1 the. *l1 :T La4a Act. that I have r °F.'ed up al Tice at thckr ' the Stt sons entitled. : ' vote Municipality + ru P t and t:..• dItst there ler ijL C, r T, And I beret cs t tem to tike `v rzedis e hiP to ha%e v cizig errors dm -vette; a that last day .0;rspa , 191h dayd ?i ": errber 19 .Dated. this' t.? by. o St 11106. E.,' II Ag' o Clerk of V w::age 6t 6