HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-09, Page 1r
'0 Pillow
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of the award winners at the
ow District High School. Co
cement on Friday night are
in the above'picture,. On the,
Sheila McQuillan, daughter
and Mrs. Wilfred McQuill
West. Wawanosh township.. "•
was .thetop.student in last '
grade 13 •class and. as such
e' br. W. V,. Johnston. Shield
e 'Student Council;Prize., a
pewriter.'Ai class: valedict-
she was also .presented with
ledictorian trophy On the ,
right Is John Bradley, son of Mr."
and Mrs. Eldon Bradley of of.
Township. John was the top.
student. in last year's grade 12
class and received the Lucknow
Women's institute' Award:
Following the program, a:grad- -
nation. tea and dance.. was held.,
Shown in the lower picture is
Mrs Noel Mason, wife of the
school principal, Who was. one of
several who poured tea to Comrn
encement guests; .
ser NracK�nnon
Mackinnon, treasurer of
Township since the Fall .of
ill assume the combined
of clerk -treasurer effective
of the year.. .
cision was made by Kin-
ncil at their Meeting Mon-
followed the resignation
week's ago of Gordon Wall,
Kinloss since the summer
Gordon's resignation does
ome effective until the
this year.
;applications were received
position of clerk.. : "
Gets M(.ai dor
12 Years service
Flight Lieutenant Shirley Robin '
son, (nursing sister) with the
R, C. A. F. was presented with: the
Canadian Forces Decoration'mid -
'al for .12. years service in the
R.C,.A.F. • .
The presentation was made by
the'Commanding Officer of Nat-
Tonal Defence Medical Centre,
Ottawa.: F/L Robinsonhas served.
as Medical Nurse at .R.. C. A F. ..
Stations Rockcliffe•, 'Ontario,.
Goose Bay:, Labrador, Aylmer,
Orval o, Gros-Tenquin .France, •
Parent and St. Hubert • Quebec and
is presently stationed' at -the Nation-
al M dical Defence Centre, Ottawa
She i the daughter of Mrs. Howard'
Robinson and the late Mt. Robinson
of Lucknow..
Lucknow District High -School.
Commencement was 'a very impr
.essive event and the school audit-
orium was filled to 'capacity last
Friday evening to witness one of
the finest commencements ever
stagedat the school.
Opening remarks were given by
school principal Noel Mason. and
chairman of'the Lucknow District
High'Sehool, William G. Hunter
of Zion. An impressive rendition.
of"the halls of ivy": by the girls
choir, The Harmonettes was ded-
icated to°the graduating class.
Those students receiving their
honourary secondaryschool gradua-
tion diplomas recognizing the coin-
pletion.of_grade las_ and. the_posit-
ionsof the students, at present,
were; Jean Bonnett, Phyllis Brad'-
ley, Herbert Hunter;; Sharron
Jefferson;' Barbara Pardon, David
Thompson and Joyce,Thorburn, all
at Stratford Teachers' College; Roy
Button and Sheila McQuillan at
Western University; Keith Roulston
at Ryerson; Roger Pentland with
Ontario Hydro; 'Douglas Dickie at
the University of.'Guelph;. Douglas'
Johnston planning career•with
Board chairman William Hunter:'
reported 15 students' presently
Kinloss 'Cep.
:Farm is Sold
The farm.of Alex MacKenzie
Lot 21, Concession 4,. Kinloss.
Township, which his been in his
family since 1866, hasbeen sold
to Mr.. and ,Mrs. Don Bell of Kin-
attending i iingttam District :High
S'chool'from Lucknow 01E11'11 of
these in Grade 13, and the remain-
,der, iri the vocational course..; He
praised the school spirit at Luck -
now and the extra effort of the
staff 'and principal.' Mason in organ
icing Clubs 'Within the school•
Sheila McQuillan,. the top stud-.
ent in grade 13 last year. was. he
valedictorian at the commence-
ment. Sheila is presently attend
ing Western university in London.
Miss McQuillan said., "no one can
ever say that Lucknow District.
High School°offered less opporturt7.
ity because of its' size.'Too'late,
the people of this community
will. realize .the values of a small
school far outweigh the disadvant-
Guest speakeryof the evening was.
Hugh Bremner, well informed
traveller and broadcaster of Lon-
don Mr. Bremner is news director
for CFPG radio in London:
Mr.. Bremner• commented that In_,
the many'.commencement exercis
es.he had•attended, this Was the •
first tithe that the :platformwas
entirely made up, of Students.
'They ate much more , attractive
than;most faculty' and board merit:-
bers;" commented Mr.' Bremner.
ddltion To
Passes: OnSunday
Mrs. 'R. V.MacKenzie of Luck-
now' passed away at St. Mary's. .
Hospital in Kitchener on Sunday.
She , was -89 years of age and had
been a resident of thisarea; for her
entire life
The 'funeral service was conduct-
ed from the MacKenzfe Memorial .
Chapel in. Lucknow on Tuesday
with burial in South Kinloss Cern-
We Have Gas
In, Lucknow Too!
Eighteen years of gas odor. in the`
basements of business places in
Mitchell was rectified last week.
with the removal of four large'
gasoline tanks froni:under a Main*
street sidewalk. A smell of gas
had been apparent in the basements
of stores there all . these years.
The Mitchell incident is :very
similar to: the experiences of
three main street stores.in Luck -
now ,
uck-now, b, R. Finlayson, Lucknow
District Co-op and The Lucknow'
sentinel. A strong gas odor' is
prevalent, in these. buildings at
certain times of the year, partic-
ularly in mild Weather after water
has been running. Attempts have
been made by Lucknow council
to determine the cause of the gas
odor" with: tittle results.
The sickening odor• at times. is
quite bothersome and 'no doubt
could be quite dangerous as well.
He also referred to many. coalott rer*
ceine. nta where be had beeen be ed
:waiting,on hix•part hi -the pro am.
but said thiswas not the ease It.
Lucknow and"he paid tribute to
Organizing of the event
"Value that which is worth
ing and discard the rest" "W.
Bremner said to the graduates.
"And this need not be a dull life
He stressed the value of being
well informed on events Of the day
and deplored the fact that the..
'Dept/intent of Educartion do not
-feel Curren' •events a Worthy, err
necessity subJe .for'Higb
despite:the fact. that•
ed in elementary school.
" Political .pla rior`ms are now
built: on computers and public op-
inion surveys. but we still 'urgent-,
need* inspired leadership in
fgovernme "', commented Mr.,
Elwin Hall express
the speaker.
R.: 1`shkanase., a teacher ar Lucik-
now District ,High School:, varied
farosm :the progea ► to pair tribute o
priti'cipal foci Masan for his drive.
• Tenders for tieaddition to the' •
St..Joseph's School, Kingsbridge
are being called in this edition of •
the paper.:
A new four classroom school was
recently constructed . at Kings•
bridge and with the forming of a
new Separate School :Area, which
embraces pupils from the Town
ships of Ashfield and. West Wawa-
nosh, it was foundthat accomod-
ation in.. the new school' was not
sufficient to handle .all .140 pupils
in the'newly`formed arei.
Board members took immediate
'action to increase the size, of the
school and the addition was plann
ed . Plans and specifications may.
be obtained from'' Donald .Frayne,
secretary of the school board;,
Plans .call for ' the; construction of -a
gymnasium and one More ,class-
room to the school. j
At Ripley Has
Five (losses
Ripley` and District Night School
has been going' for two weeks now
with five classes operating and
.meeting at Ripley. District High
Typing is being taught by Mrs.,
Gordon Patterson,, sewing by Mrs.
John McChatles, oil painting by
Dwayne Fenwick of Wingh,.am.and
rug hooking by Mrs. John A. Mac-
Donald. These four; Bourses. are .:
well on the way and a fifth ,classy
local history, which is being:`.
taught by Ab Wylds, has been .a
bit of a slow starter but it is.ex-
pected that sufficient interest will
yet be shown in this classy
A Koffee Klub" has 'beenergantz
ed ;by teenagers .of iucitno,w and :
District, and the new group plan
to meet at least once a week,
likely an. Friday nights, as soon as .
accomodation is secured.
The; group are .presently consider-
ing several possible. meeting plac-
es in town 'and as soon as a decis-
ion has been reached on the locat-
ion; they will•swing into high
ear.. . •
An advertisement in this. sue A
lists as; the. •events planned, exotic:
atmosphere music,. live entertain -
Mem , 'refreshments., dfsctrssions
plays - companionship, . checkers..
cards; candle "light.: Dress Will be
The young people have recently
crganlzed with "Rev. Stanley lay
of Luckntiw siittng in' on the, pre-
liminary plans. it is planned to
have an adult ,presen at each of.
the meetings.. John: Toss has been
elected president Of the new group,
Joan Mackenzie secretary,' Linda
,Chisholm treasurer; Rain Ashkanase
of the High School staff is an ad-
visor;, Susan: Arnold is in charge of
amplification .:in the Meeting
place; • Cathy MacLeod is press.
reporter and .Jamie Rc ::is in
charge of refreshments.'
rinegn Friday
This Friday; November llth, has
been declared a "+civic. holiday. in
Lucknow until one o'clock p. M. •
Stores will re -open at .one for the ,
reimainder of. the 'da,y:. .
The Remernbrance Day service
will be held Friday at St. Peters
Anglican Church in Litcknew. Leg-
membeers, .Ladies Aux.lliar,
Rangers, Girl, Guides, Brownies.
Boy Scouts, and Cubs will gather at
the Legion Hall at 9:445a, tut„ fot
the church parade. A service will
follow at the Cenotaph at 11 a.m.