HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-07-29, Page 1I
NO. 1955.
We carry a fine nue of Films and
Photogrerhio Supplies
Kodak. $10.00 to $25.00.
Brownie Cameras $1.00 to $12.00
No trouble to show the Cameras—
acme in and inspeet,
A dark room FREE to our ouotom-
ere. We develop films
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Moak, Wingham.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Office over Malcolm's Grocery.
ral .7) 0 0
14.. ee
Over one thousand stn.
E-' dents enrolled by our chain
-4 last year. It pays to at-
, , tend a litk of this great
"elachain, for "IN UNION THERE
Q The demand for our grad -
nates is THREE TIMES
lee the supply.
O Other schools engage our
graduates as teachers. A
O special course for teachers.
41 Graduates of two years
b-1 ago are now earning $2,000
eel per annum.
n Three Courses.—Comeree,-
z Fall term opens Aug. 30
Write for particulars.
SPOTTON, Principal
For all occasions Parties,
Weddings, Funerals, etc.
Wingham Greenhous'es
Wear) Or eer'S Shoes and Rubbers
Rushing t
I Mr. W. D. Prin
work of re-buildin
brick work up to th
completed and th
shafting are here r
In a few weeks th
will be in operation
e Work.
le is rushing the;
his tannery. The
first story has been !
new engine and
idy to be installed,
s thriving industry
Real Estate.—Rrro
Died in eatorth,
Mr. F. G. Stearn g received word on
Tuesday of the de th of an aunt, Mrs,
James Sperling, ¶4110h took place at her
home in Seaforth in Monday. The de-
ceased lady was i her 91st year, and
had been a reside t of that town for a
number of years. Mr. and Mrs, F. G.
Sperling attended the funeral on Wed-
Fresh groceries, LENNOX, Wingham.
Sarnia- De'' o it Excursion.
The annual I. e. 0, F. excursion to
Sarnia and Detrol will be held on Sat-
urday, August 14 ea This is the popular
trip of the season Train leaves Wing -
ham at 6,40 a. x.. and return fare to
Sarnia is $1.90. The trip from Sarnia
to Detroit will beeper magnificent steam-
er, "Tashmoo" nd the return fare is
75 cents,
WANTED -50 acres, near Wingham.—
Rutins & Comte.
Scottish G es on Friday.
Friday of this w ek a big program of
Scottish games w I be given at Kincar-
dine. The oeleb sted 48th Highlanders
Band will furnisa the musical program
and there is a go el list of prizes for pip-
ing and dancing. This promises to be a
good day of ep Its at the lake town.
Special train lea 'es Wingham at 9.32 a.
m„ and the retie n fare is 70 cents.
HOUSE WANTVD.—A good house, cen-
trally located, vistaed to rent. Apply
at the Tines effiPe.
Wingha n's Fall Fair.
The Wingham 'all fair this year will
be held on Tue else' and Wednesday,
September 28th aid 29th and the direo-
tors are ansiour, to make it a record
breaker. The pri e list is about com-
pleted and copies will be mailed early
next week. Part es who do not receive
a copy and wish t • secure one will kind-
ly drop a card ae the secretary, H. B.
Elliott, Trees 'Agee,
Hosp tal Notes.
Mrs. W. Finlei-of Lower Wingham,
who was operate oh few gall stones at
the Hospital last Thursday, by D. P.
Kennedy, is rapidly improving.
Mr. Hunter, of fiucknow, who under-
went a similar oration three weeks
ago, goes home t • day, fully recovered.
Dr. Kennedy o crated on little Davie
'-Letson for wry-ijeck on Sunday last, at
the hospital.
A Cooked Ham
Treat. ,.,.,
Nothing equals in the eating
out Cooked Hams. You'll en-
joy your Ltineh, Tea Or what.
ever meal you want it for all
the better as it dispenses with
the heat of cooking on hot
days. TRY rr — YOU'LL COME
Bread That's Good Bread
London Bread has
few equals, It Isn't that soft
kind that's hard to digest, but
it is Bread Well baked, easily
digested, made Under best
Special for Saturday
Brown. Bread Currant Breed
Orerau Loaves Rolls (SG Btins.
J. Mery Christie
NOTIOE.—The firm of J. & A. E.
Loustit, butchers, having been die-
solved, all abcounts must be paid by
August 10th. Parties Owing the late
firm should call at the old stand and
settle their amounts before the above
date and save trouble.
A Local Pap in the Home.
The Iotal newep per should be found
in every home. o child will grow up
ignorant who oft, be taught to appre-
ciate the home pa er. It is the stepping
stone of intellige oe in all those matters
not to be learned, in books. Mae your
children a foreig paper Which Contains
not one Werd aout any person, place,
or thing which • ey seer saw or perhaps
ever heard of, a • d how can yott tetpecit
them to be in erested? But let them
have a good ho e paper like the Taiga,
read of nano "s they meet, and places'
with which y are familiar, and soon
an hafted is wakened which Increases
'with every a 'rid of the local paper.
Thus a habit f reading is formed, and
thole Gillian Will read the papers an
their lives and become intelligent men
and women,11 credit to their ancestors
end strong the knowledge 'of the
world Is it leIJtO•dity.
'Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8.
Directions for faking Iced Tea.
Warm the teapot Put in a heaping
teaspoonful of "Sala la" Tea for every
two cups. Pour on reality boiled water
and allow to infuse f mu 6 to 8 minutes,
Pour the liquor off he leaves and let i
cool. "Saluda" Tea ed is a most de.
lioious and refreshi ig beverage. A
small piece of lera.s will add to its
Farm Winne—Rim:1m & Comes.
Yon can have your buttons made to
order from any kind of material at R.
Maxweraes tailor slum. ,
Bowlers r London.
Five hundred boilers from different
parts of Western 0 Otis) were in Lon-
don this week ateendiug the annual
tournament of the,Western Ontario
Lawn Bowling Ass4ciation. Wingham
was represented by one rink, composed
of Wm. Holmes, fias. Kriechtel, A.
Porter and A. M. awford. Ron. A.
G, MacKay was el oted as the new
President of the a ()dation, In the
first round of the t ophy match Mr.
Crawford s rink w from R. Gal-
braithes Mount Fore rink by a score
of 27 to 7, and in the a (mind round were
viotorous over j, B. rewe's Toronto
rink by 21 to 8.
rooms for light hon
to P. 0. Box 286, Wi
three furnished
-keeping, Apply
BUTTER and EGGS.—Briug along your
Produce, Highest price paid in ex-
change for Boots and Shoes.
W. J. GREalt.
New Tellhones.
Mr. L, Binkley, lo al manager of the
Bell Telephone Co. has recently met
in a number of nen telephones as fol.
lows :—B. Cochrane,eseeideiace, No. 144;
Frank Howeon, balmier and flour and
feed store, No. 145 W. D. Pringle,
residence, No. 146; tr Kennedy, resi-
dence, No. 143. Te ;phone subscribers
who are not able to eat Dr. Kennedy on
office phone No. 43 11 kindly call No,
148. Mr. Binkley w hes us to intimate
that he wishes it n erstood that non -
subscribers are not p rmitted to use the
telephones about to n and that he has
orders from the hen office to put a stop
to this practice.
Automobile for be. Apply to A. M.
I am prepared to give lessons in
Scotch, Irish and Hornpipe dancing.
For particulars as to terms etc., call tit
residence, Frances street.
MABEL McDoetatea
Robert Jamee_ DecKelvie Dead.
A former well mown resident of
Wingham died at his home in Petrone
on Monday of thi week, in the person
of Robert James
years. Mr. McKel'
health for some In,
ago underwent
hospital at Sarnia.
years engaged in
news here and dun)
a good trade. Ie
1908, residing sin
and Petrone, bei
the restaurant
Mr. MoSelvie w
Maitland, 0. 0.
I. 0. O. F. of
Kelvie will have
friends here in
funeral took pl
nesday afteruooA.
MoKelvie, aged 47
ie had been in poor
the and some time
operation in the
He was for fifteen
he restaurant bud -
g his time here had
left Wingham in
e in Listowel, Sarnia
g of late engaged in
rosiness at Petrone.
a member of Court
and Maitland Lodge,
his town. Mrs. Ma-
he sympathy of many
en bereavement, The
e at Petrolia on Wed-
OLEA.RING SALE of Men's, Women's,
Misses' and Children's Summer Shoos
at W. J, GREEn's,
roomed house in a
at Kincardine, n
for a camping part
timbers and terms
What the E
Don't think b
you getting on
to know who y
going, or if
friends abet 11
Where they a
all the news,
we don't hap
become farnili
if possible.
we have been
you there;
town pump,
there; we lie
we've even
back *Whets
vreren't all th
if We know
If you are g
anybOdy o .tti
know.- Be
tO RENT.—A seven -
old apple orchard,
the lake; suitable
. For further par.
pply to
BEER, Kincardine.
itor Cannot Do.
ante the reporter sees
he train that he ought
a are and where yen are
sees you greet some
knows who they are and
from, We aim to get
ut you may be the one
en to knovr, We try to
r with names and faces,
tet during the years past
o &inch and failed to see
have hung around the
t some of you weren't
e loafed on the street;
ked out reputation on
a dark night, but you
0. And We'll be banged
ere to find you all. So
g ot coming, or know
g npqueer capers, let tie
e he Intelligenoer,
Holding RegularVleetings.
The Temperance and Moral Reform
Association of Wingha will hold re.
gular meetings in the C. . F. hall on
ant and third Tuesday things of each
month and all parties in erested in the
work are invited to the meetings. We
understand that the wor : of organizing
for a local option oarapaeen will be pro.
oeeded with at once, 'Le petition to
secure the necessary t enty-tve per
tient. of signatures will b circulated.
Confectionery, Le xsox, Wingleana.
"A Crazy I ea "
A number of the me eta of the local
branch of the Y. M. O. are engaged
in getting up a drama en 'tied "A Crazy
Idea," which will be p_ seated in the
opera house here at a d :te to be an-
nounced later. In the play are nineteen
characters, and those tak id the differ-
ent parts are hard at wo k memorizing
them. With recollectior 3 of the very
creditable reproduction of " Handy
Andy" by the Y. M. O. A- a few mouths
ago, the entertainment-lo:ing public of
this vicinity will await w h interest the
announcement of the da -e of the pre-
sentation of "A Crazy Id: a," and there
will no doubt beet large aetendance..
2 houses to rent,—RITCHTE & COSEIM
Encampment Office s Installed.
The following are the ffioe-bearers of
Minerva Encampment, o. 47, 10.0 F.,
for the current term:— P., E. Moore;
S. W„ N. L. Fry; 3.W H, Hinscliffe;
H. P., W. A. Britton; Scribe, A. J.
Alderson; Treasurer, j W. Dodd; let
W., J. F. Groves; 2nd r., J. S. Carr;
3rd W., W. W. Rough; 4th W., S. A.
Maguire; I. 8, W. J. eines; 0. S.,
Albert Bell; 1st Ge of T H. B. Elliott;
2nd G. of T., Joe. Guest; Guide, J. W.
Pearen. The installatio ceremony was
performed at the mogul r meeting on
Monday evening last, b the AD C P.,
W. H. McCracken of Brussels, after
which refreshments ere enjoyed at
E. Moore's reeteurant,
20 years experience. Ritohie & Omens,
One Thousand P sitions.
As a chain is no stro 'gem than its
weakest link, every link in Cenada,s
Greatest Chain of High -g ado Business
Schools has been kept ii4 the highest
state of proficiency know4 to business
science. While over one tiousand stu-
dents were enrolled last iear, the de-
mand for graduates was three times
the supply. The Winglesm Business
College, which reopens aeigust 80th,
invites the most critical in peotion from
prospective students. 0-eing to the
prestige of this chain, eves graduate of
neat appearance and goc character is
guaranteed a good finned' n, The new
advertisement of this collo appears on
this page.
Fon SALE,—$175.00 will ptm• e a
good, small size driving h9rSe, sound
and gentle, a coveredlrgy, cutter,
harness, Goat robe, bell and knee pig.
Apply to H. DAVIS.
The S. S
The annual Sun
to Kincardine last
largely attended as
able morning no do'
number of people a
ay school excursion
hursday was not as
sual, the disagree-
bt keeping a large
home. The num.
ben of tickets sold, at Wingham this
year was 797, compared with 1,037 in
1908, 1,232 in 1907 end 925 in 1906. The
crowd taken to the lake town on the ex-
oureion was larger elm usual, notwith-
standing the fallieig off at Wingham.
Between Mitchellvend Wingham nearly
1,000 tickets er sold and with the
people north of her4, the two treble took
nearly 2,000 poop e into Kincardine.
People had namely nished dinner when
a heavy rain set in, which lasted for an
hour, after which il oleared up end the
exoureioniats were alible to spend a very
pleasant afternoon. The opening of the
large fall fair bulloing gave the eroure
Menthes ample ao6ommodation. The
0, T. B. irevid d good eoaoheit and
everything primed oft without a hitch.
Kinoardine is the opular place for the
children, it being so convenient to get
down to the Witte, The only attreotion
Was a lacrosse +oh between Kinear-
dine and Witigh ra. The first part of
the game was in inghem'e favor, but
out boys being 40 long out of practice
they could not and the pace and lost
the game by I scare of 11 to 0. It Kin.
eardine wishes ii retain her place as it
popular resort for exontsioniate the
people of that treAsen must provide better
aocommodation m the Way of shelter
from storm. some more tables on
Whioh mettle ould be served. This
could be douej at little expense and it
Would be gre4iy appreciated by the
large number o people Who Visit Kin.
oeralue,d,Veg etutemer mouths.
We shall be glad t
this column fron2att
have visitors or purp
drop in and tell us, or
Miss Lattiotiby i
tives and friends 1
Miss Little, of
with old friends in
Mr. Samuel Be
business trip to
Mr. and Mrs R . Tindall were visit-
ing with relatives t Listowel for over
Mr. John A. Bo
calling on old fri • de in Wingham on
Miss May Rea ing is spending her
holiday e with'em uncle, Mr. Geo.
Brown, at Brussel
Mn. and Mrs. J. Elliott, of Inger-
soil, are visiting ith relatives and old
friends in Winglaan.
Mr. and Mrs. i. J. Malcolm visited
with Mr. Malool n'a mother, near Mit-
chell for over Sr aday. •
Mr. Paul Po-eell, of Turnberry, at-
tended the Mas4njo Grand Lodge meet-
ing in London 1 et week.
Dr. P. and a. Macdonald. of Lon-
don have been visiting for a few days
with old friend in town,
Messrs. J. q Swarts, Robt. Beattie
and R. S. S4nrdy attended horse the
races at Wind or last week.
Mrs. Geo, Ijurley and son, Clarence,
of Detroit wee visiting for a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. R. J,
Miss May Pettison has returned home
after a visit at the home of her brother,
Mr. John Payson, at Port Elgin,
Mr. John 4ddison, of Orillia, was in
town on Tue elay on his way to Landes-
boro to attend his father's funeral.
Mr. T A.' Mills returned home on
Tuesday and his numerous friends are
pleased to sea him so much improved in
Mr, and re. J. A, Kennedy, of
Sarnia, are isiting with Mrs. Ken-
nedy's brothe Mr. John A. Currie and
other relatives nd friends,
Miss Mary oTaVish of Wingham,
accompanied Harry Green and Lizzie
Green, are via time at the home of James
MoTsvish.—R ploy Express.
Mrs. A. MoB one and daughter, Mrs.
T. H. Cook nd daughter and Miss
Marion Andre s, of Clinton, were visit-
ing for a few d a at Mrs. H. Kerr's
Mrs. M. F. H dgins, of London, and
Mrs. S. A. Eynon, of Ailsa Craig, spent
a few due of th ie past week at the home
of their nepheve,,Dr. R. C. Redmond.
Mr. John C. Currie is away on a
business trip to Saskatoon, Sask. He
has shipped a oar' load of horses to this
point and has gine out to dispose of
Mrs. WILL Jewel
was visiting for a t
of Mr, John MoCra
have contributions to
of our reaclers. If you
going away yourself,
end us a note to that
visiting with rola-
braska is visiting
Win glan,
nett is away on a
inuipeg rind Reim'
ard, of London, was
of London, England,
W days at the home
ken, Frances street.
Mrs. Jewel intendsspending a year in
this section.
Mrs. Alex. Rossi has returned home
after a few 'weeks visit in Chicago
Her son, Mr. Bert Ross, a000mpanted
her home and will spend his holidays at
his home here.
Mr, and Mrs. John McGee, of East
Wawanosh, left this week on a _trip
through the West; They purpose going
through to the Coast and will visit as
different points.
Mn, and MrS. II. T. Hepburn left on
Saturday for their' new home in Oshawa
Owing to the elm, notice in which they
had to leave town Mr. and Mrs. Hepburn
Were not able to my fareveell to their
numerous friend,, They wish us to
tender their einem good wishes to all
friends in Wingham and district.
A new bieyole for sale at a bargain.
Apply at the TIMES office.
TRUNES and VALISES.—Big stock at
lowest prices. W. j, Gam.
A patient who las been in Woodstock
hospital for six neeks was discovered
to have smallpox.
A Montreal but her and ten poker
players were erres4id in a raid upon a
gambing joint in ontreal.
An attempt was made at Glade Bay
to blow Up the ho se of Manager Sirup.
son of Dominion hk. 10 colliery.
D. M. Gordon has Great Bargain
Tables stretching from the trout door to
the end of the Store. Biggest bargains
ever offered I COme And share in the
William Smith the Men who Made
harneigoatealing business, was sen.
Wood at Guelph o three years In King.
stOil Penitentiary
There was not in oh excitement in
Wingham on Mon y in connection
with the voting on Mee byeleves. The
by-law providing I a the raising of
$4,000 to pay the Toon Hall debentures
was carried by a 'ote of 188 to 22.
There was never 'an ' doubt as to this
by-law receiving fay able consideration
from the ratepayers. e
The by-law plaoin s the management
of the electric lig iting system and
waterworks under t le management of
Commissioners reoei 'ed ranch more fav-
orable consideration from the ratepayers
than was expected by many people.
This by-law was o irried by a vote of
102 to 95, The Tibias has always been
in favor of management by Commission-
ers and it will now est with the retie -
payers to see that two good men are
eleoted as Commiesi nets next January.
The most impor rit by-law of the
three, that providin for the raising of
$6,000 for putting system of water-
works for domeetio urposes was defeat-
edj by a vote of 120 to 85. All kinds of
arguments were u ed against this by-
law, but had as rich effort been put
forth by those in boor as was done by
those opposed, the by-law could have
been carried by a substantial major-
ity. The majority rules, however, and
the parties in favoreof the by-law must
take defeat in a friendly way. It is
now up to the Corianil to make extensive
repairs at the whorl house which will
cost considerable m Ines,; had the by-law
carried this money -could have been pro-
vided, but now the money will have to
be raised in taxes. We hope yet to see
Wingham have sewn and a good ono
tern of waterworks for domestic pur-
The vote on the (Afferent by-laws by
wards was as follows:
Ward 1 /4313r Against
70 4
Ward 3
Ward 4.
18S 72 -
Majority for they -Law, 166.
Weers worms.
Ward 1 .......$... 12
Ward 2 • • 18
Ward 3 6 6 • 19
Ward 4 . • • 36
85 120
Majority against the By.LaW,
Ward 1 13
Ward 2 30
Ward 3. 19
Ward 4
40 35
Majority for the 3y -Law, 7.
Etc., etc.,
is the theme which we bring 10
your notice at this time.
Some wise man has said, " My
son, get wisdom, and with all thy
getting get understanding."
The wise man to day says, "Get
a new suit or overcos a and when
you are getting, get it made to
your order in your own town, -
where you know what you are
getting, and that it is genuine
tailor made." That would be
wisdom ; that would be under-
Our New Spring Goods have
arrived, and it is not exaggerat-
ing to say they are the nicest line
'we have had for some time, and
at prices corresponding with the
qualities shown.
Space will not allow us to go
into detail, but
and can make them any style
desired. We are dealing in
strong statements, but will back
it up, that we have yet to find the
style of garment we cannot dupli-
cate, ' And although plain, neat
styles are more in line with
strictly high - class tailoring this
season, it is for you to name your
Our Furnishing Department i.
filled with the newest and best
for Spring and Summer in all
lines. EV -We have also added a
first class line of Jewelry.
Robt Maxwell
Tailor and Furnisher
95 For Men Who Care.
Fresh groceries. LENNOX, Wingham
A CARNIVAL of cut prices on Men's,
Women's, Misses' and Children's shoes
at W. 3. GREER'S.
The subject a the pastor's sermon at
the Baptist Chu oh next Sabbath even -
will be "A Rich Kan Unhappy."
Rev. George Duggan, a retired lidminis-
ter of the etho ist Church died at his
home in Seafo h last Thursday, aged
77 years, from ' wart failure. He retired
two years ag, after a period of 47
years spent ie. he ministry. His Wife,
three sons and hree daughters Survive
him, Mr. Brea was stationed at
Blyth a few ye rs ago.
Horses for Sale,
We offer for sale a number of heavy
draught mares, 2, 3 and 4 years old.
LOTT & STURDY, Winghelli.
There isn't an money,
There isn't y setae
Nor aid to theta o'erbnrdened
In keeping 4own expense
There teal aqy maim,
There bull ny rhyme,
Nor gain to l accomplished
In knOokin all the time.
Too many e4rping critics
Are soatte all along,
Their hanin4er arm by practice
By far tori deft and strong,
Bach lookin t every moment
For every flaw and speck
To get their tools in action,
And land someone's net*.
A word to aster in season,
A smile drpped here and there
A posing jell with only
A passing Nend to share,
A kind apprek;ation
Not offered for a pride,
Has beaten to tfritzzle
A ton of stc:zig dvice.
'Ti. not a ver lovely,
Or gritoeful hing to do,
To find anothfailingn
And hold 1110w up to view,
Not always 1 the oritio's
The wisest ile or beet*
So give the hti y hammer
A. long and iieed rest.
The Leading Shoe Store
WE'RE calling YOH to a Shoe
Sale that will Imperil to
people who IMOVir Supers
ion Shoes, WANT Superiot Shoes
and WILL BUY them, when Pold at
such prices he We are now offering
This Sale is not inaugurated for
the purpose of selling Shoes of
indifferent quality or a shopworn
It's simpll our Semi . Annual
Clearance Side, the time when we
ol'eet out all the Shoes we have on
hand to make room for the Wm-
ing Fall Shoes.
Ws Your Groat Shoe.
Buying Opportunity.,
The Patna hit* been OM On
Event' mon In our' Store.
tiramemodill • - •
W. J. Greer